SNS Anabolic XT - Hardcore Natural Anabolic Muscle Builder



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I also have growth xt but forgot to use it lol when should I use that?

Thanks for advice. Will thrown in reduce xt while I'm still bulking to help with things. I really need the SNS annual package discount. Let me know when that happens so I can get the forever stack again 😂


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Thank you. Yes, I had gotten out of it all as I originally hurt my back and then I was blessed with a beautiful daughter, so everything else kind of took a back seat. I should have found the time, but well... I didn't.

As for my next run I am thinking of at least 12-16 months of Anabolic XT. I was in on the launch of Prime, but only purchased 3 bottles. Didn't want to go overboard just in case I am not a responder or if it doesn't sit well with me for whatever reason. So thinking of starting on Prime for like a month or more and then bringing in Anabolic XT, for at least 12-16 months. Like I said though, I might try Anabolic effect as well. What I might do is work on some kind of staggered stack with Prime, AXT, AE, and Optimize - T. Something where I can gauge what the products are doing. Another thing I thought of doing was the 3 months of Prime, 3-4 months of AE, and then 12-16 months of XT with OT. I am all over the place I know, but those products will be in my possession and they will be used in some way, just not sure how!
I'm sorry to hear about the back injury. I was in a really bad accident in 2022 and broke my shoulder and destroyed my right leg. I was in a wheelchair for awhile, 6 months of physical therapy, and then had to learn how to walk again. I wasn't able to start back training until last June and did good with it through November and then really slacked off and trying to get back on track myself.

It makes me smile the way you wrote that about your daughter. I'm a single dad myself to a wonderful special needs daughter that I adopted 11 years ago.

Life happens, and nothing we can do about what we should have made time for, but congratulations on making the time now and getting started back.

Anabolic Effect and Anabolic XT make a great stack. I think you would really like that, and Prime XT would stack well on top of it.

You have a lot of options as to how to stack those. I plan on running the 3 of them together + Pepti-Plex myself.

I use M-Test and Optimize-T year round for natural testosterone levels, as I'm 45, soon to be 46.


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Gonna try this again. I didn't mean to break the rules when I first posted this and am sorry about that. I felt I needed everything to show my little story and my sincerity. I have since removed the other product/company. This is actually the first post I ever made on this forum and honestly, the only reason is because of the transformation I achieved with the products mentioned below. Crazy that I have been a "member" since 2005.

Been a member since 2005. Never posted anything until now. In October, I found a bottle of another companies product in my basement. I started taking it and got energized to get fit and work out again seriously after a long bout of laziness and life in general. At the end of that run (a little over a month) I did an 8-10 week run of Inhibit-E, Inhibit-P, and Reduce XT. Lost about 30 lbs down to 175 with the help of cardio and eating right of course. I did a 4 week run of Optimize-T after that which was awesome but too short. Finally to the star of this thread. I got two bottles Anabolic XT. It was like a recomp for me. Weight stayed the same, but I got bigger all over and my pants got even looser. This is after I had already went from size 34 waist to a size 30. I just bought new pants 2 months ago, but they are already too big. Incredible product.

Funny story... I was helping a buddy at church taking down light fixtures and installing new ones. I was on about week 6 of the 8 week (too short!) run of Anabolic XT. Anyway, the pumps in my forearms from using the screwdriver (forgot my cordless) to get the screws out of the ceiling fixtures were so brutal that I almost couldn't do it and wanted to cuss haha. My next run will be for at least 16 weeks. One of the best natural products I have ever used. Veins everywhere and solid all day long. I am curious about anabolic effect so I might give that a go as well. The problem is I also was in on the Prime XT deal. Got 3 bottles. (Probably too short of a run) Might do a month or so of that and then stack it with Anabolic XT, or Anabolic Effect, or Optimize-T, or all 3! First world problems I guess. All of this to say that Anabolic XT was and is an excellent product. Probably the best natty anabolic I ever used. Anyway, I am obviously an SNS & CEL fanboy. That stuff, all of it, was phenomenal to me. I feel I also need to thank the old product I found in my basement. It helped put the spark and the pep back in me, got my lazy arse back in the gym, and ironically, led me to CEL and SNS. In the end, I am now living a healthy life again and will continue to, Lord willing.
Thank you for the post. It's an honor for you to have been a member for so long and your first post have been to share how much you like Anabolic XT and share positive words about SNS and CEL.

Congratulations on your 30 lb. weight loss.

I'm glad that you love Anabolic XT and that's awesome results that you saw with the recomp benefits from it.

I can relate to the fullness and pumps and the church situation bc I had something very similar happen when I ran it in the fall and was around someone I was trying so hard not to cuss around haha.

I'm happy to hear that you are back on track lifestyle wise and that the products help you, and hopefully will continue to.

As for your stack, Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, and Prime XT would be a great stack. I'm getting ready to start that plus a couple other things myself very shortly. I've been focused on cutting myself and will transition into that stack shortly.

I use Optimize-T and M-Test year round bc they help my natural test levels; but you can incorporate Optimize-T with most anything.


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I also have growth xt but forgot to use it lol when should I use that?

Thanks for advice. Will thrown in reduce xt while I'm still bulking to help with things. I really need the SNS annual package discount. Let me know when that happens so I can get the forever stack again 😂
That's one of the reasons that we started offering the 6 bottle and 12 bottle discounted multi-packs, so that people that do want to use them year round can save money on them. Plus, we do allow the sale codes to work with the multi-pack discounts too.

Reduce XT is great for helping keep cortisol under control. Very underrated product.

Growth Factor XT is great. It can be used with most anything and can be used year round to help improve natural growth hormone levels, recovery, etc.


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Thank you for the post. It's an honor for you to have been a member for so long and your first post have been to share how much you like Anabolic XT and share positive words about SNS and CEL.

Congratulations on your 30 lb. weight loss.

I'm glad that you love Anabolic XT and that's awesome results that you saw with the recomp benefits from it.

I can relate to the fullness and pumps and the church situation bc I had something very similar happen when I ran it in the fall and was around someone I was trying so hard not to cuss around haha.

I'm happy to hear that you are back on track lifestyle wise and that the products help you, and hopefully will continue to.

As for your stack, Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, and Prime XT would be a great stack. I'm getting ready to start that plus a couple other things myself very shortly. I've been focused on cutting myself and will transition into that stack shortly.

I use Optimize-T and M-Test year round bc they help my natural test levels; but you can incorporate Optimize-T with most anything.
Thanks for the congrats! It was definitely hard work, but looking back, not as hard as I thought it would be. I mean I am looking really good haha and the time frame wasn't that long, really. I am sure that all my years of working out and knowing what to do helped, but I am actually shocked. Don't know my BF% but I would guess between 10-15%. The six pack is there(ish) and the muscles solid, but still some work to do, for sure.

Yes, the church thing was something. My forearms felt like they were going to blow up haha. Needs a warning label to not do construction/manual type work in a church were cussing is frowned upon lol.


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I'm sorry to hear about the back injury. I was in a really bad accident in 2022 and broke my shoulder and destroyed my right leg. I was in a wheelchair for awhile, 6 months of physical therapy, and then had to learn how to walk again. I wasn't able to start back training until last June and did good with it through November and then really slacked off and trying to get back on track myself.

It makes me smile the way you wrote that about your daughter. I'm a single dad myself to a wonderful special needs daughter that I adopted 11 years ago.

Life happens, and nothing we can do about what we should have made time for, but congratulations on making the time now and getting started back.

Anabolic Effect and Anabolic XT make a great stack. I think you would really like that, and Prime XT would stack well on top of it.

You have a lot of options as to how to stack those. I plan on running the 3 of them together + Pepti-Plex myself.

I use M-Test and Optimize-T year round for natural testosterone levels, as I'm 45, soon to be 46.
Yes the back injury was one of those things that when I thought it was good, and it would be for a bit, I would hurt it again. I am still a little skittish, but I bought a Teeter hangup about 4 years ago and I do that like 10 minutes a day. Believe it or not, that things has really helped. As soon as I feel something in my back, I get on that thing and within days sometimes even that same day, I am feeling pretty good. My back is feeling great right now, and it has been for over a year. I am 46 and and form right now is top priority. So far so good. Hopefully it stays that way.

Yes my little girl is pure joy, as you well know yourself. Need to be fit and healthy for her for as long as I possibly can.

Sucks about the car crash I hate hearing that. A neighbor of mine is going through something similar due to a crash and is learning how to walk again. In a blink of an eye things can change. Crazy stuff. I am glad that things are on the upswing with you!


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Thank you for the post. It's an honor for you to have been a member for so long and your first post have been to share how much you like Anabolic XT and share positive words about SNS and CEL.

Congratulations on your 30 lb. weight loss.

I'm glad that you love Anabolic XT and that's awesome results that you saw with the recomp benefits from it.

I can relate to the fullness and pumps and the church situation bc I had something very similar happen when I ran it in the fall and was around someone I was trying so hard not to cuss around haha.

I'm happy to hear that you are back on track lifestyle wise and that the products help you, and hopefully will continue to.

As for your stack, Anabolic XT, Anabolic Effect, and Prime XT would be a great stack. I'm getting ready to start that plus a couple other things myself very shortly. I've been focused on cutting myself and will transition into that stack shortly.

I use Optimize-T and M-Test year round bc they help my natural test levels; but you can incorporate Optimize-T with most anything.
M-Test huh.. the plot thickens lol. So now there is something else to consider... Dangit! I am pretty sincere here too with my agitation as I am one of the most indecisive people when it comes to picking things. Clothes, shoes, supplements, ordering from a menu haha. Oh well


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M-Test huh.. the plot thickens lol. So now there is something else to consider... Dangit! I am pretty sincere here too with my agitation as I am one of the most indecisive people when it comes to picking things. Clothes, shoes, supplements, ordering from a menu haha. Oh well
I used to be too - I'm at the point now where its like okay, I'm 45 and I want to get back into the best shape possible and feel as good as I possibly can, so screw it, if in doubt, take all of it haha.


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I seen that anabolic xt has 2/similar of the main ingredients of androgin, cistanche and Ginsenosides, so would anabolic xt also have an effect on growth hormone levels as well?


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I seen that anabolic xt has 2/similar of the main ingredients of androgin, cistanche and Ginsenosides, so would anabolic xt also have an effect on growth hormone levels as well?
Cistanche and certain ginsenosides do have some promising studies on helping with growth hormone levels. However, I do think that more studies need to be done to confirm them and also confirm that they are applicable in humans, which is why we don't really mention growth hormone benefits in the product write up. But yes, it may have positive benefits for GH levels.

If you are looking for something that is specifically geared towards GH levels, Growth Factor XT is a great product and makes for an excellent stack with Anabolic XT:



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Anabolic XT & VasoForce Rush - Memorial Day Sale & Special Offer:

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SNS - Save 20% to 30% Off:
  • Save 20% off of any purchase - coupon code: memorialday20
  • Save 30% off on any purchase of 500.00+ - coupon code: memorialday30
Anabolic XT:
  • Regular Price: 59.99
  • 20% Off Price: 47.99 (save 12.00)
  • 30% Off Price: 41.99 (save 18.00)

Anabolic XT - 3 Bottle Multi-Pack
  • Regular Price: 169.99 (saves 9.98)
  • 20% Off Price: 135.99 (saves an additional 34.00 for a total savings of 43.98)
  • 30% Off Price: 118.99 (saves an additional 51.00 for a total savings of 60.98)

Anabolic XT - 4 Bottle Multi-Pack
  • Regular Price: 219.99 (saves 19.97)
  • 20% Off Price: 175.99 (saves an additional 44.00 for a total savings of 63.97)
  • 30% Off Price: 153.99 (saves an additional 66.00 for a total savings of 85.97)

Anabolic XT - 6 Bottle Multi-Pack
  • Regular Price: 319.99 (saves 39.95)
  • 20% Off Price: 255.99 (saves an additional 64.00 for a total savings of 103.95)
  • 30% Off Price: 223.99 (saves an additional 96.00 for a total savings of 135.95)

Anabolic XT - 12 Bottle Multi-Pack
  • Regular Price: 599.99 (saves 119.89)
  • 20% Off Price: 479.99 (save an additional 120.00 for a total savings of 239.89)
  • 30% Off Price: 419.99 (save an additional 180.00 for a total savings of 299.89)


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Anabolic XT, Pepti-Plex, & Phosphatidic Acid XT Memorial Day Special Offer!

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SNS - Save 20% to 30% Off:
  • Save 20% off of any purchase - coupon code: memorialday20
  • Save 30% off on any purchase of 500.00+ - coupon code: memorialday30
Anabolic XT, Pepti-Plex, Phosphatidic Acid XT Stack:
  • Regular Price: 159.99 (stack discount saves 19.98)
  • 20% Off Price: 127.99 (saves an additional 32.00 for a total savings of 51.98)
  • 30% Off Price: 111.99 (saves an additional 48.00 for a total savings of 67.98)

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