BOSSMAN'S First supplement log on AM



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354 EAAS sipping through workout

Swiss ball wall squats
Wide lat pulldown
Pec dec
Swiss ball rolling

Barbell squats

135 x 10 x 3 165 x 10 x 3 185 x 10,8
205 x 5,5 Swiss ball wall squats 12 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 🇩🇪
423 am 100 reps 21 minutes

424am accessories SS

Seated preacher curls cable 60 x 10 x 3
Pushups x 15 x 3

Arnold's 30 x 10 x 3
Seated db shrugs 60 x 12 x 3

437am treadmill
445am workout complete
Garage 46
Youtube mix

Morning AM, the Thursday grind!!! No biggie, pushed right on through. This 100 rep **** will make you sweat. I left a few behind but again went back to the Swiss ball and gave 12 reps at the end for my mental stability of being able to say 💯

Been pulling 12 hour shifts on new job, non stop work. Its worth it. But it is beating the hell out of my body. Is it wrong if I say I kind of like it?

Lots of build up for today, my wife has to go for biopsy today for a 6 letter word id rather not use. We have been dealing with this for a few months. Please lord can I have 1 break? The last two years have been tough with all 3 kids. I, we have stayed positive and true to our family and each other. She doesn't deserve to go through this.

Everyone have a safe productive day 🇺🇸✊



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Prayers for the wife! That 6 letter word is banned in my house!


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Some nice sessions there Boss, truly hope the Polish Princess gets a clean bill of health! You all deserve the break for sure. I know what it is like to be taking continuous hits over a course of years and it is mentally and emotionally exhausting. Keep your head up!


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Thank you all, today was a rough one on her. The pain alone made me weezy. She got 30 minutes from the center afterwards and had to turn around due to the bleeding. Fukkd up. She is home resting now. Results next Tuesday or Thursday


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Thank you all, today was a rough one on her. The pain alone made me weezy. She got 30 minutes from the center afterwards and had to turn around due to the bleeding. Fukkd up. She is home resting now. Results next Tuesday or Thursday
We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers. I'm so sorry that you, her, and your family are having to go through this.


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Thank you all, today was a rough one on her. The pain alone made me weezy. She got 30 minutes from the center afterwards and had to turn around due to the bleeding. Fukkd up. She is home resting now. Results next Tuesday or Thursday
Sending virtual hugs, for both of you. I know what it is like to see your wife suffer and be helpless to do anything about it.


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Sending virtual hugs, for both of you. I know what it is like to see your wife suffer and be helpless to do anything about it.
You too brother, I haven't had much spare time here to get caught up. I did see what you had to go through this weekend . Scary stuff bud, glad things are turning the corner for you and yours. Enjoy the bday today.


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Lots of build up for today, my wife has to go for biopsy today for a 6 letter word id rather not use. We have been dealing with this for a few months. Please lord can I have 1 break? The last two years have been tough with all 3 kids. I, we have stayed positive and true to our family and each other. She doesn't deserve to go through this.

Everyone have a safe productive day 🇺🇸✊

some people call it a test, sometimes I think it's more like training. we beat the hell out of our bodies to build something stronger, and I think he does the same to us and when when we put our faith in Him we come back stronger with rewards and harder training later. the great thing for a believer is you don't have to be strong, you just let Him be strong for you, right? good things are in store man

praying for your fam -

man I've seen crazy blessings as direct results from prayer.
it just happens. peace, happiness, health, wealth. and it's just blessings from faith. God is good.


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Hoping for the best for your wife! Will be thinking about your family.


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354 EAAS sipping through workout

Swiss ball wall squats
Wide lat pulldown
Pec dec
Swiss ball rolling

Barbell squats

135 x 10 x 3 165 x 10 x 3 185 x 10,8
205 x 5,5 Swiss ball wall squats 12
423 am 100 reps 21 minutes

424am accessories SS

Seated preacher curls cable 60 x 10 x 3
Pushups x 15 x 3

Arnold's 30 x 10 x 3
Seated db shrugs 60 x 12 x 3

437am treadmill
445am workout complete
Garage 46
Youtube mix

Morning AM, the Thursday grind!!! No biggie, pushed right on through. This 100 rep **** will make you sweat. I left a few behind but again went back to the Swiss ball and gave 12 reps at the end for my mental stability of being able to say

Been pulling 12 hour shifts on new job, non stop work. Its worth it. But it is beating the hell out of my body. Is it wrong if I say I kind of like it?

Lots of build up for today, my wife has to go for biopsy today for a 6 letter word id rather not use. We have been dealing with this for a few months. Please lord can I have 1 break? The last two years have been tough with all 3 kids. I, we have stayed positive and true to our family and each other. She doesn't deserve to go through this.

Everyone have a safe productive day

Prayers for your wife!


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some people call it a test, sometimes I think it's more like training. we beat the hell out of our bodies to build something stronger, and I think he does the same to us and when when we put our faith in Him we come back stronger with rewards and harder training later. the great thing for a believer is you don't have to be strong, you just let Him be strong for you, right? good things are in store man

praying for your fam -

man I've seen crazy blessings as direct results from prayer.
it just happens. peace, happiness, health, wealth. and it's just blessings from faith. God is good.
Thanks homie


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348am EAAS sipping through workout

Swiss ball wall squats
Wide lat pull down
Pec dec
Swiss ball rolling

355am 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 🇩🇪
Barbell overhead press
105 x 10 x 4 115 x 10 x 3 125 x 2 135 x 10
412am 💯 reps 17. Fellas!!! This made me feel bad azz and strong here. Got all 100 and didn't have to go back 💪. Don't knock it till you try it.

414am Accessories SS
Standing 1 leg reverse curl 20 x 10 x 3
Farmers walk 45lb plates 60 sec x 3

Upright row cable straight bar 70 x 10 x 3
Db Javelin Press 40lb x 10 x 3

427am treadmill
445am workout complete
Garage Temp 47

Morning AM, fukkit friday!!! Love Standing overhead press. Dam I love overhead press!!!
Feeling a **** brick this morning. Solid.

Dayjob... from Tuesday morning 545am-545pm non stop, Wednesday, and yesterday 12 hours straight I loaded out 24 1/12- 25,000 tons. This is not for the weak, with a rubber tire loader. Not an Excavator. You have to love what you do or be half nuts to do this. So I'm both which makes it a perfect combination. Boss must have been pleased cause I got a new company ball cap yesterday 🤠.

Life...last night was some what of a roller coaster. Her emotions are all over the place and of course I'm the punching bag. I understand. At one point I had to just go outside and walk the dogs. Long walks. She calmed down and I just stayed calm and supportive. Well she got online and bought us a new pool 🙉. Sounds awesome right?
Ummmm..not when you already have perfect functioning pool.......

Everything is gonna be ok, just another curve ball thrown at me that I will eventually catch up with and blast out of the park.

I honestly probably could become an instant millionaire if I wrote a book of my life and had a reality show.

Everyone have a safe productive day 🇺🇸✊


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The gym is a great outlet when you get stressed !!


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If you wanna be a @BOSSMAN you have to have 2 pools! Non of that Co-Worker, co-pool sh!t, he's the BOSSMAN!!!


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I honestly probably could become an instant millionaire if I wrote a book of my life and had a reality show.
I would buy a copy of that book titled "How to Become A Bossman" :)


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748am PUMP ADDICT 1/4 cup craisins (33 carbs) EPICATECHIN


758am EAAS sipping through workout

Swiss ball wall squats
Wide lat pulldown
Pec dec

804am 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 🇩🇪
Barbell rows 135 x 10 x 4 155 x 10 x 3
165 x 10 x 3
824am 💯 reps 💪. Got them all!!!

827am Treadmill SAUNA SUIT

858am workout complete SOAKED

Garage Temp 50
Youtube mix
Morning AM, have the day off due to rain .
Gonna work on the big rig today. Leaving for SC next Friday to go suprise my oldest son. I have 7 tickets for Koe Wetzel and 2 hotel rooms. Already contacted his boss, he gave him Saturday and Sunday off. Also I'm taking friends from MD and have his friends in SC ready to roll.

Everyone have a awesome weekend 🇺🇸🥰💥🇺🇸🇺🇸

Mad at me about something? I don't owe you nothing!!!


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Gonna work on the big rig today. Leaving for SC next Friday to go suprise my oldest son. I have 7 tickets for Koe Wetzel and 2 hotel rooms. Already contacted his boss, he gave him Saturday and Sunday off. Also I'm taking friends from MD and have his friends in SC ready to roll.
Never heard of him, but sounds like a great surprise weekend planned! Enjoy it!
Koe is awesome! There is like this whole new wave of outlaw country coming about lately. Bossman is right, takes you back to the days of solid 90s rock/alt. to me it's sorta like Country getting back at it's roots and away from the crap poppy sound it's had the past decade.


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Check him out, good relaxing music. Sounds like 90s alternative.

He's good! Jealous you're seeing him in concert!


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340am PUMP ADDICT EPICATECHIN 1/4 cup Craisins (33 carbs)


350am EAAS sipping through workout

Swiss ball wall squats
Wide lat pulldown
Pec dec

356am Germany 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 🇩🇪
Barbell bench 135 x 10 x 3. 155 x 8,8,8. 175 x 6,6 195 x 6,4 OWE 22 reps 11,11 100 reps 💥🏋️‍♀️💥 21 minutes

417am Accessories SS
Hammer curls 60 x 8 x 3
21s ez bar 55 x 3

Swiss ball abs

Db lateral flys 20 x failure

429am treadmill sauna suit

445am workout complete
Garage Temp 47
Youtube mix

Morning AM, BOSSMAN back at it after my weekly 2 day rest. Struggled a little bit with the Barbell bench this morning but at the same time I still got my 100 reps and pushed the weights higher.

Mentally I was there, it just wasn't moving. Could be i worked 14 hours yesterday, I have started cutting back in cals just trying to shave a few lbs to be "River Ready" 🤠. That could be a country song.

We got results for my wife yesterday, not sure on the literature but she thinks it s good news. I'm not tying my emotions to it until I know for sure whats going on.

Week 4 on this German 100 rep Bossman program. Gonna grind it out for two more weeks.

Everyone have a safe productive day 🇺🇸✊


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Good to hear you might have gotten some good news regarding your Polish Princess!!!

Way to push the bench! So what weight did you do the 2 sets of 11 at?

Sounds like you have a great trip planned. I remember when you turned me on to Koe Wetzel, he has a great sound!


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Good to hear you might have gotten some good news regarding your Polish Princess!!!

Way to push the bench! So what weight did you do the 2 sets of 11 at?

Sounds like you have a great trip planned. I remember when you turned me on to Koe Wetzel, he has a great sound!
135 x 11 x was a struggle this morning and I can feel it now at work 12 hours later 🙃

Fingers are crossed for her, man she has been emotional the last week or so. To be expected


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135 x 11 x was a struggle this morning and I can feel it now at work 12 hours later 🙃

Fingers are crossed for her, man she has been emotional the last week or so. To be expected
Nice, that is what I expected on the weight.

No doubt, but I am sure you have been awesome with her and comforted her as much as possible. Fingers crossed you get some great news soon!


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Nice, that is what I expected on the weight.

No doubt, but I am sure you have been awesome with her and comforted her as much as possible. Fingers crossed you get some great news soon!
I'm taking it all brother 🤠. She is a tough ass woman mentally and physically. Absolutely im right there for her hand and foot. But man she has been on my ass the last few days 🤠 . Not real sure what for, but I'll take it if she just needs to get it out. 😇


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340am PUMP ADDICT EPICATECHIN 1/4 cup craisins (33 carbs)


350am EAAS sipping through workout


Swiss ball wall squats
Wide lat pull down
Pec dec
Swiss ball rolling

355am Full Body Accessories

Wide lat pulldown 100lb x 12,12,10
Reverse pec dec 70 x 10,10,10

Seated preacher curls cable 60 x 10 x 3

Leg extension 70 x 10 x 3
Db shrugs 60 x 12 x 3

424am treadmill
445am workout complete

Morning AM, Hump day. Anxiety has officially set in and is kicking my ass. It set in yesterday, got through the day, slept decent, and its back this morning. Grinded through session this morning, May need a break and more rest. Been working 12-14 hour shifts, running a lawn care crew, and the wife situation. I'm always getting pulled 15 different ways.

Hopefully it will work its self out today once the sun comes up, fresh air, and getting things done.

Everyone have a safe productive day 🇺🇸✊


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Hopefully it will work its self out today once the sun comes up, fresh air, and getting things done.
idk about you but we are rolling into my favorite time of year real soon. I love spring and the incredibly long days of June we get here in the pnw. lots of rain, but the LOOONG days are awesome


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I'm taking it all brother 🤠. She is a tough ass woman mentally and physically. Absolutely im right there for her hand and foot. But man she has been on my ass the last few days 🤠 . Not real sure what for, but I'll take it if she just needs to get it out. 😇
When you been married for a long time, and its far a few between, it just bounces off. My wifey is going trough pre menopause the last 4-5 months. finally got her supplements worked out about a month ago. moody is gone (Thank you Jesus)!, night sweats are few and far between, She getting the belly that comes with it,(Doesn't bother me at all). If I can just get her sex drive back! lol
Got her some DHEA low dose 20mg cream. she thinks it makes her mean if she uses it every day.


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Been working 12-14 hour shifts, running a lawn care crew, and the wife situation
Those are some log days! Always grinding!


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She getting the belly that comes with it,(Doesn't bother me at all). If I can just get her sex drive back! lol
Got her some DHEA low dose 20mg cream. she thinks it makes her mean if she uses it every day.
we accomplished step 1, and ever since I started using dermacrine we somehow got to step 2? maybe my pheromones are stronger lol. I'm getting the snip late next month I think so my wife will finally be rid of hormone manipulating bc as well although I never thought about dhea for her.


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745am EAAS sipping through workout

Swiss ball wall squats
Wide lat pulldown
Pec dec

751am Full body accessories

Barbell bench 135 x 10 x 4

Leg extensions 60 x 10 x 3

Overhead extension 60 x 12 x 3

Wide lat pulldown 100 x 12 x 3 front face

Standing 1 arm db press 60 x 8 x 3 each

Ez bar 21s 65lb x 2

819am Swiss ball crunches

821am treadmill
841am workout complete
Garage Temp 50
Youtube mix

Morning AM, we back in action afterwards a 16 day break from training. It was well deserved after hitting it pretty hard and consistent for 5 months. Felt really good this morning, pwo tasted and felt awesome, and sweat was rolling.

Lawncare and day job are going great. My youngest son has stepped and is taking care of all my hardscape, mulch, trees, and shrubs. Doing an excellent job and making his dad some money 💰

Wife results came back negative. But the build up, anxiety, and worry was horrible. The biopsy procedure was pretty bad, but we are here and the results were negative.

The trip to SC for the concert was off the hook!!! We all partied like rock stars 🌟 and I will just leave it at that!!!!!!!!

My daughter's first softball tournament is today and tomorrow if the weather holds up.

Everyone have a safe and productive weekend 🇺🇸💯🏋️‍♀️💥
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745am EAAS sipping through workout

Swiss ball wall squats
Wide lat pulldown
Pec dec

751am Full body accessories

Barbell bench 135 x 10 x 4

Leg extensions 60 x 10 x 3

Overhead extension 60 x 12 x 3

Wide lat pulldown 100 x 12 x 3 front face

Standing 1 arm db press 60 x 8 x 3 each

Ez bar 21s 65lb x 2

819am Swiss ball crunches

821am treadmill
841am workout complete
Garage Temp 50
Youtube mix

Morning AM, we back in action afterwards a 16 day break from training. It was well deserved after hitting it pretty hard and consistent for 5 months. Felt really good this morning, pwo tasted and felt awesome, and sweat was rolling.

Lawncare and day job are going great. My youngest son has stepped and is taking care of all my hardscape, mulch, trees, and shrubs. Doing an excellent job and making his dad some money

Wide results came back negative. But the build up, anxiety, and worry was horrible. The biopsy procedure was pretty bad, but we are here and the results were negative.

The trip to SC for the concert was off the hook!!! We all partied like rock stars and I will just leave it at that!!!!!!!!

My daughter's first softball tournament is today and tomorrow if the weather holds up.

Everyone have a safe and productive weekend
Glad her results were negative and that you guys had a great time at the concert!! Much deserved!! Good luck to your daughter. I miss those days….my son played showcase baseball and my step-daughter played showcase softball. They’re now in their 20’s.


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Glad her results were negative and that you guys had a great time at the concert!! Much deserved!! Good luck to your daughter. I miss those days….my son played showcase baseball and my step-daughter played showcase softball. They’re now in their 20’s.
Thanks bud!!

Its pouring here in Southern MD but you knownhow these tournaments go. They will keep pushing the times back until it stops raining and if the fields hold up. Supposed to be beautiful tomorrow so it might be a long day.


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803am EAAS sipping through workout

Full Body accessories Barbell overhead press 105 x 10 x 4

Barbell squats 105 x 10 x 4

Barbell row 105 x 10 x 4

820am workout complete
Garage Temp 50
Youtube mix

Morning AM, another nice lil blast this morning to get the day going. Tournament got pushed back to a 10am start this morning. Gonna be a long day at the ball field.

Everyone have a safe productive day 🇺🇸✊

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