Idea: OTC PCT + MK-677+ GHRP-6 + 500mcg Letrozole 2x a Week for PCT


New member
Bazinga, since Letrozole is used for testosterone monotherapy in men with hypogonadism and hormonal imbalances due to a surplus of estradiol either disrupting the production of testosterone or causing hormonal imbalances, I would like to test its efficacy for a PCT aid and for height growth. My growth plates are still open, I am 17 I've done cycles in the past I know what AAS and SARMS are since I have been intermediately revisiting the subject to learn more for years.

Cycle: LGD-4033 5/5/10/10/12.5/15 NANO, IGF-1 LR3 20mcg 2x a week 6 weeks, MK-677 25mg 12 weeks, GHRP-6 300mcg split throughout the day after 6 weeks of LGD-4033, 750mg DHEA

PCT: 0.5mg Letrozole 2x week for 4 weeks, MK-677 25mg 12 weeks from start of cycle, DAA 6g, DHEA, Tribulus Terrestis, Ashwagandha, Maca root, Shilajit, Fulvic acid, and Nutricost "Testosterone booster" which has some decent herbs.

Two weeks in the cycle so far, going good love that hunger MK and GHRP gives, put on 7lbs so far with minimal strength and body fat increase.

Reasons for Letrozole: Reverses testicular atrophy post cycle, Surge in free and total testosterone, Balanced E2 levels at moderate to low doses (CRASHED E2 at high doses sometimes).
I skimmed the web and reddit for any information about its use as a PCT and found almost nothing AKA nothing informative regarding PCT. Since this is the most commonly used Aromatase Inhibitor in treating men with hypogonadism and prescribed to children for height growth I want to run a experiment to see how much it helps with my hormonal imbalance post cycle. Letrozole when used in conjunction with HGH doubles the efficacy of HGH therapy by itself.
Letrozole seems to work in a similar fashion as HCG, it stimulates and increases LH drastically while increasing FSH. They differ in the sense HCG increases E2 assisting and improving the concentration of Leydig cells in the testicles similar to Letrozole yet having side effects linked to increased estrogen. This is the opposite of what I want because I want to maximize my height potential although I have once a year SARM cycles (Ostarine, LGD-4033 (first time using 2 weeks in), and YK-11 which all do not have conclusive evidence suggesting or concluding to stunted height growth). Estrogen would speed up my puberty and fuse my growth plates, which Letrozole will do the opposite and have similar effects on my testosterone, mainly free T, LH, and FSH. After both my cycles my suppression went away quick with a high quality OTC PCT always including ATD and 6-bromo, sometimes 6-oxo.

What do you guys think of this PCT and cycle? Would Letrozole be okay to use for a PCT? Would my dick grow 10 inches from the MK, GHRP-6, and Letrozole (Increases DHT by like 10 fold).

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