


I will admit I'm mostly in this body augmentation game to get laid, although I try to improve my health and longevity too. Plus, I'm just plain old vain.

Anyways, I'm taking the hook on this pheromone thing. I wanted to know if anybody has used Primal Instinct, as it seems to be reputed the most effective. I know everybody is supposed to get different reactions, but I'm just looking for a surefire potent female attractor. Is Primal worth it or should I try something like Edge?


Visiting Moderator (LS Forum)

I will admit I'm mostly in this body augmentation game to get laid, although I try to improve my health and longevity too. Plus, I'm just plain old vain.

Anyways, I'm taking the hook on this pheromone thing. I wanted to know if anybody has used Primal Instinct, as it seems to be reputed the most effective. I know everybody is supposed to get different reactions, but I'm just looking for a surefire potent female attractor. Is Primal worth it or should I try something like Edge?
Primal is STRONG! I'd suggest trying soimething with a little less kick at first. ODing on mones is a real problem. You don't want to come off as scary and OD can do that. Try Edge first. Start with one spray and see how that works, increase the amount after a week if you don't get any results. After a while you'll have a good handle on what works for you.


Hey thanks. Forgive the lack of knowledge, but what do you mean when you say "OD" and "come off scary"?

Edge is cheaper anyways so I'll probably go with it.


New member

I will admit I'm mostly in this body augmentation game to get laid, although I try to improve my health and longevity too. Plus, I'm just plain old vain.

Anyways, I'm taking the hook on this pheromone thing. I wanted to know if anybody has used Primal Instinct, as it seems to be reputed the most effective. I know everybody is supposed to get different reactions, but I'm just looking for a surefire potent female attractor. Is Primal worth it or should I try something like Edge?
Hi Enash.

Like Belgareth, I'm another one of the moderators from the L-S forum. I'm over here looking around at what's going on. I can tell you that I was convinced of the power of pheromones the first time I used them. I won't go into any "hit stories" here (as we call them on our forum), but let's just say the reaction I got from a woman half my age blew me away on my first usage, although your mileage may vary. ;-)

Another thing to take into account on the phermone you use is your age, and the age of the women you want to attract. The long term users tend to belive through trial and error that the younger women (teens to mid 20's) don't react as positively to a-none (the only ingredient in Primal) as well as older women (say 30+. Sorry to refer to anybody 30 as older....but oh well.) So, I've not had as much success with Primal as I have with Alter Ego, or Scent or Eros, other products which contain a lesser concentration of a-none but contain several different kinds of pheromones. That's not to say Primal doesn't work, many people love it. You just have to be careful when using it.

As far as OD, that would be an overdose. "Less is more" is a common phrase kicked around among the phero users as well. Overwhelming women with a massive amount of pheromones (a-none in particular) can be counter productive and cause you to be more repulsive due to the smell. A-none is also the alpha male pheromone, and using too much can essentially make you more intimidating than attractive which can scare people off. So, take it easy on the application amounts. Like Belgareth said, you can always add more if you need to until you find your optimal amount.


ODing sounds interesting. LOL! This is all fascinating. Upsidedown, I noticed you didn't mention Edge. Would you recommend Eros, Alter Ego etc. over it for a newbie? I just noticed Edge because of the price, and the fact that it has a blend or several mones, but I don't know if it's a-none heavy or what (they don't reveal the ingredients I think). I definitely will be targeting what you refer to as a "younger" demographic (I'm 27 and tend to date in the 22-25 range). Please help me to pick a product.


New member
ODing sounds interesting. LOL! This is all fascinating. Upsidedown, I noticed you didn't mention Edge. Would you recommend Eros, Alter Ego etc. over it for a newbie? I just noticed Edge because of the price, and the fact that it has a blend or several mones, but I don't know if it's a-none heavy or what (they don't reveal the ingredients I think). I definitely will be targeting what you refer to as a "younger" demographic (I'm 27 and tend to date in the 22-25 range). Please help me to pick a product.
I like Edge also and have used several of the fragrances of the product, but I guess I'm just more partial to Alter Ego myself since I've had some of my best overall reactions from it over the last couple of years. But, the Edge does contain some secret ingredients that Alter Ego does not have...and you certainly can't go wrong with the price of Edge when you're just starting to experiment with them. And you're right, Edge doesn't contain nearly the overwhelming concentration of -none that Primal does. So, I think Edge would be a much better choice for you to start with as Belgareth suggest, all things considered.


OK last question:
Do you use unscented or scented normally, and if unscented, will regular cologne mask
the mone?



Visiting Moderator (LS Forum)
ODing sounds interesting. LOL! This is all fascinating. Upsidedown, I noticed you didn't mention Edge. Would you recommend Eros, Alter Ego etc. over it for a newbie? I just noticed Edge because of the price, and the fact that it has a blend or several mones, but I don't know if it's a-none heavy or what (they don't reveal the ingredients I think). I definitely will be targeting what you refer to as a "younger" demographic (I'm 27 and tend to date in the 22-25 range). Please help me to pick a product.
ODing can be a very bad thing. Some people have reported violent reactions from others around them when ODing on products containing None. Wearing mones will have an effect on your mood as well and can make you belligerant. Most experienced users strongly reccomend the less is more approach for those reasons and because it saves you money.

I personally share Upsidedown's liking for AE, in my opinion it is one of the best all around products on the market. Bruce (Our fearless leader and owner of Love Scent) just announced that he will have a few bottles of a new product called Chikara available in a few days. I've been wearing it exclusively since it was introduced. IMHO it easily compares or exceeds the effectiveness with AE but I like the scent better.


Visiting Moderator (LS Forum)
OK last question:
Do you use unscented or scented normally, and if unscented, will regular cologne mask
the mone?

If you have a cologne that suits you use the Edge unscented. Just go light on it until you know how well it covers. I personally like the sandlewood scented Edge but it's mostly preference. Also, remember that 25-30% of us cannot smell None and that makes it hard to judge.

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