Tunaking14's OL Alphabuild Log



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It's easy for me when I'm offshore- I was 06:00-18:00. I wake up at 2:30 in the morning have coffee pop my pills and go workout. When I knock off shift, I take a shower and then hop in bed and read and usually fall asleep by 20:00. I'm not sure I could do it at home! lol
Sounds like things are going great! So they got a full gym set up out on the rig ? That’s pretty legit


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Sounds like things are going great! So they got a full gym set up out on the rig ? That’s pretty legit
They have a pretty good set up on the rig that I am on- the only I really miss is they don't have a leg extension, leg curl or lat pull down machines. Dumb bells from 10 lbs to 110 lbs. A few tread mills and a couple exercise bikes. You can definitely get a good work out in!


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It's easy for me when I'm offshore- I was 06:00-18:00. I wake up at 2:30 in the morning have coffee pop my pills and go workout. When I knock off shift, I take a shower and then hop in bed and read and usually fall asleep by 20:00. I'm not sure I could do it at home! lol
The key is sleeping and keeping busy in those 16 hours.


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Leaner and tighter is always a great feeling. Keep it up bro


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I've been crazy busy at work trying to get our new BOP ready for the upcoming well.

Day 13- rest day- I wasn't going to have any rest days but woke up feeling like crap and decided to get more sleep. I still popped 2 Alpha Build pills and ended up doing 100 pushups during the day along with some ab work before bed.

Day 14, 15. Decided to change it up and do some heavier strength training. Muscles still feeling full and pumped even though I have been 16/8 fasting the past few days. Good workouts but I had a little shoulder pain after doing some heavy dumb bell incline presses. Jumped on the scale to check my weight and I'm at 210! I haven't been this light since early college! Between the working out in the heat for 12 hours/day(lots of breaks), good workouts and Alpha Build I am liking this run so far!!


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Nice low on the weight bro! I like -
A lean 210 for sure personally. Be careful with that shoulder too


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Days 16, 17, 18.

Just coming out of the shipyard with a new internet system, new Subsea office and they have been having trouble keeping everything running properly so sorry for the lack of updates.

Day 16 Leg Day- changed it up and did Front squats as I haven't done these in a long time.
135 x 12
185 x 12
225 x 12

Legs felt strong but I've never been one to go heavy on front squats.

Leg Press - 4x 45lb plates on each side- 3 x 30 and then a drop set and managed to get 100 reps during that set. Legs were on absolute fire especially my hamstrings as I had a wide leg stance really streching my hammies out.

Still taking my Alpha Build about 30 minutes before working out with a cup of coffee and some water- no issues at all.

Calves- have to make do with working them on the leg press machine while I'm offshore- 3 x 30 with the same weight as my leg presses.


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Day 17 Biceps-

Woke up late- I have been going to bed early but not sleeping good at all. I have a perferated ear drum leaking fluid and it been a pain in the rear end. Only messes with me during my sleep.

Alternating dumb bell curls- 40 lb. x 12, 45 lb. x 10 50 lb. x 8
Supersets 5 x EZ bar curl/cable machine curls
3 sets concentration curls

Biceps are pumped each with a nice big vein1

Abs- hanging leg raises 5 sets x 20. Tried doing some crunches and my abs started cramping something fierce!! My abs are always my first body part to cramp. Probably only drank 7-8 bottles of water today when I usually drink at least 12 maybe more.

Note: I've been 16/8 fasting and I have been ravenously hungry! We have a new cook on the rig and we haven't gotten groceries lately so they are digging in the bottom of the freezer I guess and the food has sucked!! Too many sandwiches and crap- so diet hasn't been great but calories are still 200-300 below maintenance.


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Day 18 Shoulders

Arnold presses (dumb bell)- 3 sets
Lateral raises 3 sets
Bent over lateral raises 3 sets
Overhead press 5 sets light as my right shoulder is still not feeling great. I keep forgetting to take my Cissus and I can tell when I don't.

No abs or calves

Hit the treadmill for 42 minutes!! I was busy playing on my phone deleting old pictures and stuff and next thing you know I'm at 42 minutes at a 3.6mph pace- nice! The previous couple of day I upped it to 35 just because- seems my stamina is up due to the Alpha Build? Usually, I hate cardio with a passion and force myself to make it 30 minutes- easy breezy here lately.


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Hit the treadmill for 42 minutes!!
Easy to do when you're distracted! Hard to do when you're just starring at the time (like I do most of the time) :LOL:


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Day 19 Monday- back day

3 x 12 Dumbbell rows
3 x 10 Bent over rows
3 x 15 Trap bar dead lifts

Calves- 3 x 30 seat calf raises

Good pump again that seemed to last a bit longer than normal.

40 minutes of cardio on treadmill and stepped it up to 3.8 mph- stamina on Alpha Build definitely seems improved!


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Tuesday- Day 20 Chest Day

Woke up and felt like crap- they recently cleaned the duct work and I've been really stuffy lately with sinus issues that I never have. Others are saying the same. Decided to skip the weights and do a little different Chest workout.

Long story short- I tried to do as many pushups as possible in one day- ended up doing 811 pushups. Sometimes I would do 20 every 15 minutes and other times I'd just drop and do 10 whenever I could. My chest feels like it will be sore tomorrow. The only other time I did something similar, I was geeked up on fat burners when running the BOP so I was stuck in the moonpool working for 12 hours- I ended up doing over 1100 push up and my chest was sore for several days! I guess I'll find out soon.

No cardio but did do a couple hunred ab crunches as well.


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Bro. 811 push-ups is great but 1100 is crazy! Keep up the hard work. We appreciate all the detail in the log too!


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Tuesday- Day 20 Chest Day

Woke up and felt like crap- they recently cleaned the duct work and I've been really stuffy lately with sinus issues that I never have. Others are saying the same. Decided to skip the weights and do a little different Chest workout.

Long story short- I tried to do as many pushups as possible in one day- ended up doing 811 pushups. Sometimes I would do 20 every 15 minutes and other times I'd just drop and do 10 whenever I could. My chest feels like it will be sore tomorrow. The only other time I did something similar, I was geeked up on fat burners when running the BOP so I was stuck in the moonpool working for 12 hours- I ended up doing over 1100 push up and my chest was sore for several days! I guess I'll find out soon.

No cardio but did do a couple hunred ab crunches as well.
Dang that's a lot of volume on the push ups and crunches for sure!


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Wednesday Day 21- Triceps day

Well chest was sore from all the push ups but nothing too bad.

EZ bar skull crushers 3 x 10-15 reps
Dumbbell overhead triceps extensions 3 x 10 (should tweak bothers me doing these)
Cable triceps pushdowns 3 x 8-15 reps with 1 final drop set till failure (got about 63 reps total)
Dumbbell kick backs 3 x 10

My triceps were toast and I had a great pump- Took my 2 AlphaBuild with some Focus XT this morning.

30 minutes cardio, could of gone longer but it was like a sauna in the cardio room


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Day 22 Thursday Leg Day

Lunges 3 x 12
Leg Press 4 x 20
Hack Squats 4 x 20

Calves 5 x 30 using the leg press machine

Cardio 30 minutes at 3.8 mph- no incline

Stamina seems way up with Alpha Build- could do more but the weight room isn't air conditioned (does have a cooler but it gets warm!)


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Day 23 Chest Day

Shoulder still giving me some issues as I tweaked it will working so I'll step up the Cissus(daily supplement for me but I've been lacking in taking it since I only have the powder form and it isn't pleasant! lol)

Incline dumbbell 60 x 12, 70 x 10, 75 x 8
Push ups 280 - 14 sets of 20

Cardio 30 minutes at 3.8 mph

skipped calves and abs

Not a great workout but pushed through


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skipped calves
If I'm skipping anything it's probably calves. I think i've trained them hard for like 10 years and they just don't grow for me :LOL:


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If I'm skipping anything it's probably calves. I think i've trained them hard for like 10 years and they just don't grow for me :LOL:
I've trained them hard for like ten days and they don't grow for me. 🤦‍♂️ some people have all the luck


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Day 24 Bi's/Tri's

Superset day!

4 x Superset - Dumbbell concentration curls/Cable Tricep pushdowns
4 x Superset - EZ bar curls/EZ bar skull crushers
1 Drop set- cable tricep push downs.....by the end I had cranked out 82 reps!
1 Drop set- cable machine curls..... 74 reps by the end

Arms were veiny and swole!! Muscle wise I could have down more as my stamina seems way up, however it's too damn hot in the gym!

Skipped cardio today- hit abs with some hanging leg raises and crunches. Tried to do some weighted cable pull down crunches when I started hitting abs but had severe cramps in my abs... sucks balls!

Alpha Build seems to be doing a great job with my muscle stamina so far.


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I've trained them hard for like ten days and they don't grow for me. 🤦‍♂️ some people have all the luck
Twig legs for life! ;)


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Day 25 (Shoulders) and Day 26 (Back)

Light weights, high volume


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and supersets for Days 25 and 26. Muscle stamina seems to be up quite a bit. Skipped calves as they were unusually sore but hit abs on Day 26.

Hit the scale and weight was 210! Right where I want to be. Looking leaner around my midsection and feeling good. Everything else seems normal- libido is good and I'm sleeping normal. All good so far with AlphaBuild!


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If I'm skipping anything it's probably calves. I think i've trained them hard for like 10 years and they just don't grow for me :LOL:
Agreed. You're doing a great log and glad you're loving the product. I'm a few days in on it myself and enjoying it for sure.


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Sorry for lack of updates as I left my rig offshore and went straight to Toledo Bend lake for a guys weekend and I didn't have service for the past several days.

Days 27-30 went great. I actually cut my calories the last few days and still had 4 really good workouts. Day 30 was my last day on the rig so it worked out perfectly. My weight ended up at 210! Right what I was shooting for.

Pumps were longer lasting than usual but the biggest thing I noticed was the muscle stamina. I can only think of 2 workouts that I just thought were subnormal. I did more volume than normal and loved it. I look leaner and just feel really good with full muscle bellies all around. Alpha Build treated me good and I would recommend it for anyone looking for something to give you more stamina and feeling like your muscles are nice and full. Recommended!!


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Day 30 was my last day on the rig so it worked out perfectly. My weight ended up at 210! Right what I was shooting for.

Pumps were longer lasting than usual but the biggest thing I noticed was the muscle stamina. I can only think of 2 workouts that I just thought were subnormal. I did more volume than normal and loved it. I look leaner and just feel really good with full muscle bellies all around. Alpha Build treated me good and I would recommend it for anyone looking for something to give you more stamina and feeling like your muscles are nice and full. Recommended!!
Nice bro! Glad to see you would recommend it. I am only ~3 weeks in but shared the same sentiment. I'm leaning out for sure and feel great on it! Appreciate the log and review


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Nice bro! Glad to see you would recommend it. I am only ~3 weeks in but shared the same sentiment. I'm leaning out for sure and feel great on it! Appreciate the log and review

I appreciate the opportunity!! Thanks!


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Sorry for lack of updates as I left my rig offshore and went straight to Toledo Bend lake for a guys weekend and I didn't have service for the past several days.

Days 27-30 went great. I actually cut my calories the last few days and still had 4 really good workouts. Day 30 was my last day on the rig so it worked out perfectly. My weight ended up at 210! Right what I was shooting for.

Pumps were longer lasting than usual but the biggest thing I noticed was the muscle stamina. I can only think of 2 workouts that I just thought were subnormal. I did more volume than normal and loved it. I look leaner and just feel really good with full muscle bellies all around. Alpha Build treated me good and I would recommend it for anyone looking for something to give you more stamina and feeling like your muscles are nice and full. Recommended!!
Really glad to hear you enjoyed it and would recommend it!

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