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Amazing that people can buy our gov't's story and to this day after all this evidence still believe it!! Guys like BAM don't want to believe what their gov't is capable of. One of the reasons my brother retired was things he found out about 9/11. He was a highly decorated Officer in the Marines who certainly did not have to retire but chose to do so on his own accord.


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Funny- if you actually watched the video it lays out nothing but facts. The conclusions are left up to the viewer. Tells me you don't have a clue yourself. What do you think about the President of Ukraine making a known witch/spirit cooker into some kind of Ambassador to Education in Ukraine? That is a FACT! NOT a conspiracy- but you don't care and just choose to look the other way. People on here know you are a joke and can't think for yourself. Probably why you went into the military. Way to deflect from all the facts shown to you.....typical brain washed sheep who seems to believe everything the TV tells him. And for fk's sake, I will answer your question although you'll cry about how I'm not "committed" one way or the other.

Do I think a missile hit the Pentagon? No I actually don't I think a plane hit the Pentagon but it sure as hell wasn't a Being 757 like they said. If it was they would have video of it (not one video exists that shows the plane hit the Pentagon)- I believe it was a smaller plane than a 757 with no markings, thus the lack of any video. Funny how the FBI confiscated every known video in existence. Funny how there was so little wreckage found- a 757 would have caused a much bigger mess. I could show you videos proving that point but you would just say it's some crazy conspiracy video. Did you ever ask yourself why? Of course you didn't- you just accepted that Osama Bin Laden set everything in motion from a cave somewhere in Afghanistan. You are a clueless shill. Funny how a reporter could find him easily but our most advanced military in the world could not. FACT

It's useless arguing with a war monger like you. Fk Hamas, Israel, Ukraine and you.
As we so often see here, the basic premise for these dopey conspiracy theories is to throw piles of bullsh1t out as fast as possible (a'la @ax1) in an effort to be faster than it can be fact checked, and WHEN shown to be unsupported by fact, reference another conspiracy that supports the first, redirecting and re-accusing to try and stay ahead of logic and reason. Avoid answering direct questions, and attack in another direction. Sprinkle in some satanic adrenochrome and anti-Semitic crap whenever possible.... its like a cult that sells stupidity!

Look how many tries it took to get you to admit your own 9/11-Pentagon conspiracy beliefs. Because deep down you know it makes you look stupid. And you dream of being smart... nothing like those crazy flat-earthers. THOSE guys are nuts! LOL

I am all for a good conspiracy, but it has to makes sense. And you have to be willing to challenge the ridiculous claims with as much energy and commitment as you do the official government narrative. And you have to tap into the knowledge of real experts without a personal bias.

HERE is the problem with your Pentagon theory.... (and it applies to pretty much every conspiracy theory).... does your alternative version of events stand up to the same level of critical analysis better than the official narrative?????

So if AA Flight 77 didn't crash into the Pentagon, you now have to explain where that giant 757 plane (and its flight crew and passengers) all went? Heck of a magic trick to hide that! Plus you also have to invent a second plane (what size, make, model was THAT plane - which could be proven missing from inventory) and its flight crew (with a reason to commit suicide crashing into the Pentagon) who had families and relatives (that would be reporting them missing). And planes involve control towers and flight plans, etc.... the pile of crap you are trying to sweep under the rug gets bigger and bigger, and the silly story you are trying to invent gets impossibly complex and FAR FAR LESS likely than the official explanation.

Same for the fake missile story. Where did the big 757 go if not into the Pentagon? What kind of missile was used to cause that kind of damage? Do you have an example of similar damage by that same type missile to match the Pentagon? How was that missile launched, and what country and what plane launched it? And where is all that confirming air traffic control and radar tracking info? (Duuuuuuuuuuuuh, I dunno.... but, but, but Rumsfeld satanic $3 trillion Halliburton and F' Zelenskyy !!). Soooooooo dumb.

You full-blown conspiracy nuts will swear there is not a single piece of evidence that connects a Boeing 757 wreckage to the Pentagon crash. But you can find this in 5 minutes....

And you will claim there was no video that ever showed a plane hitting the Pentagon. Even though we have this....

But of course, you will deny any piece of science/logic with every fiber of your body, yet believe even the most outlandish conspiracy theory without the slightest hesitation. It really is a cult of stupidity!!

If you spend weeks and months watching these hour long videos pushing conspiracy theories, you will eventually lose your mind. Especially if your mind is weak and desperately longing for some sense of accomplishment (having lacked the commitment to make it on Wall Street). Look at Edgar Welch!! He watched these same videos and was certain Hillary Clinton was running a satanic adrenochrome pedophile ring in the basement of a pizza place... and went there with an AR15. But there was nothing in the basement and he went to jail. This stuff can be fun in small doses, but it can also rot your brain in excess.

And while readers here might find the back and forth interesting with what you claim to believe (in an almost schizophrenic hysteria) it is perhaps even more interesting to consider the questions you try to avoid. Like this one - HOW MANY of these videos have you watched?!?!!? How many hundreds of hours wasted? Don't you have a wife and kids that need your time and attention?


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I know about that Pentagon video, most bullshyt video clip ever posted by the government. Only after repeated FOIA requests was that stupid 5 clip image release in the most surveilled place on earth. Nice how they hit the data servers that had the audit's for the missing $2.3 trillion unaccounted money from the Pentagon spending budget. On top we have on record from the government itself Cock Kaney called the stand down order out of his bunker knowing some object was on its way to DC. LMFAO facts are facts. Indestructible black-box? NNAAHHH???? It vaporized RROOFFLLLL!!!!!

The maneuvers it took to fly a jumbo jet like that into the Pentagon are literally IMPOSSIBLE. Not even Tom Cruise on his A+ game can pull off that stupid to believe stunt.


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Congrats @bam, this is a rarity for me, unlike the Nobel Peace of Crap prize that has been distributed more than TP for bungholes to illegal aliens in NYC…

Today I gift you the official National “I Believe in the Toothfairy” Award!!! Congrats well done!!!! Take good care of it :)



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Found some of my old scientific DD work, which is a good thing I have this saved as alot of the old links have been destroyed, and almost impossible to searched on government backed Google.

Fun fact: Over 200+ professional pilots supported the "Pilots for 9/11 Truth" Group and non supported the Military Industrial Complex theories provided by the means of un-Popular Mechanics who are biased do to MIC Contracs.


John Lear – Retired commercial airline pilot with over 19,000+ total hours flown in over 100 different types of planes for 10 different airlines in 60 different countries around the world. Flew for over 40 years. Holds every certificate ever offered by the FAA and has 23 different FAA type ratings. Held 17 world records including speed around the world in a Lear Jet Model 24, set in 1966. He was presented with the PATCO award for outstanding airmanship in 1968, and the Symons Wave memorial. Flight experience includes Boeing 707 and 727, McDonnell Douglas DC-8, Lockheed L-1011 and many others. Son of Bill Lear, founder of Lear Jet Corp.
  • Audio interview with Rob Balsamo 3/9/07: Regarding the Flight Data Recorder information for Flight 77, which allegedly hit the Pentagon, released by the NTSB

    John Lear: There's a lot things in that tape that came up, that if you're a pilot, you say, "Hey, wait a minute. That's bull****. That could never happen in a million years." ...

    Rob Balsamo: What did you think about 9/11 after you saw it?

    John Lear: Well, you know, five minutes after it happened, I knew that it was a scam. ... No Boeing 757 ever crashed into the Pentagon. No Boeing 757 ever crashed at Shanksville. ... And no Arab hijacker, ever in a million years, ever flew into the World Trade Center. And if you got 30 minutes I'll tell you exactly why he couldn't do it the first time. Now, I'd have trouble doing it the first time.

    Rob Balsamo: Yeah, same here.

    John Lear: Maybe if I had a couple tries to line up a few building, I could have done it. But certainly not the first time and certainly not at 500 or 600 miles an hour.

    Rob Balsamo: Yeah, as a matter of fact, one of our members, he was a 737 Check Airman. He was in the sim at the time on September 11 and right after it happened they tried to duplicate it in the simulator and they said they couldn't do it. They were trying to hit the Towers and they couldn't do it. ...

    John Lear: Yeah, it would be an amazing feat of airmanship. ...

    John Lear: People ask, you know, why do I think that 9/11 was a scam. They say, "Why would the government do that?" And I said, there's three basic reasons. Number 1; they wanted to take away all our liberties and they had to pose a threat to do that. Number 2; they wanted a reason to go into Afghanistan. ... Then the third thing was we had to have a pretext for going into Iraq.

  • Member: Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers."

Rob Balsamo – Commercial airline pilot. Co-founder, Pilots for 9/11 Truth. 4,000+ total hours flown.
  • Statement to this website 7/23/07: "In May 2006, I was watching Glenn Beck’s show on CNN. The Department of Defense had just released the infamous "5 frames" of stop-action video of the pentagon attack. Beck showed the frames and commented, "You can see a 757 in 10 seconds flat! Either that or a naked Michael Moore heading for the buffet! This should put all those conspiracy theories to rest". While watching it, I'm thinking to myself, "I can’t see any 757.” And I'm asking myself, “Are there still unresolved questions regarding 9/11?"

    So I started poking around on the Internet trying to find anything I can to back up the government’s story because I didn't want to believe our government might have had something to do with 9/11.

    Early on, I came across Operation Northwoods. It blew me away that elements of our government had seriously planned acts of terrorism inside the United States to justify invading Cuba. Consider that 9/11 Commission Chairman Thomas Kean had said, "The greatest failure of 9/11 was lack of imagination", yet just under 40 years prior, elements of our own government imagined perpetrating such an event!

    In late summer of 2006, I co-founded the group Pilots for 9/11 Truth, to more formally conduct research on the aviation-related aspects of 9/11. In August 2006, Pilots for 9/11 Truth received from the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) a copy of the Flight Data Recorder data of Flight 77, which, according to the official account, hit the Pentagon.

    We analyzed the data and announced our conclusion on 3/26/07 that "The information provided by the NTSB does not support the 9/11 Commission Report of American Airlines Flight 77 impact with the Pentagon." Much more information about this can be found in our video documentary and our press release.

    So now, a year after I began looking into the events of 9/11 and having devoted a lot of time and effort researching those events, I'm frustrated because we haven't been able to find anything to confirm the government's story. And what's worse is that the FBI and NTSB refuse to even discuss with us the many obvious problems we found in the Flight 77 Flight Data Recorder.

    I continue to work with my colleagues at Pilots for 9/11 Truth, to grow the organization and to continue our research into the aviation-related aspects of 9/11, looking for confirmation of the government’s story."

  • Audio interview by Mike Chambers 2/6/07: "I just recently -- quote, unquote -- woke up back in May [2006] due to a video that I saw on mainstream media telling me that I could see a 757 in ten seconds flat going across the Pentagon lawn. And from there I did my research and here I am now ... with When I started my research I said to myself, I am going to do everything in my power to figure out and back up the official story, the government's story -- the government fairy tale, I now call it -- so I can have faith and believe in my government. We have gotten to the point where I haven't been able to find anything to confirm the government's story.

    Now, we received the flight data information through the NTSB back in August [2006]. ... The files that we originally received from the NTSB shows the aircraft too high to have hit the light poles. They can see that on Full Analysis. And of course in our film Pandora's Black Box Chapter 2. ...

    The flight data recorder raw file that we have just decoded ... it's still showing too high for the Pentagon. ... It shows the radar altimeter at 273 feet. That means 273 feet above the ground. OK? The Pentagon only gets up to 77 feet."

  • Co-founder: Pilots for 9/11 Truth Association Statement: "Pilots for 9/11 Truth is an organization of aviation professionals and pilots throughout the globe that have gathered together for one purpose. We are committed to seeking the truth surrounding the events of the 11th of September 2001. Our main focus concentrates on the four flights, maneuvers performed and the reported pilots. We do not offer theory or point blame. However, we are focused on determining the truth of that fateful day since the United States Government doesn't seem to be very forthcoming with answers."


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@ax1 - Do you remember the last time we tried to actually share meaningful info about your 9/11 conspiracies? I believe you posted some stuff about nano-particles or something to claim a demo job... and I found a scientific article that perfectly explained the chemical signature... and then you reposted the same false claims because you didn't slow down for even a moment to read, or look into, or consider in any way anything else being posted??? And then we all laughed when you were called out on it, including you!!

All output all the time. Frenetic ADHD madness!

Re-read what I posted this morning. And if you don't see the problem in what you are saying, having in no way addressed at all what I had posted... then I am NOT wasting the time with you, on this subject. At least the Tuna guy pretends to be coherent. LOL :p


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@ax1 - Do you remember the last time we tried to actually share meaningful info about your 9/11 conspiracies? I believe you posted some stuff about nano-particles or something to claim a demo job... and I found a scientific article that perfectly explained the chemical signature... and then you reposted the same false claims because you didn't slow down for even a moment to read, or look into, or consider in any way anything else being posted??? And then we all laughed when you were called out on it, including you!!

All output all the time. Frenetic ADHD madness!

Re-read what I posted this morning. And if you don't see the problem in what you are saying, having in no way addressed at all what I had posted... then I am NOT wasting the time with you, on this subject. At least the Tuna guy pretends to be coherent. LOL :p
I didnt "claim" a demo job, I provided science to prove it. I dont post false claims, and when I do Ill call it out and correct myself, but after all these years all the 9-11 stuff is standard and hasnt been proven untrue, but the official story has.


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Re-read what I posted this morning. And if you don't see the problem in what you are saying, having in no way addressed at all what I had posted... then I am NOT wasting the time with you, on this subject. At least the Tuna guy pretends to be coherent. LOL :p
You just found out we arent changing each others minds??? LOL!

Its all good, and your not wasting our time. Obviously you have our supporters here and I always enjoy a good debate. All this is in good sporting fun for me at this stage. My case is all set and proven to be as is for the most part (I see ou refuse to admit) so not much else for me to do all these years (Been covering 9-11 on this forum for 15 years now) but have fun with it.


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Im a little burnt over the 9-11 stuff overall, there really isnt much new coming out of this. Its boring, and also sad what happened. There is nothing else to prove.

Speaking of the Libertarian Convention, sure is mixed reactions about Dump being invited. Personally I think its dumb and ridiculous, people who vote Libertarian are there to vote for small government and Libertarian ideals.

I personally am watching and need to consider leaving that party as a whole depending on how all this goes down and who the select as the Candidate. If they dare endorse Dump (I dont think they will) Im 100% fully out no questions of the party and going Independent, likely not voting for President at all.

Libertarian Party needs to focus on its core principles, not "The Republican Lite" thats not what I want us to be like moving forward, if so they are a complete waste of my time.


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I didnt "claim" a demo job, I provided science to prove it. I dont post false claims, and when I do Ill call it out and correct myself, but after all these years all the 9-11 stuff is standard and hasnt been proven untrue, but the official story has.

It was post #49,861 to be exact.

Ax1 thermite.png

If you are not willing to look into both sides of any claim, you can't possibly come up with an accurate result. Even now you incorrectly describe things as a debate, but when there is no back-and-forth.... its only a forth. Not a meaningful debate on substance. With you. Ever.

I don't want to get sucked into the Benji-vortex with you. EJECT !!



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It was post #49,861 to be exact.

View attachment 241975

If you are not willing to look into both sides of any claim, you can't possibly come up with an accurate result. Even now you incorrectly describe things as a debate, but when there is no back-and-forth.... its only a forth. Not a meaningful debate on substance. With you. Ever.

I don't want to get sucked into the Benji-vortex with you. EJECT !!

View attachment 241976
Hey if you think hairy caveman (led by a leader funded, trained by the US Government to get those pesky Russians, someone you would have rooted for LMFAO) blew up the WTC7 with some matchstick fires, flew impossible to do maneuvers into the Pentagon, and pulverized buildings 1 and 2 into fairy dust knock yourself out lol

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@ax1 - Do you remember the last time we tried to actually share meaningful info about your 9/11 conspiracies? I believe you posted some stuff about nano-particles or something to claim a demo job... and I found a scientific article that perfectly explained the chemical signature... and then you reposted the same false claims because you didn't slow down for even a moment to read, or look into, or consider in any way anything else being posted??? And then we all laughed when you were called out on it, including you!!

All output all the time. Frenetic ADHD madness!

Re-read what I posted this morning. And if you don't see the problem in what you are saying, having in no way addressed at all what I had posted... then I am NOT wasting the time with you, on this subject. At least the Tuna guy pretends to be coherent. LOL :p
Funny how you talked about us being some kind of unhinged conspiracy guys- Doubting the official narrative means I'm a conspiracy nut? Especially with evidence and people I trust showing me that the official story is bullsh-t? You act like because I'm not 100% onboard with either the gov't version or the "conspiracy" version of events is a way for me to "spin" my narrative.

It's also how you never mentioned the whole Desert Storm war, the killing of Ghadafi, etc. Those were conspiracies to many that have been proven true. (there were NO weapons of mass destruction and Ghadafi was murdered/killed because he threatened the balance of power in the world's energy sector) Did you agree with the official gov't narrative? Or do you still believe their official narrative?

Doubting our gov't seems to be an issue with you. You seem to think the video I posted reguarding the whole pizza gate is just a crazy conspiracy. Yet here we have Diddy and the CEO of UMG being investigate for child trafficking. 200,000 to 400,000 children disappear every year- where do they go? Why hasn't anything meaningful come from the whole Epstein/Maxwell situation? It's because it involves some very powerful people- protected people. Yet you think it's some crazy conspiracy- the fact remains that children disappear and somebody is involved.

Don't I have a wife and kids- waste my time doing research? I already answered that question- my job allows me time to do research. If I'm off shift then I'm still offshore away from my family. I'm happily married to the love of my life for close to 28 years. My family is the most important thing in my life. For you to act like I'm some kind of shill living in a basement living on the computer is ignorant and quite frankly pisses me off.

I mean you say you enjoy a good conspiracy- so which ones do you think are legit?
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Big government Dump….Stossel’s latest vid.



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Funny how you talked about us being some kind of unhinged conspiracy guys- Doubting the official narrative means I'm a conspiracy nut? Especially with evidence and people I trust showing me that the official story is bullsh-t? You act like because I'm not 100% onboard with either the gov't version or the "conspiracy" version of events is a way for me to "spin" my narrative.

It's also how you never mentioned the whole Desert Storm war, the killing of Ghadafi, etc. Those were conspiracies to many that have been proven true. (there were NO weapons of mass destruction and Ghadafi was murdered/killed because he threatened the balance of power in the world's energy sector) Did you agree with the official gov't narrative? Or do you still believe their official narrative?

Doubting our gov't seems to be an issue with you. You seem to think the video I posted reguarding the whole pizza gate is just a crazy conspiracy. Yet here we have Diddy and the CEO of UMG being investigate for child trafficking. 200,000 to 400,000 children disappear every year- where do they go? Why hasn't anything meaningful come from the whole Epstein/Maxwell situation? It's because it involves some very powerful people- protected people. Yet you think it's some crazy conspiracy- the fact remains that children disappear and somebody is involved.

Don't I have a wife and kids- waste my time doing research? I already answered that question- my job allows me time to do research. If I'm off shift then I'm still offshore away from my family. I'm happily married to the love of my life for close to 28 years. My family is the most important thing in my life. For you to act like I'm some kind of shill living in a basement living on the computer is ignorant and quite frankly pisses me off.

I mean you say you enjoy a good conspiracy- so which ones do you think are legit?
Tuna - I am glad to hear you are a family man! I ask because some of the people I have argued with in the past (like bigfoot fanatics) live alone, fully immersed in their "research". A family provides an important anchor to reality. To share equally, I am also a family man. In the Marines I was going to be a 'lifer' and got a slot to the Naval Academy... but broke a femur. So the military paid for a trip to Penn State instead, and I got a degree in Architectural Engineering. (*I started off in nuclear engineering, but Chernobyl melted down in my freshman year and I figured it might be best to change majors. LOL). The change in life direction allowed me to meet my wife, and it all worked out for the best.

Doubting the official narrative does not make you a conspiracy nut. Choosing to believe something even more ridiculous does! That is why I use the Pentagon story as a good measure of intellect and reason. We KNOW there were hijacked planes that crashed into buildings on 9/11. Its not that hard to believe one crashed into the Pentagon. There is a video showing it, and there are 757 plane parts in the wreckage. If you want to imagine something else hit the pentagon... but you don't know what else, or where it came from, or have any video or wreckage to verify this 'other' idea, and NOT even a made up story to pretend where the Flight 77 went instead... that would be silly and dumb. And pretty lazy "research" from guys who pretend to do independent research.

If the conspiracy world were graded 1 to 10, I am maybe at a 2. Joe Rogan a 4. You maybe a 6/7. Ax1 and Alex Jones fighting for top spot in kooky-ville. Again, its fine to doubt the official narrative. But unless you can at least present a better idea that makes more sense, you are selling bullsh1t and chasing dreams into fantasy land. Joe Rogan is a pretty good barometer for interested/interesting dialogue on the subject.

For Desert Storm, you would have to go back to when it all happened. How can you say there was no WMD? Because we stormed in and searched every inch, that's why! But you can't hate the war using evidence that only the war provided. On 9/12 we had real concerns about the next/bigger attack. We sent the fleet to the coast of Iraq. We told Saddam to show us his hands. He refused. He played games. He dodged and delayed. He used civilians as shields on select military sites. We said we were not f'ing around and to allow UN inspections or die. He made a bad choice. Honestly, I think even Saddam believed he had WMD. He sure acted like it. And the way he tortured and killed his people, I think his own scientists lied and led him to believe he was making real progress on a WMD program (rather than be killed). In hindsight, the war wasn't as bad as the botched occupation.... but if Saddam was willing to put up billboards mocking the 9/11 attack, F'-him too.


I think I fully covered the killing of Gaddafi in a prior post. You want to believe a conspiracy that it was for some balance of power in the energy sector. But you didn't mention the two terror attacks he directed, which is pretty lazy research into 'the whole story'. A pretty important bit of information to overlook!! Gaddafi has been dead now for what, 13 years??? And right now, Libya looks like a lawless wasteland without any functional government, so then HOW did killing him help the US gov't? Hard to paint a conspiracy without any benefit for 13 years. Maybe it was just sh1tty politics and incompetency. I tend to believe much more of the latter.

The rich and powerful and celebrities being druggies and perverts and pedophiles?? Color me shocked. LOL. There are also perverts and pedophiles and druggies in every business in every country in every walk of life. They just don't get the same media coverage. Do I think they had Epstein killed? Yeah, I actually do. But at best, the big conspiracy is covering up the list of names to prevent exposure and prosecution of the rich and powerful. I don't make the huge leap into blood sucking adrenochome stuff without a lot more proof than a home-made rumble video. Interesting article on that Qanon conspiracy theory here....

The conspiracy theories I would believe in are much smaller and more practical/government power and secrecy stuff. Like I don't believe the 9/11 hijackers only had box cutters. I think at least one Haji slipped a gun through the checkpoint. It used to happen all the time before 9/11. There was an original FAA report that indicated a shooting on the plane, that was later changed to only box-cutters (likely to prevent anyone from suing the Airlines out of business). And then after the attack, GWBush signed the "Airline Stabilization Act" to protect the airlines from any liability related to 9/11.

Remember the shoe bomber, Richard Reid they stopped in the act with exploding shoes in December 2001? We also had a crash of AA Flight 587 a month prior in November 2001 (the second worst accident in US aviation history). Both sooooo close to the 9/11 attack. The official story is that the pilot worked the rudder too hard and the vertical stabilizer fell off the plane. That sounds kind of crazy to me. I always thought maybe Richard Reid wasn't the first shoe bomber. Maybe Flight 587 was the first and THAT one was successful? Hard to say and we may never know, but its a thought.

TWA flight 800 in New York crashed in 1996 and there were all sorts of conspiracy theories about a missile. One witness was a Vietnam helicopter pilot who said he had lots of experience seeing AA missiles in flight and called it as that. I could image a stinger slipped out of the original Russian/Afghan war and then being used against us. That would be my guess. But I could also see the government covering that up because the object of terrorism is to cause terror. Deny it happened and defeat the terrorists, in theory. I'd rather they treat us like adults and tell us the truth, and then fight the terrorists if that is the problem.

Either way, I lean towards pretty simple conspiracy theory stuff. Our government is too inept to pull off any big masterful super complex stuff. Other than maybe covering up the JFK assassination (which was pretty Ham-handed) and what they really know about UFO's.... which is the next big shoe to drop (I hope !!!!)


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I hope Tic Toc wins against these Constitution 1st Amendment hating big government Repulsivkin and Democrap hooligans in DC.



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Lets see if Dump betrays America again and cowars out of a debate with a non-Democrap candidate like he betrayed and rigged the election the last 2 elections and show us again that he himself rigged the elections before they were rigged against him.

As much as I cant stand RFK Jr. and his big government policies, he does need to be on the national debate along with a couple more candidates.

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Dump, King of the Uniparty clown. Never stand by his words.

In January of 2000, the Reform Party held a press conference that, among other things, discussed the exclusion of third-party candidates from the presidential debates. Then-Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura, one of the party’s few endorsed candidates to hold a major office, denounced the exclusion as “despicable.”

Ventura was joined by Trump, who was at the time was considering running for president on the Reform Party ticket.

“I agree 100 percent with Jesse. It’s disgraceful. It’s amazing that they can get away with it,” Trump said during that press conference in 2000.

Trump criticized the threshold — which still exists today — of allowing other candidates into the debate only if they consistently poll at or above 15 percent in national polls.

“I just think it’s unfair … to have such a high standard, a high criteria. For a party that’s a legitimate party, that has a substantial amount of federal funding, that’s recognized,” he said. “Very unfair.”

Watch the relevant section of the press conference:



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So who controls access to the debate stage? Who set the humber at 15%?

It certainly wasn't Trump!


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So who controls access to the debate stage? Who set the humber at 15%?

It certainly wasn't Trump!
Dump is a hypocrite, attacks the system years ago as shown and does nothing about it not a word when it’s his turn to bat. You can’t claim the system is rigged when you were a more than willing participant.

Anyways not singling him out, they all belong to the same swamp.

15% was set after Ross Perot I believe.


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So who controls access to the debate stage? Who set the humber at 15%?

It certainly wasn't Trump!
What the fuq is a “humber” anyways?

Mr. “You have to pass a spelling be to validate claims in a post”



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BAM made a spelling error LMFAO all his hard work in here this past week down to the…



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What the fuq is a “humber” anyways?

Mr. “You have to pass a spelling be to validate claims in a post”

LOL.... in the gym typing between sets, and I don't have my old man reader glasses. It still "looks" correct. 😆

I claim a spelling mulligan for the next apx 1 hour.
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What the fuq is a “humber” anyways?

Mr. “You have to pass a spelling be to validate claims in a post”

Wouldn't that be a "spelling bee" ????

LOL 😆 🤣 😂

Heck, you even used an actual "bee" dancing video.... 😆
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LOL.... in the gym typing between sets, and I don't have my old man reader glasses. It still "looks" correct.

I claim a spelling mulligan for the next apx 1 hour.
Started wearing reading glasses too this year, shyt getting blurrier by the year it sucks but I’m very healthy at least.


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Wouldn't that be a "spelling bee" ????

LOL 😆🤣😂

Heck, you even used an actual "bee" dancing video.... 😆
You did just pass my secret test IQ though, just checking :)


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Dump is a hypocrite....

Anyways not singling him out, they all belong to the same swamp.
Not singling Trump out as you rant repeatedly about only Trump????

C'mon now.... BEE serious 😆 🤣
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I hope Tic Toc wins against these Constitution 1st Amendment hating big government Repulsivkin and Democrap hooligans in DC.

View attachment 242002
Tuna - I am glad to hear you are a family man! I ask because some of the people I have argued with in the past (like bigfoot fanatics) live alone, fully immersed in their "research". A family provides an important anchor to reality. To share equally, I am also a family man. In the Marines I was going to be a 'lifer' and got a slot to the Naval Academy... but broke a femur. So the military paid for a trip to Penn State instead, and I got a degree in Architectural Engineering. (*I started off in nuclear engineering, but Chernobyl melted down in my freshman year and I figured it might be best to change majors. LOL). The change in life direction allowed me to meet my wife, and it all worked out for the best.

Doubting the official narrative does not make you a conspiracy nut. Choosing to believe something even more ridiculous does! That is why I use the Pentagon story as a good measure of intellect and reason. We KNOW there were hijacked planes that crashed into buildings on 9/11. Its not that hard to believe one crashed into the Pentagon. There is a video showing it, and there are 757 plane parts in the wreckage. If you want to imagine something else hit the pentagon... but you don't know what else, or where it came from, or have any video or wreckage to verify this 'other' idea, and NOT even a made up story to pretend where the Flight 77 went instead... that would be silly and dumb. And pretty lazy "research" from guys who pretend to do independent research.

If the conspiracy world were graded 1 to 10, I am maybe at a 2. Joe Rogan a 4. You maybe a 6/7. Ax1 and Alex Jones fighting for top spot in kooky-ville. Again, its fine to doubt the official narrative. But unless you can at least present a better idea that makes more sense, you are selling bullsh1t and chasing dreams into fantasy land. Joe Rogan is a pretty good barometer for interested/interesting dialogue on the subject.

For Desert Storm, you would have to go back to when it all happened. How can you say there was no WMD? Because we stormed in and searched every inch, that's why! But you can't hate the war using evidence that only the war provided. On 9/12 we had real concerns about the next/bigger attack. We sent the fleet to the coast of Iraq. We told Saddam to show us his hands. He refused. He played games. He dodged and delayed. He used civilians as shields on select military sites. We said we were not f'ing around and to allow UN inspections or die. He made a bad choice. Honestly, I think even Saddam believed he had WMD. He sure acted like it. And the way he tortured and killed his people, I think his own scientists lied and led him to believe he was making real progress on a WMD program (rather than be killed). In hindsight, the war wasn't as bad as the botched occupation.... but if Saddam was willing to put up billboards mocking the 9/11 attack, F'-him too.

View attachment 242001

I think I fully covered the killing of Gaddafi in a prior post. You want to believe a conspiracy that it was for some balance of power in the energy sector. But you didn't mention the two terror attacks he directed, which is pretty lazy research into 'the whole story'. A pretty important bit of information to overlook!! Gaddafi has been dead now for what, 13 years??? And right now, Libya looks like a lawless wasteland without any functional government, so then HOW did killing him help the US gov't? Hard to paint a conspiracy without any benefit for 13 years. Maybe it was just sh1tty politics and incompetency. I tend to believe much more of the latter.

The rich and powerful and celebrities being druggies and perverts and pedophiles?? Color me shocked. LOL. There are also perverts and pedophiles and druggies in every business in every country in every walk of life. They just don't get the same media coverage. Do I think they had Epstein killed? Yeah, I actually do. But at best, the big conspiracy is covering up the list of names to prevent exposure and prosecution of the rich and powerful. I don't make the huge leap into blood sucking adrenochome stuff without a lot more proof than a home-made rumble video. Interesting article on that Qanon conspiracy theory here....

The conspiracy theories I would believe in are much smaller and more practical/government power and secrecy stuff. Like I don't believe the 9/11 hijackers only had box cutters. I think at least one Haji slipped a gun through the checkpoint. It used to happen all the time before 9/11. There was an original FAA report that indicated a shooting on the plane, that was later changed to only box-cutters (likely to prevent anyone from suing the Airlines out of business). And then after the attack, GWBush signed the "Airline Stabilization Act" to protect the airlines from any liability related to 9/11.

Remember the shoe bomber, Richard Reid they stopped in the act with exploding shoes in December 2001? We also had a crash of AA Flight 587 a month prior in November 2001 (the second worst accident in US aviation history). Both sooooo close to the 9/11 attack. The official story is that the pilot worked the rudder too hard and the vertical stabilizer fell off the plane. That sounds kind of crazy to me. I always thought maybe Richard Reid wasn't the first shoe bomber. Maybe Flight 587 was the first and THAT one was successful? Hard to say and we may never know, but its a thought.

TWA flight 800 in New York crashed in 1996 and there were all sorts of conspiracy theories about a missile. One witness was a Vietnam helicopter pilot who said he had lots of experience seeing AA missiles in flight and called it as that. I could image a stinger slipped out of the original Russian/Afghan war and then being used against us. That would be my guess. But I could also see the government covering that up because the object of terrorism is to cause terror. Deny it happened and defeat the terrorists, in theory. I'd rather they treat us like adults and tell us the truth, and then fight the terrorists if that is the problem.

Either way, I lean towards pretty simple conspiracy theory stuff. Our government is too inept to pull off any big masterful super complex stuff. Other than maybe covering up the JFK assassination (which was pretty Ham-handed) and what they really know about UFO's.... which is the next big shoe to drop (I hope !!!!)
Glad to hear you are a family man as well. I guess I'll chill with the personal attacks as well. Stress at work is getting me more "worked up" than normal. I guess the bottom line where we differ the most is you think it's ok for our gov't to react the way they do (over react in my opinion.) I never said Sadam or Ghadafi were good guys. They did some messed up stuff. However, I think our gov't use people like them as an excuse to do what they want to do anyway. I'll argue that fighting for resources is the cause for most of the world's problems and if we would keep our nose out of so much foreign affairs, we would all be better off. We'll just have to agree to disagree!


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Glad to hear you are a family man as well. I guess I'll chill with the personal attacks as well. Stress at work is getting me more "worked up" than normal. I guess the bottom line where we differ the most is you think it's ok for our gov't to react the way they do (over react in my opinion.) I never said Sadam or Ghadafi were good guys. They did some messed up stuff. However, I think our gov't use people like them as an excuse to do what they want to do anyway. I'll argue that fighting for resources is the cause for most of the world's problems and if we would keep our nose out of so much foreign affairs, we would all be better off. We'll just have to agree to disagree!
Yeah, I guess I do lean towards the over-react camp rather than not to react at all.

But I think there is some real malevolent stuff happening now with the current regime. Not about resources as much as it about power. I really think the mail-in ballot system is compromised with both illegal ballot harvesting and ballot manufacturing. And if we don't have free and fair elections, we have nothing!! There won't need to be any secret conspiracies if we can't vote them out, ever.

Same with the current illegal immigration scam pumping 10 million extra bodies into the country. None of them ever plan on leaving, and the Dems will be pushing for citizenship/voting in the near future. Not to mention what those 10 million extra bodies cost the taxpayer, and what they will do to the census and distribution/allocation of congressional representation.

PLUS the dangerous foreign nationals slipping through among the 2 million 'got-aways' who are militarily aligned with Gaza, Russia, and China in a more clear and present danger scenario.

As a wrap up, I worry far more about what is happening right in front of our eyes than in the hint of a curious but highly unlikely conspiracy with no clear verifiable facts or obvious goal. That's more where I am at the moment.... that, and having fun debunking these conspiracy theories while Rome burns. LOL ;)


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LMFAO Governor of New York seems to view black people like its 1866

View attachment 242056

Donald Trump Jr posted this in response to NY Gov.... LOL

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I used to be one of these guys. They are so far down the sea of bullshit they can't see themselves out.

Just like recovery there is a way out of this but one has to want to help themselves first and admit they have a problem.

Conspiracy **** is like any addiction and it rots the mind. It's taking me great effort to get back to reality and deep read and digest serious posts like @BamBam54

Easier to make your own reality and use memes as conversation.


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Donald Trump Jr posted this in response to NY Gov.... LOL



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Yeah, I guess I do lean towards the over-react camp rather than not to react at all.

But I think there is some real malevolent stuff happening now with the current regime. Not about resources as much as it about power. I really think the mail-in ballot system is compromised with both illegal ballot harvesting and ballot manufacturing. And if we don't have free and fair elections, we have nothing!! There won't need to be any secret conspiracies if we can't vote them out, ever.

Same with the current illegal immigration scam pumping 10 million extra bodies into the country. None of them ever plan on leaving, and the Dems will be pushing for citizenship/voting in the near future. Not to mention what those 10 million extra bodies cost the taxpayer, and what they will do to the census and distribution/allocation of congressional representation.

PLUS the dangerous foreign nationals slipping through among the 2 million 'got-aways' who are militarily aligned with Gaza, Russia, and China in a more clear and present danger scenario.

As a wrap up, I worry far more about what is happening right in front of our eyes than in the hint of a curious but highly unlikely conspiracy with no clear verifiable facts or obvious goal. That's more where I am at the moment.... that, and having fun debunking these conspiracy theories while Rome burns. LOL ;)
Curious on your current worldview with two wars going on and the election coming up. What are you seeing others may miss or conspiracy types would just ignore?


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Curious on your current worldview with two wars going on and the election coming up. What are you seeing others may miss or conspiracy types would just ignore?
Hmmmm.... I think we all see the same stuff, but just read into it differently (depending on prior experiences, bias, afflictions, etc). My experience as a Marine and Engineer tends to color my opinions and beliefs, so take that for what it is....

UKRAINE - didn't need to happen, and was pushed to the brink by an irresponsible campaign to put Ukraine into NATO (a huge policy mistake going back in my mind to vintage John McCain). But now that it is happening, it seems important that the Western World doesn't "lose", especially after our humiliating exit from Afghanistan. I would say ignore the conspiracy based arguments around Zelenskyy dancing, nazis, biolabs, satanists, pedophiles, etc. The biggest issue right now is a very 'hot' war that could accidentally trigger WWIII. Russia has a policy of expending unlimited bodies and material and time, and will go to any length not to lose. Gotta give them a clear exit ramp, and something to make it worth their while, while at the same time presenting a credible threat of increased US participation. The Teddy Roosevelt carrot and stick approach. But everything is very risky at this point. Losing would mean our diminished standing in the world, and Russia controlling that much more of the world's oil and agriculture, and a green light for China.

Russia moving on Ukraine is pretty much a test-bed for what China plans in Taiwan. And I don't like this alliance building between Russia, China, Iran, and NKorea. Might they one day decide to team up and finish us off in a surprise attack?? What agents have they already positioned in our country via the migrant crisis on our southern border??? Plus the hacking the FBI keeps warning has infiltrated all of our vital infrastructure!! Our cushy world goes to **** fast if we lose power and water.... and we are already overextended militarily and crippled by feeble woke DEI leadership.

ISRAEL/GAZA - Iran is stoking this fire, and it appears the idea of military deterrence has been lost. Obama/Biden gave too much to Iran in their desperation for a nuke deal (that Iran will violate anyhow). Ignore any conspiracy arguments about genocide, or Netanyahu, or the mystery canal, etc. The Oct 7th attack was far greater than any prior, and the subsequent Iran drone/missile attack directly into Israel was unprecedented. There are a hundred thousand rockets and missiles aimed at Israel by Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran.... offset by the Iron Dome and the nukes Israel has for any last ditch existential threat. At some point, I figure Iran and its proxies go all-in and try to use up, and then overwhelm the IDF anti-missile batteries, and deliver a devastating strike. And Israel with US backing has to fight for survival. At some point Iran will declare they have their own nuke, and then all sense of deterrence is lost and all bets are off....

ELECTION - I think the vote by mail gimmick means we may never have free and fair elections again. To me, the vote by mail was a scam from the start, facilitated by the covid scare. How could we be fine going to Walmart every week during covid, but not able to vote in person once?!?!? And now with the rise of marxism and militant students (and professional agitators) means no matter which way the election turns out, 50% of the country will be fighting mad. It gets worse every cycle... first it was the Dems and their "hanging chads" and maybe 1% claimed Bush never won. Then worse in 2016 when the Hillary people cried Russia collusion and maybe 10% said Trump never won. And then even worse in 2020 when Trump appeared to lose after truckloads of mail in ballots changed the election results overnight, and maybe 40% of his supporters believe the election was stolen (maybe 20-30 MILLION people??). Then rioting at the capital, claims of insurrection, a Dem partisan show trial designed only to keep Trump off the ballots, Dem lawsuits over ballot access, Dem AG's from Dem cities filing 91 charges and threatening to put Trump in prison for life.... how does this cart not fly off the track, no matter WHO claims to win in 2024???

We have so many real problems right now. How much can our system of government and modern civilization withstand? A wave of 10 million extra illegal aliens could collapse the system. The massive endless reckless spending (an extra 1.5 trillion every year since pre-covid levels!!) could collapse the economy, and if the dollar loses its standing as the world currency, we could have 10,000% inflation overnight. So many very real dangers, I can't imagine obsessing over made-up ones.....


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Man - if this all goes to **** in a really bad way, do we just get defeated like Germany (and imprisoned under communist rule)? Or does the whole world get knocked back into a Mad Max era (or that cool new post-apocalyptic series "Fallout")?? Or do we lose everything and go all the way back to the stone age, digging in dirt with sticks?

Or does the silent majority rise up once again, in numbers massive enough to defy cheating, and save us before we go off the cliff?


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Man - if this all goes to **** in a really bad way, do we just get defeated like Germany (and imprisoned under communist rule)? Or does the whole world get knocked back into a Mad Max era (or that cool new post-apocalyptic series "Fallout")?? Or do we lose everything and go all the way back to the stone age, digging in dirt with sticks?

Or does the silent majority rise up once again, in numbers massive enough to defy cheating, and save us before we go off the cliff?
Too late, we pretty much already have been under communist rule for the most part. Not that its not getting worse by the year thats for sure when it comes to our freedoms and liberties.

Who is the silent majority anyways? I would argue they dont exist. Silent minority yes but silent majority here in the USA, nah I dont see it.


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Im feeling more and more like the minority in my own parties attention now is all on RFK Jr. and Trump, its really ridiculous our leadership is absolutely pathetic for doing this to our convention. I think they are selling out just so they can get position's in Trump's cabinet, I call that a sellout and betrayal.

We need to overthrow the Libertarian Chair asap, that is up for grabs end of month at least.


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Im feeling more and more like the minority in my own parties attention now is all on RFK Jr. and Trump, its really ridiculous our leadership is absolutely pathetic for doing this to our convention. I think they are selling out just so they can get position's in Trump's cabinet, I call that a sellout and betrayal.

We need to overthrow the Libertarian Chair asap, that is up for grabs end of month at least.
They have Vivek making a speech and participating in a debate at the Libertarian convention?

Exclusive: Vivek Ramaswamy to Debate, Deliver Speech at Libertarian National Convention


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They have Vivek making a speech and participating in a debate at the Libertarian convention?

Exclusive: Vivek Ramaswamy to Debate, Deliver Speech at Libertarian National Convention
Vivik is ok, I dont agree with all his stuff but I kinda like him but he doesnt belong at our Convention either. He is pretty Libertarian in some ways but unless he is there to help the Libtertarian party he needs to take a hike, the Convention is about propping up Libertarians not someone who endorsed Trump. I have nothing personal against him voting for Trump but our party chair has taken the route that we need a bunch of celebrities for us to get attention. That is destroying the party and turning it more and more into "Republican Light" rather that sticking to our true core principles that makes us Libertarian.

If that chick (Angela McArdle) running our party to the ground isnt overthrown at the convention and voted back in that is truly pathetic. We dont want a clown show just to get attention, it will not benefit us.


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Republicrats and Demican = welfare warstate party, just 2 wings of the same party. Neither will will stop intruding on your freedoms and liberties that our Founding Fathers declared to be our inalienable rights.





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Somehow wired three skyscrapers in south Manhattan for demolition without anyone noticing.
Somehow disposed of four commercial passenger jets without anyone noticing.
Created identities of 19 highjackers, then made them disappear.
Compromised NORAD
Comprised USAF
Comprised ATC
Plant AA aircraft wreckage at The Pentagon
Got rid of four commercial aircraft crews and their 220+ passengers.
Somehow flew “something” into two skyscrapers in Manhattan, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania
They even went as far to plant a passport of one of the “highjackers” amongst the wreckage

All of this, and countless other machinations, but… they were unable forge four black boxes, or simply forgot to do so, and plant those amongst the wreckage.
They were SOOOO close to getting away with it (if it weren’t for those meddling kids!).


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Somehow wired three skyscrapers in south Manhattan for demolition without anyone noticing.
Somehow disposed of four commercial passenger jets without anyone noticing.
Created identities of 19 highjackers, then made them disappear.
Compromised NORAD
Comprised USAF
Comprised ATC
Plant AA aircraft wreckage at The Pentagon
Got rid of four commercial aircraft crews and their 220+ passengers.
Somehow flew “something” into two skyscrapers in Manhattan, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania
They even went as far to plant a passport of one of the “highjackers” amongst the wreckage

All of this, and countless other machinations, but… they were unable forge four black boxes, or simply forgot to do so, and plant those amongst the wreckage.
They were SOOOO close to getting away with it (if it weren’t for those meddling kids!).
Pretty amazing feat for prehistoric cavemen led by a guy who was funded by the US defense budget approved by the Republicrat and Demican global police state establishment who pretend to save the world by thwarting Commie Russians then we attack a country that had nothing to with attacking us no threat at all blame some weapons they we likely gave them in the first place with it in which a few years later they were funded the very group we claimed attacked us to fight ISIS because they ain’t so bad as the other though pulled off only what the US wanted to accomplish with Operation Northwoods on which Kennedy refused to sign off on so they put him out and blah blah blah.

But we fly planes better than the experts LMFAO!

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I just found all 4 of the industrial black boxes....was looking at the wrong place I thought we'ed find them from all 4 crash sites all near that paper passport that magically flew through the fireball but I suspect they may be hiding in these.


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Early top secret training footage on how to double knock down, double pulverize double buildings into fairy dust.

Official government source, ya'all believe it! RROOOFFFLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!

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Some answers here....
LMfAO at Forbes! “Disintegrated” …. They can find a piece of finger nail to identify a WTC victim but a back box disintegrated.

I refuse to even believe you yourself believe this junk with no credible sources.
