What’s your experience with PCT?



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I’m currently about to cycle off a test cyp cycle. Currently have nolva and clomid on hand.

I was thinking of either doing both or one or the other at

clomid - 25/25/12.5/12.5
Nolva - 20/20/10/10
Any suggestions on this? Also how did nolva or clomid make you feel when you PCTed? I see so many different bad stories and some people who say they didn’t get affected by it.


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I think that's fine. I never had an issue with clomid, nolva, or the both of them combined together. I know some people have issues. I also feel some people run their SERMS crazy high though too. I recall seeing people running clomid at 100 - 150mgs. I've never gone past 50mgs... not sure why anyone would. Even 25mgs tapered down to 12.5mgs like you have it is super effective.


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Is HCG not used anymore, it's been decades since I PCTed..???


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Is HCG not used anymore, it's been decades since I PCTed..???
Yes you can definitely run hCG. I've personally only used it twice and didn't see much of a difference. The main school of thought (not speaking specifically for the people on this board) used to be to use hCG on cycle and then hit the SERM post cycle. I personally never liked that idea of using the hCG on cycle but it seemed like that was the more popular use of it. Perhaps more people are using hCG now as PCT instead of on cycle.

But you can certainly use hCG. I think depending on how long or heavy the cycle is might dictate how important or effective hCG might be. For a test c only cycle.... in my experience, the 2 SERMS should suffice. If he's coming off some kind of long-term TRT program or something then that might be different. But like I said, he can still use it as an extra precaution.


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Yes you can definitely run hCG. I've personally only used it twice and didn't see much of a difference. The main school of thought (not speaking specifically for the people on this board) used to be to use hCG on cycle and then hit the SERM post cycle. I personally never liked that idea of using the hCG on cycle but it seemed like that was the more popular use of it. Perhaps more people are using hCG now as PCT instead of on cycle.

But you can certainly use hCG. I think depending on how long or heavy the cycle is might dictate how important or effective hCG might be. For a test c only cycle.... in my experience, the 2 SERMS should suffice. If he's coming off some kind of long-term TRT program or something then that might be different. But like I said, he can still use it as an extra precaution.
HCG use on cycle helps prevent testicular atrophy. By preventing that, you can maintain sensitivity to LH, which will help after cycle. Once you’re off anabolics and taking a SERM, your LH should get to a pretty high level, so the hCG becomes somewhat redundant I think.


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HCG use on cycle helps prevent testicular atrophy. By preventing that, you can maintain sensitivity to LH, which will help after cycle. Once you’re off anabolics and taking a SERM, your LH should get to a pretty high level, so the hCG becomes somewhat redundant I think.
That's always been kind of my school of thinking on it. It has always really been a more on cycle tool in my experience, however I never really felt a need for it on cycle. And post cycle it didn't make any difference for me. But it does seem like I've seen more people using it in PCT lately. Years ago it was really only an on cycle tool. Maybe people coming off long-term TRT or something would benefit more... I don't really know. But a lot of people do seem to use it for PCT nowadays. I've always felt it's one of those things that you can use if you need it but it doesn't always need to be thrown in.
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That's always been kind of my school of thinking on it. It has always really been a more on cycle tool in my experience, however I never really felt a need for it on cycle. And post cycle it didn't make any difference for me. But it does seem like I've seen more people using it in PCT lately. Years ago it was really only an on cycle tool. Maybe people coming off long-term TRT or something would benefit more... I don't really know. But a lot of people do seem to use it for PCT nowadays. I've always felt it's one of those things that you can use if you need it but it doesn't always need to be thrown in.
A lot of people used to use hcg toward the end of cycle and do little window after into PCT. That seemed to be the best way to me. Gets rid of some of the atrophy before the PCT even gets going.


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I did a pct for my first few cycle before i started cruising. I would use nolvadex and clomid at double the doses you stated. Even with proper pct my levels would not return to baseline. Each cycle my total test would drop by 100 points. Once i was in the 300s i decided cruising was best. Hcg is unnecessary in my opinion. You are desensitizing the leydig cells. Save it for if you need it later down the road.


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Most Vets, could care less about testicle size..lol
Plus, it makes them Johnson look bigger..lol


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A lot of people used to use hcg toward the end of cycle and do little window after into PCT. That seemed to be the best way to me. Gets rid of some of the atrophy before the PCT even gets going.
I can see that. I think the thought process used to be that hcg suppresses LH, so it doesn't belong as part of a PCT but more of an on cycle tool. But I've seen it used on cycle, PCT, and both, so everyone has their own opinion on it.
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