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FWIW there is some amento in pump gel and alpha gel.

I do like its use in the caps as well tho for certain scenarios.


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FWIW there is some amento in pump gel and alpha gel.

I do like its use in the caps as well tho for certain scenarios.
ah you're right, I see it now. I always just really focused on the quality of the tongkat and the resveratrol.
I'm not sure I have noticed any pumps or muscular changes from the Alpha Gel, but I'm usually using it in conjunction with my other SNS staples.

I keep forgetting about pump gel... need to try that one still.



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Now you taper a little, staying training but ultimately doing easy and specific sessions that keep you technically sharp but shed fatigue because you stay under your abilities. Do a few doubles with 275 next session, 2nd session do some fast band work, 3rd session light and low volume straight weight, like some practice triples with 225 as final practice, then a few days later you take 305.
I have 3 total pressing sessions (reasonably) before I fly out of town for a week. I had mapped out 4th, with the first one in my example being earlier this week and already done. What do you think about this?

session 1 - fast banded work
(what accessory work/how much volume? I normally reach a bit, then drop back to bands)

session 2 - triples at 225 / normal accessories.

Wednesday (I could move this to Thursday)
session 3 - PR attempt


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I like it.

Wednesday with bands, focus on speed and quality of technique - NOT total volume. This is not about building; it is about practice and tapering. So cut some sets off everything you normally do. You cannot get meaningfully stronger in just one week, but you can get better & faster.

The Sunday session with the 225 triples, this is really just a final touch/practice. Don’t rush them - put all your concentration into every rep and treat them all like 305 is on the bar. Then just some very light, fast pumpy accessories and get out of there - you could do it all with a Miniband or 20lb dbs or cables, that light. You are there to practice one thing, mobilize, and get some blood into things to keep from getting stiff. That’s it.

It’s up to you if you think Wednesday or Thursday will be better for you. If stress levels are higher this week, push it out. If sleep and life is very accommodating you can do it sooner - choose the time/setting that likely gives you the best chance of success.

Eat a shitload of carbs and sodium the day prior to benching 305, and drink extra water & creatine. Day of, when in doubt take a little extra caffeine & Epiandro prior. Do whatever you need to get the body warmed with bands, cables, tiny plates or dbs - minimize warmup reps with the barbell, and make them all as perfect and fast as possible.


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Eat a shitload of carbs and sodium the day prior to benching 305, and drink extra water & creatine. Day of, when in doubt take a little extra caffeine & Epiandro prior. Do whatever you need to get the body warmed with bands, cables, tiny plates or dbs - minimize warmup reps with the barbell, and make them all as perfect and fast as possible.
will do, I'll treat my lower work between now and then as if it's fatigue shedding/deloading as well since I'm focused on the one attempt at the moment.


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that will be a sunday session with my boy, so the amount of volume I can fit in depends on his teenage mood and blood sugar level, but he's always good for chasing a top rep + sling shot work. so I guess my goal would be at least 295 raw, 300 would be ideal and / or 320-330 in the sling shot.

as far as accessory work, I'm open to suggestions!

normally we would hit basics that I know he's comfortable with. tricep push downs, dips, etc and then I usually hit the pec deck while he hits leg press, and machine press while he hits leg extensions and leg curls because those machines are all close to each other and I can make sure he doesn't die with the 500lbs he inevitably will put on the leg press (little **** with his monster legs)
Two heavy days within that short of time frame might be too much to manage in the 90% plus range. I like a week between if going that route.


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If you are going for 305, you have all the heavy stimulus you need already done by what you just did (295 and 315 for slingshot singles). Now you taper a little, staying training but ultimately doing easy and specific sessions that keep you technically sharp but shed fatigue because you stay under your abilities. Do a few doubles with 275 next session, 2nd session do some fast band work, 3rd session light and low volume straight weight, like some practice triples with 225 as final practice, then a few days later you take 305.


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If you are going for 305, you have all the heavy stimulus you need already done by what you just did (295 and 315 for slingshot singles).
I'm going to set up and go for it with the advice y'all have given me here. The only thought I have in contradiction to this is that I was sling shotting 325-330 (I can't remember which one was my top PR weight with SS) when I cleared 300lbs so in my head it just feels like I should be hitting 330-335 sling shot easily when I'm also able to hit 305 raw. it always seemed like the slingshot gave me about 10% overload fairly accurately

If I had those micro plates I keep talking about I'd just try to clear a 301lb PR next week lol


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I'm going to set up and go for it with the advice y'all have given me here. The only thought I have in contradiction to this is that I was sling shotting 325-330 (I can't remember which one was my top PR weight with SS) when I cleared 300lbs so in my head it just feels like I should be hitting 330-335 sling shot easily when I'm also able to hit 305 raw. it always seemed like the slingshot gave me about 10% overload fairly accurately

If I had those micro plates I keep talking about I'd just try to clear a 301lb PR next week lol
There is general correlation, but there’s going to be variation based on your current strength at different points in the lift.

If your chest/delt/starting power or general speed through the total lift has gone up, you could still lift more raw without increasing your lockout/overload strength proportionally. But you already know your triceps can handle locking out 315+, so that’s not a limiting factor for you now.


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20 x bar
10 x 95

+ Green bands
3 x 95
1 x 135, 155, 175, 195

+ Just red bands
10 x 3 x 135

2 x 10 x 135

EZ skull crushers
2 x 15 x 40lb

Cable push downs
2 x 15

Lateral raises
2 x 10

Superset with
Seated dips, reverse
2 x 10

Pec deck
2 x 12-15

Kb arm bars
3 sets

Tried to keep volume lower by running only two sets of variety movements, no top bench, no slingshot, fast speed work on bands, no drop sets. Banded work felt hella fast.

The cerebus wraps are ten x stiffer than my old reapers. Had to adjust a bit and learn to wrap a little different.

Buddies face blurred out to protect the innocent 500lb squatter.
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that looks like a lot of work but I assure you it was light weight. an hour later I feel like I had a light yoga session or something but definitely felt like a deload.
That’s perfect, exactly what you want. You are not building any more strength - you are now perfecting final touches, keeping force production, technique, & GPP up enough while shedding some fatigue to smash it soon.


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You are not building any more strength - you are now perfecting final touches, keeping force production, technique, & GPP up enough while shedding some fatigue to smash it soon.
it was fun to really throw the bar for speed once I was warm, it felt like it was moving great. my buddy's shoulder was bugging him half way through so doing KB armbars in the end for his benefit actually felt like a great way to finish this type of session for myself. fingers crossed. I still ate as though I was training to failure today 😂

having to put my foot on the brake a little bit does build the mental desire to smash tho


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man, been crazy fatigued lately. looking forward to a relaxing weekend with a lot of fun in the forecast! I was lucky enough to golf with a supplier yesterday and even though we were in carts (not walking), I was shocked at how tired I was halfway through.

If you need some inspirational music to get you going 😂View attachment 242074

LOL if I'm going that route I might run something more like this:



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man, been crazy fatigued lately. looking forward to a relaxing weekend with a lot of fun in the forecast! I was lucky enough to golf with a supplier yesterday and even though we were in carts (not walking), I was shocked at how tired I was halfway through.

LOL if I'm going that route I might run something more like this:

View attachment 242087
I gotchu:


If you ain’t ready after We Ready, you didn’t listen to the man!


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Warm up
With 10lb plates
Laterals, forwards, snatch

15 x bar
10 x 65
3 x 135, 175
1 x 205
3 x 3 x 225

8 x 165

Wide grip
8 x 135

2 x 12 x 65

2 x 10 x 22.5s

EZ bar skull crushers
2 x 15 x 30

Rope push downs
2 x 15 x 30lbs

Pec deck
2 x 12

Dosed epi, carbs, etc like it was a big day. Was really hard to put the brakes on. Everything was sub 50% except the 225 of course. Took those three sets with varied grip to try to decide on my preferred width.

Even with low tonnage and low volume was able to eek out a pretty fun little pump.



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A lot of my weight choices like the 65lb and 165lb CGBP were because that was the weight my boy was moving and I figured it was safe for me to add in my reps there. He did PR bench today at 165 though


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One thing I'm really bad at after all these years is effective warm ups. I don't think I could have walked in cold and slammed out 10+ at 225 today.

But if I throw around 315+ on the slingshot then drop to 225 it feels half as heavy.

How can I improve my neurological firing without sacrificing top end capacity when making a run at a new PR etc? I have liked the banded work but I feel like it's the same. Throw down 225 banded, then 135 for 50 reps lol. But 225 banded into 300 raw isn't the same stimulus.

I feel like I need a very mild sweat in warmup without sacrificing energy.


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One thing I'm really bad at after all these years is effective warm ups. I don't think I could have walked in cold and slammed out 10+ at 225 today.

But if I throw around 315+ on the slingshot then drop to 225 it feels half as heavy.

How can I improve my neurological firing without sacrificing top end capacity when making a run at a new PR etc? I have liked the banded work but I feel like it's the same. Throw down 225 banded, then 135 for 50 reps lol. But 225 banded into 300 raw isn't the same stimulus.

I feel like I need a very mild sweat in warmup without sacrificing energy.
Post-activation potentiation is useful for executing greater volume at a given weight (so dropping weight off after a heavier set/single to make it feel lighter on the next set, or doing repeat sets of 2-3 reps at a weight before an all-out AMRAP with same weight). But it’s not really useful for 1RM enhancement.

Even a heavy walkout or static hold is ultimately not useful enough to enhancing 1RM to offset the neurological cost it demands. You can got to 100 meets and you will probably never see that done in the warmup area, not by anyone with an elite total or coefficient certainly.

You should try to break a little sweat in your warmup. Just don’t waste energy. And the more caffeine you take, the easier you will sweat, btw. It usually doesn’t take as much on a test day, because your nerves will be up higher too.

Don’t overthink it! You’re not warming up for the Olympics here; you just need to do enough to get ready to press one single rep as hard as you can - that’s it.


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Don’t overthink it! You’re not warming up for the Olympics here; you just need to do enough to get ready to press one single rep as hard as you can - that’s it.
you know what the funny thing is, whether I hit my goal or not I'm getting to where I'm excited to put this effort behind me so I can go balls to the wall again with some train to failure days lol


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you know what the funny thing is, whether I hit my goal or not I'm getting to where I'm excited to put this effort behind me so I can go balls to the wall again with some train to failure days lol
Yep! It can be a very hard part of meet prep - the need for delayed gratification. You have to miss out on the normal rewards of training, all the extra control of efforts focused on a single task: to do something greater than you’ve ever done it before.

Remember, they say train & eat for the bench you want - not the bench you have! You can do this


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Remember, they say train & eat for the bench you want - not the bench you have! You can do this
I food prepped this week as though I'm lifting every day. although I plan to lift light today (lower), then complete day off tomorrow, then hard again finally on weds.

last night wife and I grilled her some surf and turf for mothers day with a nice fat helping of potatoes, a little charcuterie, and she pulled out some ribeyes from a cow we butchered 2 seasons ago and said "hey why don't you grill these up for food at work this week since you like ribeye and I don't" LOL

seems like a waste of good ribeye, but I'm not complaining. 😂
I will double carbs night before and morning of bench session though as well-


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Waiting for rack....

DB curls
2 x 10-12 x 30s

2 x 10 x 50s

Double DB front squats
2 x 10 x 35s (70lb total)

Deadlifts (DOH)
5 x 135, 225, 275

5 x 135, 185

BB rows
2 x 10 x 135

Leg press
2 x 10 x +180lbs

Lat pull downs
2 x 10 x 100lbs


Light lower + back day.
Felt so lazy, but was also nice to get ROM in so many movements since everything was light and low volume.

That whole workout was like... 30minutes. I did break a sweat though.

Body dysmorphia is a funny thing. Anyone who knows me would tell you I'm overly confident bordering on egotistical. Yet I always feel my arms are my weak point. In the last week I had two random people comment on the size of my guns


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Warm up
DB laterals, forwards, curls with 10lb plates.

2 x 12 x 95
5 x 135
3 x 175
1 x 200, 225, 255, 275, 290
0 x 305 (about half)

Sling shot
3 x 305
1 x 315

Static hold
10 seconds x 335

11 x 225
15 x 185

EZ bar skull crushers
15 x 40
2 x 12 x 60

SS with laterals
3 x 12 x 30s

Reverse seated dips
3 sets

SS with pec deck
3 sets

Someone jacked the 2.5lb plates while I was doing a rep to run inclines at 50lbs lol. So it screwed up my progression a bit
Hammered food, felt so full.
Had some triton still in stock so lubed up an hour preWO
Grabbed my emergency stash of pump addict and gave it hell.

Weight 197
This session has given me a lot to think about.
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Looked back on my August log when I hit my 300lb raw PR.

weight was about the same (195 ish).
I do wonder if I carbed up better that time, although felt like was gorging myself this week.

But one thing I don't understand, is that for me, I feel like I do better with heavy frequency vs breaks. When I hit my last PR I was basically peaking a strength cycle. every session prior was add weight add weight add weight. 280 for a double, next session 295 for a single, next session 300lb PR.

VS this attempt, I had a great session, then tapered to prep for a hard effort and fell flat on my face.

Today light weights felt light. where it started to feel heavy was at like 275/290. By the time I finished my 305 attempt I was so pissed that I wasn't going to settle for 10 at 225, I grinded that last one out no matter what.

I feel like my best odds of the next couple PRs are going to be doing what I did last summer, with linear progression until I plateau. I also think getting heavier pause sets in needs to be brought back.

3hrs later: I will say there was no lack of leg drive. I can feel todays session from my beltline basically down into my feet lol.
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I almost warned you last night that your last warmup should only be 280-285. Not sure if that extra energy would have helped of course, but you just need to get close enough to make the move.

Good on you for trying. Something to consider is you didn’t have that long to set up a taper - real longterm delayed training effect takes weeks to fully manifest.

If you feel confident pause benches would help, it means you need more starting power. So you should do more of them and less banded stuff for a while - you want stronger delts & pecs to cash this paycheck.


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If you feel confident pause benches would help, it means you need more starting power. So you should do more of them and less banded stuff for a while - you want stronger delts & pecs to cash this paycheck.
I think you're right here. I need more power with heavy weight in the bottom position. I am also thinking blocks might be smart. I didn't mention it in my log but we put a couple 5lb plates on my chest and I took another 305 attempt and finished it no problem with about 1/2 ROM. My issue isn't lockout, but the brute strength off the chest for sure.

I have 25 years of experience, science, and different modalities constantly muddled in my head, so I have to frequently reassess what I know and what is real. But the VIBE I get, is that my recovery is very very high, and my losses come very very quick. Maybe it's because I'm smaller than some of you guys. My lifting buddy has known me for over a decade and today we discussed it in depth. his 1rm is about 270-275 (with a 500lb squat), but todays back off he hit 225 for 3s and I hit 11. He hit 185 for 6 and I hit 15. probably had 20.

First time I hit a 315 squat, I had a 290 x 10 in me already.

I feel like generally, I have to move very heavy weight (for me) as frequently as possible, and that generally (for me) I recovery very very fast, as long as I'm not doing daily xfit style HIIT work. I'd almost be curious to hit it again tomorrow and see if I hit the same numbers.


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the other thing could simply be mentality. I love this **** so much I just want to go ham every day. Not going hard the last 11 days was far harder on my mentality than going hard every day lol


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Warm up
DB laterals, forwards, curls with 10lb plates.

2 x 12 x 95
5 x 135
3 x 175
1 x 200, 225, 255, 275, 290
0 x 305 (about half)

Sling shot
3 x 305
1 x 315

Static hold
10 seconds x 335

11 x 225
15 x 185

EZ bar skull crushers
15 x 40
2 x 12 x 60

SS with laterals
3 x 12 x 30s

Reverse seated dips
3 sets

SS with pec deck
3 sets

Someone jacked the 2.5lb plates while I was doing a rep to run inclines at 50lbs lol. So it screwed up my progression a bit
Hammered food, felt so full.
Had some triton still in stock so lubed up an hour preWO
Grabbed my emergency stash of pump addict and gave it hell.

Weight 197
This session has given me a lot to think about.
Hey you gave it hell! Looks like a great session and dang close!


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I wouldn't overthink it, sometimes its just not there. Seems a lot of justifying is going on so I'd just say to just try to take it for what it is worth and use the info for going forward.

It is always easier looking back and I honestly just avoided adding input after you seemed to have a plan, since I always hate to overload people and have them second guess even if my opinion differs. Since you are seemingly looking to make sense of it I'll leave some input.

weight was about the same (195 ish).
I do wonder if I carbed up better that time, although felt like was gorging myself this week.

For a simple single on something like Bench I highly doubt you carbed up better considering you've been in a surplus this entire time. There should be no real reason you would be even close to being depleted nor does it seem likely you'd be missing leverages, etc. that would change with weight changes.

But one thing I don't understand, is that for me, I feel like I do better with heavy frequency vs breaks. When I hit my last PR I was basically peaking a strength cycle. every session prior was add weight add weight add weight. 280 for a double, next session 295 for a single, next session 300lb PR.

VS this attempt, I had a great session, then tapered to prep for a hard effort and fell flat on my face.

I don't think it makes sense to necessarily straight linearly plan out a your training block (without at least some sort of built in measures to help you assess the rate it needs to be at or what to do with potential bumps in the road), but I do think there is a bit more of a personal philosophy or looking at what you want to achieve kind of deal that this plays into that I'll try to touch on more at the end.
I almost warned you last night that your last warmup should only be 280-285. Not sure if that extra energy would have helped of course, but you just need to get close enough to make the move.

Good on you for trying. Something to consider is you didn’t have that long to set up a taper - real longterm delayed training effect takes weeks to fully manifest.
I am going to kind of agree. I think overall the big issue here is that it all just kind of feels so spur of the moment or not planned. I don't follow along super close, but most of the training just feels so random and not building on itself. At least the main (day 1 bench? idk) seems consistent in Raw then Slighshot then Raw for volume in general, but everything else just feels like throwing it together as it goes. There is like a random day with OHP? Squats every so often, sometimes cleans on dead days, etc.

I'd keep in mind you were also just sick not even that long ago before deciding to want to taper.

I also just don't think a taper or even a longer exponential taper makes sense as most tapers come after over-reaching to be effective and this just doesn't seem like that had been happening.

Idk I could just be a little lost though, just kind of felt like suddenly you wanted to PR so you just decided to taper instead of already having been building specifically to this time point.

I have 25 years of experience, science, and different modalities constantly muddled in my head, so I have to frequently reassess what I know and what is real. But the VIBE I get, is that my recovery is very very high, and my losses come very very quick. Maybe it's because I'm smaller than some of you guys. My lifting buddy has known me for over a decade and today we discussed it in depth. his 1rm is about 270-275 (with a 500lb squat), but todays back off he hit 225 for 3s and I hit 11. He hit 185 for 6 and I hit 15. probably had 20.

Recovery can mean a lot of things and people are widely different idk what this is implying with his squat and comparison. 11 at 225 with a 300 and 185 for 15-20 with a 300 aren't wildly unexpected based on general tendencies.

First time I hit a 315 squat, I had a 290 x 10 in me already.

No offense, but this just indicates some gross deficiency in squat movement patterns or usage. I've worked with tons of crossfitters and general population individuals and this is more common in people who just aren't used to lifting heavy or make lots of changes in technique with the heavier weight.

I feel like generally, I have to move very heavy weight (for me) as frequently as possible, and that generally (for me) I recovery very very fast, as long as I'm not doing daily xfit style HIIT work. I'd almost be curious to hit it again tomorrow and see if I hit the same numbers.

This might not be wrong. It is important to understand personal recovery, tolerances, and responses. I lift way "heavier" than what I see most general online or gym consensus tends to be, but it just depends on whose influences you are looking at when you see what people train like. There are others who do as well at various points in their training career.

Especially if coming from a more endurance oriented background where recovery might be faster and ability to hit heavy loads might be compromised.
the other thing could simply be mentality. I love this **** so much I just want to go ham every day. Not going hard the last 11 days was far harder on my mentality than going hard every day lol
I think this is just what it boils down to for me and I hope this comes off the right way, but like what was the point? I'd just ask yourself what do you want from your training (and that the answer to that is for you it doesn't matter if that aligns with me or anyone else)?

What I am getting at is do you want to train and make progress and just keep going, or do you want to take purposeful periods of tapering to try and maximize performance even if you aren't going to compete?

I'll lay out a theoretical example/model just to give an example. I don't want the take away from this to be that this example is the right way to go or that people who want to taper, peak their strength, compete or know exactly where their strength shouldn't do those things. My takeaway is people should know what they want and go in that direction.

So generally for myself I like lifting heavy, I like knowing what my best is, but honestly I really just like working out and progressing. So I had to actually look back and I don't think I have any actual tapers into a top attempt for something other than recently when I really wanted a 400lbs Front Squat so I did taper into that.

Otherwise you know maybe you just lay out training cycles where you are somewhat progressing linearly until some sort of top then cycle back down. It probably sounds vague, because I am not trying to lay a specific training on you and there are so many ways to do it. For example with myself I'll have a movement that may be a "focus" like say Deadlift and I may move through some progressions on it slowly and continually cycling up in intensity/weight with deloads coming as needed, but overall I'm just moving through a progression. Then when it seems that progression has hit its limit I reassess and deload and either decide to move back down the progression and make some tweaks and dive back into it or just move along to something else. When done naturally this may still be some form of tapering (my volume may be lowering as intensity is increasing), but not always. I just let the progression run because I enjoy the training. A lot of times I PR along the way or deviate on days it feels great and shoot for a PR, but generally I don't because I am conservative and would rather just keep training and moving along.

This probably doesn't make a ton of sense because I am on low calories and just vomitted this giant amount of words up after training before going home, but I guess I am just saying you probably don't need to literally do some tapering like that into a max attempt every time you want to PR, you could literally just train and take the PRs as they come, but also know that the trade off with that is they might show up a little less often than if you want to purposely taper into them, in which case I'd again suggest maybe making a more conscious plan of when exactly you'd want those points to be so you can structure a more optimal approach.

Sorry for the long reply.


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I think overall the big issue here is that it all just kind of feels so spur of the moment or not planned. I don't follow along super close, but most of the training just feels so random and not building on itself. At least the main (day 1 bench? idk) seems consistent in Raw then Slighshot then Raw for volume in general, but everything else just feels like throwing it together as it goes. There is like a random day with OHP? Squats every so often, sometimes cleans on dead days, etc.
so without boring you with a years worth of logging, 2023 was a crazy successful year of PRs for me. January 2024 into feb was a very intentional cut. March after my wife's surgery became a month of travel every week so it was "stop the bleeding". By april I was able to bring back most of my routines. 2023 was deadlift + bench focused. 2024 I have been trying to bring back squats for hypertrophy purposes mostly because despite my deadlift hitting new all time PRs, capping at 500 or 520 rack, and 485 from the ground in December, I was losing size in my legs.

With the April routine getting stronger again, and schedule consistency letting me get back into things, I started bringing back the same methodology for upper/bench work that led to a number of PRs last year. With my weight loss/cut in Jan/Feb my bench fell from 300 to a very difficult 270. But by mid May (2 weeks ago?) I was pushing 290/295 clean and knowing that i have to travel again tonight for a week for work, I was trying to figure out if I could pull-off a PR (305) before then since I felt the week off was going to be a setback.

really that's all it was. my schedule consistency had restored much of the strength I had lost this winter and knowing I had to travel again I wanted to see if I could make a big push last minute.

So I had to actually look back and I don't think I have any actual tapers into a top attempt for something other than recently when I really wanted a 400lbs Front Squat so I did taper into that.
When done naturally this may still be some form of tapering (my volume may be lowering as intensity is increasing), but not always. I just let the progression run because I enjoy the training. A lot of times I PR along the way or deviate on days it feels great and shoot for a PR, but generally I don't because I am conservative and would rather just keep training and moving along.
This all feels a lot more relatable to me.

This probably doesn't make a ton of sense because I am on low calories and just vomitted this giant amount of words up after training before going home, but I guess I am just saying you probably don't need to literally do some tapering like that into a max attempt every time you want to PR, you could literally just train and take the PRs as they come, but also know that the trade off with that is they might show up a little less often than if you want to purposely taper into them, in which case I'd again suggest maybe making a more conscious plan of when exactly you'd want those points to be so you can structure a more optimal approach.

Sorry for the long reply.
no, it was awesome 🤘
a lot of what you're saying is where I found the most success last year. PRs came over and over through training sessions as things progressed naturally.


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Especially if coming from a more endurance oriented background where recovery might be faster and ability to hit heavy loads might be compromised.
I've had a number of people say this to me lately, that ten years of endurance/fitness competition may play a role. It's sorta odd to me that even though I have changed gears so much, that all that work I had done before would still be playing a role, but it sure seems to.


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Warm up
Incline treadmill 10min

10 x bar
5 x 135, 185, 225, 255
10 x 185

3 x 10 x 95

Barbell rows
3 x 12 x 95

EZ bar curls
12 x 60, 70, 80

Seated incline DB curls
3 sets

Leg ext
3 sets

Last night's anniversary dinner went a bit late so sleep was greatly compromised but still felt like a decent lower/accessory session to end the week before I have to travel tonight.

Weight 197


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I've had a number of people say this to me lately, that ten years of endurance/fitness competition may play a role. It's sorta odd to me that even though I have changed gears so much, that all that work I had done before would still be playing a role, but it sure seems to.
Idk, he seems to be able to hit Dicks pretty hard, as far as heavy loads


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I wouldn't overthink it, sometimes its just not there. Seems a lot of justifying is going on so I'd just say to just try to take it for what it is worth and use the info for going forward.

It is always easier looking back and I honestly just avoided adding input after you seemed to have a plan, since I always hate to overload people and have them second guess even if my opinion differs. Since you are seemingly looking to make sense of it I'll leave some input.

I am going to kind of agree. I think overall the big issue here is that it all just kind of feels so spur of the moment or not planned. I don't follow along super close, but most of the training just feels so random and not building on itself. At least the main (day 1 bench? idk) seems consistent in Raw then Slighshot then Raw for volume in general, but everything else just feels like throwing it together as it goes. There is like a random day with OHP? Squats every so often, sometimes cleans on dead days, etc.

I'd keep in mind you were also just sick not even that long ago before deciding to want to taper.

I also just don't think a taper or even a longer exponential taper makes sense as most tapers come after over-reaching to be effective and this just doesn't seem like that had been happening.

Idk I could just be a little lost though, just kind of felt like suddenly you wanted to PR so you just decided to taper instead of already having been building specifically to this time point.

I think this is just what it boils down to for me and I hope this comes off the right way, but like what was the point? I'd just ask yourself what do you want from your training (and that the answer to that is for you it doesn't matter if that aligns with me or anyone else)?

What I am getting at is do you want to train and make progress and just keep going, or do you want to take purposeful periods of tapering to try and maximize performance even if you aren't going to compete?

I'll lay out a theoretical example/model just to give an example. I don't want the take away from this to be that this example is the right way to go or that people who want to taper, peak their strength, compete or know exactly where their strength shouldn't do those things. My takeaway is people should know what they want and go in that direction.

So generally for myself I like lifting heavy, I like knowing what my best is, but honestly I really just like working out and progressing. So I had to actually look back and I don't think I have any actual tapers into a top attempt for something other than recently when I really wanted a 400lbs Front Squat so I did taper into that.

Otherwise you know maybe you just lay out training cycles where you are somewhat progressing linearly until some sort of top then cycle back down. It probably sounds vague, because I am not trying to lay a specific training on you and there are so many ways to do it. For example with myself I'll have a movement that may be a "focus" like say Deadlift and I may move through some progressions on it slowly and continually cycling up in intensity/weight with deloads coming as needed, but overall I'm just moving through a progression. Then when it seems that progression has hit its limit I reassess and deload and either decide to move back down the progression and make some tweaks and dive back into it or just move along to something else. When done naturally this may still be some form of tapering (my volume may be lowering as intensity is increasing), but not always. I just let the progression run because I enjoy the training. A lot of times I PR along the way or deviate on days it feels great and shoot for a PR, but generally I don't because I am conservative and would rather just keep training and moving along.

This probably doesn't make a ton of sense because I am on low calories and just vomitted this giant amount of words up after training before going home, but I guess I am just saying you probably don't need to literally do some tapering like that into a max attempt every time you want to PR, you could literally just train and take the PRs as they come, but also know that the trade off with that is they might show up a little less often than if you want to purposely taper into them, in which case I'd again suggest maybe making a more conscious plan of when exactly you'd want those points to be so you can structure a more optimal approach.

Sorry for the long reply.
The man said he suddenly wanted to go for it, I have a week & a half left to do it, & asked what are some ways to optimize my chances. You will not optimize it by doing more or even maintaining workload, even if he wasn’t overreaching. Your best bet on a 1RM attempt is to be well recovered and overfed with well-maintained skill. Along with good attempt selection & mindset.

It’s easy to sit back and say, ‘Why don’t you just keep getting stronger? Then you will eventually lift it.’ It’s an excellent consideration in the philosophy of training - nobody would disagree. But that’s also not honoring the constraints of the request.


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The man said he suddenly wanted to go for it, I have a week & a half left to do it, & asked what are some ways to optimize my chances. You will not optimize it by doing more or even maintaining workload, even if he wasn’t overreaching. Your best bet on a 1RM attempt is to be well recovered and overfed with well-maintained skill. Along with good attempt selection & mindset.

It’s easy to sit back and say, ‘Why don’t you just keep getting stronger? Then you will eventually lift it.’ It’s an excellent consideration in the philosophy of training - nobody would disagree. But that’s also not honoring the constraints of the request.
it was a fun go at it, and it got me mentally psyched for the attempt and for lifting in general. I guess in some ways it worked out kinda as a deload anyways which isn't a bad thing. Funny thing is I was going after 305 but ended up having a dream about 315. 😂

I definitely appreciate the tips and wisdom along the way. It was enjoyable to have my mind focused on a target even if I missed. the build up was fun and intentional.


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it was a fun go at it, and it got me mentally psyched for the attempt and for lifting in general. I guess in some ways it worked out kinda as a deload anyways which isn't a bad thing. Funny thing is I was going after 305 but ended up having a dream about 315. 😂

I definitely appreciate the tips and wisdom along the way. It was enjoyable to have my mind focused on a target even if I missed. the build up was fun and intentional.
Hey you got close, but like’s already been said you had gotten sick not long ago, but you still made good strides over the last few weeks, so plenty of victories along the way.


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really that's all it was. my schedule consistency had restored much of the strength I had lost this winter and knowing I had to travel again I wanted to see if I could make a big push last minute.
Ya I had the broad strokes already, just felt it was worth mentioning maybe trying to get a bit more structured especially if you ever wanted to branch out from just focusing on deadlifts and bench to something more well balanced so you could get a better gauge on what is doing what so you could continue making good gains. I am by default way more structured in certain senses though as that is what clicks for me compared to some.

Guess I was letting my bias of how I'd approach training if I knew I was having a forced break bleed into my comments, since I'd probably never taper into a layoff, but I also luckily am in a situation where those kinds of weeks don't ever really occur.

I've had a number of people say this to me lately, that ten years of endurance/fitness competition may play a role. It's sorta odd to me that even though I have changed gears so much, that all that work I had done before would still be playing a role, but it sure seems to.
Ya if you were already in a predisposition to be better at that type of activity and then did a lot of it there are probably plenty of structural changes physiologically that would just lead you to respond a certain way. Even if you've changed priorities some of the underlying stuff will still be there and/or take awhile to change.


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it was a fun go at it, and it got me mentally psyched for the attempt and for lifting in general. I guess in some ways it worked out kinda as a deload anyways which isn't a bad thing. Funny thing is I was going after 305 but ended up having a dream about 315.

I definitely appreciate the tips and wisdom along the way. It was enjoyable to have my mind focused on a target even if I missed. the build up was fun and intentional.
See, the problem was it wasn’t 315 on the bar


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I've had a number of people say this to me lately, that ten years of endurance/fitness competition may play a role. It's sorta odd to me that even though I have changed gears so much, that all that work I had done before would still be playing a role, but it sure seems to.
Yeah, all of that high volume to failure work is gong to increase the mitochondria in your muscles. They don't go away, and are what help supply the muscles with energy, which allows for faster recovery, both intra-set, and between training sessions.

I agree you should probably do some more paused work and stop relying on the slingshot so much. It is great for ego, and building up the lockout, but if too much energy and focus is spent there and not in the bottom then the bottom end is going to get weaker, or stagnant with overdependency on the slingshot. Sounds like your weak spot now is off the chest which is where a paused bench would really come in handy IMO. I would also refrain from boards as they are going to work the triceps more, and keep the press off the chest weaker, when it actually needs to be the focus. The fact you could do the 305 easily with boards / weight plates shortening the ROM proves that.

Also as Hyde mentioned, I would have stopped the warm ups around 275 myself, and would have probably only done 3 singles during the warmup to get to my PR attempt.

All of that being said, way to kick some ass with a very solid effort. I do think if you chose to follow a more direct powerlifting approach you would likely see all of your big three movements weight increasing more often. However if that gets in the way of your enjoyment of the process then maybe it just isn't for you, and what you are doing is best for you for your specific goals.


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Down in Vegas for work so I'll try to catch up on individual posts when I have a full charged phone lol. Just dropped wife off at airport, she was only here thurs-sun, I have to stay till Weds.

So I packed up some gear, wraps, sleeves and went for a walk.

25min walk to gym

15 x bar
10 x 95, 135
5 x 175, 205
3 x 225, 250
2 x 275
1 x 275

Paused - 2+ count
3 x 5 x 225

Rear delt swings
3 sets

BW x 3 x 10

3 x 8 x 185

3 sets

2 sets

Cool down:
25 min walk back to hotel
(Figured may as well get LISS and save $30 in Uber fees)

Pretty good gear! Been a while since I got to use a new Ohio bar. Hands are thoroughly shredded


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Enjoy the access to that stuff man! Nice session. Great place to just walk and do some people watching.


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Down in Vegas for work so I'll try to catch up on individual posts when I have a full charged phone lol. Just dropped wife off at airport, she was only here thurs-sun, I have to stay till Weds.

So I packed up some gear, wraps, sleeves and went for a walk.

25min walk to gym

15 x bar
10 x 95, 135
5 x 175, 205
3 x 225, 250
2 x 275
1 x 275

Paused - 2+ count
3 x 5 x 225

Rear delt swings
3 sets

BW x 3 x 10

3 x 8 x 185

3 sets

2 sets

Cool down:
25 min walk back to hotel
(Figured may as well get LISS and save $30 in Uber fees)

Pretty good gear! Been a while since I got to use a new Ohio bar. Hands are thoroughly shredded View attachment 242322View attachment 242323
If you’re going to have to go on a work trip it might as well be Vegas. One place I don’t mind going for work. Enjoy when you can, and looks like you found a good gym.😎👍


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Warm up
Recumbent bike
10 minutes

Leg curls
3 sets

Leg extensions
3 sets

Leg press
3 sets

Double DB front squats
10 x 35s, 40s, 45s, 50s (top available weight lol)

Seated incline DB curls
3 sets

DB RDLs ( w/ 2 x 50lb)
3 x 10
Super slow with pauses, trying to make the weight more challenging.

Did what I could with the hotel gym today. No barbells, so popped a couple epiandrolean and just repped out. This life fitness leg press is nothing like the ones I normally have access too. In some ways it's kinda nice, got a good pump out of it. But it's super awkward.

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