Reduce XT vs 7-keto, which is better?



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Which is better for managing cortisol levels or is there something out there that’s better? Are there any caveats that should be taken into consideration?


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Reduce XT by SNS is my go to because I know SNS is quality so I would definitely recommend it if you haven't tried it.

Another option is Corti Combat by Assault Labs which is the same price as Reduce XT.

If you want a transdermal option Suppress-C by XPG would be one option.



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Your saying manage cortisol, what does that mean.

Most ppl use these supplements to lower cortisol but when you say manage cortisol I'm thinking your looking to keep things balanced.


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Reduce XT. 7-Keto shouldn't affect cortisol too much. It's main mechanism of action is thermogenesis. If you're looking to add something to help with cutting, then those could make a nice stack.

As for other options, TD b-Aet is very popular and highly touted cortisol control supp.


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Which is better for managing cortisol levels or is there something out there that’s better? Are there any caveats that should be taken into consideration?
Reduce XT is much better than 7-Keto for cortisol control purposes in my opinion.

There are other things that I can think of that may help a little, but nothing as efficient for it as Reduce XT.

I do also like Suppress-C by Xtreme Performance Gels if you're wanting to go with a topical option.


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it's anecdotal, but personally, I like transdermal b-AET best for this


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Your saying manage cortisol, what does that mean.

Most ppl use these supplements to lower cortisol but when you say manage cortisol I'm thinking your looking to keep things balanced.
I’m looking for something that lowers cortisol


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I’m looking for something that lowers cortisol
Reduce XT and Suppress-C will both help with that.

Reduce XT has been around for many years and was originally introduced to help control cortisol on cycle and during PCT in order to help people keep their gains and continue making progress. But then, people also quickly realized how great it was for helping support fat loss and lean muscle retention while dieting as well.

Suppress-C (topical/td B-Androstenetriol) was originally a Competitive Edge Labs product that we launched for people that preferred a topical product to use for the purpose of helping manage cortisol. Over time, CEL quit making any topical products so it went away for some years and then we licensed it to Xtreme Performance Gels.

If wanting a topical option, Suppress-C is a great product, uses a great topical delivery system (the old Avant Labs carrier), and provides the most B-triol that I'm aware of for the money.

Both are great products. It just comes down to which a person prefers (capsule or topical) and individual response.


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Reduce XT by SNS is my go to because I know SNS is quality so I would definitely recommend it if you haven't tried it.

Another option is Corti Combat by Assault Labs which is the same price as Reduce XT.

If you want a transdermal option Suppress-C by XPG would be one option.

Does Corti combat need to be cycled? Afaik none of the ingredients other than maybe 7-hydroxy DHEAs need to be cycled but in corti combat’s dosing section it says corti combat shouldn’t be taken for more than 6 weeks at a time even though there’s no mention of cycling in the dosing section for reduce-xt


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Does Corti combat need to be cycled? Afaik none of the ingredients other than maybe 7-hydroxy DHEAs need to be cycled but in corti combat’s dosing section it says corti combat shouldn’t be taken for more than 6 weeks at a time even though there’s no mention of cycling in the dosing section for reduce-xt
I can't speak for them, but I think that some brands use the idea of something needing to be cycled as a marketing tactic to make something appear to be stronger than it is.

I normally don't comment on other brands products but since the product in question likes to take marketing swipes sometimes at SNS and Reduce XT sometimes, I will say that it absolutely positively is not comparable to Reduce XT.

(And if they continue to try to capitalize off of Reduce XT's long standing great reputation, they're going to put me in a spot where I'll break down exactly why that is and why that product isn't exactly what it appears to be).

I want to clarify that my statement is also not a knock at the Strong reps on here that promote Corti Combat as they are just doing their jobs as reps and I like them as individuals, and they likely have no idea what I'm even referring to that the brand has been doing.


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I can't speak for them, but I think that some brands use the idea of something needing to be cycled as a marketing tactic to make something appear to be stronger than it is.

I normally don't comment on other brands products but since the product in question likes to take marketing swipes sometimes at SNS and Reduce XT sometimes, I will say that it absolutely positively is not comparable to Reduce XT.

(And if they continue to try to capitalize off of Reduce XT's long standing great reputation, they're going to put me in a spot where I'll break down exactly why that is and why that product isn't exactly what it appears to be).

I want to clarify that my statement is also not a knock at the Strong reps on here that promote Corti Combat as they are just doing their jobs as reps and I like them as individuals, and they likely have no idea what I'm even referring to that the brand has been doing.
Could you give me a quick breakdown of why corti combat isn’t exactly what it appears to be please? Because just judging by the labels corti combat looks like it’s reduce xt with some good add-ons


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Could you give me a quick breakdown of why corti combat isn’t exactly what it appears to be please? Because just judging by the labels corti combat looks like it’s reduce xt with some good add-ons
You're putting me in a spot here because I'm really trying to be nice and respectful towards a brand that really hasn't been towards me in this particular situation and that has done just some blatant underhanded stuff; and was trying to take the high road here haha.

They do a good job of giving the product the appearance of it being a certain way by playing off of many people's lack of understanding of some of the ingredients that they are using in there.

  • Ashwagandha content:
    • The product doesn't specify what type of Ashwagandha they use which is a violation of FDA labeling guidelines - and here is why that is relevant - Ashwagandha leaves can have some very undesirable side effects, so much so that the Indian government even issued an advisory warning people not to use generic Ashwagandha products that contain the leaf part of the plant. But this is one of the cheapest raw material sources of Ashwagandha.
    • For people that want to use Ashwagandha, I would only use it if using a branded ingredient version such as KSM-66, Sensoril, or Shoden, etc.
  • Rhodiola Root - they seem to be providing the root, not an extract, and don't tell the consumer the salidroside or rosavin content - which is extremely relevant because its those active constituents that provide the benefits, not Rhodiola itself.
  • Green Tea Extract - their supplement facts shows this broken down for polyphenols and EGCG but the write up states it as L-Theanine - Green Tea only contains a very small amount of L-Theanine - so which is it? Green Tea or L-Theanine? The relevance is that there is a huge price difference per kg between real Theanine and cheap Green Tea Extract and also that they're making claims in the write up based on L-Theanine but their supplement facts don't even show it.
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (20%PS) - at 33 mg. per capsule x 3 caps per day, that is 99 mg. total material and only 19.8 mg. of actual phosphatidylserine. The relevance is that their write up is making statements about Phosphatidylserine helping to combat stress and cortisol that is not true at the dosage provided.
  • Cordyceps (7%) - literally only 7 mg. per capsule x 3 caps per day is 21 mg. total and Cordyceps effective dosage is 1 to 2 GRAMS per day.
^^^ All of that above is marketing, and normally I wouldn't even point that out because I normally don't speak negatively about any other company, but they've been pretty blatant and underhanded about some of the things that they've said about Reduce XT.

So, this leads me to the main point - which is 7-OH DHEA.

A lot of people may forget, or may have not known if they hadn't been here for a long time, that SNS and DS back when DS was still the original DS, introduced 7-OH DHEA to the market many years ago.

We launched Reduce XT at the same time that DS launched the original Lean Xtreme, both of which were basically the same product. It was a very expensive raw material even back then and its went up a lot over the years. The first major price increase on it is what led to DS changing their original Lean Xtreme from being straight 7-OH to a prop blend version, which I didn't blame them at all for because they only had a few products at the time and needed to make sure they were profitable.

On our side, we decided to keep Reduce XT the way it was and be super low margin on it bc then we'd be the only company with a straight 7-OH DHEA product at the time. And over the years, the cost of the raw material has gone up more and more - to the point where the product is not profitable for us at all based on what we wholesale it for to retailers - but we have kept the pricing the same because its so popular and so many people use it and bought it for so long at around the same price that we didn't want to go up on them and also because we have so many products, that it really didn't hurt anything if that makes sense.

There have been several brands over the years that have labeled products as 7-OH DHEA that have actually been just 7-keto/7-oxo DHEA. In some cases, I think that they likely just got duped by suppliers but in other cases, they knew what they were doing and were just outright lying to customers.

Legitimate 7-OH is so expensive that it isn't widely commercially available and if we hadn't already offered it for so long, I wouldn't have offered it ourselves bc of the cost of it now. I do a lot formulation and raw material sourcing for other brands and have a friend that is the owner of a very large brand that asked me about using it in a product. Keep in mind, I would have made money off of it, but I told him the truth - that the legit raw materials are so expensive, that if using it in a formula, it doesn't leave price room to use any other good ingredients with it.

So, here's some cliff notes thoughts on this regarding 7-OH DHEA:
  • 7-OH DHEA is a very expensive raw material and isn't widely available because it is so expensive to have made.
  • A lot of brands over the years have tried to pass off 7-Keto/7-OXO DHEA as 7-OH DHEA to keep their costs down.
  • IF this were legitimate real 7-OH DHEA in the product, the dosage would actually be too high - bc the maximum dosage of legitimate 7-OH DHEA per day is 150 mg. and a lot of people only need 100 mg.
  • IF this were legitimate real 7-OH DHEA in the product, then the cost of the product to produce doesn't line up at all with them being able to wholesale the product with the other ingredients they claim to have added in there.
  • The warning on their product in question lines up with the warning for 7-oxo/7-keto DHEA and not the one commonly used on 7-OH DHEA products.
I hope all of that makes sense and helps. There are some more things I could point out, but I prefer to avoid conflict.

Keep in mind that I'm not saying their product doesn't work or that its bad overall, but I am saying that I don't think its comparable to Reduce XT and I wish as a brand they would have stayed focused on their own product rather than trying to build theirs up by attacking Reduce XT.

If you have any other questions, you're welcome to pm me.


You're putting me in a spot here because I'm really trying to be nice and respectful towards a brand that really hasn't been towards me in this particular situation and that has done just some blatant underhanded stuff; and was trying to take the high road here haha.

They do a good job of giving the product the appearance of it being a certain way by playing off of many people's lack of understanding of some of the ingredients that they are using in there.

  • Ashwagandha content:
    • The product doesn't specify what type of Ashwagandha they use which is a violation of FDA labeling guidelines - and here is why that is relevant - Ashwagandha leaves can have some very undesirable side effects, so much so that the Indian government even issued an advisory warning people not to use generic Ashwagandha products that contain the leaf part of the plant. But this is one of the cheapest raw material sources of Ashwagandha.
    • For people that want to use Ashwagandha, I would only use it if using a branded ingredient version such as KSM-66, Sensoril, or Shoden, etc.
  • Rhodiola Root - they seem to be providing the root, not an extract, and don't tell the consumer the salidroside or rosavin content - which is extremely relevant because its those active constituents that provide the benefits, not Rhodiola itself.
  • Green Tea Extract - their supplement facts shows this broken down for polyphenols and EGCG but the write up states it as L-Theanine - Green Tea only contains a very small amount of L-Theanine - so which is it? Green Tea or L-Theanine? The relevance is that there is a huge price difference per kg between real Theanine and cheap Green Tea Extract and also that they're making claims in the write up based on L-Theanine but their supplement facts don't even show it.
  • Phosphatidyl Serine (20%PS) - at 33 mg. per capsule x 3 caps per day, that is 99 mg. total material and only 19.8 mg. of actual phosphatidylserine. The relevance is that their write up is making statements about Phosphatidylserine helping to combat stress and cortisol that is not true at the dosage provided.
  • Cordyceps (7%) - literally only 7 mg. per capsule x 3 caps per day is 21 mg. total and Cordyceps effective dosage is 1 to 2 GRAMS per day.
^^^ All of that above is marketing, and normally I wouldn't even point that out because I normally don't speak negatively about any other company, but they've been pretty blatant and underhanded about some of the things that they've said about Reduce XT.

So, this leads me to the main point - which is 7-OH DHEA.

A lot of people may forget, or may have not known if they hadn't been here for a long time, that SNS and DS back when DS was still the original DS, introduced 7-OH DHEA to the market many years ago.

We launched Reduce XT at the same time that DS launched the original Lean Xtreme, both of which were basically the same product. It was a very expensive raw material even back then and its went up a lot over the years. The first major price increase on it is what led to DS changing their original Lean Xtreme from being straight 7-OH to a prop blend version, which I didn't blame them at all for because they only had a few products at the time and needed to make sure they were profitable.

On our side, we decided to keep Reduce XT the way it was and be super low margin on it bc then we'd be the only company with a straight 7-OH DHEA product at the time. And over the years, the cost of the raw material has gone up more and more - to the point where the product is not profitable for us at all based on what we wholesale it for to retailers - but we have kept the pricing the same because its so popular and so many people use it and bought it for so long at around the same price that we didn't want to go up on them and also because we have so many products, that it really didn't hurt anything if that makes sense.

There have been several brands over the years that have labeled products as 7-OH DHEA that have actually been just 7-keto/7-oxo DHEA. In some cases, I think that they likely just got duped by suppliers but in other cases, they knew what they were doing and were just outright lying to customers.

Legitimate 7-OH is so expensive that it isn't widely commercially available and if we hadn't already offered it for so long, I wouldn't have offered it ourselves bc of the cost of it now. I do a lot formulation and raw material sourcing for other brands and have a friend that is the owner of a very large brand that asked me about using it in a product. Keep in mind, I would have made money off of it, but I told him the truth - that the legit raw materials are so expensive, that if using it in a formula, it doesn't leave price room to use any other good ingredients with it.

So, here's some cliff notes thoughts on this regarding 7-OH DHEA:
  • 7-OH DHEA is a very expensive raw material and isn't widely available because it is so expensive to have made.
  • A lot of brands over the years have tried to pass off 7-Keto/7-OXO DHEA as 7-OH DHEA to keep their costs down.
  • IF this were legitimate real 7-OH DHEA in the product, the dosage would actually be too high - bc the maximum dosage of legitimate 7-OH DHEA per day is 150 mg. and a lot of people only need 100 mg.
  • IF this were legitimate real 7-OH DHEA in the product, then the cost of the product to produce doesn't line up at all with them being able to wholesale the product with the other ingredients they claim to have added in there.
  • The warning on their product in question lines up with the warning for 7-oxo/7-keto DHEA and not the one commonly used on 7-OH DHEA products.
I hope all of that makes sense and helps. There are some more things I could point out, but I prefer to avoid conflict.

Keep in mind that I'm not saying their product doesn't work or that its bad overall, but I am saying that I don't think its comparable to Reduce XT and I wish as a brand they would have stayed focused on their own product rather than trying to build theirs up by attacking Reduce XT.

If you have any other questions, you're welcome to pm me.
a very respectful way to stand up for yourself and your product. You’re always the first one to not bash other products or companies.

ReduceXt does exactly what it’s supposed to and there really is no reason to use anything else.


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Does Corti combat need to be cycled? Afaik none of the ingredients other than maybe 7-hydroxy DHEAs need to be cycled but in corti combat’s dosing section it says corti combat shouldn’t be taken for more than 6 weeks at a time even though there’s no mention of cycling in the dosing section for reduce-xt
It doesn't necessarily need to be cycled but some companies will put that on the label to be conservative as it's always good to take a break from using a product after a certain period of time.


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FWIW Reduce XT has probably been around longer than some people around here have even been lifting. Sometimes when something works there isn't any reason to switch it up and this stuff has had positive feedback for so long.

Also, just my personal opinion about some of this other stuff, but if a brand can't even put stuff on their label properly or if you ever look at a label and aren't really sure what is going on I feel it is just best to avoid them altogether. If someone can't figure those kind of things out I don't trust them to do all sorts of other stuff. ;)

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