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PublicEnemy, can you please tell me, what happens to the information you "absorb" while your under the effect of pramiracetam, after the effect expires? Can you recall it quickly? Or do you forget it, and only remember when you take the drug again? Btw, very nice logs, they helped me a lot in my research!


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I Just started to use this as well and also noticed the fogginess. I found that using Chlorella and a couple drops of Lugols Iodine/Iodide in a liter of water really help to alleviate the fog. I also take it with choline. I have been consuming about 500mg of pram and 500mg of choline, no headaches really. :)
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Force of Green

Force of Green

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I Just started to use this as well and also noticed the fogginess. I found that using Chlorella and a couple drops of Lugols Iodine/Iodide in a liter of water really help to alleviate the fog. I also take it with choline. I have been consuming about 500mg of pram and 500mg of choline, no headaches really. :)
Thanks for the update, teknix. Pregnenolone can also cause brain fog if one's thyroid isn't functioning at an optimum level. I like that chlorella as well.


New member
What if you use it daily for 6 months and then quit? Will you be dumber?
I'm thinking about using DMAA, pram, phenibutenil, caffeine and B-complex daily.

I'm pretty smart and also in high school. I've never used anything to help me with studying at but have problems with concentration and often tired as hell.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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What if you use it daily for 6 months and then quit? Will you be dumber?
I'm thinking about using DMAA, pram, phenibutenil, caffeine and B-complex daily.

I'm pretty smart and also in high school. I've never used anything to help me with studying at but have problems with concentration and often tired as hell.
That's a very legitimate question. I've got to say that one product I have noticed tremendous neural enhancement is Testforce 2 (d-aspartic acid calcium chelate & sarcosine) and AndroDrive. With my brain and DAA, I feel hypomanic, but under control. When I stop taking it, I feel that sense of hastened thought process and creativity begin to fade away. Therefore I can imagine that with pram, whatever enhancement you get will most likely just disintegrate as you return to baseline levels of cognitive function.


Pramiracetam is a lipid-soluble nootropic of the Racetam chemical family, and has a relatively similar chemical structure compared to its cousin Aniracetam. However, Pramiracetam is considerably much stronger than Aniracetam. Pramiracetam has the capabilities of increasing the long term memory of individuals, allowing information and knowledge obtained during the effective period of Pramiracetam to be recalled more easily. Considering that the high-affinity choline uptake (HACU) is increased implies an increase in the synthesis and release of Acetylcholine. This shows that Pramiracetam increases both the Hippocampal Acetylcholine activity and the learning and memory encoding process.
Strong copy-paste skills. I see you've discovered Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V!
Force of Green

Force of Green

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Strong copy-paste skills. I see you've discovered Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V!
Damn, I thought it was an OP! :D I gave reps, too... Hey, I've got pram and noopept that I'll cap on an individual basis and I must say, the combo is almost mindblowing. I can tune into things like an HD monitor, adjusting resolution. Yesterday before a radioshow, I took 20mg noopept, 150mg pram, 1200mg serinaid, 500mg citicoline, and 100mg caffeine from Black Powder Ultra and DAMN.


Damn, I thought it was an OP! :D I gave reps, too... Hey, I've got pram and noopept that I'll cap on an individual basis and I must say, the combo is almost mindblowing. I can tune into things like an HD monitor, adjusting resolution. Yesterday before a radioshow, I took 20mg noopept, 150mg pram, 1200mg serinaid, 500mg citicoline, and 100mg caffeine from Black Powder Ultra and DAMN.
What does a stack like that (minus caffeine) run you?
Force of Green

Force of Green

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What does a stack like that (minus caffeine) run you?
Well, I bought the smallest sizes of pram and noopept, which may have been +/- $50 (shipping included), but lasts a while. The Serinaid (20% p-serine) is amazing at the high doses and for 300 gels costs around $60. Citicoline = $20.00 from a local shop, but cheaper for more quantity online. The Black Powder Ultra (at Nutra) is the perfect adjunct for this type of concoction, as the bicarbonates provide for a more basic pH environment, the tyrosine content is just right, and the caffeine doesn't overdo it.
Also, I take FOCUS everyday, by Androfactory. Albeit I just became a rep for the company, this was because I was so amped up about the product. It has 'super' preg and dhea, which are absolutely paramount as neuromodulators for cholinergic channels, dopaminergic transmission (along with Citicoline increasing dopamine receptor density), and other functions such as adrenal upregulation.


Well, I bought the smallest sizes of pram and noopept, which may have been +/- $50 (shipping included), but lasts a while. The Serinaid (20% p-serine) is amazing at the high doses and for 300 gels costs around $60. Citicoline = $20.00 from a local shop, but cheaper for more quantity online. The Black Powder Ultra (at Nutra) is the perfect adjunct for this type of concoction, as the bicarbonates provide for a more basic pH environment, the tyrosine content is just right, and the caffeine doesn't overdo it.
Also, I take FOCUS everyday, by Androfactory. Albeit I just became a rep for the company, this was because I was so amped up about the product. It has 'super' preg and dhea, which are absolutely paramount as neuromodulators for cholinergic channels, dopaminergic transmission (along with Citicoline increasing dopamine receptor density), and other functions such as adrenal upregulation.
I have been told pram not only requires smaller dosages, but its effects also tend to last a bit longer than pira-- would you say that is accurate?

I am not familiar with Serinaid. Would you happen to have any additional info on it? I am currently doing a basic stack consisting of piracetam at about 3g, choline citrate at approx. 4-4.5g and sulbutiamine ( can't remember the dosage right now). I dose them1-2x/ED.
Force of Green

Force of Green

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I have been told pram not only requires smaller dosages, but its effects also tend to last a bit longer than pira-- would you say that is accurate?

I am not familiar with Serinaid. Would you happen to have any additional info on it? I am currently doing a basic stack consisting of piracetam at about 3g, choline citrate at approx. 4-4.5g and sulbutiamine ( can't remember the dosage right now). I dose them1-2x/ED.
Most definitely, Purebred. I can post up info later from a 'quoted' source, but right now I'll go from what's off the top of my head about Serinaid and the other.

I agree with what you described of pramiracetam. I need not even take the recommended amount that one typically finds in capsules. I take half of that (150mg). Same with Noopept. Some start at 25mg and ramp to 150mg (absurd IMO). This is usually the result of not enough pregnenolone in the body. Pregnenolone is the identifiable marker for which the racetams will continue to work (theoretically) indefinitely.

Serinaid is a workable matrix of p-serine, p-choline, and p-ethanolamine that provides a certain yield of each, depending on what % you find. I love it. I don't use DMAE and can't stand it, personally, because dimethylethanolamine has many studies that it is detrimental to health whether taken orally or used in a skin cream. I will cite studies if need be, but even in skincare cream it has been shown to cause apoptosis in skin cells. I prefer the p-ethanolamine in the Serinaid.

Your stack looks very nice, though I haven't tried sulbutiamine lately. I'd like to get good ole piracetam back into my mix and eventually do this 2x a day, as far as nootropics: 1 gram piracetam, 150mg pramiracetam, 20mg noopept. I like choline citrate's safety profile and it's applications, but I find that Citicoline gives me a good pep to my step and alpha-gpc gives a good choline donor as well, whilst having nootropic-like properties.


Active member
Nice info in here. I am a big fan of pramiracetam myself.
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