Pre blended stacks????


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Age 32
Weight 201
Hight 5'9
BF 21%
Bench around 225 ( not to sure, I dont bench a lot)
Squat 405
Deadlift 405
Over head press 185

I often hear "never use tren as a beginner" so my first question is what is a beginner? I have never pinned but I have used dbol twice and ran a few cycles of prohormons, it has been a year since I last cycled......
I have recently acquired pre mixed blend and I can not seem to find any info on pre blended gear. It is made up of 3 compound's: tren a 50mg/ml, test p 50mg/ml, and drost 50mg/ml. Dose any one have experience with such a product? and how would you dose it?


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Age 32
Weight 201
Hight 5'9
BF 21%
Bench around 225 ( not to sure, I dont bench a lot)
Squat 405
Deadlift 405
Over head press 185

I often hear "never use tren as a beginner" so my first question is what is a beginner? I have never pinned but I have used dbol twice and ran a few cycles of prohormons, it has been a year since I last cycled......
I have recently acquired pre mixed blend and I can not seem to find any info on pre blended gear. It is made up of 3 compound's: tren a 50mg/ml, test p 50mg/ml, and drost 50mg/ml. Dose any one have experience with such a product? and how would you dose it?
You're not ready for the cut blend in my opinion. Start with test only. Why don't you bench?


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You're not ready for the cut blend in my opinion. Start with test only. Why don't you bench?
I am training for a strong man competition in June and bench press is not a major factor. I still bench but I typically use it as accessory work on my overhead press day ( which is were I need the most work). Why do you feel as if I'm not ready for I cutting blend?


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I am training for a strong man competition in June and bench press is not a major factor. I still bench but I typically use it as accessory work on my overhead press day ( which is were I need the most work). Why do you feel as if I'm not ready for I cutting blend?
You said you've never pinned before. You have no idea how you will react to either of the three steroids in the blend, if you have a bad reaction you won't know what caused it. Start with test only, 12 weeks at about 500 per week. You will be more than satisfied and if you keep your diet in check you will lose bodyfat. The next cycle you would then add one of the other steroids in. Or you could add an oral like winstrol, dbol, or anavar with your first test cycle.


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Agree with the above, you can’t work out what is causing issues with a blend so you won’t know how to deal with it. In that stack you have test which may cause estrogen issues and tren which can cause high prolactin. Both of which would use different drugs to address (eg an AI for E and caber for p) also need to consider that for you specifically (with strength being key) you don’t want to lower your estrogen if prolactin is the cause of the nipple sensitivity.

why are you cutting btw? Trying to come down a weight class?


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Agree with the above, you can’t work out what is causing issues with a blend so you won’t know how to deal with it. In that stack you have test which may cause estrogen issues and tren which can cause high prolactin. Both of which would use different drugs to address (eg an AI for E and caber for p) also need to consider that for you specifically (with strength being key) you don’t want to lower your estrogen if prolactin is the cause of the nipple sensitivity.

why are you cutting btw? Trying to come down a weight class?
So if I get over 220 I'll be hevy weight those guys are rediculous, I'm trying to get as strong as possible but stay under 220. I fuger if I run test solo I'll gain to much weight.


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I am training for a strong man competition in June and bench press is not a major factor. I still bench but I typically use it as accessory work on my overhead press day ( which is were I need the most work). Why do you feel as if I'm not ready for I cutting blend?
Strongman Corporation or United States Strongman? I ask because the weightclass and intensity of the class would determine what you are trying to do with your bodyweight, and, accordingly, your drugs.

I have competed in both feds several times. If Strongman Corp you NEED to get down to the 175 class to be able to lift the weights - the open 231 class is serious business and you will probably zero most events based on your numbers. USS on the other hand has lots of classes as well as a great Novice class - this is what I recommend. Novice Lightweight is anything under like 230, while Heavyweight is above. You don’t even need any drugs in that scenario if you didn’t want (but I know we do lol).

If lightweight novice in USS, 4-500mg test like @Ironpirate mentioned would be excellent. Combined with months of eating up slowly starting now and you won’t believe how much stronger you will be 25lbs up. Food and a little test is all you need. If you have some Dbol the last 2-4 weeks precomp, feel free to go for that too.

If I were going to use the cut blend I would use half an ML pinned eod (25mg each eod, or ~175mg each total weekly for ~6wks based on one 10ml vial). But I strongly discourage this - save it or sell it to a close buddy who has used test at least. This is a blend for someone who has been in the game for years and doesn’t have the luxury to eat up for power like you do.


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Strongman Corporation or United States Strongman? I ask because the weightclass and intensity of the class would determine what you are trying to do with your bodyweight, and, accordingly, your drugs.

I have competed in both feds several times. If Strongman Corp you NEED to get down to the 175 class to be able to lift the weights - the open 231 class is serious business and you will probably zero most events based on your numbers. USS on the other hand has lots of classes as well as a great Novice class - this is what I recommend. Novice Lightweight is anything under like 230, while Heavyweight is above. You don’t even need any drugs in that scenario if you didn’t want (but I know we do lol).

If lightweight novice in USS, 4-500mg test like @Ironpirate mentioned would be excellent. Combined with months of eating up slowly starting now and you won’t believe how much stronger you will be 25lbs up. Food and a little test is all you need. If you have some Dbol the last 2-4 weeks precomp, feel free to go for that too.

If I were going to use the cut blend I would use half an ML pinned eod (25mg each eod, or ~175mg each total weekly for ~6wks based on one 10ml vial). But I strongly discourage this - save it or sell it to a close buddy who has used test at least. This is a blend for someone who has been in the game for years and doesn’t have the luxury to eat up for power like you do.
I think I'll take your advice and save it for a later cycle. The Competition is USS and I'm looking to completely dominate the novice division. This will be my first competition, I have about 5 months to prepare. I am just getting out of the bodybuilding scene so I am really struggling mentally with the extra body fat..... would you say I'll be ready for the cut blend after a cycle and rest period of test?


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Tbh if keept in moderation, I don't see a reason as to why not use this blend. Like Hyde said, 25mg eod is a nice low dose cycle and being so low dose, should avoid most if not all sides. 175mg of test per week is nothing, but enough to keep your willy up. No need for Ai or anything. 175mg's of mast will help with strenght and energy levels but wont have any sides. 175mg of tren is the only thing that can have sides, but still, it's such a low dose that most likely wont have any major sides.

I don't believe in test only cycles. Imo test should not be the main active compound but rather only a "base" kept at a TRT level, ie. 100mg a week. Test is the weakest and most androgenic compound. Don't use it as a main compound. Use primo, npp, EQ, DHN, etc. And keep test at 100mg.

Anyway, 175mg test, 175mg mast and 175 tren a sounds like a safe cycle imo.


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I think I'll take your advice and save it for a later cycle. The Competition is USS and I'm looking to completely dominate the novice division. This will be my first competition, I have about 5 months to prepare. I am just getting out of the bodybuilding scene so I am really struggling mentally with the extra body fat..... would you say I'll be ready for the cut blend after a cycle and rest period of test?
Yes, if you are still set on it then you will have experience pinning and modulating your estrogen with Aromasin or using SERMs like Raloxifene daily to control gyno and know how test treats you. Some guys make huge gains off plain test and can just keep pushing test, most need other anabolics with more moderate test, but you need to know.

If you want to be strong as possible you aren’t going to look like a bodybuilder - you can’t ride 2 horses with 1 ass, as they say. But you don’t need to gain weight fast or get sloppy at all, that’s a choice. Take your time increasing foods you already do well on slowly as your weight rises.

You also need to learn the events, but don’t make them the core of your training until the last 6-8 weeks before the show to avoid getting injured - events are hard on the body. Things like squatting, rowing, pulling and strict pressing should still be the meat and potatoes of your work. Any moving or loading events like farmers and stones done now should be lighter and for distance or technique and done after primary barbell work.

Tbh if keept in moderation, I don't see a reason as to why not use this blend. Like Hyde said, 25mg eod is a nice low dose cycle and being so low dose, should avoid most if not all sides. 175mg of test per week is nothing, but enough to keep your willy up. No need for Ai or anything. 175mg's of mast will help with strenght and energy levels but wont have any sides. 175mg of tren is the only thing that can have sides, but still, it's such a low dose that most likely wont have any major sides.

I don't believe in test only cycles. Imo test should not be the main active compound but rather only a "base" kept at a TRT level, ie. 100mg a week. Test is the weakest and most androgenic compound. Don't use it as a main compound. Use primo, npp, EQ, DHN, etc. And keep test at 100mg.

Anyway, 175mg test, 175mg mast and 175 tren a sounds like a safe cycle imo.
This cutting/ripper blend was frequently used by strongmen and powerlifters back in the day - it’s actually excellent for strength, as it is an extremely androgenic blend and greatly upregulates neuromuscular potential while on it.

But plain test is also excellent for a strength athlete as it’s very cheap, quite androgenic, no prolactin issues, and doesn’t need to be run too long to PCT the way EQ and Deca are. The goal of drugs for a strength athlete is to increase competition performance, and while muscle can help with this it’s only one avenue. Being androgenic is actually desirable, despite the sides like acne, hair growth, crazy libido - this is what raises strength. Primo is not a strongman’s drug at all by comparison. Deca mainly gets used by bigger guys trying to be as big as possible in strength sport, and only from guys who have maxed out their personal test dosage already. It doesn’t make sense for a newbie, nor does EQ since it isn’t for those PCTing.

Basically while he could use the ripper blend safely, OP should get his feet wet before diving into the deep. Take advantage of the easy gains.


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This cutting/ripper blend was frequently used by strongmen and powerlifters back in the day - it’s actually excellent for strength, as it is an extremely androgenic blend and greatly upregulates neuromuscular potential while on it.

But plain test is also excellent for a strength athlete as it’s very cheap, quite androgenic, no prolactin issues, and doesn’t need to be run too long to PCT the way EQ and Deca are. The goal of drugs for a strength athlete is to increase competition performance, and while muscle can help with this it’s only one avenue. Being androgenic is actually desirable, despite the sides like acne, hair growth, crazy libido - this is what raises strength. Primo is not a strongman’s drug at all by comparison. Deca mainly gets used by bigger guys trying to be as big as possible in strength sport, and only from guys who have maxed out their personal test dosage already. It doesn’t make sense for a newbie, nor does EQ since it isn’t for those PCTing.

Basically while he could use the ripper blend safely, OP should get his feet wet before diving into the deep. Take advantage of the easy gains.
Well, test only can cause prolactin and progesterone issues. It did for me. Thing is, most don't measure prolactin and progesterone on test only cycles, but they do get out of range. Not so much to cause problems though usually.

Whell, idk. I don't think an enlarged prostate is amust to be strong. DHT stimulates cns and that's why you get strong. Test does this the least of all compounds. Winny, SD, halo, DHB, ... DHT's basically, not test, should be used for strenght imo. Have never competed in a strenght contest nor have I tryied to be competitive. But I still don't see a reson to use just test for cutting or strength. If test is kept at a trt dose and you add for example 1test, you are basically just running one compound; 1test. Mast is a good strenght drug, but the most androgenic of all the dht's. It's good for cutting, better then test, as are most all other compounds imo.
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Tbh if keept in moderation, I don't see a reason as to why not use this blend. Like Hyde said, 25mg eod is a nice low dose cycle and being so low dose, should avoid most if not all sides. 175mg of test per week is nothing, but enough to keep your willy up. No need for Ai or anything. 175mg's of mast will help with strenght and energy levels but wont have any sides. 175mg of tren is the only thing that can have sides, but still, it's such a low dose that most likely wont have any major sides.

I don't believe in test only cycles. Imo test should not be the main active compound but rather only a "base" kept at a TRT level, ie. 100mg a week. Test is the weakest and most androgenic compound. Don't use it as a main compound. Use primo, npp, EQ, DHN, etc. And keep test at 100mg.

Anyway, 175mg test, 175mg mast and 175 tren a sounds like a safe cycle imo.
Test most certainly is not weaker than eq and primo.

As far as npp goes, i asked that question (test vs npp anabolic potency) on my cycle planning thread but didnt get an answer.

My reasoning is that npp alone is less effective than test as test works through more pathways than just androgen receptor binding. › pii
Comparison of the effects of high dose testosterone and 19-nortestosterone to a replacement dose of testosterone on strength and body composition in normal men - ScienceDirect

"Small improvements were noted in all groups but the changes were highly variable; a trend to greater and more consistent strength gain occured in the TE-300 mg/wk group. There was no change in weight for TE-100 mg/wk but an average gain of 3 kg in each of the other groups. "

But stacked yes both will be superior to just one.

But also harsher on the body, progestins (nandrolone, tren) cause much more stiffening of the arteries than test, also there are some implications that 19 nors mess with memory and various brain function.

So just to be safe i am going to limit my 19 nor use to sort of a boost rather than something i use the whole cycle.

Anyway...good and strong physiques have been built using both test only and using various stacks.
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Well, test only can cause prolactin and progesterone issues. It did for me. Thing is, most don't measure prolactin and progesterone on test only cycles, but they do get out of range. Not so much to cause problems though usually.

Whell, idk. I don't think an enlarged prostate is amust to be strong. DHT stimulates cns and that's why you get strong. Test does this the least of all compounds. Winny, SD, halo, DHN, ... DHT's basically, not test, should be used for strenght imo. Have never competed in a strenght contest nor have I tryied to be competitive. But I still don't see a reson to use just test for cutting or strength. If test is kept at a trt dose and you add for example 1test, you are basically just running one compound; 1test. Mast is a good strenght drug, but the most androgenic of all the dht's. It's good for cutting, better then test, as are most all other compounds imo.
We’ve established he’s 201lbs currently looking to compete in a class that caps at 230lbs, so he will be bulking and has never ran oils. Test and maybe an oral is the perfect fit here.

I do agree with most all of the above, except I don’t see how 4-500mg test is going to have a greater effect on prostate than 525 total mg of even more androgenic compounds. And winny is terrible for connective tissue integrity and heavy training. Yes it will make you stronger, but generally better off running Superdrol, Anadrol, dbol, halotestin, anavar, M1A, M1T, Mtren, DMZ, Mithras if looking at orals for competition. Winny shouldn’t be used by strength athletes except when other things are unavailable (which isn’t really a concern in today’s climate).


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We’ve established he’s 201lbs currently looking to compete in a class that caps at 230lbs, so he will be bulking and has never ran oils. Test and maybe an oral is the perfect fit here.

I do agree with most all of the above, except I don’t see how 4-500mg test is going to have a greater effect on prostate than 525 total mg of even more androgenic compounds. And winny is terrible for connective tissue integrity and heavy training. Yes it will make you stronger, but generally better off running Superdrol, Anadrol, dbol, halotestin, anavar, M1A, M1T, Mtren, DMZ, Mithras if looking at orals for competition. Winny shouldn’t be used by strength athletes except when other things are unavailable (which isn’t really a concern in today’s climate).
If i was op i would run test and add dbol precomp.

btw regarding that study i posted in my previous post...there was a full article somewhere and a table was listed with strength increases and muscle gains for all groups (te 100 and 300mg, nd 100 and 300mg).

At 100mg deca built more muscle but at 300mg test built more muscle, shed more fat and built significantly more strength than deca @ 300mg.

My belief is that when doses get high (some say a gram, some say 750mg, some say 1.5g...) is that test starts to give diminishing returns and stacking becomes more effective. But i dont think that diminishing returns with test start under 500mg.
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So far I have gotten 3 schools of thought; run test solo, run test plus oral, and run blend but at low doses.... Obviously the latter is the most appealing seeing as how I already have the blend. But I do not want to make a decision that can have affects on my long term health based on convenience. One thing I can say about myself is that I do have an extremely resilient body.

If the overall majority thinks that I should hold off on the blend then I feel that is most likely the best decision. Otherwise I will run the blend but at a low dosage. Also if any one has a good source to research blends please send it to me, I cannot seem to find much information on them.


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So far I have gotten 3 schools of thought; run test solo, run test plus oral, and run blend but at low doses.... Obviously the latter is the most appealing seeing as how I already have the blend. But I do not want to make a decision that can have affects on my long term health based on convenience. One thing I can say about myself is that I do have an extremely resilient body.

If the overall majority thinks that I should hold off on the blend then I feel that is most likely the best decision. Otherwise I will run the blend but at a low dosage. Also if any one has a good source to research blends please send it to me, I cannot seem to find much information on them.
I side with the "hold off on the blend" group.
Also ... I'm not the biggest fan of blends. You know who makes the best blend for my specific body/situation?


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We’ve established he’s 201lbs currently looking to compete in a class that caps at 230lbs, so he will be bulking and has never ran oils. Test and maybe an oral is the perfect fit here.
Damn, I don't know why I thought he was cutting.

Well in any case, he already has the cut blend and I would just use that in a low dosage instead of buying new gear. And if the low dosage treats him well, he can always steadily up the dosage. 250/250/250 would be nice.

OP, do you have caber or prami and nolva/torem or ralox?


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Damn, I don't know why I thought he was cutting.

Well in any case, he already has the cut blend and I would just use that in a low dosage instead of buying new gear. And if the low dosage treats him well, he can always steadily up the dosage. 250/250/250 would be nice.

OP, do you have caber or prami and nolva/torem or ralox?
I have not gotten the nova yet but I have a local guy, I'm going to pick it up here soon.


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The problem is not that the ripper blend won’t work - it will make him stronger very effectively. 175mg/wk of tren is double the ampule size it was sold for human consumption in Europe - tren is extremely potent mg for mg. The problem is someone who has never even taken test will be using tren for their very first oil cycle.

Where is he supposed to go from here? Leave potential to grow with bigger doses and stronger compounds down the road.

Honestly when he said he was training for his first strongman show and said his numbers and weight I was going to say slowly bulk the next several months and then add some DMZ the last 4 weeks before contest and call it good. You cannot believe how much stronger 20lbs of bodyweight will make him with no drugs at all. I bet 5-15% depending on the lift. It’s your first show - just go have fun!


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I am training for a strong man competition in June and bench press is not a major factor. I still bench but I typically use it as accessory work on my overhead press day ( which is were I need the most work). Why do you feel as if I'm not ready for I cutting blend?
Hey brother, some of us here would appreciate it if you could keep us informed of your progress, and later, the outcome of your contest.
We're pulling for you, man!


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The problem is not that the ripper blend won’t work - it will make him stronger very effectively. 175mg/wk of tren is double the ampule size it was sold for human consumption in Europe - tren is extremely potent mg for mg. The problem is someone who has never even taken test will be using tren for their very first oil cycle.

Where is he supposed to go from here? Leave potential to grow with bigger doses and stronger compounds down the road.

Honestly when he said he was training for his first strongman show and said his numbers and weight I was going to say slowly bulk the next several months and then add some DMZ the last 4 weeks before contest and call it good. You cannot believe how much stronger 20lbs of bodyweight will make him with no drugs at all. I bet 5-15% depending on the lift. It’s your first show - just go have fun!
I don't understand how are aas beneficial for strength competition's if you stop using them before the event? Surely this messes you up? It messes up your peaking, your whole programing will be a mess.

I agree about the bulking. Makes a lot more sense.

Where to go from a tren cycle? This is a moot point imo. The body will desensitise b4 next cycle and besides, where to go? More mg's, bigger stacks, etc. This is not a real problem


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So far I have gotten 3 schools of thought; run test solo, run test plus oral, and run blend but at low doses.... Obviously the latter is the most appealing seeing as how I already have the blend. But I do not want to make a decision that can have affects on my long term health based on convenience. One thing I can say about myself is that I do have an extremely resilient body.

If the overall majority thinks that I should hold off on the blend then I feel that is most likely the best decision. Otherwise I will run the blend but at a low dosage. Also if any one has a good source to research blends please send it to me, I cannot seem to find much information on them.
Same boat my man. Didnt plan on running tren but i somehow ended up with some tren a. Now me being me i wont have peace till i try it.
Honestly i like the idea of test/npp/var stack a bit better than running test/tren, but i would perhaps be a hypocrite for running that as i often times preach test only being enough for majority of people.
So i am going to run test cycle with tren a kick at the end.

I would tell you how it is for a relative newbie to gear to run tren a at conservative dose but you would have to wait till june.

since i already have tren, the difference between test/tren and test/npp/var cycle is equal to a new handgun, sooo..


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I don't understand how are aas beneficial for strength competition's if you stop using them before the event? Surely this messes you up? It messes up your peaking, your whole programing will be a mess.

I agree about the bulking. Makes a lot more sense.

Where to go from a tren cycle? This is a moot point imo. The body will desensitise b4 next cycle and besides, where to go? More mg's, bigger stacks, etc. This is not a real problem
well if you have natural test production system like me, even 200mg of test is going to pack a punch next time around.


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I don't understand how are aas beneficial for strength competition's if you stop using them before the event? Surely this messes you up? It messes up your peaking, your whole programing will be a mess.

I agree about the bulking. Makes a lot more sense.

Where to go from a tren cycle? This is a moot point imo. The body will desensitise b4 next cycle and besides, where to go? More mg's, bigger stacks, etc. This is not a real problem
Who said anything about stopping the drugs prior to contest? The androgens should always be peaked with contest. You aren’t reading closely enough , or I am typing poorly lol

And for a strength athlete, the stronger you can get with less gear, the more you can lean on drugs later in your lifting career if needed and the less you can take overall (READ: live healthier longer) to reach the same ends. If you have to take tren to run a 500lb yoke, how are you ever going to carry 800 at all? There’s a limit to how many drugs you can handle.

Anyway, that’s the end of my rant on this subject


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Hey brother, some of us here would appreciate it if you could keep us informed of your progress, and later, the outcome of your contest.
We're pulling for you, man!
Hell ya man, for sure!


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Who said anything about stopping the drugs prior to contest? The androgens should always be peaked with contest. You aren’t reading closely enough , or I am typing poorly lol
Sry, I devoted 5 brain cells to this topic, so it's probably me.

I didn't know he was going to be on cycle while in competition however...

I did agree to not using drugs for strength. Bulking yes, but getting as strong as possible without drugs makes all the sense.

Anyway, using this blend for bulking in a small dose still doesn't sound bad to me. Is it the best idea? No. Will he make good gains and have low sides, yes... Anyway, I also agree, this is it for this discussion. We've all given our best input.

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