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Sure, Israel and Palestine have been fighting for years. But that Hamas attack on the 7th went too far. WAY too far. ISIS level of barbaric! They can't share the same earth anymore and this has to be a fight to the death. Let it be complete..... and given the choices, I think we should do everything possible to help Israel be victorious.
Honestly/ why? So Hamas kills 1500 innocent people and you support Israel killing 10000 innocent people because Hamas sucks? If Israel really wanted to the could get their special ops to annihilate Hamas - instead they are just like f@*k it- we’ll just destroy the whole Gaza Strip- 2 wrongs don’t make a right- if you believe in any of the NEO crap most of those in power are tied into Israel…..


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Honestly/ why? So Hamas kills 1500 innocent people and you support Israel killing 10000 innocent people because Hamas sucks? If Israel really wanted to the could get their special ops to annihilate Hamas - instead they are just like f@*k it- we’ll just destroy the whole Gaza Strip- 2 wrongs don’t make a right- if you believe in any of the NEO crap most of those in power are tied into Israel…..
If the US government had and ethical integrity (In which they don’t) they would invade and take both governments out. They are both evil. Other than that point I want no part of their bullshyt wars (even if I did our country is broke and in shambles,) and I am in fact saddened to the genocide taking place both on the Palestine and Israeli side by both those evil governments.

Other than that, everybody knows Netanyahu was in big trouble and the Israeli government allowed the terrorist attack to happen. I’d be shocked if the CIA along with Mossad didn’t personally take part of the weapons transfers from both Ukraine and Afghanistan to Hamas (a group created by Israel in the first place.)


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Honestly/ why? So Hamas kills 1500 innocent people and you support Israel killing 10000 innocent people because Hamas sucks? If Israel really wanted to the could get their special ops to annihilate Hamas - instead they are just like f@*k it- we’ll just destroy the whole Gaza Strip- 2 wrongs don’t make a right- if you believe in any of the NEO crap most of those in power are tied into Israel…..
It wasn't just that Hamas killed 1500 people... they planned a barbaric massacre of civilians. They gunned down teenagers at a dance, even throwing hand grenades into their shelter. They machines gunned babies in bed and even cut some heads off. They burned mothers holding babies alive! Atrocities at the ISIS level.

And Palestinians elected Hamas with 57% support.

Israel could have leveled that place 100x over. And they didn't. But now gloves are coming off. They can't live side by side, so one has got to go.


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It wasn't just that Hamas killed 1500 people... they planned a barbaric massacre of civilians. They gunned down teenagers at a dance, even throwing hand grenades into their shelter. They machines gunned babies in bed and even cut some heads off. They burned mothers holding babies alive! Atrocities at the ISIS level.

And Palestinians elected Hamas with 57% support.

Israel could have leveled that place 100x over. And they didn't. But now gloves are coming off. They can't live side by side, so one has got to go.
glad to see where you stand- killing innocents is ok if your innocent people were killed first- dead is dead- you only care about one side and it shows- fkkk both sides- go ahead and support the New World Order puppet masters….aka…Jews


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So it’s ok to kill the 43% that didn’t vote for Hamas- got it
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So it’s ok to kill the 43% that didn’t vote for Hamas- got it
Mainstream logic....lets prevent a holocaust with a holocaust....then when the millions of children grow up who lost their parents and siblings, they sure will greet the opposition as liberators.

Rinse, repeat. Banks, military industrial complex always have a consistent cash cow and the elite expand their powers and control over its own citizens. Sheep who blindly support the baking globalists in exchange for some free shyt and dental care then wonder why they are hated so much.
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The Vietcong the Viet-con!!!!....we need to fight them over there so we dont have to fight them over here!!!!!!! If we dont that is the end of our Demokrasy!!!! LMFAO

People never learn.

U.S. goods and services trade with Vietnam totaled an estimated $142.1 billion in 2022. Exports were $13.8 billion; imports were $128.4 billion. The U.S. goods and services trade deficit with Vietnam was $114.6 billion in 2022.


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Meanwhile in Darfur back in June 1000 innocent civilians were slaughtered in a single day, active genocides going on but I guess since they arent rich white liberals and globalists and all people care about Africans for is using children for mining our lithium for our Tesla batteries the world really didnt give a fuqing crap. Blinkin didnt fly to Africa, Genocide Joe didnt go on TV and beg for 100s of billions of our stolen at gun point tax payer money, Nikey Haley didnt drool in pleasure, the war propaghanda in TV was busy profiting from the Pentagon elsewhere....duh I wonder where?

“More than 1,000 people were killed on June 15. I was collecting bodies on that day. I collected a huge number,” one local humanitarian worker, who asked not to be named for security reasons, told CNN. He said the dead were buried in five different mass graves in and around the city
“The last time we recorded the death toll in Geneina it was 884 … After June 9, it was a different story. The dead became uncountable.”


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glad to see where you stand- killing innocents is ok if your innocent people were killed first- dead is dead- you only care about one side and it shows- fkkk both sides- go ahead and support the New World Order puppet masters….aka…Jews
Once you start with the crazy New World Order Jew stuff, your ability to have any kind of intellectual debate is lost.

A two state solution would have been wonderful, but one of those states (Palestine) is determined to eliminate the other state (Israel). Their cute little slogan "From the River to the Sea" means eliminating the state of Israel off the map. While the real "puppet masters" in Iran chant to Death to Israel and Death to America. And yeah, that chant about Death to America includes you... so you better start paying attention!!

You may notice Marxist crowds here in America singing the same Palestinian/Hamas chant and wearing shirts celebrating Hamas paragliding terrorists. And Iranian sleeper cells sneaking into the US across the southern border to stage future attacks against Americans. Wake up... you are on their target list, too. Even if you believe the same dopey internet propaganda as them.

The 43% of Palestinians may or may not support Hamas. But if they believe Palestine should exist where Israel sits now, it creates a real problem that is never going away. And when one group wants to 'exterminate' the other group (and the Jews have some history with that!) it becomes a THEM or US battle to the death. And when one side is barbaric animals murdering babies and holding civilians hostage, I choose to side with the other guys.


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Once you start with the crazy New World Order Jew stuff, your ability to have any kind of intellectual debate is lost.

A two state solution would have been wonderful, but one of those states (Palestine) is determined to eliminate the other state (Israel). Their cute little slogan "From the River to the Sea" means eliminating the state of Israel off the map. While the real "puppet masters" in Iran chant to Death to Israel and Death to America. And yeah, that chant about Death to America includes you... so you better start paying attention!!

You may notice Marxist crowds here in America singing the same Palestinian/Hamas chant and wearing shirts celebrating Hamas paragliding terrorists. And Iranian sleeper cells sneaking into the US across the southern border to stage future attacks against Americans. Wake up... you are on their target list, too. Even if you believe the same dopey internet propaganda as them.

The 43% of Palestinians may or may not support Hamas. But if they believe Palestine should exist where Israel sits now, it creates a real problem that is never going away. And when one group wants to 'exterminate' the other group (and the Jews have some history with that!) it becomes a THEM or US battle to the death. And when one side is barbaric animals murdering babies and holding civilians hostage, I choose to side with the other guys.
No need to preach to me about them “coming after me”…..I am not in any way shape or form supporting any Marxist crap or terrorist group- I’m simply saying that you don’t give 2 fkkk’s about innocent people dying as long as we “kill the bogeyman”!!! Let Israel fight their own fight- they don’t need another 100 billion dollars of our money!!! You are the one falling for the propaganda! And if you don’t think a Jewish family like the Roth holds are part of some NWO…you simply are a dumbass - look into the history of the family and maybe you’ll learn something- why do you support Israel so much?


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No need to preach to me about them “coming after me”…..I am not in any way shape or form supporting any Marxist crap or terrorist group- I’m simply saying that you don’t give 2 fkkk’s about innocent people dying as long as we “kill the bogeyman”!!! Let Israel fight their own fight- they don’t need another 100 billion dollars of our money!!! You are the one falling for the propaganda! And if you don’t think a Jewish family like the Roth holds are part of some NWO…you simply are a dumbass - look into the history of the family and maybe you’ll learn something- why do you support Israel so much?
You have no idea what you are saying. An inexcusable lack of understanding, driven by reading too much conspiracy garbage on the internet without critical thinking.

Israel supported the US after 9/11, and its not crazy to want to support them after the ruthless 9/11 style attack they received on Oct 7th. In scale and brutality, it was 10x worse than our 9/11 to them. Hamas was dancing in the streets celebrating after 9/11. Only a dumbass would ignore an enemy saying they want to kill you, thinking hiding your head in the sand is an effective strategy!

I support Israel in this fight because they are the only democracy friendly to America in the entire middle east, and since they can't live together in peace, I would rather their western democracy survive over their brutal neighbors who treat women like cattle and stoning people to death. I oppose Hamas (and the Palestinians who support them) because of the horrific murder of civilians/babies on Oct 7th, cutting heads off and burning people alive. They went too far this time, and showed their true colors. And I can intelligently articulate my position.

Why do you oppose Israel in this fight, and thus support Hamas? What is your response to the millions chanting death to America, as if it doesn't mean you? Do you actually believe we just need to hold hands and sing together, and then the radical Islamists might not want to kill Americans anymore?? Do you think there is a happy place for ISIS in the world, too?

Try to be specific in answering each question (indicated by the curvy question mark at the end of certain sentences)


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You have no idea what you are saying. An inexcusable lack of understanding, driven by reading too much conspiracy garbage on the internet without critical thinking.

Israel supported the US after 9/11, and its not crazy to want to support them after the ruthless 9/11 style attack they received on Oct 7th. In scale and brutality, it was 10x worse than our 9/11 to them. Hamas was dancing in the streets celebrating after 9/11. Only a dumbass would ignore an enemy saying they want to kill you, thinking hiding your head in the sand is an effective strategy!

I support Israel in this fight because they are the only democracy friendly to America in the entire middle east, and since they can't live together in peace, I would rather their western democracy survive over their brutal neighbors who treat women like cattle and stoning people to death. I oppose Hamas (and the Palestinians who support them) because of the horrific murder of civilians/babies on Oct 7th, cutting heads off and burning people alive. They went too far this time, and showed their true colors. And I can intelligently articulate my position.

Why do you oppose Israel in this fight, and thus support Hamas? What is your response to the millions chanting death to America, as if it doesn't mean you? Do you actually believe we just need to hold hands and sing together, and then the radical Islamists might not want to kill Americans anymore?? Do you think there is a happy place for ISIS in the world, too?

Try to be specific in answering each question (indicated by the curvy question mark at the end of certain sentences)
Its really easy, butt off their land killing people and taking their natural resources, mingling with the affairs of other countries and start trading with them. Before you know it, Hamas will turn into the next Vietcong, next thing you know they will create some other boogymen elsewhere when they want to profit off of wars.

We keep repeating history over and over again, and everybody who creates the problem keeps pretending to have the solutions.

If Israel really wanted the truth to come out about 9/11 they would tell the world how certain Israeli's knew about 9/11 before it happened.


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Israel supported the US after 9/11
If Israel really supported the US after 9/11 they would have stood up and defended our US Constitution and declared the US Government a terrorist agency for pulling off that illegal and immoral Patriot Act crap (Thats exactly what George Washington and the rest of our Founding Father's would have done 100%.) But they happen to be all the same, they belong to the same club so they let the US stomp and pillage all over our Bill of Rights instead and took used it all as the Blueprint to screw their own.
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In his famous Farewell Address, George Washington advised the United States to adopt neutrality, lest it cloud Americans’ views of their national interests in events abroad. “Excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another,” Washington warned, “cause those whom they actuate to see danger only on one side and serve to veil and even second the arts of influence of another.”



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You have no idea what you are saying. An inexcusable lack of understanding, driven by reading too much conspiracy garbage on the internet without critical thinking.

Israel supported the US after 9/11, and its not crazy to want to support them after the ruthless 9/11 style attack they received on Oct 7th. In scale and brutality, it was 10x worse than our 9/11 to them. Hamas was dancing in the streets celebrating after 9/11. Only a dumbass would ignore an enemy saying they want to kill you, thinking hiding your head in the sand is an effective strategy!

I support Israel in this fight because they are the only democracy friendly to America in the entire middle east, and since they can't live together in peace, I would rather their western democracy survive over their brutal neighbors who treat women like cattle and stoning people to death. I oppose Hamas (and the Palestinians who support them) because of the horrific murder of civilians/babies on Oct 7th, cutting heads off and burning people alive. They went too far this time, and showed their true colors. And I can intelligently articulate my position.

Why do you oppose Israel in this fight, and thus support Hamas? What is your response to the millions chanting death to America, as if it doesn't mean you? Do you actually believe we just need to hold hands and sing together, and then the radical Islamists might not want to kill Americans anymore?? Do you think there is a happy place for ISIS in the world, too?

Try to be specific in answering each question (indicated by the curvy question mark at the end of certain sentences)

I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

I never said I support Hamas! Just like you, I think any middle Eastern terrorist group should be wiped out.

I never said I oppose Israel- I oppose the fact that they are killing more innocent people than Hamas with their counter attack instead of taking out Hamas stealthily. They had advance warning of the attack and let it happen so they could officially declare war.

My response to the millions chanting death to America? **** them and their beliefs- however, I don't think we should drop a nuke and kill those millions of people.

Hold hands and sing? I support our troops and our killing as many terrorists as possible. I don't support leveling a whole section of a city because Hamas terrorist are there along with thousands of innocent people.

ISIS- **** them too-

I don't believe in giving billions and billions of tax payer money to support Israel and the Jews. Both sides think they are right and there will NEVER be peace in that area. **** both sides. If Israel is such a bad ass country then they can handle it themselves- why do they need our billions? It's all about the money but the media plays you like a fiddle and makes you so scared of the boogeyman in the middle east- we need to take that 100 billion dollars and invest it into our borders because you can bet your ass Hamas, ISIS and other terrorist groups have soldiers pouring across OUR borders- we should be worried about terror attacks in OUR country- because when it happens, Israel sure as **** isn't giving us any money to help us

How about America first with no wars just like when Trump was President?


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FOX News already reminding me of the height of the post 9-11 Military Industrial Complex Operation Mockingbird days.

No wonder Tucker was thrown out the building.

Now all the people who created the problem get a chance to be marketed and promoted to have all the solutions all over again.

WWIII inching by the minute.


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Did ya ever notice that candidates that have an anti war stance can't get media coverage if they were on fire! Ron Paul, Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders etc.
Bernie is just irrelevant at this point, he was all for the Ukraine war crap, total phony.

Tulsi was on Tucker often, and she even ran the show a few times but I thought it was a real oddity how I saw Tucker develop and was shocked he wasnt given the boot a long time ago. The Ukraine war sure expedited that as he really started breaking down the corruption of the Military Industrial Complex and its endless thirst for more wars.


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I see reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

I never said I support Hamas! Just like you, I think any middle Eastern terrorist group should be wiped out.

I never said I oppose Israel- I oppose the fact that they are killing more innocent people than Hamas with their counter attack instead of taking out Hamas stealthily. They had advance warning of the attack and let it happen so they could officially declare war.

My response to the millions chanting death to America? **** them and their beliefs- however, I don't think we should drop a nuke and kill those millions of people.

Hold hands and sing? I support our troops and our killing as many terrorists as possible. I don't support leveling a whole section of a city because Hamas terrorist are there along with thousands of innocent people.

ISIS- **** them too-

I don't believe in giving billions and billions of tax payer money to support Israel and the Jews. Both sides think they are right and there will NEVER be peace in that area. **** both sides. If Israel is such a bad ass country then they can handle it themselves- why do they need our billions? It's all about the money but the media plays you like a fiddle and makes you so scared of the boogeyman in the middle east- we need to take that 100 billion dollars and invest it into our borders because you can bet your ass Hamas, ISIS and other terrorist groups have soldiers pouring across OUR borders- we should be worried about terror attacks in OUR country- because when it happens, Israel sure as **** isn't giving us any money to help us

How about America first with no wars just like when Trump was President?
You don't support Hamas? You think they should be wiped out? Then why are you crying about Israel trying to eliminate them all? There are some 25,000 members of Hamas in Gaza and after a couple thousands deaths you are already teary eyed. Because of innocent Palestinian deaths?? Have you read in any great detail the gruesome horror and atrocities committed to Israeli civilians by Hamas on Oct 7th?!?!? They control the entire 2 million population of Gaza with similar brutality. Yet those "innocents" dance in the streets when an Israeli is killed. The Palestine government pays the families of these terrorists to reward them for murdering Jews. Don't you know that Hamas stages their weapons and command centers in schools and churches? Don't you know their own terrorist missiles often fall short and kill their own people, and they try to blame Jews for that too (like the big hospital lie most recently? Don't you know what it is going to take to hunt down and kill every one of them, and the collateral damage that will necessarily occur??

How many more Israelis should be killed to kill the killers. Let me guess, you never served in the military? This isn't going to be special forces like a Rambo movie. Oct 7th ended any stealthy games! This is going to be brutal street to street fighting, like Fallujah. And you should hope they bomb every Hamas fighter they can find before going in, no matter how many "innocents" they are hiding behind, because they left the civilized world no other choice.

Its silly to play word games, saying you want these terrorists dealt with but without getting your own hands dirty. This is becoming our fight, like it or not. And NOT because Israel is asking for our help, but because their enemy wants to kill us too. Hamas already brutally killed 30 Americans on Oct 7th. What do you plan to do about it????

Iran is funding all of these attacks against Israel (and against US forces in the middle east). They are funding attacks on Americans and our allies and our friends around the world. Remember when Obama sent a plane filled with pallets stacked with cash to Iran? This is the result. So imagine how bad it is going to be when they have Biden's $6 billion ransom to play with!

You want Israel to handle it alone, but are you really willing for this to go nuclear? And what are you willing to do to stop Iran for going nuclear as well (while chanting death to America). This is spiraling out of control faster than Ax's memes and no Rumble conspiracy video is going to save you.

Your argument about the money being needed to secure our own border is silly. Biden doesn't WANT to secure our border and money has nothing to do with it. Trump had it nearly solved and Biden dismantled every effective policy. It doesn't take money (though a massive fence would be nice). All we have to do is send them back right away, deporting all illegals, instead of handing out bus tickets and a court date that no one has any intention of appearing.

And when we are attacked in the homeland, due to terrorists sneaking in with Biden's immigration scam for future votes... remember that Israel was willing to fight back. Against enemies that have us in their sights too.


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Some examples of Hamas brutality recorded on their own gopro cameras, recently shared with journalists.....
If you can let this happen with just a shrug, as if its none of our business, you are no better.



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Some examples of Hamas brutality recorded on their own gopro cameras, recently shared with journalists.....
If you can let this happen with just a shrug, as if its none of our business, you are no better.

There is alot of dirty shyt going on the world far far worse than that. but nobody seems to give a fuq because it isnt shoved down their throats on TV 24/7 since the Pentagon isnt going to pay for around the clock advertisements that arent profitable.


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Iran is funding all of these attacks against Israel (and against US forces in the middle east). They are funding attacks on Americans and our allies and our friends around the world. Remember when Obama sent a plane filled with pallets stacked with cash to Iran? This is the result. So imagine how bad it is going to be when they have Biden's $6 billion ransom to play with!
Nobody gives a crap about Iran, everybody with a brain knows Netenyahu and his inner circles called the stand down order and allowed this to happen.


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(while chanting death to America).
Decades of bombing Muslim countries, millions dead, 100s of millions displaced, resources pillaged by Halliburton and others, endless sanctions and bad policies, what the hell are they supposed to chant?

Stop being an isolationist like the rest of the Republicrats, open the door start trading with them, help modrenize them. At the end of the day Iranians can be great trading partners. The best way to resolve our issues is with free trade and a foreign policy of neutrality and no entanglements. End all sanctions, they are an act of war, then people wonder why civilians chant crap. Its all common sense not difficult to figure out of you study some basic Romper Room level psychology.


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That ship sailed when the CIA overthrew the government of Iran and replaced it with fundamentalists to thwart the expansion of communism. It's too dug in now.
Yeah alot of people dont even read up or ignore history, Iran had a Democracy but their leader didnt want to get on their knees and blow British Petroleum so he was overthrown and the Shaw was inserted who happened to be a scumbag.....then history unfolded as it did. But then the people who created the problems always seem to come back and pretend to have the solutions to the problems they created which only creates more problems.

Its time to get rid of them all and restore our US Constitution before its too late. I want nothing more than the Jews (any everybody else) here to have a special place they can call home and also consider fully free and safe.


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Ax1's greatest hits post from 2015 era, with some edits and improvements:

Possible explanation why Barry's (Bareback Obobo) birth certificate was hidden then computer generated for public consumption. It was to hide the truth about his real natural father (not the guy who came and went in Hawaii, and not General Lolo Soetoro who was his stepdad and served under a dictator during times of genocide in Indonesia.)


Bareback Hussein Obobo's mentor is Frank Marshall Davis who was a American communist on hte FBI watchlist living in Hawaii when he was a little boy who then later followed him to Chicago, thats how Barry Soetoro ended up there.

On another note, it also seems Frank was Obobo's mother's porn photographer.



Video with Obama speaking about Frank Marshall Davis (name in full!) from 1995 and how he was a significant influence on him in Hawaii. Ive only known the mention of "Frank" in his biography, but now the full name Frank Marshall Davis is 100000% confirmed by Obama himself...the same Frank he knew in Hawaii that is thought to be his mothers porno photography and Obama's natural father.

Keep in mind guys, whether its his real father or not (I say most likely is) Frank Marshall Davis, this guy was a communist and has a some 600 page FBI file on him and was on the watch list during the Cold War. Obama never mentions in the 1995 video that Frank was a communist or leftist, but there you go one of his top referred to as his "mentor" in his biography, that dude is a Communisty Party member. I feel like I found myself gold today :)

Frank is mentioned starting 8:37



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Some examples of Hamas brutality recorded on their own gopro cameras, recently shared with journalists.....
If you can let this happen with just a shrug, as if its none of our business, you are no better.

You are brainwashed by the media- Hamas is bad I get it- the fact is you support war- Israel will never wipe out Hamas or other similar groups- they’ll just keep pissing off these low life terrorist and then next thing you know they will attack us on our soil again!!! If America would stay out of these conflicts then those raghead idiots wouldn’t hate us so much- that simple fact is oblivious to you! You justify killing innocent people because more than likely they will grow up to “hate America” - that makes no sense - you support killing innocent people period because the boogeyman is so bad in your opinion that it doesn’t matter…..dead is dead - doesn’t matter if someone has their throat cut or if a kid dies by a motor round- they still die- but you justify it in your mind- I’m not crying over any of it! I just think we don’t need to get involved by sending billions of dollars and stirring the pot and very soon there will be a terror attack here! Biden’s incompetence has assured that
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You are brainwashed by the media- Hamas is bad I get it- the fact is you support war- Israel will never wipe out Hamas or other similar groups- they’ll just keep pissing off these low life terrorist and then next thing you know they will attack us on our soil again!!! If America would stay out of these conflicts then those raghead idiots wouldn’t hate us so much- that simple fact is oblivious to you! You justify killing innocent people because more than likely they will grow up to “hate America” - that makes no sense - you support killing innocent people period because the boogeyman is so bad in your opinion that it doesn’t matter…..dead is dead - doesn’t matter if someone has their throat cut or if a kid dies by a motor round- they still die- but you justify it in your mind- I’m not crying over any of it! I just think we don’t need to get involved by sending billions of dollars and stirring the pot and very soon there will be a terror attack here! Biden’s incompetence has assured that
You are delusional. Literally brainwashed with childish hopes and dreams.
You ACTUALLY BELIEVE that terrorists wouldn't hate us so much if we just didn't meddle in their affairs. As if there was such a thing as a reasonable terrorist. You think ISIS or Hamas would stop cutting heads off if they were just loved more as children.

That is the bullsh1t that Obama was trying to peddle with his mid-east apology tour... and look how that turned out!! The only thing that these psycho killers understand is strength. There is no negotiations or peace with a terrorist. On Oct 7th Hamas showed their true colors, and they are a danger to the civilized world that must be eliminated. Along with anyone else that supports or celebrates their terroristic ways. Your brand of appeasement is what encourages these maniacs, NOT the solution. Good grief !!!!

The radical islamists want a caliphate to rule the world. The same world you live in. This means you, and me, and our families. If left alone (to strengthen and grow) the radical islamists seek to kill or enslave all westerners. Starting with destroying Israel, and then on to the rest of us. They already started killing Americans. They killed 30+ on Oct 7th, holding more as hostages right now, and even more they refuse to let leave Gaza to keep as human shields. Your fellow Americans.

You need to grow up fast, because real danger is here. STOP worrying that killing terrorists is going to create more terrorists. Because leaving them alone is already untenable. They are ALREADY terrorists committed to killing and destroying all of western civilizations... including you. Wake up. Or die sleepy. Because THESE maniacs love to kill people in their sleep.

Or "very soon there will be an attack here" ?!?!??! Holy 6lb baby friggin' Jesus !!!!!
They are already attacking here!!!! They tried to blow up the twin towers in 1993. They attacked again on 9/11. And a hundred times before, during, and after. We have been fighting radical muslims since at least 1800 with the barbary pirates!! They can't exist peacefully on the same earth as western civilization. You either need to get on board with this existential fight, or move off the planet (Mars is looking for volunteers!). Because the Hamas attack on Oct 7th proved once and for all that there is no middle ground !


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We have new speaker of the house, Mike Johnson. Supposedly he is for ending Ukraine funding and the war vs. Russia, lets hope he sticks true to his beliefs. Hopefully he wants no part of Israel war funding but I doubt it so boo.


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They tried to blow up the twin towers in 1993. They attacked again on 9/11.
True story here, when I was a kid I grew up upstate but my sister in Brooklyn. Her Israeli high school teacher (thats exactly how she used to tell me before '93) around 89 or 90 used to tell her students in class never to work in lower Manhattan because some people (she wasnt specific or had insider knowledge but she just assumed) were going to blow the World Trade Center up.

'93 I came home from school afternoon, the TV's were all blacked out had no idea what was going on and I got a call from my sister all freaked out, she was in the building across the street when the explosion happened, walked out on the street and saw crazy shyt with people on the ground and walked across into the WTC building (I guess it was the other one) and managed to get a subway back home. She never remembered that call with me. Years later she watched the WTC both blown up out of her apartment window in Brooklyn.


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Catching up on Mike Johnson addressing Congress, in his first speech is #1 priority is first passing a bill to send money to Israel.

Time to start impeachment hearings, Israel is not the USA. The first job of our elected officials is the USA, no one else.


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The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Evidence Desantis is a anti-Constitutional anti-Bill of Rights low life blowtard.

It doesnt matter if people say things that are hurtful or that people disagree with, all speech is our natural rights. Apparently Desantis didnt get the memo, well actually he did but he prefers to rule as a authoritarian King.

There is no difference now between Desantis and Communist China.

Once we have the "thought police" we dont have the United States of America, we turn into "United State of Authoritarianism"

And for the record, anyone voicing their support for Hamas is a low life piece of crap, but they are not criminals for expressing their support as bad as it is. What is more of a low life piece of crap is any government agency intervening in silencing anyone's viewpoints.

Oct 25 (Reuters) - Florida's university system, working with Governor Ron DeSantis, ordered state colleges to shut down a pro-Palestinian student organization on campuses, outlawing the group whose national leadership backed Hamas' attack on Israel.

The State University System of Florida said chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) had to be disbanded as part of what it called a crackdown in the Republican-led state on campus demonstrations that provide "harmful support for terrorist groups."

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You are delusional. Literally brainwashed with childish hopes and dreams.
You ACTUALLY BELIEVE that terrorists wouldn't hate us so much if we just didn't meddle in their affairs. As if there was such a thing as a reasonable terrorist. You think ISIS or Hamas would stop cutting heads off if they were just loved more as children.

That is the bullsh1t that Obama was trying to peddle with his mid-east apology tour... and look how that turned out!! The only thing that these psycho killers understand is strength. There is no negotiations or peace with a terrorist. On Oct 7th Hamas showed their true colors, and they are a danger to the civilized world that must be eliminated. Along with anyone else that supports or celebrates their terroristic ways. Your brand of appeasement is what encourages these maniacs, NOT the solution. Good grief !!!!

The radical islamists want a caliphate to rule the world. The same world you live in. This means you, and me, and our families. If left alone (to strengthen and grow) the radical islamists seek to kill or enslave all westerners. Starting with destroying Israel, and then on to the rest of us. They already started killing Americans. They killed 30+ on Oct 7th, holding more as hostages right now, and even more they refuse to let leave Gaza to keep as human shields. Your fellow Americans.

You need to grow up fast, because real danger is here. STOP worrying that killing terrorists is going to create more terrorists. Because leaving them alone is already untenable. They are ALREADY terrorists committed to killing and destroying all of western civilizations... including you. Wake up. Or die sleepy. Because THESE maniacs love to kill people in their sleep.

Or "very soon there will be an attack here" ?!?!??! Holy 6lb baby friggin' Jesus !!!!!
They are already attacking here!!!! They tried to blow up the twin towers in 1993. They attacked again on 9/11. And a hundred times before, during, and after. We have been fighting radical muslims since at least 1800 with the barbary pirates!! They can't exist peacefully on the same earth as western civilization. You either need to get on board with this existential fight, or move off the planet (Mars is looking for volunteers!). Because the Hamas attack on Oct 7th proved once and for all that there is no middle ground !
Again you must not have read what I typed. Kill all terrorist- I don't care. But you keep killing innocent people and they will be even more pissed off. Some people will always want to kill Americans or non-muslims. I mean hell, according to you we should just nuke Gaza and turn it into glass to make sure we kill every non-jew on the Gaza strip. Of course with a nuke we would kill tons of innocent people but that doesn't matter to you as long as we kill "all the boogeymen"


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Never forget, Osama bin Laden was funded and trained by the CIA



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Big mass shooting in Maine.
Don't we have a medical tech guy here from Maine? Hoping he can report in and confirm things are OK in his area...

Culture is rotting, where are the rugged individuals practicing their 2nd Amendment rights to carry and self defense?

We are a weakling society.

I really cant have much of a conversations about learning to be first in line to protect yourself and other good civilians around here in NY other than people at my gun club. I get roll eyes and people think Im paranoid just because I think its smart to prepare for the worst (while having fun doing that) and hope for the best, but the later is just that hope. I get there is such a thing of overdoing it, Im not that guy but people dont even want to support most basic preparatory methods of self defense. Its just common sense. I dont even talk to people about this stuff anymore to (most people) to tell you the truth, its hopeless.


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Again you must not have read what I typed. Kill all terrorist- I don't care. But you keep killing innocent people and they will be even more pissed off. Some people will always want to kill Americans or non-muslims. I mean hell, according to you we should just nuke Gaza and turn it into glass to make sure we kill every non-jew on the Gaza strip. Of course with a nuke we would kill tons of innocent people but that doesn't matter to you as long as we kill "all the boogeymen"
What you type makes virtually no sense. Throwing non-sequiturs that lead nowhere. Question everything and do nothing!
You seem to want to kill terrorists but not innocent people. Which is virtually impossible.

Terrorists kill innocent people, and then surround themselves with innocent people so you can't strike back. So what do you do????

You worry that if we kill innocent people the Terrorists will be even more pissed off?? They are already terrorists who cut people heads off and machine gun babies. How much more pissed off can they get???

How innocent are these "innocent" people? They elected Hamas and put them in control of Gaza. They dig the tunnels that hide Hamas. They cut water pipes to make missiles for Hamas. They let Hamas hide in their homes. They cheer for Hamas after they massacre Israelis and dance in the streets, and then pay these terrorists cash after their murders....

Hamas right now is covered with the blood of 30 dead Americans and holding more civilians (grandparents, women, children, too) as hostages, including Americans. So what do you do????

And you don't like nukes either? The very weapons that protect you here in America.
Sure, nukes kill everyone in an area, including MANY innocent people. It kind of works that way. Like we did in WW2 at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Are you saying you would not have dropped the atomic bombs to end WW2 ??? Then how many more lives, more brave American soldiers and innocent civilians, would have died if that war continued for years more invading mainland Japan?

Iran is right now racing towards having a nuclear weapon too, to fulfill their dream of death to America, do you let that happen? What would you do to stop it???

Real lives are on the line. You have to make a decision. What do YOU do?????


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Real lives are on the line. You have to make a decision. What do YOU do?????
Buy all of Iran's oil on the cheap and have a long term contract, start doing trading with them like any other brutal dictatorship in the past and get Israel on board to buy their oil to. I promise they wont ever fuq with us. Money, modernization and comfort will change the tone.


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Ax1's greatest hits: Operation Northwoods:

false flags :
1 : a hostile or harmful action (such as an attack) that is designed to look like it was perpetrated by someone other than the person or group responsible for it

2 : a deliberate misrepresentation of motives or identity

In case you didn't know, a false flag is an incident that is designed to deceive people into thinking it was actually carried out by someone else.—Nick Giambruno

In US military jargon, it's called a "massive casualty producing event", the historical origins of which go back to "Operation Northwoods", an infamous 1962 Pentagon Plan, consisting in killing civilians in the Miami Cuban community, with a view to justifying a war on Cuba. (See Michel Chossudovsky, SYRIA: Killing Innocent Civilians as part of a US Covert Op. Mobilizing Public Support for a R2P War against Syria, Global Research, May 30, 2012)

"Code named Operation Northwoods, the plans reportedly included the possible assassination of Cuban émigrés, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, hijacking planes, blowing up a U.S. ship, and even orchestrating violent terrorism in U.S. cities.

The plans were developed as ways to trick the American public and the international community into supporting a war to oust Cuba's then new leader, communist Fidel Castro." (U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - ABC News emphasis added. This Secret Pentagon document was declassified and can be readily consulted, See Operation Northwoods, See also National Security Archive, 30 April 2001)



General Lyman L. Lemnitzer, who was in charge as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff




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‘Netanyahu Got All the Warnings,’ Says Former Head of Israeli Military Intelligence

Former chief of Israeli military intelligence Amos Yadlin on where the war goes from here.

Amos Yadlin has unique insights into all these questions. The 71-year-old former Israeli intelligence chief, who oversaw the destruction of Syria’s nascent nuclear program and the serial sabotage of Iran’s, has emerged as a key voice on the crisis, briefing members of Israel’s war cabinet. For nearly a decade following his term as intelligence chief, he served as head of Israel’s highly influential Institute for National Security Studies, and he remains a security eminence grise, now running the national-security consultancy Mind Israel.

Aligned politically with the country’s center left — he was the Labor Party’s candidate for defense minister in the 2015 elections — Yadlin attributed much of the blame for the catastrophe to the national distraction of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s push to overhaul the country’s judiciary: “Netanyahu got all the warnings — from his defense minister, from the chief of staff, from the head of intelligence, from the head of Shin Bet and from independent writers like me, like others — that this is weakening Israel deterrence and endangering Israeli national security.”



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Just in July, this was a serious ongoing situation and more mass protests were underway.

Israel faces ‘civil war' after approval of controversial judicial bill: Former premier

'The government has decided to threaten the foundations of Israeli democracy,' says Ehud Olmert

Betul Yuruk | 25.07.2023 - Update : 25.07.2023

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said Monday that the country is entering a civil war after the Knesset approved a controversial bill limiting the Supreme Court’s ability to challenge government decisions.

''There is a threat. It is a serious threat. It’s never happened before, and we are going into a civil war now,” Olmert told the British media.

''The government has decided to threaten the foundations of Israeli democracy, and this is not something that we can accept or that we can tolerate,'' he said.

Earlier on Monday, the Knesset, or Israeli parliament, approved a bill sought by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to restrict the Supreme Court's power to overrule government actions.

The contentious judicial overhaul plan has triggered 29 weeks of mass protests, some of the biggest in Israel's history.

The government says the package is meant to restore power to elected officials, but critics argue it is a power grab by Netanyahu, who is on trial for corruption.

Israeli's protesting Netenyahu



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"Back in business" huh??? Country in in the brink of economic collapse and first order of business of Congress was spending an unlimited amount of resources for a country other than ours. And they all voted on it and just about nobody even fuqqing read it nor has this been available for public consumption. Just a blank check "whatever it needs."

As I always say, there is very little difference between Republicrats and Demicans, they all belong to the same club and we the people aint in it.




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