Idea: OTC PCT + MK-677+ GHRP-6 + 500mcg Letrozole 2x a Week for PCT

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Bazinga, since Letrozole is used for testosterone monotherapy in men with hypogonadism and hormonal imbalances due to a surplus of estradiol either disrupting the production of testosterone or causing hormonal imbalances, I would like to test its efficacy for a PCT aid and for height growth. My growth plates are still open, I am 17 I've done cycles in the past I know what AAS and SARMS are since I have been intermediately revisiting the subject to learn more for years.

Cycle: LGD-4033 5/5/10/10/12.5/15 NANO, IGF-1 LR3 20mcg 2x a week 6 weeks, MK-677 25mg 12 weeks, GHRP-6 300mcg split throughout the day after 6 weeks of LGD-4033, 750mg DHEA

PCT: 0.5mg Letrozole 2x week for 4 weeks, MK-677 25mg 12 weeks from start of cycle, DAA 6g, DHEA, Tribulus Terrestis, Ashwagandha, Maca root, Shilajit, Fulvic acid, and Nutricost "Testosterone booster" which has some decent herbs.

Two weeks in the cycle so far, going good love that hunger MK and GHRP gives, put on 7lbs so far with minimal strength and body fat increase.

Reasons for Letrozole: Reverses testicular atrophy post cycle, Surge in free and total testosterone, Balanced E2 levels at moderate to low doses (CRASHED E2 at high doses sometimes).
I skimmed the web and reddit for any information about its use as a PCT and found almost nothing AKA nothing informative regarding PCT. Since this is the most commonly used Aromatase Inhibitor in treating men with hypogonadism and prescribed to children for height growth I want to run a experiment to see how much it helps with my hormonal imbalance post cycle. Letrozole when used in conjunction with HGH doubles the efficacy of HGH therapy by itself.
Letrozole seems to work in a similar fashion as HCG, it stimulates and increases LH drastically while increasing FSH. They differ in the sense HCG increases E2 assisting and improving the concentration of Leydig cells in the testicles similar to Letrozole yet having side effects linked to increased estrogen. This is the opposite of what I want because I want to maximize my height potential although I have once a year SARM cycles (Ostarine, LGD-4033 (first time using 2 weeks in), and YK-11 which all do not have conclusive evidence suggesting or concluding to stunted height growth). Estrogen would speed up my puberty and fuse my growth plates, which Letrozole will do the opposite and have similar effects on my testosterone, mainly free T, LH, and FSH. After both my cycles my suppression went away quick with a high quality OTC PCT always including ATD and 6-bromo, sometimes 6-oxo.

What do you guys think of this PCT and cycle? Would Letrozole be okay to use for a PCT? Would my dick grow 10 inches from the MK, GHRP-6, and Letrozole (Increases DHT by like 10 fold).


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I have ran this exact protocol and had to have a tube sock sewn into the crotch of all my pants. I can’t even entertain wearing shorts. Anabolic Minds actually MADE ME change my user name to PolishHamm3r77. Take the good w the bad I guess


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I have ran this exact protocol and had to have a tube sock sewn into the crotch of all my pants. I can’t even entertain wearing shorts. Anabolic Minds actually MADE ME change my user name to PolishHamm3r77. Take the good w the bad I guess
Okay, so you developed a 15 incher from a AI? Will that make my girl cum, and what age did you take Letrozole?


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Your situation is so specific and so tricky that I don't think you'll find anything in terms of data and very little in terms of anecdotal feedback. I can say that I personally cannot use letro as part of a PCT. I can get along with most AIs but letro is just harsh. It crushes my estrogen, kills my joints, makes me feel like crap, etc. I wouldn't be able to keep any of my gains if I had to run it as part of my PCT.

Why is letro any better at stimulating LH than exemestane or anastrozole? Most people use a SERM like clomid to stimulate LH anyway. AIs are really used solely to control estrogen. If you've already had success with your previous PCTs, then why try to fix something that isn't broken anyway?

7lbs in 2 weeks sounds like a lot for 5mgs of LGD (although I've never ran it). I assume that's mostly water weight from GH. How many cals over maintenence are you eating?


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Your situation is so specific and so tricky that I don't think you'll find anything in terms of data and very little in terms of anecdotal feedback. I can say that I personally cannot use letro as part of a PCT. I can get along with most AIs but letro is just harsh. It crushes my estrogen, kills my joints, makes me feel like crap, etc. I wouldn't be able to keep any of my gains if I had to run it as part of my PCT.

Why is letro any better at stimulating LH than exemestane or anastrozole? Most people use a SERM like clomid to stimulate LH anyway. AIs are really used solely to control estrogen. If you've already had success with your previous PCTs, then why try to fix something that isn't broken anyway?

7lbs in 2 weeks sounds like a lot for 5mgs of LGD (although I've never ran it). I assume that's mostly water weight from GH. How many cals over maintenence are you eating?


What the heck are you doing running gear at 17?!??

Focus on your diet, training, and training consistency. At your age you should be making solid progress on that alone. Take advantage of your youth's ability to grow and pack on muscle naturally. This game is about consistency. It's about being in the gym training hard 4-5 times a week, week after week month after month with little exception. Also don't forget about rest.

I get wanting gains faster, but dang man don't screw up your hormones at such an early age. You do realize doing multiple cycles so young you're at a high risk of being on TRT for the rest of your life?


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What the heck are you doing running gear at 17?!??

Focus on your diet, training, and training consistency. At your age you should be making solid progress on that alone. Take advantage of your youth's ability to grow and pack on muscle naturally. This game is about consistency. It's about being in the gym training hard 4-5 times a week, week after week month after month with little exception. Also don't forget about rest.

I get wanting gains faster, but dang man don't screw up your hormones at such an early age. You do realize doing multiple cycles so young you're at a high risk of being on TRT for the rest of your life?
Yeah, Im very aware. Started working out at 12, 2 hours a day never skip a day every rep till failure. I plan to pin, in 2 months ill be 18, that's when most of the pro bodybuilders started pinning. I have gotten bloods before, everything is always in check, pct or not.


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Yeah, Im very aware. Started working out at 12, 2 hours a day never skip a day every rep till failure. I plan to pin, in 2 months ill be 18, that's when most of the pro bodybuilders started pinning. I have gotten bloods before, everything is always in check, pct or not.
18 is young. Maybe that's when they start nowadays I don't know. But not all start that young. Actually, the greatest didn't start until he was 30. At the end of the day, it's all genetics in this game. If you're not already huge before you jump on steroids, you'll never make it. People don't want to hear that but it's true.


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18 is young. Maybe that's when they start nowadays I don't know. But not all start that young. Actually, the greatest didn't start until he was 30. At the end of the day, it's all genetics in this game. If you're not already huge before you jump on steroids, you'll never make it. People don't want to hear that but it's true.
Recently watched a Phil Heath video and his take on gear and starting young was a Fast and the Furious quote regarding NOS. “Too soon Junior”
Referencing how all options and attempts should be exhausted b4 taking the plunge


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Recently watched a Phil Heath video and his take on gear and starting young was a Fast and the Furious quote regarding NOS. “Too soon Junior”
Referencing how all options and attempts should be exhausted b4 taking the plunge
I think a lot of kids today have this idea that they can somehow bypass the side effects of AAS, which is obviously untrue. There are kids online who appear to be coaching others on how to use AAS "safely."

The problem is that side effects like infertility, hair loss, gyno, ED, acne, etc., are annoying but they are not the worst ones. Those aren't going to kill you. The buildup of plaque on the artery walls is what is going to kill them. Long-term damage to the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, is what will kill them. I think the problem is that a lot of these kids think that if they are mitigating some of the cosmetic side effects, then they aren't really experiencing side effects. But the truth is, it's the side effects from AAS that you don't see or feel that are the most dangerous to your health.

It's good to be smart when using AAS but it's probably better to be lucky. People starting gear at 18 in this day and age should understand that they will most likely live a shortened life, and in some cases significantly shortened. It's not to scare anyone but it's to understand that each cycle takes us closer to the grave. Each time we cycle we are less healthy than we were before. So, if you start as a teen that math adds up pretty quickly.


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I think a lot of kids today have this idea that they can somehow bypass the side effects of AAS, which is obviously untrue. There are kids online who appear to be coaching others on how to use AAS "safely."

The problem is that side effects like infertility, hair loss, gyno, ED, acne, etc., are annoying but they are not the worst ones. Those aren't going to kill you. The buildup of plaque on the artery walls is what is going to kill them. Long-term damage to the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, is what will kill them. I think the problem is that a lot of these kids think that if they are mitigating some of the cosmetic side effects, then they aren't really experiencing side effects. But the truth is, it's the side effects from AAS that you don't see or feel that are the most dangerous to your health.

It's good to be smart when using AAS but it's probably better to be lucky. People starting gear at 18 in this day and age should understand that they will most likely live a shortened life, and in some cases significantly shortened. It's not to scare anyone but it's to understand that each cycle takes us closer to the grave. Each time we cycle we are less healthy than we were before. So, if you start as a teen that math adds up pretty quickly.
What also scares me is how popular Tren is. That at a young age must affect one’s brain. By the time one is 30 they may be psychotic. A “Tren Twin” is not a role model BRO!!!🤣


What also scares me is how popular Tren is. That at a young age must affect one’s brain. By the time one is 30 they may be psychotic. A “Tren Twin” is not a role model BRO!!!🤣
Or a Connor Murphy - dude was obviously on gear, I wonder how much it contributed to his descent into madness!


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Or a Connor Murphy - dude was obviously on gear, I wonder how much it contributed to his descent into madness!
Facts!!! Be interesting to see how that pans out for him.


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What also scares me is how popular Tren is. That at a young age must affect one’s brain. By the time one is 30 they may be psychotic. A “Tren Twin” is not a role model BRO!!!🤣
And I wouldn't even touch tren - I never have, never will. I'm honestly not even remotely interested in the gains from it just because of the side effects. It's like if someone told me I could have any results I want so long as I ram this crowbar up my ass... not appealing to me. Although there are plenty of people out there that would bend over and grab the KY jelly.


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And I wouldn't even touch tren - I never have, never will. I'm honestly not even remotely interested in the gains from it just because of the side effects. It's like if someone told me I could have any results I want so long as I ram this crowbar up my ass... not appealing to me. Although there are plenty of people out there that would bend over and grab the KY jelly.
To some, if the gains r that good, the lube would be optional


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I think a lot of kids today have this idea that they can somehow bypass the side effects of AAS, which is obviously untrue. There are kids online who appear to be coaching others on how to use AAS "safely."

The problem is that side effects like infertility, hair loss, gyno, ED, acne, etc., are annoying but they are not the worst ones. Those aren't going to kill you. The buildup of plaque on the artery walls is what is going to kill them. Long-term damage to the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, is what will kill them. I think the problem is that a lot of these kids think that if they are mitigating some of the cosmetic side effects, then they aren't really experiencing side effects. But the truth is, it's the side effects from AAS that you don't see or feel that are the most dangerous to your health.

It's good to be smart when using AAS but it's probably better to be lucky. People starting gear at 18 in this day and age should understand that they will most likely live a shortened life, and in some cases significantly shortened. It's not to scare anyone but it's to understand that each cycle takes us closer to the grave. Each time we cycle we are less healthy than we were before. So, if you start as a teen that math adds up pretty quickly.
Everything in your body will get jacked up with gear, question is what makes it worse and how can you mitigate side effects. If everybody prioritized their health to the fullest extent then over time people would have a much easier time comparing to those who are enhanced. Not every bodybuilder drops like a fly by the time they're 40, the best of the best do what's optimal for their health, not just muscle growth. My grandfather smoked cigs everyday from when he was eight, by the time he was about 30 it turned into two packs, he died 3 months ago at 94. Always a healthy strong man middle aged and in his youth, especially in his youth. Maybe steroids are worse on your liver than alcohol, but not all steroids are hepatotoxic. I take safety measures and have been since a very young age. My test is very above average for a 17 year old in his prime, and it is very above average for someone who has done 3 cycles with no SERMS/"real PCT". IMO, it's not if you do steroids at what age or not, it's how you do them.


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Everything in your body will get jacked up with gear, question is what makes it worse and how can you mitigate side effects. If everybody prioritized their health to the fullest extent then over time people would have a much easier time comparing to those who are enhanced. Not every bodybuilder drops like a fly by the time they're 40, the best of the best do what's optimal for their health, not just muscle growth. My grandfather smoked cigs everyday from when he was eight, by the time he was about 30 it turned into two packs, he died 3 months ago at 94. Always a healthy strong man middle aged and in his youth, especially in his youth. Maybe steroids are worse on your liver than alcohol, but not all steroids are hepatotoxic. I take safety measures and have been since a very young age. My test is very above average for a 17 year old in his prime, and it is very above average for someone who has done 3 cycles with no SERMS/"real PCT". IMO, it's not if you do steroids at what age or not, it's how you do them.
Your opinion mirrors your age and experience. Age DEFINITELY is a factor. You yourself opened with “my growth plates are still open”
Stop taking your cues from instagram and Reddit
Every person reacts differently to diff compounds stacks etc.


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What also scares me is how popular Tren is. That at a young age must affect one’s brain. By the time one is 30 they may be psychotic. A “Tren Twin” is not a role model BRO!!!🤣
If you have a familial history of Alzheimer's long term use of Tren will exacerbate the chance you'll get it and when. Your chance of getting it would be extremely high, prone or not. It enlargers the amygdala which explains why some mfs go psychotic off it. Trens muscle building effects looked at alone would make more than enough sense the least harmful side effect would be Alzheimers. LGDs like an underdeveloped stem cell embryo compared to tren and its anabolic ratio.


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Everything in your body will get jacked up with gear, question is what makes it worse and how can you mitigate side effects. If everybody prioritized their health to the fullest extent then over time people would have a much easier time comparing to those who are enhanced. Not every bodybuilder drops like a fly by the time they're 40, the best of the best do what's optimal for their health, not just muscle growth. My grandfather smoked cigs everyday from when he was eight, by the time he was about 30 it turned into two packs, he died 3 months ago at 94. Always a healthy strong man middle aged and in his youth, especially in his youth. Maybe steroids are worse on your liver than alcohol, but not all steroids are hepatotoxic. I take safety measures and have been since a very young age. My test is very above average for a 17 year old in his prime, and it is very above average for someone who has done 3 cycles with no SERMS/"real PCT". IMO, it's not if you do steroids at what age or not, it's how you do them.
Your grandfather is a perfect example of why I said it's often better to be lucky than smart. There wasn't a technique in smoking those cigarettes that prevented him from getting heart disease or cancer.... it was just luck. That can also be applied to AAS as well.

It's not so much the damage to the liver, which can actually be reversible. I didn't mention the liver because that's usually the least concern of the organs. The issue with AAS is the irreversible damage. Your T levels don't really matter. You're going to be on TRT regardless if you plan on cycling. Low T isn't going to be your killer. The issues you run into with kidneys, but most importantly your heart is what I would be concerned about. Every time you cycle your body will (hopefully) return to normal markers. However, that doesn't mean irreversible damage wasn't done. That's why I mentioned atherosclerosis, which would probably be my main worry if I started in my teens.


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Your opinion mirrors your age and experience. Age DEFINITELY is a factor. You yourself opened with “my growth plates are still open”
Stop taking your cues from instagram and Reddit
Every person reacts differently to diff compounds stacks etc.
I know, it's Russian roulette. Asking if Letrozole is a good PCT is still a viable question to ask. Since, you know I have ran two cycles, and side effects would give you some good feedback dumb, young, or skinny. So I've decided to run my third based on what I know and have experienced. That's what my opinions are based on.


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Idk why everyone entertains “helping” someone who is breaking rules by posting and doesn’t even listen to anyone’s advice anyways and thinks he knows best already.


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Idk why everyone entertains “helping” someone who is breaking rules by posting and doesn’t even listen to anyone’s advice anyways and thinks he knows best already.
I am currently on Reddit and Instagram researching how to block someone on Anabolic Minds


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Your grandfather is a perfect example of why I said it's often better to be lucky than smart. There wasn't a technique in smoking those cigarettes that prevented him from getting heart disease or cancer.... it was just luck. That can also be applied to AAS as well.

It's not so much the damage to the liver, which can actually be reversible. I didn't mention the liver because that's usually the least concern of the organs. The issue with AAS is the irreversible damage. Your T levels don't really matter. You're going to be on TRT regardless if you plan on cycling. Low T isn't going to be your killer. The issues you run into with kidneys, but most importantly your heart is what I would be concerned about. Every time you cycle your body will (hopefully) return to normal markers. However, that doesn't mean irreversible damage wasn't done. That's why I mentioned atherosclerosis, which would probably be my main worry if I started in my teens.
There's not much I could do if I went back in time and changed my diet to make it healthier. My HDL and LDL cholesterol were in normal range last blood test. For sure, liver is the strongest and most regenerative organ in the body, it can heal itself very quickly. All SARMS and AAS will **** up ur heart and kidneys enough to the point where eventually you'll be just as unhealthy as someone who's been morbidly obese for a decade. Right now and in the past MK677 was fucking with my kidneys. I had 1.8 serum creatinine concentrations (reference range: 0.7mg/dl - 1.1mg/dl) post cycle and I doubt ostarine would have caused that and there isn't enough information about yk11 that would suggest it causes that. Im trying to play it safe, safe or not you could be unlucky, but being more safe makes you more lucky to be lucky haha. Anyways, do you think it is applicable to a SARM cycle to use a AI as an PCT, there is medical literature to suggest that it theoretically can. Do you know anybody who could provide a concrete answer or who has experience regarding this idea? Thanks for the advice on this thread I appreciate it.


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Idk why everyone entertains “helping” someone who is breaking rules by posting and doesn’t even listen to anyone’s advice anyways and thinks he knows best already.
Who are you to say I know best. What have I wrote insinuates that I know more than the people responding to this forum. You sound like a guy who's been told it's okay to be a dick since kindergarten. The lack of advice and helpfulness people give on PEDS is the reason it has an unreasonably negative connotation to it and it's the reason there's not enough information how to do it properly. 18 in 2 months, then I won't be breaking the rules if that makes you feel a little better.


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Who are you to say I know best. What have I wrote insinuates that I know more than the people responding to this forum. You sound like a guy who's been told it's okay to be a dick since kindergarten. The lack of advice and helpfulness people give on PEDS is the reason it has an unreasonably negative connotation to it and it's the reason there's not enough information how to do it properly. 18 in 2 months, then I won't be breaking the rules if that makes you feel a little better.


Idk why everyone entertains “helping” someone who is breaking rules by posting and doesn’t even listen to anyone’s advice anyways and thinks he knows best already.
I remember being 18 once too... we all thought we knew better than the people older than us with experience... :LOL:


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There's not much I could do if I went back in time and changed my diet to make it healthier. My HDL and LDL cholesterol were in normal range last blood test.
I am assuming you are not referring to blood work done on cycle? Sure, your lipid profile can rebound post cycle, however it doesn't mean it didn't cause permanent damage when it was jacked up on cycle. And if your lipids aren't getting hit, then I would start to question the legitimacy of your gear.


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I remember being 18 once too... we all thought we knew better than the people older than us with experience... :LOL:
No, he’s 17 and he should slow his roll as @Resolve10 is a veteran here. Mocking the forefathers and forbearers of this forum! Great way to start. Way to work ROOKIE!!!
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