Why isn’t Methyldiazirinol more popular?


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Let us know how that works out. I've been curious about this product for a while its got a stout profile.


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Let us know how that works out. I've been curious about this product for a while its got a stout profile.
where are you seeing this product? im not seeing it anywhere online.


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Reviving this thread. I found some at my local shop from a brand I cant find anywhere online. Its called Species 3 Beyonder, i think its by BTP Creations.

Does anyone know anything about this?
Are there any issues with hairloss?
Is that the one with anamorelin, MK-677, LGD-4033, Rad-140, methyldiazirinol, M1T, and laxogenin? If so, how the hell would anyone even know if methyldiazirinol is really even in there? I am not knocking BTP Creations or saying that this product isn't going to be extremely potent... but who the hell really knows what's inside there when you see a label like that?


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Is that the one with anamorelin, MK-677, LGD-4033, Rad-140, methyldiazirinol, M1T, and laxogenin? If so, how the hell would anyone even know if methyldiazirinol is really even in there? I am not knocking BTP Creations or saying that this product isn't going to be extremely potent... but who the hell really knows what's inside there when you see a label like that?
Yes, these kind of profiles scream underdosed/missing/different compounds all over them.

Just as likely to get random amounts of capped up Dbol/Anadrol or some such steroid raws. Users still get swoll, remain ignorant, and the fly-by-night company makes double profits compared to selling the gear at conventional UGL prices.


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Definitely some hair loss potential, from this clusterfuk


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I was digging around some old logs…

A guy said he had tested the original Triumphallis and it came back to be Madol…Wondering what OG’s think of this?

There’s a lot of missing important info to backup his claim but it can be found almost end of page 1

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Yes, these kind of profiles scream underdosed/missing/different compounds all over them.

Just as likely to get random amounts of capped up Dbol/Anadrol or some such steroid raws. Users still get swoll, remain ignorant, and the fly-by-night company makes double profits compared to selling the gear at conventional UGL prices.
More often than not, I have to believe it's dbol and any other cheap raws they might have hanging around. I really do believe the product will probably work. But no, I don't believe it has anything in it that is listed on the label.


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I was digging around some old logs…

A guy said he had tested the original Triumphallis and it came back to be Madol…Wondering what OG’s think of this?

There’s a lot of missing important info to backup his claim but it can be found almost end of page 1

Here-say is there was a lot of old cheap Epistane raws after the ban still around…and ‘some’ companies were allegedly putting it into various designer products to unload it.

Epistane is not particularly shelf stable, and especially if exposed to a little heat or over time turns into….DMT/Madol/Pheraplex.

Where there’s smoke, there’s often fire.


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Its around.... there's an online source....or two.....but can't name them. Some shops will still carry. BTP had some crazy formulas and who really knows if what they said are posted as ingredients are the actual ingredients....but.....the products are typically effective. So really....who knows. But, if you do utilize, the report of results would be interesting.

For example, at one time they had a relaxation product for relaxation that was a designer benzo. It was effective as advertised before getting pulled. Not saying thats good or bad. Bottom line is multi PH or DS products are typically unpopular on here. Not saying good or bad but in reality....if it works.....it works......does it really matter if its a currently banned PH/DS or if its really adrol/dbol? Sure, that's shady marketing to likely customers that dont know any better, but really, what do you expect buying that profile of ingredients. I don't post much but guys get really crappy with this. So what? What did you expect with that profile? GAINS......right.... does it really matter if its lgd, anamorelin, mdiaz, and m1t? Really? No! You expect to gain 20+ lbs and get stronger.... do you really care of the owner slipped a Mickie and gave you a bombs? 🤔


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This isn't meant to hurt any feelings. I know guys feel strongly against these formulas....but honesty.....when were a bunch of dudes that want to get big and strong, ripped, whatever...and are looking for such products...I know....we would rather utilize single compounds in their listed doses to effectively create a cycle for whatever reason.... legal.....lack of sourcing.... safety 🤣...to recreate the effects of other compounds.....to meet our goals.

I get it but those days are "kind of" over. Certain products are not as readily available if you don't know where to look. Sure. But in the end when you want tren and adrol gains and get a product that meets that, whether its says lgd, rad 140,50 whatever and sdrol....that's what you expect.....and want.

I do understand newbies and teens not understanding these products and not knowing certain precautions such as tudca or any other liver protection, as well as blood pressure, etc.... but to be really honest; when I was a teen/tween looking to get jacked i didn't know or care when in a time when no one else took these precautions. Of course, with the knowledge today....they need to research and take heed. I never had these options....my first was mexi sust redi jects....maybe better or maybe worse depending on your opinion. But that was my only choice... I didn't have these options.

So any youngster out there word for the wise regarding harm prevention....if you utilize these supps with a mesh of ingredients that produce AAS like gains.... utilize proper health supps as well. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but as a tween I wanted to be big and jacked and the only options at that time were sending cash in the mail for real sust, dbol, etc.... not saying its better or worse....its all the same game. Just educate yourself more.


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Its around.... there's an online source....or two.....but can't name them. Some shops will still carry. BTP had some crazy formulas and who really knows if what they said are posted as ingredients are the actual ingredients....but.....the products are typically effective. So really....who knows. But, if you do utilize, the report of results would be interesting.

For example, at one time they had a relaxation product for relaxation that was a designer benzo. It was effective as advertised before getting pulled. Not saying thats good or bad. Bottom line is multi PH or DS products are typically unpopular on here. Not saying good or bad but in reality....if it works.....it works......does it really matter if its a currently banned PH/DS or if its really adrol/dbol? Sure, that's shady marketing to likely customers that dont know any better, but really, what do you expect buying that profile of ingredients. I don't post much but guys get really crappy with this. So what? What did you expect with that profile? GAINS......right.... does it really matter if its lgd, anamorelin, mdiaz, and m1t? Really? No! You expect to gain 20+ lbs and get stronger.... do you really care of the owner slipped a Mickie and gave you a bombs?
The only issue I have is that most of these consumers don’t understand they’re paying through the nose for super cheap gear that isn’t what the label says. The last time I got Dbol was around $50 for 100x50mg tabs…half of one is a full daily dose. So these products end up being 2-4x the price per effective dose.

If someone is willing to pay a premium for a likely inferior or at least less predictable product, that’s their choice. Or if this feels less risky to them to order, I get it. But I would encourage them to source more reliable gear, or at least try to get better prices.

Back in the day, there was a very compelling argument when it was priced similarly or cheaper than real gear. I remember stuff being $20/bottle at times - it was a bargain. Now it’s a scam.


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Hyde, you present alot of good posts and I always love reading what you write. You're a real strength athlete after my own heart. You present more to this forum than I ever will. However this post popped up in my email and I felt some compellation to respond.

The whole point I'm getting at is in your post, and not necessarily an argument. The point is that some companies come out with some either cutting edge or grey area sh$%t. Yes, im sure that we would live the days of super DMZ or Alpha 1 or halodrol, or trenavol or tren x or whatever....unfortunately those days are over. It would be great if companies came out with similar options, but unless you know where to look, that's not the case. Every since I can remember there have been these supps with these formulas, multiple PH/DS listed in a variety of dosages. Cool. I was excited to see the BTP line, coming from someone who has access to AAS or the "real" options such as various T esters, dbol, nandro, EQ, etc.... those options are great if you want them and can access them but they are not for everyone.

I would prefer those options, but they are not for everyone. We all like to stand on our soapbox here and say test is best... but Is it really? Is it really best? Does everyone have access to real pharma T? Likely NO! T is great but does it do everything we want to? Of course not. Does one need a T base? That's arguable. I grew up in the days of dbol only cycles. Pyramid style circa the Arnold days. No way that works! Of course it does! Is it optimal? Likely not....but did it work?....is that even a question.

Is it shady? Sure. Were dealing with PEDs, whether they are sold in a supplement store or purchased with bitcoin from Singapore, China, or Thailand. I remember the days of sending WU to Pakistan for real gear. That was weird. I'm glad some companies are still willing to push the enevelope....whether or not its actual Sdrol, lgd, rad , mdiaz, or even 4 andro lol.....

Is it real? Who knows? Is it sketchy? Of course. We're dealing with products that impart REAL gains many hope to mimic actual AAS without actually using AAS. Problem is when you play this game, whats the difference? I agree... it was waaay cheaper! A real bottle of AX Sdrol on '05 was like 20 or 30$..... but thats long gone.... there are other options out there if one looks, of course, but its stillnot cheap and easy like it was, which includes UG AAS.

It's not perfect but I'm glad there are still companies that push the envelope, especially to those of us "In the know" but you can't have it both ways in that there are those of us thay understand these things and the newbies who want an entrance. Its like that with everything unfortunately. Kind of like the D8/THC market.....real D9 may be OTC in some places, but not everywhere. So...there's D8, THCA gummies, prerolls, and vapes available everywhere. Huge market..... so who can buy and who can't? Are kids going to buy it? Oh no, I got real green when I was 16, I didn't need a shop or gas station, similar to PEDs.... I wanted it and found where to go.

I went online and had a real source for sus and dbol.....in the 90s lol. We didn't even have Google, just garbage Internet Explorer. Hopefully the OP can explain this product well to include the gains and sides....positives and negatives. This will never be perfect....it was great before...but Likely not like it was 10 years ago. Hopefully those thay choose to partake in such formulas will take the necessary health precautions and report results fairly with results as well as health consequences. But in the end it doesn't matter if its species 3 or above, the results and consequences will speak for themselves and any tester should really speak on the truths. But really, in the end.....whether one decides on utilizing 'real' test, dbol, abombs, it should be no different in reality than trying above named product....the results were what you wanted regardless of the compound for whatever your reason to utilize.


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Also, to answer this thread: I really liked mdiaz. I've never utilized Avar, however have alot of.experince with other oral compounds. I used it as a single compound in addition to a cut using diene and DTA desoxy test ace..... I thought it was the closest I could get. Strength gains on a diet.........I would like to try it again in this context. It helped with what I was trying to do at the time..lean strength gains while cutting BF. I kept rep numbers on my weights while cutting!


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Also, to answer this thread: I really liked mdiaz. I've never utilized Avar, however have alot of.experince with other oral compounds. I used it as a single compound in addition to a cut using diene and DTA desoxy test ace..... I thought it was the closest I could get. Strength gains on a diet.........I would like to try it again in this context. It helped with what I was trying to do at the time..lean strength gains while cutting BF. I kept rep numbers on my weights while cutting!


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And once again, this isn't to argue.....I really love Hydes posts and believe in their value. Hes got his s$@#t together and knows his stuff. I just wish this forum would give more leeway to some of these supps thay aren't perfect but give an option to those who don't want to dick With how to send bitcoin to a source in China or Thailand for some "real" AAS that we don't even know is actually real or not. Yes, it would be great if OP detailed a cycle with individual compounds....200mg Tcyp, 30mg mdiaz, 50mg TD trest, etc..

But thats not the world we live in.... species 3 wlli exist and sell into a market that wants it. And despite having access to sus, bold cyp, adrol, and dec dura.... I like some of these grey area supps and hope they evolve and expand for this market that we hold dearly to get jacked and shredded. I always live extra options, what do you all thin


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And once again, this isn't to argue.....I really love Hydes posts and believe in their value. Hes got his s$@#t together and knows his stuff. I just wish this forum would give more leeway to some of these supps thay aren't perfect but give an option to those who don't want to dick With how to send bitcoin to a source in China or Thailand for some "real" AAS that we don't even know is actually real or not. Yes, it would be great if OP detailed a cycle with individual compounds....200mg Tcyp, 30mg mdiaz, 50mg TD trest, etc..

But thats not the world we live in.... species 3 wlli exist and sell into a market that wants it. And despite having access to sus, bold cyp, adrol, and dec dura.... I like some of these grey area supps and hope they evolve and expand for this market that we hold dearly to get jacked and shredded. I always live extra options, what do you all thin
I definitely don’t disagree with anything you have said, nor do I want you or anyone to think your opinions aren’t welcome - the discussion is why we all share this forum! I’m glad you posted, because I don’t think a lot of the people considering using these products realize all these elements like we do. That knowledge takes time to acquire, and talking about the pros & cons helps share it. I don’t want you to think I’m arguing either.

I want people to know all the things you said!

I just meant to highlight that the buyer will be paying double for something exceptionally unlikely to be what it says. The general goal (an explosive oral AAS effect) will likely still be accomplished if getting a super stack.

The upside of course is that you can order online with a credit card and the transaction isn’t going to be as risky (as long as the shipping stays domestic). No crypro, cash in mail, WU, or other fund transfer services.

I am overall glad to see options for people. I have always felt that way. Just wish they were actually more of what they claimed, like you said about having more actual designer stuff compounds available again. But I think there’s no good incentive for that anymore - legally this stuff is all dead in the water.

As an aside, Dienelone Enanthate made me stronger while cutting as well. I had my calories down to like 2,400 with hours of cardio per week and still benched a substantial bodyweight PR.


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I'm going to make this simple...

If you have the option between getting this mysterious concoction or getting actual gear then always go with the actual gear. I will always opt to know what I'm putting in my body, so I know how much to take, what to stack it with, how to handle sides, etc. No one knows what the toxicity of the compounds in this are, what they are, or how much they are.

Sure, people can take it. But it's certainly far riskier than taking real gear. If an unknown person sent you a package with a bottle of pills that just send "blend of anabolic steroids" ... would you take it? Some might. I wouldn't.


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I definitely don’t disagree with anything you have said, nor do I want you or anyone to think your opinions aren’t welcome - the discussion is why we all share this forum! I’m glad you posted, because I don’t think a lot of the people considering using these products realize all these elements like we do. That knowledge takes time to acquire, and talking about the pros & cons helps share it. I don’t want you to think I’m arguing either.

I want people to know all the things you said!

I just meant to highlight that the buyer will be paying double for something exceptionally unlikely to be what it says. The general goal (an explosive oral AAS effect) will likely still be accomplished if getting a super stack.

The upside of course is that you can order online with a credit card and the transaction isn’t going to be as risky (as long as the shipping stays domestic). No crypro, cash in mail, WU, or other fund transfer services.

I am overall glad to see options for people. I have always felt that way. Just wish they were actually more of what they claimed, like you said about having more actual designer stuff compounds available again. But I think there’s no good incentive for that anymore - legally this stuff is all dead in the water.

As an aside, Dienelone Enanthate made me stronger while cutting as well. I had my calories down to like 2,400 with hours of cardio per week and still benched a substantial bodyweight PR.
RIP diene ace. I miss you, lol. Man I loved this as well including the TD products. I prefer this over "real" tren any day. This also includes Tvar. I much prefer it over actual tren ace for some reason I felt like I got similar gains, strength, nutrient partitioning effects but not the same sides.....the cough, the anxiety/mental sides etc.... good thing it's still available if you know where to look. I remember you had good experience with trnedione as well Hyde , if I remember Correctly from some of your old posts.

Sorry man, I didn't mean to insinuate argument, I said that to not sound like an ass as I don't post much and didn't want to come off like some folks who are newish to the board and make jackass posts and act like they know everything when they have little knowledge or experience. I like reading your thoughts and insights as well as many other members like Smont and xripperx. I agree with everything you say. It is much better to go with compounds that have been well researched and have known effects and safety profiles. You know what your dealing with and have an idea what to expect, as well as how to mitigate any potential sides vs unknown products or concoctions.

I only get somewhat disappointed when products like this get brought up and a member, rightfully so, slaps it down as another one of these multi compound products and to just use test or single known compounds and the thread just ends with no real feedback on such products and what the poster experienced whether it be good or bad. There have been alot of products I have been curious about, but never pulled the trigger on, pop up in threads.....only to receive above said response and the thread just dies from there and we don't learn anything else about it. There is one product out there available in UK stores that lists oxandrin as one of the 3 or 4 compounds in the product, in addition to some other potent DS/AAS. It was brought up once here, but shot down and no one has ever followed up on it. I would love to know if anyone actually tried it and how it worked. The dose looked where it should be, unlike alot of these multi compound products that have less than typically known effective dosages for the concoction of compounds. Alot of the trendione products always typically are dosed way to low in their formulations with other DS.

Of course, as I stated and agree with others, I would much prefer actual gear; however even with that, we still don't really know if what we're getting is real. Take primo for example....everyone's favorite, right...the perfect steroid. But we all know the joke in that its like believing in Santa clause, in that no one believes that they actually get real primo. Its Essentially a myth or fairy tale, which is why I've never tried to buy primo as much as I really want to try. It's always one of the priciest products on a menu and you never know if what you're getting is real.

Sorry for my rambling, that is ADHD in action. My thing is just that, as I stated, im glad some companies are willing to put out such products that kind of buck the system and give some cool options in a market that has been killed off by the govt in recent years. I have access to gear, that I hope is real.....meaning it works as I would expect for each product in addition to known sides, but I still don't know for sure if its actually what I ordered or if its underdosed.

My original experience was pre good PH days and was with mexi gear that was the big thing available at the time. If anyone remembers brovel underdosed test, reforvit, and laurabolin....those were the main staples. I used alot of dbol only cycles, which in this day and age is highly frowned upon; but it was available and cheap for a broke college student and it worked every time. Many may not remember, but 15 years ago and more, dbol only cycles pyramided up and down over 8 weeks in dosage were common practices and recommendations for first cycles in several of the old school anabolic guide books.

If anyone mentions dbol only for 8 weeks now they will be chastised endlessly and warned that their liver will fall out of their ass for going over the 4 week imposed limit known to all today. I did it many times with no negative health implications as did many others in the old days. Even after getting alot of experience with heavier blasts of 750mg + of test, with 4-600mg deca, and 50mg dbol or 100 adrol; i found that 30mg pheraplex and 90mg diendione/x tren gave similar results when I was on active duty and didn't have any more access to above said gear. Those PH products of the 2003-2010 era were POTENT. So, im excited to see when some of these pop up in OTC products i can buy at my local supp store or order on a supp website and pay with a credit card rather than messing with the annoyance of bitcoin and hoping a package makes it through customs without being seized.

All I am asking is let's give some of these products a chance and find out more if they are actually legit and how they work. Unfortunately, most of the folks posting aren't the experienced ones and most susceptible to misuse and poor mitigation of sides and negative health impact. The bad part is most of the experienced guys likely have their own trusted sources and have no need for such products. Maybe I'll try one of these products out and report the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have another one of the BTP multi compound products that I have been saving for a rainy day cut cycle.....tren solution....as it lists some great products of the past: Tvar, furuza, and oral dhb. Who knows if this is legit but I'm going to try it for a summer cut rather than the typical test, tren, mast, proviron run. Ill be the guinea pig and post results if anyone is interested. Again, apologies for my ramble, hopefully I didn't lose anyone to my nonsense. ADHD is a motherfucker


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RIP diene ace. I miss you, lol. Man I loved this as well including the TD products. I prefer this over "real" tren any day. This also includes Tvar. I much prefer it over actual tren ace for some reason I felt like I got similar gains, strength, nutrient partitioning effects but not the same sides.....the cough, the anxiety/mental sides etc.... good thing it's still available if you know where to look. I remember you had good experience with trnedione as well Hyde , if I remember Correctly from some of your old posts.

Sorry man, I didn't mean to insinuate argument, I said that to not sound like an ass as I don't post much and didn't want to come off like some folks who are newish to the board and make jackass posts and act like they know everything when they have little knowledge or experience. I like reading your thoughts and insights as well as many other members like Smont and xripperx. I agree with everything you say. It is much better to go with compounds that have been well researched and have known effects and safety profiles. You know what your dealing with and have an idea what to expect, as well as how to mitigate any potential sides vs unknown products or concoctions.

I only get somewhat disappointed when products like this get brought up and a member, rightfully so, slaps it down as another one of these multi compound products and to just use test or single known compounds and the thread just ends with no real feedback on such products and what the poster experienced whether it be good or bad. There have been alot of products I have been curious about, but never pulled the trigger on, pop up in threads.....only to receive above said response and the thread just dies from there and we don't learn anything else about it. There is one product out there available in UK stores that lists oxandrin as one of the 3 or 4 compounds in the product, in addition to some other potent DS/AAS. It was brought up once here, but shot down and no one has ever followed up on it. I would love to know if anyone actually tried it and how it worked. The dose looked where it should be, unlike alot of these multi compound products that have less than typically known effective dosages for the concoction of compounds. Alot of the trendione products always typically are dosed way to low in their formulations with other DS.

Of course, as I stated and agree with others, I would much prefer actual gear; however even with that, we still don't really know if what we're getting is real. Take primo for example....everyone's favorite, right...the perfect steroid. But we all know the joke in that its like believing in Santa clause, in that no one believes that they actually get real primo. Its Essentially a myth or fairy tale, which is why I've never tried to buy primo as much as I really want to try. It's always one of the priciest products on a menu and you never know if what you're getting is real.

Sorry for my rambling, that is ADHD in action. My thing is just that, as I stated, im glad some companies are willing to put out such products that kind of buck the system and give some cool options in a market that has been killed off by the govt in recent years. I have access to gear, that I hope is real.....meaning it works as I would expect for each product in addition to known sides, but I still don't know for sure if its actually what I ordered or if its underdosed.

My original experience was pre good PH days and was with mexi gear that was the big thing available at the time. If anyone remembers brovel underdosed test, reforvit, and laurabolin....those were the main staples. I used alot of dbol only cycles, which in this day and age is highly frowned upon; but it was available and cheap for a broke college student and it worked every time. Many may not remember, but 15 years ago and more, dbol only cycles pyramided up and down over 8 weeks in dosage were common practices and recommendations for first cycles in several of the old school anabolic guide books.

If anyone mentions dbol only for 8 weeks now they will be chastised endlessly and warned that their liver will fall out of their ass for going over the 4 week imposed limit known to all today. I did it many times with no negative health implications as did many others in the old days. Even after getting alot of experience with heavier blasts of 750mg + of test, with 4-600mg deca, and 50mg dbol or 100 adrol; i found that 30mg pheraplex and 90mg diendione/x tren gave similar results when I was on active duty and didn't have any more access to above said gear. Those PH products of the 2003-2010 era were POTENT. So, im excited to see when some of these pop up in OTC products i can buy at my local supp store or order on a supp website and pay with a credit card rather than messing with the annoyance of bitcoin and hoping a package makes it through customs without being seized.

All I am asking is let's give some of these products a chance and find out more if they are actually legit and how they work. Unfortunately, most of the folks posting aren't the experienced ones and most susceptible to misuse and poor mitigation of sides and negative health impact. The bad part is most of the experienced guys likely have their own trusted sources and have no need for such products. Maybe I'll try one of these products out and report the good, the bad, and the ugly. I have another one of the BTP multi compound products that I have been saving for a rainy day cut cycle.....tren solution....as it lists some great products of the past: Tvar, furuza, and oral dhb. Who knows if this is legit but I'm going to try it for a summer cut rather than the typical test, tren, mast, proviron run. Ill be the guinea pig and post results if anyone is interested. Again, apologies for my ramble, hopefully I didn't lose anyone to my nonsense. ADHD is a motherfucker
Tvar works just like Tren suspension. You pop one and get the surge for a few hours of aggression, libido and such. It’s a good oral option as a potent preWO (if you take enough) but taking it 3-4x a day gets to be quite a ride. Might as well take Tren Ace for a cycle, but if you are afraid of or can’t pin due to situation it’s a very good alternative as long as you take enough (120-180mg/day was what I found to work powerfully). I have had decent effect as well taking 90mg/day on top of 300/300 test & mast and 40mg Var. I was taking some amount of Mithras preWO too. I squat 573 & benched 380 weighing 244lbs at that meet, but my butt lifted during the press.

Dbol you can take for a lot longer and larger amounts than people realize…but there are also real health impacts and potential for sides that people don’t really appreciate. It actually hits lipids & blood pressure very hard, plus the liver strain. Guys of earlier decades took a lot, and for a long time…but atherosclerosis, diabetes, kidney failure and liver cancer are all very real things we saw sometimes later on from guys who did (genetics and other lifestyle factors were obviously influences as well). So my point is you can get away with a lot, sometimes, for quite some time…but if and when the time comes to pay that piper, it can cost everything. Possibly similar to how we will see later on from this TikTokTren generation.

Mike Arnold once said something on a podcast that I really liked, basically that a young guy in his early twenties can tolerate a lot - so it can make more sense to push more orals and get an enhanced base built up sooner faster while his health response is more robust. But this is a path to atherosclerosis and organ damage longterm, and the health costs get worse the older you are & more you’ve done it. You don’t want to stay on that heavy oral use for more than a few years - then it’s time to focus on the injectables and keep orals to special use case like close to contest only.

For myself, I can’t tolerate orals at all basically anymore. My appetite is gone by day 5, get horrible acid reflux, bad lethargy, huge blood pressure increases. I’m at the stage where I have built my base - I need to focus on injectables to maintain and build further. I take orals the last 10 days before contest - long enough to get a real boost, but short enough to suffer through. I had my time with orals, but it has an expiration date for most.


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its all about making a profit for most. i agree with the above posts is they will use what is readily on hand and cheap and sometime what you pay for is not actually what you get.

there may be some d-bol around now that is actually low dose methyltestosterone(still effective as hell)

some anavar may be mestanolone( cheap and does a good job w low sides)

some winstrol may be mestanolone also


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its all about making a profit for most. i agree with the above posts is they will use what is readily on hand and cheap and sometime what you pay for is not actually what you get.

there may be some d-bol around now that is actually low dose methyltestosterone(still effective as hell)

some anavar may be mestanolone( cheap and does a good job w low sides)

some winstrol may be mestanolone also
do you think its usually at least something and not just straight sugar pills?


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I haven't used their stuff in quite some time but if you want the old school PH/DS, then Brawn was legit. I don't know where they got the raws from but they delivered the real stuff. Having said that, I haven't used their products in years, so I can't guarantee the quality is still legit.


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do you think its usually at least something and not just straight sugar pills?
People get bunk pills all the time. Sometimes it is intentional ,sometimes unintentional from a source thinking they have one substance and its another. Some of the diene and triene steroids like raw dbol and tren base powders are slightly yellow from outward appearance so you have some idea if your raw source had legit stuff but there is always variation on how it feels by touch or how clumpy or waxy it is depending on how tightly it was packed and the temperature. I know deca raws can get pretty soupy when shipped in the summer

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