Do you want to see SNS offer a protein? Tell us what you want.



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I'd like to see both a WPI/Micellar Casein blend and a fruit juice like isolate. For the blend, I'd really hope for a banana flavor, something cinnamon based (horchata would be great) a coconut flavor (coconut cream pie, toasted coconut, coconut ice cream). Maybe down the road a lemon cream pie or lemon meringue, root beer float, and some holiday flavors like eggnog and pumpkin pie.

I used to buy 4Ever Fit whey isolate fruit flavors. It was like drinking Snapple instead of a milky or creamy fruit flavored shake. I'd try something like that for sure.
I think a cinnamon based one is a must for sure - I'm leaning towards a cinnamon roll type flavor at first because that seems like everyone loves those.

I like banana flavor myself and had thought about a banana split flavor. I love chocolate banana and peanut butter banana flavors myself too.

I hope that we can grow this to be able to do some fun holiday flavors - I love eggnog myself. I would love to be able to do like a peppermint mocha seasonal flavor.

I never tried 4ever Fit's fruit isolate flavors. You mentioned it being like drinking a snapple, that made me think of another flavor I'd like to do in a clear/fruit flavored protein and that would be an Iced Tea flavor. We had a sample of a tea flavor for the upcoming EAA product and it was incredible - I could drink it all day long and that's what made me think it could be an awesome protein flavor and be refreshing and enjoyable to drink.

You mentioned coconut - I thought about trying to do something similar to the Samoas cookies.


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Thanks for being a stand-up guy, Steve! @sns8778
Thank you. I really appreciate that.

I care about people and like to help people; and I care about this industry.

I think a lot of people don't realize how serious of a time it is for this industry now days - the FDA made it clear a couple years back that if companies and industry groups didn't start policing this industry, then it was going to and if it had to, there was going to wind up being a list of things that could be sold and it may go all the way back to DSHEA.

The companies that don't follow GMP guidelines are not in this for the long haul - they're in this to make as much as they can as quick as they can and don't care how it affects the industry - nor the health of their consumers. Don't get me wrong, we're all in business to make money - but there's a right way and a wrong way to do so. I wish all companies the best IF they are doing things the right way - which involves meeting label claims, not lying about ingredients, and doing proper quality testing and especially heavy metals and microbial testing (and its scary at how many don't).

I try to be polite and respectful to everyone and never say anything negative about other companies - but I do speak on things that are health and safety concerns to customers. And I really sometimes wish I wasn't as nice as I am because there's a lot more I would like to say at times - especially here lately because there are some things going on that are just absolutely ridiculous lately.

Like the company that wants to complain about how much time I spend helping people and doing underhanded stuff like giving out free products to people if they'll stop talking about our products - what they really need to be doing is to focus on what they're doing themselves and actually do quality testing and not BS'ing people - basically, they need to worry about doing things the right way themselves instead of complaining about us doing things the right way and actually trying to be helpful and caring about customers health and safety.


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That's interesting. I would be open to that.

I had thought about a banana split type flavor.
Generally speaking, I haven't been a huge fan of a lot of banana split flavors in the past. Not to say I've had 'bad' ones, but most tend to wind up being waaaaay too laffy-taffy banana flavor overpowering everything else. Hard one to really balance out, which isn't surprising when you figure it's gotta be a mix of banana/vanilla/chocolate/strawberry/pineapple/cherry to really get the full 'banana split' experience.


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Generally speaking, I haven't been a huge fan of a lot of banana split flavors in the past. Not to say I've had 'bad' ones, but most tend to wind up being waaaaay too laffy-taffy banana flavor overpowering everything else. Hard one to really balance out, which isn't surprising when you figure it's gotta be a mix of banana/vanilla/chocolate/strawberry/pineapple/cherry to really get the full 'banana split' experience.
I honestly don't remember if I've ever tried a banana split flavor in the past. I like banana flavored things and was discussing it with someone that works here that is female, and I was asking her what type banana flavors she would be interested in and she was naming some off - and I was like - ah, that sounds good haha.

I think it would definitely be one that would take some work and sampling to get right and likely may be one of those flavors that some people would like more than others.


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I’ve always liked mint chip but it never seemed like any company has been able to get the flavor quite right

I would definitely be interested in a quality gainer. Does using using stevia as a sweetener cost the manufacturer more?
I agree with that completely. Back in the old days when all protein tasted not too great, I remember one brand did a good job for the time period back then, but almost anything from back then would be viewed as tasting bad by todays standards.

I've found that most mint chocolate chips I've tried in the last 5 years are more just chocolate with a little bit of mint flavor thrown in.

I thought about trying to do one that would be creamy and rich and mostly mint flavored with the chocolate as the accent flavors - I even thought about possibly having real sugar free chocolate chips in it. I envision like baskin robbins style flavor.

Thank you for the interest in a quality gainer. Question to you (or anyone else) - for a gainer, how many carbs would you like to see in it?

The protein would be low carb, then I'd like to do probably a 50 gram carb/50 gram protein, and would definitely be open to doing a gainer - but the carb totals on gainers are all over the place so I'd be curious as to how many carbs people would like to see in one.
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I’ve always liked mint chip but it never seemed like any company has been able to get the flavor quite right

I would definitely be interested in a quality gainer. Does using using stevia as a sweetener cost the manufacturer more?
I'm sorry, I replied to the rest of this in the above post but forgot to answer your question about the Stevia.

Yes, products with natural sweeteners can cost quite a bit more to flavor - but an issue even more significant than cost on them is that sometimes it can just be hard to almost impossible to make certain things taste good with natural sweeteners.

I like Stevia myself and use it in some things personally. I just know that certain flavors just don't seem to work with it with certain ingredient bases.


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I'm sorry, I replied to the rest of this in the above post but forgot to answer your question about the Stevia.

Yes, products with natural sweeteners can cost quite a bit more to flavor - but an issue even more significant than cost on them is that sometimes it can just be hard to almost impossible to make certain things taste good with natural sweeteners.

I like Stevia myself and use it in some things personally. I just know that certain flavors just don't seem to work with it with certain ingredient bases.
Interesting, thanks for the info. I would be most interested in the product with 50 grams protein and 50 grams of carbs. Would be nice to quickly replace a meal. I usually get ascent whey on sale from Costco but would make the switch if you sold a protein


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When on sale from Myprotein it is often around 80cents to $1 a serving. The way people used to sip on aminos all day...I do that with clear whey. It's a game changer trust me. No bloat either. I still use the milk shake style still post workout, but any other time of the day it's clear. It's super refreshing.
It is my understanding that sipping on protein all day has been debunked, and is a way to possibly even miss out on MPS opportunities. You don't want to keep levels of aminos high in the blood throughout the day. You want them to spike 3-5 times a day from protein feedings to push protein synthesis. Layne Norton who was originally a huge proponent of the sipping 5g of aminos per hour to try to increase MPS came out a while back stating the research shows he was wrong and that continually providing a stream of aminos actually limited the MPS triggered by protein feedings and timing. So you may not be getting much other then some increased nitrogen retention, but not increased MPS which is what causes the muscle growth.

Most people looking for a clear whey or fruit flavored whey are going to be looking for WPI anyway, so they wouldn't be comparing it to the price for WPC.

There are always going to be customers that want the cheapest protein and don't care about taste - just like there are always going to be people that buy sirloin bc its cheaper and never buy filet mignon.

But then there are people that really don't mind spending more money, especially when its really minimal if you think about it in cost per day - for a better tasting product or different flavors in order to keep from getting burnt out.

For example, I don't eat meat so I consume more protein thru shakes than the average person - I would lose my mind and also never be consistent if it were flavors that I didn't like or if I couldn't change up flavors often. Cost wise, I can drink 8 scoops per day for still less than most people spend on eating out for lunch.

I understand where you're coming from - just explaining the reverse perspective on it.
Yeah, that is why I compared it to their WPI prices, and not the WPC. I didn't really see the WPC as a good comparison when the Clear protein is basically WPI as well.

I never think about things as cost per day. Just cost per unit of use. I just see cost per day breakdowns and mentions as a marketing deal to break it up into easier chunks of cash to swallow. People think $45 sounds like a lot for this, but it sounds pretty cheap at only $1.50 per day... It's the whole you can support a starving Ethiopian child for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day scenario. The reality is that to get the same amount of protein in the clear as their WPI I would be paying an extra $24.12 for the same amount of protein. Considering this is a decent portion of my protein intake, the money matters here for me. However I totally get that there are people out there who only want the best, and will happily pay for it. I am not recommending against making it by any means. I have no doubts you wouldn't have trouble selling it. It would just personally be out of my wheelhouse at that price difference. I of course see no reason you could not do both WPI and Clear options.

I did find the filet and sirloin comment interesting though. Because hands down the flavor in a sirloin is better than the flavor of a filet. Not even a competition there for me. I prefer the tenderness of the filet, but it doesn't have much of a beefy flavor, or much of any flavor really. Hence it often being bacon wrapped, or served with some sort of topping. I will always choose the picannah over the filet in a churrascaria, or good medium rare slow and low smoked sirloin over a filet. Now if you had said a ribeye or strip steak we would definitely be on the same page! ;)


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It is my understanding that sipping on protein all day has been debunked, and is a way to possibly even miss out on MPS opportunities. You don't want to keep levels of aminos high in the blood throughout the day. You want them to spike 3-5 times a day from protein feedings to push protein synthesis. Layne Norton who was originally a huge proponent of the sipping 5g of aminos per hour to try to increase MPS came out a while back stating the research shows he was wrong and that continually providing a stream of aminos actually limited the MPS triggered by protein feedings and timing. So you may not be getting much other then some increased nitrogen retention, but not increased MPS which is what causes the muscle growth.

Yeah, that is why I compared it to their WPI prices, and not the WPC. I didn't really see the WPC as a good comparison when the Clear protein is basically WPI as well.

I never think about things as cost per day. Just cost per unit of use. I just see cost per day breakdowns and mentions as a marketing deal to break it up into easier chunks of cash to swallow. People think $45 sounds like a lot for this, but it sounds pretty cheap at only $1.50 per day... It's the whole you can support a starving Ethiopian child for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day scenario. The reality is that to get the same amount of protein in the clear as their WPI I would be paying an extra $24.12 for the same amount of protein. Considering this is a decent portion of my protein intake, the money matters here for me. However I totally get that there are people out there who only want the best, and will happily pay for it. I am not recommending against making it by any means. I have no doubts you wouldn't have trouble selling it. It would just personally be out of my wheelhouse at that price difference. I of course see no reason you could not do both WPI and Clear options.

I did find the filet and sirloin comment interesting though. Because hands down the flavor in a sirloin is better than the flavor of a filet. Not even a competition there for me. I prefer the tenderness of the filet, but it doesn't have much of a beefy flavor, or much of any flavor really. Hence it often being bacon wrapped, or served with some sort of topping. I will always choose the picannah over the filet in a churrascaria, or good medium rare slow and low smoked sirloin over a filet. Now if you had said a ribeye or strip steak we would definitely be on the same page! ;)
Thanks for the info. I have heard that as well about aminos and stopped sipping them years ago. Clear Whey however is a complete protein. The way I currently look at it (and I could be wrong, this is my opinion) the Clear Whey is a fast absorbing protein. When I eat whole food it is a slow absorbing protein. By using both throughout the day protein synthesis never stops.


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Thanks for the info. I have heard that as well about aminos and stopped sipping them years ago. Clear Whey however is a complete protein. The way I currently look at it (and I could be wrong, this is my opinion) the Clear Whey is a fast absorbing protein. When I eat whole food it is a slow absorbing protein. By using both throughout the day protein synthesis never stops.
A complete protein is just the 9 essential amino acids, it is still amino acids, just bound together. So their really is no difference there as far as what the body sees these things as once in the bloodstream they are all amino acids. The body / muscle tissue has to have a period of lower MPS stimulating amino acid levels to get the kick in the seat by the ingestion of protein to increase MPS, typically there is an opportunity for this every 4 hours. So keeping protein levels elevated throughout the day can actually limit MPS stimulation. You want peaks and valleys of the amino levels for maximum MPS stimulation. Otherwise you are just increasing nitrogen retention, which is also a positive but not the same thing.


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Yeah, that is why I compared it to their WPI prices, and not the WPC. I didn't really see the WPC as a good comparison when the Clear protein is basically WPI as well.

I never think about things as cost per day. Just cost per unit of use. I just see cost per day breakdowns and mentions as a marketing deal to break it up into easier chunks of cash to swallow. People think $45 sounds like a lot for this, but it sounds pretty cheap at only $1.50 per day... It's the whole you can support a starving Ethiopian child for less than the price of a cup of coffee a day scenario. The reality is that to get the same amount of protein in the clear as their WPI I would be paying an extra $24.12 for the same amount of protein. Considering this is a decent portion of my protein intake, the money matters here for me. However I totally get that there are people out there who only want the best, and will happily pay for it. I am not recommending against making it by any means. I have no doubts you wouldn't have trouble selling it. It would just personally be out of my wheelhouse at that price difference. I of course see no reason you could not do both WPI and Clear options.

I did find the filet and sirloin comment interesting though. Because hands down the flavor in a sirloin is better than the flavor of a filet. Not even a competition there for me. I prefer the tenderness of the filet, but it doesn't have much of a beefy flavor, or much of any flavor really. Hence it often being bacon wrapped, or served with some sort of topping. I will always choose the picannah over the filet in a churrascaria, or good medium rare slow and low smoked sirloin over a filet. Now if you had said a ribeye or strip steak we would definitely be on the same page! ;)
I understand where you are coming from, but different people are different when it comes to taste and the way they view things.

The way you said the steak thing was a good point of that - different people have different tastes - and there's no right or wrong answers, its whatever they like themselves.

To me, someone paying more for a flavor of anything that they like is personal choice - whether its a protein powder, a steak, or a favorite flavor of ice cream.

You care more about cost than taste and that's fine and you are also more regimented about your diet than 99% of the population. That's great, but there are those of us that taste is more important to - I absolutely will miss shakes if I don't like the taste of them. And if I don't keep several flavors open at once, I will absolutely miss shakes because of being tired of the flavors.

Right now is the best I've been about making sure I get in enough protein in probably 20 years and I can tell you for sure that one thing that is helping me is that I bet I have 8 to 12 flavors of protein open right now - and the brand I'm using doesn't bother my stomach. Being able to have different flavors each time makes it a lot easier on me to make sure I drink all my shakes for the day.

I consider protein powder as part of my grocery budget and I can drink 10 to 12 scoops per day for less money than many people spend on eating out for lunch. Just as different people may buy different things at the grocery store, I choose to use different flavors of protein. My food portion of my day is actually very cheap and exactly the same 5 days out of 7 - so on that side of it, I spend a lot less than most people, at least people that eat an equivalent amount of food haha.

To me, I did a quick cost comparison and it costs me about an extra 2.50 per day to use a protein that I enjoy drinking and that I look forward to and won't miss shakes of - and to me, that's well worth it to help me be consistent and help reach my goals.

There's no right or wrong way to view it - its all a matter or perspective and personal opinion.


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Thanks for the info. I have heard that as well about aminos and stopped sipping them years ago. Clear Whey however is a complete protein. The way I currently look at it (and I could be wrong, this is my opinion) the Clear Whey is a fast absorbing protein. When I eat whole food it is a slow absorbing protein. By using both throughout the day protein synthesis never stops.
I know some very elite level athletes that feel the same way that you do about this and swear by this method.

This is one of those things where people seem be very adamant about their different opinions on - when then reality is that it likely is an individualized thing and will work great for some people and not as well as others.

I have used that method in the past when I was younger and had good success with it myself. I don't do it as much right because I'm trying to get back in the habit of making sure I hit my protein intake goal of the day so I'm normally making my shakes where they are a couple swallows and done. But my plan is to focus on building muscle for the next few months while still hopefully losing some fat and then I'm planning to do a month long cut to try to break things up and I was considering doing exactly this method during that because in the past it served me really, really well doing it that way.

A complete protein is just the 9 essential amino acids, it is still amino acids, just bound together. So their really is no difference there as far as what the body sees these things as once in the bloodstream they are all amino acids. The body / muscle tissue has to have a period of lower MPS stimulating amino acid levels to get the kick in the seat by the ingestion of protein to increase MPS, typically there is an opportunity for this every 4 hours. So keeping protein levels elevated throughout the day can actually limit MPS stimulation. You want peaks and valleys of the amino levels for maximum MPS stimulation. Otherwise you are just increasing nitrogen retention, which is also a positive but not the same thing.
I think that this topic in general always divides people bc there is heated debate on both sides of it - but I think that the method can work very well for some people. To me, its one of those try it and see if it works for you type of things.

When I was younger, I wouldn't say I constantly sipped protein - but I did go through a period where I made up 150 grams in a shaker and consumed the equivalent of 25 grams approximately every hour and it worked very well for me. I don't have the time or structure to do that now and would wind up being horribly inconsistent with it if I tried it now, but it worked well for me when I did in the past. Especially during phases where I was focused on losing fat and retaining muscle.


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I did that in college before I knew better ...I would have a thermos with probably with 150 g of protein and sip it all day long.

now I eat one or two meals a day with 125 to 150 g per meal look better and feel better and no longer succumb to the Bro Science about small protein meals throughout the day LOL

Back to the topic at hand is your desire for a clear protein, and I think we've discussed this off the board is because it has the best potential to come up with a fruity flavor or there's other reasons as well?


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I did that in college before I knew better ...I would have a thermos with probably with 150 g of protein and sip it all day long.

now I eat one or two meals a day with 125 to 150 g per meal look better and feel better and no longer succumb to the Bro Science about small protein meals throughout the day LOL

Back to the topic at hand is your desire for a clear protein, and I think we've discussed this off the board is because it has the best potential to come up with a fruity flavor or there's other reasons as well?
I think what you exemplified there too though is very important - that different things work different for different people.

I remember us talking about this privately, that's awesome that that works great for you an I think your strategy works great for a lot of people. For me, when I tried doing that I lost a lot of muscle and gained fat. For you, you gained muscle and leaned out - for me, if I'd kept it up, I would've had to have started considering sumo haha.

I think that's what gets lost so much now days - people a lot of times now days forget the importance of finding out what works best for them

I mentioned, it may have been in this thread or could have been another, that the reason I don't go into details on here on my diet is that its different than a lot of people's - and in the past I've listened to others and tried different things and its hindered my results. Nothing wrong with having listened and tried though. But that this time around, in trying to rebuild after my accident, I'm going back to what I know works best for me bc its what I did when I was in the best shape of my life.

Yes, the main reason for the desire for clear protein is because it has the best potential to be fruity flavors - I actually don't care about the clear part, I just moreso care about the ability of it to offer different flavors.


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I would like to kindly ask if we can get the thread a bit back on subject as to what types of protein products, flavors, etc. that people would like to see from us.

My initial thoughts are :

Phase 1:
  • WPI
  • WPI/Micellar Blend
Phase 2:
  • Fruit Flavors/Clear WPI
  • A 50 gram quality carb/50 gram WPI/Micellar Blend
I'm open to adding a WPC blend at whatever point I feel that it would be a good idea and profitable to do so - but it would have to make sense and offer consumers a substantial savings over WPI.

I'm also open to a gainer type of product - but doing it in a high quality manner. For this, I would need to know how many carbs that people would like to see in one? I'm really not interested in doing the basic weight gainer approach of throwing a lot of sugar and maltodextrin over in a product and calling it a gainer. I would want to do it with quality carbs.


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I would like to kindly ask if we can get the thread a bit back on subject as to what types of protein products, flavors, etc. that people would like to see from us.

My initial thoughts are :

Phase 1:
  • WPI
  • WPI/Micellar Blend
Phase 2:
  • Fruit Flavors/Clear WPI
  • A 50 gram quality carb/50 gram WPI/Micellar Blend
I'm open to adding a WPC blend at whatever point I feel that it would be a good idea and profitable to do so - but it would have to make sense and offer consumers a substantial savings over WPI.

I'm also open to a gainer type of product - but doing it in a high quality manner. For this, I would need to know how many carbs that people would like to see in one? I'm really not interested in doing the basic weight gainer approach of throwing a lot of sugar and maltodextrin over in a product and calling it a gainer. I would want to do it with quality carbs.
Personally I would never buy a gainer. There are always too many leftovers/sweets/crap that is about to expire in my house where I don't have a problem easily finding a ton more calories to eat :)


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Personally I would never buy a gainer. There are always too many leftovers/sweets/crap that is about to expire in my house where I don't have a problem easily finding a ton more calories to eat :)
Ha. Yeah, that's why I specified one with quality carbs.

My thought wasn't so much along the lines of a product like most on the market that have a ton of maltodextrin or sugar in them - there's plenty of those and there's always the option to just eat whatever to get those calories.

I was thinking more of a gainer done the right way with all quality complex carbs - and it was based off of a few pm's that I received of people asking if we would do a version of the 50:50 carb/protein but with much higher carbs. So, I was curious for anyone that wanted that, how high carb they were thinking. I was thinking along the lines of something with like 125 or so complex carbs and 50 grams protein per serving.

This would be a long time off anyway, but since the thread was getting decent discussion and I'd had a few pm's about it, I thought I'd mention it and see if anyone would be interested.


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I personally really like the idea of the 50/50 one. Should also note at this current time though I don’t go over 200 grams of carb’s really. That might change down the road though.

with a 50/50 I could do 2 shakes a day plus a small snack and dinner and would work really well in my shoes!


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I understand where you are coming from, but different people are different when it comes to taste and the way they view things.

The way you said the steak thing was a good point of that - different people have different tastes - and there's no right or wrong answers, its whatever they like themselves.

To me, someone paying more for a flavor of anything that they like is personal choice - whether its a protein powder, a steak, or a favorite flavor of ice cream.

You care more about cost than taste and that's fine and you are also more regimented about your diet than 99% of the population. That's great, but there are those of us that taste is more important to - I absolutely will miss shakes if I don't like the taste of them. And if I don't keep several flavors open at once, I will absolutely miss shakes because of being tired of the flavors.

Right now is the best I've been about making sure I get in enough protein in probably 20 years and I can tell you for sure that one thing that is helping me is that I bet I have 8 to 12 flavors of protein open right now - and the brand I'm using doesn't bother my stomach. Being able to have different flavors each time makes it a lot easier on me to make sure I drink all my shakes for the day.

I consider protein powder as part of my grocery budget and I can drink 10 to 12 scoops per day for less money than many people spend on eating out for lunch. Just as different people may buy different things at the grocery store, I choose to use different flavors of protein. My food portion of my day is actually very cheap and exactly the same 5 days out of 7 - so on that side of it, I spend a lot less than most people, at least people that eat an equivalent amount of food haha.

To me, I did a quick cost comparison and it costs me about an extra 2.50 per day to use a protein that I enjoy drinking and that I look forward to and won't miss shakes of - and to me, that's well worth it to help me be consistent and help reach my goals.

There's no right or wrong way to view it - its all a matter or perspective and personal opinion.
Yeah, totally makes sense from both sides. There is no right or wrong on it just different priorities. I see protein shakes as a supplement, and honestly never took them for their taste. The taste getting better and better over time has been a huge bonus but I definitely don't see them as food so much as something to get down to get my protein in. Just happens that I like the taste of a lot of them now which makes using them more enjoyable. However I totally get your side and reasoning as well. I think it really comes down to me not liking to spend money on myself. So I always look for the best bang for my buck. I don't see a protein powder as a treat, just some muscle medicine they found a way to make taste good.
Way more utilitarian for me and not so much about enjoyment.

I know some very elite level athletes that feel the same way that you do about this and swear by this method.

This is one of those things where people seem be very adamant about their different opinions on - when then reality is that it likely is an individualized thing and will work great for some people and not as well as others.

I have used that method in the past when I was younger and had good success with it myself. I don't do it as much right because I'm trying to get back in the habit of making sure I hit my protein intake goal of the day so I'm normally making my shakes where they are a couple swallows and done. But my plan is to focus on building muscle for the next few months while still hopefully losing some fat and then I'm planning to do a month long cut to try to break things up and I was considering doing exactly this method during that because in the past it served me really, really well doing it that way.

I think that this topic in general always divides people bc there is heated debate on both sides of it - but I think that the method can work very well for some people. To me, its one of those try it and see if it works for you type of things.

When I was younger, I wouldn't say I constantly sipped protein - but I did go through a period where I made up 150 grams in a shaker and consumed the equivalent of 25 grams approximately every hour and it worked very well for me. I don't have the time or structure to do that now and would wind up being horribly inconsistent with it if I tried it now, but it worked well for me when I did in the past. Especially during phases where I was focused on losing fat and retaining muscle.
Agreed, and I almost mentioned and probably should have that this is really digging in on the minutia here. We are talking maybe a 1% difference if that, and even then if you aren't doing everything else in the basics correctly focusing on that 1% is a wasted effort. One style increases protein retention the other increases protein synthesis and they both have positive outcomes.

I would like to kindly ask if we can get the thread a bit back on subject as to what types of protein products, flavors, etc. that people would like to see from us.

My initial thoughts are :

Phase 1:
  • WPI
  • WPI/Micellar Blend
Phase 2:
  • Fruit Flavors/Clear WPI
  • A 50 gram quality carb/50 gram WPI/Micellar Blend
I'm open to adding a WPC blend at whatever point I feel that it would be a good idea and profitable to do so - but it would have to make sense and offer consumers a substantial savings over WPI.

I'm also open to a gainer type of product - but doing it in a high quality manner. For this, I would need to know how many carbs that people would like to see in one? I'm really not interested in doing the basic weight gainer approach of throwing a lot of sugar and maltodextrin over in a product and calling it a gainer. I would want to do it with quality carbs.
Phase 1, Yes to both!

Phase 2: admittedly some of the flavors here are very intriguing and I might even try one as a treat so to speak.
Phase 2 MRP sounds awesome too!

Phase 3 Mass Powder 50-75p, and 150g varied carb sources sound like a decent start?


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Phase 1, Yes to both!

Phase 2: admittedly some of the flavors here are very intriguing and I might even try one as a treat so to speak.
Phase 2 MRP sounds awesome too!

Phase 3 Mass Powder 50-75p, and 150g varied carb sources sound like a decent start?
I was thinking of around 125 grams to 150 grams on varied carb sources.

I thought about going over 50 grams of protein on it, but so many people have it in their head that the body can't absorb more than 50 grams of protein at a time. I remember back when ProV60 by Labrada came out - great product for its time, and a lot of people felt like you 'wasted' 10 grams of it. That was my reason for thinking about just staying at 50 grams for the protein. 75 would be perfect though bc it could essentially be a 2:1 ratio and could even do 3 scoops serving to where it could be 100 carbs to 50 protein or 150 carbs to 75 protein.


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I was thinking of around 125 grams to 150 grams on varied carb sources.

I thought about going over 50 grams of protein on it, but so many people have it in their head that the body can't absorb more than 50 grams of protein at a time. I remember back when ProV60 by Labrada came out - great product for its time, and a lot of people felt like you 'wasted' 10 grams of it. That was my reason for thinking about just staying at 50 grams for the protein. 75 would be perfect though bc it could essentially be a 2:1 ratio and could even do 3 scoops serving to where it could be 100 carbs to 50 protein or 150 carbs to 75 protein.
Yep, that old dogmatic belief... I do think that the 50g would allow you to keep costs down, and might be more attractive to some people because of that dogmatic belief. However, I think the product would be better at 75/150, and as you mentioned easily adjusted down via using one less scoop or whatever makes a lot of sense. Then you do 3 scoops per serving and have 25/50, 50/100, or 75/150 options easily.


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Yep, that old dogmatic belief... I do think that the 50g would allow you to keep costs down, and might be more attractive to some people because of that dogmatic belief. However, I think the product would be better at 75/150, and as you mentioned easily adjusted down via using one less scoop or whatever makes a lot of sense. Then you do 3 scoops per serving and have 25/50, 50/100, or 75/150 options easily.
Yeah, that was what I was thinking - maybe go 100 or 125 grams to 50 grams per 2 scoops and then someone could add an extra scoop if they would like to and it would bump it up to the 150 or 187.5 to 75 range.


I'd buy a SNS protein. My staple is Isolate Vanilla. I know Vanilla is boring, but a nice quality moderate flavor intensity vanilla is my favorite. I generally mix my protein with other things and vanilla can be combined with almost anything. I find most other flavors overwhelming and sometimes hard to stomach. I like to keep some cookies and cream around too if I want more flavor. 95% of my protein in the past ten years is just plain 'ol Vanilla.


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I'd buy a SNS protein. My staple is Isolate Vanilla. I know Vanilla is boring, but a nice quality moderate flavor intensity vanilla is my favorite. I generally mix my protein with other things and vanilla can be combined with almost anything. I find most other flavors overwhelming and sometimes hard to stomach. I like to keep some cookies and cream around too if I want more flavor. 95% of my protein in the past ten years is just plain 'ol Vanilla.
We will definitely be doing a Vanilla in both a WPI and WPI/Micellar Casein blend.

I'm trying to decide on the type of vanilla that we want to go with - I like things that aren't overly sweet or overly bland myself.

Any suggestions?


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We will definitely be doing a Vanilla in both a WPI and WPI/Micellar Casein blend.

I'm trying to decide on the type of vanilla that we want to go with - I like things that aren't overly sweet or overly bland myself.

Any suggestions?
If you can match the Fairlife Core Power 42g vanilla flavored RTD, you've got a winner. Stuff tastes exactly like melted ice cream haha.


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If you can match the Fairlife Core Power 42g vanilla flavored RTD, you've got a winner. Stuff tastes exactly like melted ice cream haha.
I would have to agree the taste is amazing and so is the chocolate.


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I would have to agree the taste is amazing and so is the chocolate.
Specifically the 42g Core Power one, tastes better than the 26g one lol. As for the chocolate... the plain ol' Fairlife chocolate is basically crack. Best chocolate milk ever.


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For me a strong vanilla is a nogo. I find them a bit too overpowering. Especially since I often mix other things in and don't want them to be vanilla dominant. So hopefully nothing like a vanilla bean flavor. If you can find some of the Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream to taste I think you might fall in love with it. Everyone I know that has had it thinks it is the best vanilla ice cream around.


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For me a strong vanilla is a nogo. I find them a bit too overpowering. Especially since I often mix other things in and don't want them to be vanilla dominant. So hopefully nothing like a vanilla bean flavor. If you can find some of the Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream to taste I think you might fall in love with it. Everyone I know that has had it thinks it is the best vanilla ice cream around.
For sure blue bell is hands down some of the best ice cream!

that makes me wonder what would a pistachio protein taste like? Because that is my favorite ice cream.


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For sure blue bell is hands down some of the best ice cream!

that makes me wonder what would a pistachio protein taste like? Because that is my favorite ice cream.
I have never had pistachio ice cream but it used to be my favorite pudding.


We will definitely be doing a Vanilla in both a WPI and WPI/Micellar Casein blend.

I'm trying to decide on the type of vanilla that we want to go with - I like things that aren't overly sweet or overly bland myself.

Any suggestions?
Basically just a basic vanilla flavor. I don't like French vanilla, cream or rich flavor. Just a "moderate" straight forward vanilla with moderate sweetness. I'm racking my brain on how to say what I want to describe but having trouble. My flavor vocabulary is weak!

Nothing heavy as far as sweetness, flavor, richness.

I like myprotein vanilla. Simple and palatable. Not tired of it after many years.


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Sorry for not following up. @sns8778

I suggest these flavors for your first 4.

1) vanilla
2) chocolate
3) some sort of cinnamon (or snickerdoodle)
4) cookies and cream

Birthday cake used to be king of the hill, I think may be overplayed now.

Once you establish a following and a demand and a return customer base then you can start getting crazy and fancy with weird stuff like chocolate chip mint and any weird funky stuff like fruit loops and lucky charms type flavors.


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If you can match the Fairlife Core Power 42g vanilla flavored RTD, you've got a winner. Stuff tastes exactly like melted ice cream haha.
I would have to agree the taste is amazing and so is the chocolate.
Specifically the 42g Core Power one, tastes better than the 26g one lol. As for the chocolate... the plain ol' Fairlife chocolate is basically crack. Best chocolate milk ever.
I've only trued the 42 gram ones a time or two but they do taste good.

There's really no way to match the flavor on an RTD in powder form because the texture is different and there are things that can be used in liquid RTD products that aren't suitable for powders in terms of helping with taste, texture, etc.

I drink a lot of the Fairlife Nutrition Plan ones - they are the ones with 30 grams. I try to catch them in stock at Sam's Club bc they're around 18.99 per case. You can usually catch the chocolate in stock, but Strawberry is hard to find.


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For me a strong vanilla is a nogo. I find them a bit too overpowering. Especially since I often mix other things in and don't want them to be vanilla dominant. So hopefully nothing like a vanilla bean flavor. If you can find some of the Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla ice cream to taste I think you might fall in love with it. Everyone I know that has had it thinks it is the best vanilla ice cream around.
I'm confused on that - because most Vanilla Bean flavors I find to be light and mild. Maybe its a taste bud thing, but I find the French Vanilla ones to be the overly sweet and overpowering ones myself.

I'll try to find some to try. I'm not doing any ice cream or anything on week days right now, but I'll try to find some for the upcoming weekend.


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For sure blue bell is hands down some of the best ice cream!

that makes me wonder what would a pistachio protein taste like? Because that is my favorite ice cream.
Pistachio is one of the flavors I have on my list of ones that I would eventually like to offer.

I've only ever tried one Pistachio protein and I really didn't like it at all. I don't even know what to say I thought it tasted like, just not Pistachio ice cream.

If the protein sells well and gets popular, my plan is to roll pretty much all the profits from it back into expanding the flavors and offering a wide variety of flavors that people want. So, when it comes out, the more people help spread the word, the quicker we'll be able to do new flavors.


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Basically just a basic vanilla flavor. I don't like French vanilla, cream or rich flavor. Just a "moderate" straight forward vanilla with moderate sweetness. I'm racking my brain on how to say what I want to describe but having trouble. My flavor vocabulary is weak!

Nothing heavy as far as sweetness, flavor, richness.

I like myprotein vanilla. Simple and palatable. Not tired of it after many years.
I'm the same way - I don't like a super rich vanilla flavor. I like a neutral vanilla, I like it to be vanilla, but not overpowering.

I honestly haven't tried theirs. I am very leery of trying many different protein brands because I'm so allergic to gluten, and a lot of the places that do things in house like that, cross contamination can be a real issue. For most people, its not a big deal, but for people like me that have the severe gluten allergies, it can really mess me up.

I had that happen to me with a fairly big brand that has a mint chocolate chip that they claim is gluten free - it isn't; they're either straight lying or their cm sucks at avoiding cross contamination bc the level of it in there really messed me up. Ever since that happened, I haven't experimented much with different protein brands anymore.


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I’m keen to see what SNS comes out with. Right now, I only purchase whey protein (isolate or concentrate) that does NOT contain artificial sweeteners (Stevia is acceptable) and colors.


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you guys are all so fancy. I just look for some good high content protein and slam it usually faster than I can figure out what it ever tasted like lol


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I’m keen to see what SNS comes out with. Right now, I only purchase whey protein (isolate or concentrate) that does NOT contain artificial sweeteners (Stevia is acceptable) and colors.
We won't be using any artificial colors but I can't promise we won't use artificial sweeteners.

I personally don't differentiate between them myself, but I respect everyone's opinions. For me, just in reading over the artificial sweetener studies, context is important - and in context, I'll never consume enough artificial sweetener to cause any problems. I don't intentionally add artificial sweeteners to anything, but I don't go out of my way to avoid them.

With any powder products, we will always use the lowest amount of artificial (or natural) sweetener to make the product taste good.

One reason I put off doing a protein for so long is that I always try to make everyone happy and I feel bad when I can't - and that's just impossible with proteins. No matter what any company does, there are going to be people that do and don't like the flavors, strength of flavors, texture, etc.

If the protein sells well, we will definitely eventually have flavors that won't contain artificial sweeteners - but when first launching proteins, the main thing to 99% of consumers is making sure they taste great - and unfortunately, certain flavors aren't going to taste nearly as good with natural sweeteners.

So, even if you don't like what you see at first, keep an eye on it because I'm sure we will add flavors that will have natural sweeteners as long as the product sells well.


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Sorry for not following up. @sns8778

I suggest these flavors for your first 4.

1) vanilla
2) chocolate
3) some sort of cinnamon (or snickerdoodle)
4) cookies and cream

Birthday cake used to be king of the hill, I think may be overplayed now.

Once you establish a following and a demand and a return customer base then you can start getting crazy and fancy with weird stuff like chocolate chip mint and any weird funky stuff like fruit loops and lucky charms type flavors.
No worries at all. I appreciate your input.

I definitely plan on doing a chocolate and vanilla in both; and a cinnamon roll in at least 1 of them.

I want to do a Cookies & Cream but I want to do actual cookie pieces and have it be gluten free, so that's taking some backend work as you can imagine.

I agree on birthday cake - I think it got overdone and people got tired of it.

I definitely want to do a Mint Chocolate Chip. I have more flavors on my wish list that it would ever be feasible to do. This is one of those projects where I have to take a step back from what I want and make smart business decisions haha.


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I'm confused on that - because most Vanilla Bean flavors I find to be light and mild. Maybe its a taste bud thing, but I find the French Vanilla ones to be the overly sweet and overpowering ones myself.

I'll try to find some to try. I'm not doing any ice cream or anything on week days right now, but I'll try to find some for the upcoming weekend.
The other possibility above and beyond taste buds are labeling laws with vanilla and natural vs artificial. If all natural is claimed, you cannot use Vanilla bean so taste is not strong.

Artificial then you can use vanilla bean or artificial vanillin, etc and will have that stronger taste some have mentioned.

So I think this is a reason why people have different opinions and taste when they taste various protein powders because they don't know the difference between what I'm describing here (you do, they dont)

Also label reads differently.

Natural flavorings will say "vanilla something" then "naturally flavored with other natural flavors"

You can't say Cinnamon Vanilla, for example and must read "cinnamon vanilla FLAVOR"

All this goes out the window if using artificial flavors which is what vanilla bean or vanilla extract is made with. Artificial believe it or not.

Even the representations of ‘Vanilla Flavor’ with the vanilla flower and ingredient listing of ‘natural flavor’ are misleading. You cant use the vanilla flower image. It's nuts.

My memory is a bit vague, but this is the jist of fda labeling requirements I can remember.


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No worries at all. I appreciate your input.

I definitely plan on doing a chocolate and vanilla in both; and a cinnamon roll in at least 1 of them.

I want to do a Cookies & Cream but I want to do actual cookie pieces and have it be gluten free, so that's taking some backend work as you can imagine.

I agree on birthday cake - I think it got overdone and people got tired of it.

I definitely want to do a Mint Chocolate Chip. I have more flavors on my wish list that it would ever be feasible to do. This is one of those projects where I have to take a step back from what I want and make smart business decisions haha.
There's many reasons why I would skip on the actual cookie pieces but that's my own personal opinion but I would skip it and go with those Glanbia tiny little crisps and have them flavor them as such. Won't really add to the carb count either. But that may be a whole other headache and massive moq.


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There's many reasons why I would skip on the actual cookie pieces but that's my own personal opinion but I would skip it and go with those Glanbia tiny little crisps and have them flavor them as such. Won't really add to the carb count either. But that may be a whole other headache and massive moq.
I forgot about the Glanbia crisps. I'd have to see what flavors that they offer. Send me a link to the ones you're talking about privately if you don't mind.

I see where you're coming from - but on the other hand, as someone that is very allergic to gluten myself, I talk to a lot of others that are and one very common thing is that many feel left out when it comes to certain flavors of protein powders. There are some cookies & cream proteins that have the flavor but not cookie pieces. I'm not familiar with any gluten free Cookies & Cream shake that has real gluten free cookie pieces in them.


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I forgot about the Glanbia crisps. I'd have to see what flavors that they offer. Send me a link to the ones you're talking about privately if you don't mind.

I see where you're coming from - but on the other hand, as someone that is very allergic to gluten myself, I talk to a lot of others that are and one very common thing is that many feel left out when it comes to certain flavors of protein powders. There are some cookies & cream proteins that have the flavor but not cookie pieces. I'm not familiar with any gluten free Cookies & Cream shake that has real gluten free cookie pieces in them.
Oreo makes a gluten free Oreo cookie now. Maybe you guys can collaborate!


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Oreo makes a gluten free Oreo cookie now. Maybe you guys can collaborate!
Yes, they do. They actually aren't even the best tasting ones though - the best tasting ones imo are the the Glutino brand. If you like Oreos but want some that aren't quite a sweet, Glutino ones are awesome.

Companies like Oreo are too big to have any interest in working with a company our size unfortunately.

The way it works on a production side is that there are providers that sell bulk crushed up cookie pieces in bulk - that's what goes into the protein mixes when you see cookie pieces in them. So far, the major suppliers do not offer gluten free options in bulk like that, at least not that I or the cm has been able to find so far.

There's a possibility that may have to actually buy gluten free Oreos or whatever brand in bulk packaging and have to have them crushed up for inclusion - and that is going to take some time and of course would add some to the cost. That's why as much as I want to do a Cookies & Cream, it may not be one of the first flavors.


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Yes, they do. They actually aren't even the best tasting ones though - the best tasting ones imo are the the Glutino brand. If you like Oreos but want some that aren't quite a sweet, Glutino ones are awesome.

Companies like Oreo are too big to have any interest in working with a company our size unfortunately.

The way it works on a production side is that there are providers that sell bulk crushed up cookie pieces in bulk - that's what goes into the protein mixes when you see cookie pieces in them. So far, the major suppliers do not offer gluten free options in bulk like that, at least not that I or the cm has been able to find so far.

There's a possibility that may have to actually buy gluten free Oreos or whatever brand in bulk packaging and have to have them crushed up for inclusion - and that is going to take some time and of course would add some to the cost. That's why as much as I want to do a Cookies & Cream, it may not be one of the first flavors.
I’ve never heard of the Glutino brand cookies. Where do you find them?

Yeah I can see how sourcing cookie pieces would be a pain. Doing a cookies and cream without cookie pieces would definitely be easier for you!


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I’ve never heard of the Glutino brand cookies. Where do you find them?

Yeah I can see how sourcing cookie pieces would be a pain. Doing a cookies and cream without cookie pieces would definitely be easier for you!
It definitely would be easier for me, that's for sure. And depending on what options are available, that may wind up being the direction we have to go in. But as someone with a non-celiac autoimmune allergy to gluten myself, I feel for the people that can't eat gluten and thought this would be something really cool to hopefully be able to do for them.

Glutino cookies can be purchased in most grocery stores that have a decent selection of gluten free foods. In my area, Walmart and Food Lion have them.

Here's what I'm referring to for anyone interested:


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