Poobah On the Road to 405 with John Pinder.


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Thursday - Back, abs

Forgot my camera today.

Rack Pulls (well below knee's)

315 x 5
405 x 5 chalk only
465 x 5 chalk only

I dropped the pins another 3" this week. Unsure how much that would effect me I started at the same weight as last week. 405 x 5 was definately much easier to start from the lower position. Decided to go for 465 x 5 and it was close, reps 3-5 were slow as hell, and took everything I had.

I could feel my back, definately not quite healthy, probably would of been easier if it were. I didn't make it any worse though, so that's good.

Zerker Squats

260 x 9.5

Sorry, I damn near got 10.. hope that's close enough... I blew my brains out trying to get them all... and for the effort, I walked (Should say stumbled) away with the worst case of rubber legs I ever had. If it weren't for the bench 5 feet away, I would of probably been sprawled out on the mat.. lol

Pull throughs

105 x 20
120 x 20

I got more, but I wish I brought my camera, so I could check my form.

Seated Rows

220 x 10
220 x 8

Not much improvement here today.

Face Pulls

175 x 10
180 x 9.75

Getting tougher, Could quite sqeeze that last one.


bw + 20 x 20
bw + 20 x 14

I'll have to check my bp, seems to be rising... been getting a good headache the last few days.


I said screw it.. mostly cause all I wanted to do is rush home and sleep.


Must sleep.


Good workout considering I was totally burned out, just 4-5 hours of sleep the last 3 nights. Plus I've been stressed out lately. Finally got 7.5 hours of solid sleep last night.. .But I could certainly use some more. I've been getting pretty cranky.

Nate Dawg

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Nice work Poobah, you are making really good progress!! How long are you sticking with the 20 rep squats?


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Nice work Poobah, you are making really good progress!! How long are you sticking with the 20 rep squats?
That's John's call, but I think 2-3 weeks more max.. then we'll be dropping down to some multiple sets of heavier pause or low box squats.. can't say for sure yet though.

ANd thanks.. good to hear from ya.

I'm a bit buzzed, cause I just found out I'll probably going for a 405 pound bench in just 2 weeks. That's crazy ****... considering I got 300 for the first time like 2 months ago. lol


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Friday - Chest

Band Lockouts (approximately 6" off chest)

2 #3 (blue) dbld x 5 (warm up)
175 + 2 #3 (blue) dbld x 3
175 + 2 #3 (blue) dbld x 3
180 + 2 #3 (blue) dbld x 3
185 + 2 #3 (blue) dbld x 2

I took a vid of the second set, but I don't got my cable to download it..
. I'm telling you though, these things take it out of ya. Benching 310 x 3 with a pause at the bottom is easy compared to these basterds.

I tried adding 135 + 2 #3's and 2 #2's.. but I couldn't quite get lift off. John, I might be able to do it if I drop the iron down to 90.. would that be alright.

Lockouts (4" short of lockout and up)

375 x 3
380 x 3
385 x 2
375 x 6

Don't ask me, I don't know why. I struggled with 375 in the first set, I struggled with 380, I couldn't quite get 385. Then I stepped back down to 375, and it was really easy, so I just pumped off a few more till failure. Is that a bad thing?

External Rotator on Knee 9-12 oclock

15 x 20 r
15 x 20 l

I think I'll up the weight and work a bit lower rep range next time out.

Propped External Rotator 6-12 oclock

15 x 20 r
15 x 20 l

Shoulder stretches

#3 (blue) band x 25

Getting better. :p

Grip work with 200lb grippers

4 sets each hand

I put some chalk on my hands this time, really helped.. My right hand is way ahead of my left though. I can grip the 200 for solid 30 seconds on the first set, and only about 17-20 on the left.

Cardio (Treadmill)

30 minutes

Heart rate, is coming down... I'll have to increase the speed a bit.


All in all looked good to me.


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I just wanted to chime in with the other fellas here and say your log is awesome! I just read the whole thing through from start to current, and I'm proud of you man. Please continue to post with your stories, videos and personality as it really helps motivate me to tear it up in the gym :head:


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I just wanted to chime in with the other fellas here and say your log is awesome! I just read the whole thing through from start to current, and I'm proud of you man. Please continue to post with your stories, videos and personality as it really helps motivate me to tear it up in the gym :head:
Much appreciated amigo. I'm doing what I set out to do.. Namely.. LISTEN TO JOHN PINDER. And who would of thought it, It actually works.

So if anyone out there is very serious about wanting to get stronger... I can't express how important it is that you learn from someone that lives the life, and trains with the very best in the world.. cause at the end of the day, it will be far better then what you could of done on your own. I'm living proof of that...

And the funny thing is, in this case it's not actually harder work. I'm coming off a 6 day split where I crusified myself with every body part twice a week including squats... working high/low alternating rep schemes.. and while I made great gains, I had zero life, and I also started to get sick quite often... (over training I think.)

John's workouts take a bit a time, but only because most of the time I'm lifting so heavy, I need 5 minutes between every set.. or 10 minutes for my back to kewl off, after zerkers, or hypers, or deads. But it's worth it. lol

Alright I'm rambling now...

Did want to mention though, that I'm nearing the completetion of week 3 of perfect dieting... cheat day every sunday eat till I puke, is coming up tomorrrow.

Sundays are nuts.. but it's part of John's orders.. and I can't let him down. Bring on the mounds of food, I shall conquer.



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Monday - Legs


265 x 20 (could be 17 lol)

I got a spot for a change, and I suspect I'm short about 3 reps... I specifically asked if he could count the reps (thinking that I'll just focus on going up and down.. nothing else). I got to what I thought was 9, and asked "how many reps?", he said "this next one will be 12". So who knows for sure, but I think I came up short.

As for the reps themselves.. having a spot, really helped me not gm anything.. as soon as his hands would touch my rib cage, I'd remember to sit back, and keep my back upright which made things much more difficult. Having a spot made me rush a bit though, and my rest pauses were very short at best. The last few reps, I needed a bit of help, and like I say I really don't think I got more then 17 reps.


bw x 20 x 2

No rest pauses this time in either set... John is it okay if I add a red band? Even if I can only get 10 reps per set? How should I proceed?


170 x 25

No rest pauses, but I was taking a slow paced in breath before each rep.


190 x 25

still way to easy.. these things were slamming together right up till the end.. and the machine is maxed. I can add some plates though. But that won't last long.


bw x 20
bw x 20

It was a battle in the second set.. but I did it.

Seated Calves (45 degree Press)

585 x 20
635 x 20

Decided to mix things up and do seated style.. weight was about right for 20 reps... doubt I could of got 21 in that second set.


21 minutes treadmill

Yea, My calves were pissing me off, and I quit before 30 minutes.


The squat performance bugs me, but I improved well everywhere else and probably even with squats. I'm just being to picky with myself.

After the workout, I began to sweat and that I'm about to puke feeling, i got to my girlfriend headed immediately to the bathroom, and sat on the thrown.. but it was no use... a short time after that, I blew. Something was buggering me up cause I had quite a bit of chunks of undigested food, swimming in whey and gatoraid. I felt immediately fine after that though, and went right down stairs and ate my 6" wholewheat sub with double chicken s trips.. and had an excellent sleep.
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The squat performance bugs me, but I improved well everywhere else and probably even with squats. I'm just being to picky with myself.
I think you had a real solid performance man! On the 24th you had:

245 x 20

I did it completely on my own and without assistance.. sure I had to gasp for breath alot, and many times I thought I just wouldn't be able to get up again, but time and time again, I just started raising. it's a good feeling.
So you increased your 20 rep squat weight by 20lbs from the last time. Keep making boosts like that regularly and it will add up FAST. Also, I don't know how long you have been doing 20 rep squats, but I have noticed they are deffinately an endurance thing. I know when I first started implementing then I had to start with a lower weight than anticipated, but once my body got acustomed to the intensity of 20 reps, I became a steamroller, and just barreled my through :twisted:

That sucks about the puking though. I have to say I am impressed you were able to eat the sandwich after. Usually, even if I feel better after tossing cookies my appetite is long gone for hours. :burger:


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I think you had a real solid performance man! On the 24th you had:

So you increased your 20 rep squat weight by 20lbs from the last time. Keep making boosts like that regularly and it will add up FAST. Also, I don't know how long you have been doing 20 rep squats, but I have noticed they are deffinately an endurance thing. I know when I first started implementing then I had to start with a lower weight than anticipated, but once my body got acustomed to the intensity of 20 reps, I became a steamroller, and just barreled my through :twisted:

That sucks about the puking though. I have to say I am impressed you were able to eat the sandwich after. Usually, even if I feel better after tossing cookies my appetite is long gone for hours. :burger:

Appreciate the sentiments.. I know I've been doing well, It's just that when John wants 20 squats,, HE WANTS 20 SQUATS.. lol

ohwell, I have yet to get my arse chewed on this one.. perhaps he'll take it easy on me... then again... :run:

And as for the puke and eat.. I had no choice, I was tired and couldn't very well go to bed on an empty stomach on squat day no less. I did what I had to do. :twisted:

Found out later today that, 2 aunts and a friend of my GF were all puking last night, so I figure I got off pretty good only feeling sick for about an hour, with one quick but intense barf-o-ramma. :woohoo:


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as i'm sure he's told you many times, there are 20 for a reason :)


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Tuesday - Chest, shoulders, grip.

Paused BB Bench

315 x 3
315 x 3
315 x 3

I didn't have it today, like I had last tuesday. Weight felt much heavier, and it was a struggle. I did better in the second set then the first (a bit smoother, stronger).. but I rushed some pauses, especially in the third set, as I was getting gassed quickly.

I wonder if I should change up my diet just a bit... last tuesday, I cut some carbs from the meal before my before workout meal, and added the carbs I cut to my Before workout meal.. raising the preworkout meal carbs to about 80-90 carbs. Maybe I should do that from now on?

Or maybe my bout with the flu yesterday took a bit out of me.. or maybe I just didn't have it.. or maybe I should stop bithcing and be happy I moved up 5 pounds again, and completed all my reps.

note: In the second and third set I was experience a nagging pain, in my left arm as I lowered the weight.

Paused DB Bench

100 x 8
100 x 8 (Very slight help on 8)

Definite improvement here... Next week I should be able to do 2 sets unassisted. IF I do, would it be okay to try 120's next time around on the first set at least and just see how I do? Might be fun?

Front Raises

Blues - both hands - 10 x 2

Side Raises

Reds - One hand - 10 x 2

Left arm didn't hurt to much today... bout time that seems to feel better.


Reds - 20 x 2

No rest pauses today...

BB static Holds

355 x 4

I'm having a problem with my left hand when I grip... seems the skin where the calus's are always wants to fold over and pinch.. which is not fun. My right hand don't do that... so I've been ending up gripping more with my fingers at times and less with my palm.


No time today... to much to do..


I don't know, A bit disappointed that 315 was so hard, when everything seemed so easy the week before.. but I did better, and that's really all I can ask.


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Don't beat yourself up. Some days you have it and some you don't. Too many life variables including your mood to up and think about switching things around because of a bad day. After a few sessions you will have some feedback to see what the problem may be.


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Ey about the meal thing, I tried what you referred to, that is making my preworkout meal bigger, and have kept doing it since, i do notice a difference during workout, but mainly in the middle and last sets when i usually have nothing left. I like following Berardi's idea of eating most of your carbs around breakfast, pre, during, and pwo, when theyre the most useful.


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Thanks gentlemen... Sometimes I set my expectations to high, when I walked into the gym yesterday I expected 315 to be easy, and planned to hit 320. but I just didn't feel the same as I did the week prior.

I just wish I knew how come i felt so strong and full of endurance last week, and not this week.. hmmm. :)


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If you have ever seen my log, I had the same problem the other day, just move on, more good days will come. **** a 5lb move is not bad at all, I'm struggling benching 200 over 5 times, so be thankful you can put up the numbers you do.


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Oh and about the meal thing, Berardi advices a 2 to 1 ratio of carbs to protein around workout, so 80 to 90 is about right if you take in 50 grams and want to try that method. It's worked decently for me so far.


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If you have ever seen my log, I had the same problem the other day, just move on, more good days will come. **** a 5lb move is not bad at all, I'm struggling benching 200 over 5 times, so be thankful you can put up the numbers you do.
I have.. I posted in it the other day in regards to your bad day.. you dolt. :hammer: ;)

Thanks for the words though.. I need to realize i ain't going to jump up 10 pounds every week. :)


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it's all good. my brainpower is depleted from studying for finals all week, I added up 8 and 8 today and got 20


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dont eat too much, you'll blow chunks


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Thursday - DEAD DAY!!!

Dead lifts

485 x 5 - http://media.putfile.com/Dead-Lift-485-x-5
475 x 5

Alright I didn't quite lock out the 5th rep, in either of these sets.. but it was real close and I tried real hard.... So I'm calling it 5 reps. Either way it's a large improvement over last week. (425 x 5, 465 x 5)

I find starting the first rep I tend to get a bit more on my toes, and generally the rest of the set I'm much better.. I also kept my arms fairly straight this time. And From the knees down I let the weight down fast.. and it was making hella noise.

Oh yea, grip is still a piece of cake.

Zerker Squats

265 x 10 - http://media.putfile.com/Zerker-Squats-265-x-10

I ****ed up my setup enough that my vid timer ran out before I finished.. But I did get all 10 reps, and I kept my form pretty good right till the last one. Last time I only got 260 x 9.5.

Pull throughs

135 x 20 - http://media.putfile.com/Pull-Throughs-135-x-20
150 x 20

Really moving on these things fast and furious.. I can still do more. Finally got a video to, so I'm all ears for improvement. After watching the first set on the camera, I actually did try to go deeper through with the 150 set.

Seated rows

220 x 11
220 x 9

Improvement this time.. slow but steady enough.

Face Pulls

180 x 10
180 x 10

A few inches short on the last rep of the last set.. Things are going to start to slow down on these soon I think.


Alright I'm trying to find something I like doing.. (not like easy).. I tried 4 differnet machines, including some standing cable crunches.. But I couldn't feel it in my abs.. I need to look some **** up, and find a good ab exercise that takes my body weight out of it and allows me to load plates or select weights.. And something that actually makes my abs burn.


100 x 10
110 x 6

I rushed these sets.. at this point it was already late.


Just no time again.. sucks, but it's just the way it is.


I kicked ass today on deads..

Sentimental notes:

I'm now a fully fledged member of the gym... just about anybody comes and talks to me now. Apparently lots of people were speculating I was training for strong man events and such. And all the regular body builders, started joking around with the 485 pounds today, and couldn't believe I was moving that, some of them tried, none of them could move it more then 4". I had to laugh. wimps.


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Hey man, go on T nation and look up an article called "Core Training for smart folks", ill post the link later. It has nothing to do with bodyweight for most of the exercises, but it works very well, and works the stabilizing function of the abs. I dunno, I have had the same problem as you before, but doing the routine in that article along with leg raises has solved the problem. It looks like after our slumps we both picked up some good gains, I managed to add 55lbs to my squat 5rm yesterday and your deads skyrocketed too, AM must have us locked in some kind of good workout/bad workout pattern.


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Hey man, go on T nation and look up an article called "Core Training for smart folks", ill post the link later. It has nothing to do with bodyweight for most of the exercises, but it works very well, and works the stabilizing function of the abs. I dunno, I have had the same problem as you before, but doing the routine in that article along with leg raises has solved the problem. It looks like after our slumps we both picked up some good gains, I managed to add 55lbs to my squat 5rm yesterday and your deads skyrocketed too, AM must have us locked in some kind of good workout/bad workout pattern.

thanks.. I'll check it out... as for the good workout/bad workout pattern.. What you talking about Willis? I got a 5 pound pr, I'm greedy.. I just wanted more. ;)



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I'm new to deads but after watching your video, are you supposed to have a slight hunch or is the back supposed to stay ridged and straight through the motion? Also, at the top do you stop where you go or pull through and back stopping with the trap/upperback contracting?

Not sharpshooting your form but i'm new and the only guidence i've had is looking at still pictures for form so I don't know if i'm adding more movement to the DL than I need to.


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I'm new to deads but after watching your video, are you supposed to have a slight hunch or is the back supposed to stay ridged and straight through the motion? Also, at the top do you stop where you go or pull through and back stopping with the trap/upperback contracting?

Not sharpshooting your form but i'm new and the only guidence i've had is looking at still pictures for form so I don't know if i'm adding more movement to the DL than I need to.
Good questions, I suggest you do what guyfromkop2 suggests.

As for me, I'm far from perfect.. but getting a bit better everytime outthere. As for the back, it definately doesnt' have to be perfectly straight, and frankly it's damn near impossible for someone with a long torso (like me). Although you do want to keep your head up and shouldes pointed for the sky as best as possible...

I think my third rep in that video was pretty spot on (well for me at this point). The first rep, I got out over my toes a bit to much, which forced me to use alot of back, and I wasn't able to captilize on leg drive...

I should also straighten up my lockout a bit more.. and when I'm pulling I should try to get a bit more on my heels, and almost pull back instead of up.

But everyones different.. right now my weekness is upper end lockout, and John's going to work on that with me.. off the floor I'm strong.


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Good questions, I suggest you do what guyfromkop2 suggests.

As for me, I'm far from perfect.. but getting a bit better everytime outthere. As for the back, it definately doesnt' have to be perfectly straight, and frankly it's damn near impossible for someone with a long torso (like me). Although you do want to keep your head up and shouldes pointed for the sky as best as possible...

I think my third rep in that video was pretty spot on (well for me at this point). The first rep, I got out over my toes a bit to much, which forced me to use alot of back, and I wasn't able to captilize on leg drive...

I should also straighten up my lockout a bit more.. and when I'm pulling I should try to get a bit more on my heels, and almost pull back instead of up.

But everyones different.. right now my weekness is upper end lockout, and John's going to work on that with me.. off the floor I'm strong.
actually your body has to be locked out, hips and knees have to be locked, basically stand up straight and that's how you have to be


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Thanks, i've been adding deads and other lifts the last couple of months and the gym owner came over a couple of times throwing a couple of pointers my way but hell if I know if he's telling me good info or not :)

I do know my weight went down by a good bit when he told me I wasn't to drop the weight between reps :p


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Friday - Chest

Band Lockouts (approximately 6" off chest)

2 #3 (blue) dbld x 5 (warm up)
185 + 2 dbld blue's x 3
185 + 2 dbld blue's x 3
185 + 2 dbld blue's x 3
190 + 2 dbld blue's x 3

Lots of work, but solid performance.. No overtraining in sight as of yet.

Lockouts (4" short of lockout and up)

385 x 3
395 x 2
385 x 2.75
380 x 3

Third set, I lost balance a bit and ended up coming down... couldn't budge it after that. Grrrr... Over all good improvement though.

Generally these keep surprising me at how quickly I loose stamina.. Still seems to be something in the shoulders that's giving it up first.

External Rotator on Knee 9-12 oclock

15 x 20 r
15 x 20 l

I can keep a better pace.. but these were harder then I thought they would be today.

Propped External Rotator 6-12 oclock

15 x 20 r
15 x 20 l

Also a harder then I expected??

Shoulder stretches

#3 (blue) band x 25

Grip work with 200lb grippers

4 sets each hand

Love hate.. love hate.. No just hate.

Cardio (Treadmill)

30 minutes

Got my ass to cardio only twice this week.. I should really try to get at least 3... Me bad.


Good stuff... as I sit here, my chest has a nice dull ache to it.

Also my formily sore back really felt alot better once I got moving some weights around. I'm 100% better right now.



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Monday - Legs


275 x 20

Probably biting off more then I can chew... I got 15, and could barely even stand there.. I was starting to lose balance, and oxygen was at a severe deficit. I had to hang it up for 30 seconds, as I gasped for some air.. got back under it and did 5 more. Probably don't count?

What should I do next week?


bw+10# x 20 x 2

I tried some ghr's from the ground with ankles hooked on something... and damn it.. I couldn't even prevent my decent.. although I slowed it decently an the dude watching me said it looked like one of my hams were about to blow.. anyway, I ended up giving myself a little push with my hands as I tried like hell to pull myself up with hams.. but it's obvious I'm a very long way from doing these.. and again it's sort of like abs.. I have a huge proportion of my weight in my upper body.

So on to with the hypers.

Added 10 pound plate to my chest and got my first and second set without much of a rest pause.. although I couldn't do another rep in the second set.. I just died fall down, and had to rest a bit before getting off the machine.. lol


180 x 25

Up 10... but slow, and steady. Rest pauses on the last 5 or so.


205 x 25

I maxed out, plus added 15 pounds.. and I was still slamming these together pretty good up till near the end... at 20 my abs flared quickly... and because of that 21-25 proved to be a bit more challenging.


bw x 12
bw x 8

Did these the old fashion way... hooked my feet under a machine, and just did them the best I could.. sad I can only do 12 huh? I might stick with these.

Seated Calves (45 degree Press)

675 x 20
675 x 17

Moved up significantly... and I swear by the 20th rep and the 17 in the second set, it felt like my calves were just going to break in two. Just insane..

Sadly after my first set, my cousin came in and informed me my grandfather passed away with in the hour. I did my second set, and called it quits.


I think I'm improving well.. but I continue to disappoint myself, by not hitting my marks in a way that satisfy's me where the squats are concerned. I feel like i'm not doing very well. But in reality I'm doing alright, just not what I'd hope I would.

The next days are now up in the air... wakes and funerals to be sceduled etc... I'll work around it as best I can. My grandfather died at the age of 93, of old age.. He truly did live a remarkable life. Everyone had a beer apparently after died today.. (9 sons and daughters.. etc.).



Sorry to hear about your grandfather Poobah.. I wish your family well with prayer.

Oh and thats a lot of weight on calf raises....


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Sorry to hear about your grandfather Poobah.. I wish your family well with prayer.

Oh and thats a lot of weight on calf raises....
Thanks nite.. Visitation will be thursday and the funeral friday. When a man gets to 93, generally people aren't so sad to see him go.. Everyone of course is taking it very well.

and for 20 damn reps it felt like a ton. :run:


Yes, 93 years is a good, long life.

But yes, Im sure that weight felt like a ton.

You still getting full reps up and down, right??


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Yes, 93 years is a good, long life.

But yes, Im sure that weight felt like a ton.

You still getting full reps up and down, right??
first 15 yea.. but after that it gets touch and go... If was getting a full 20 with full range, I'd need to be doing more weight. Personally I don't mind falling off form a bit on the last few.


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Tuesday - Chest, shoulders, grip.

Paused BB Bench

320 x 3 (last forced)
320 x 2
315 x 3

I think I'm hitting the over training wall.

I got the first 2 of the first set completely on my own, no hands in site. But I needed a nudge in the third set. The second set, I failed to get 1 rep, and I reset and was able to get 2 with some assistance. Dropped down in the third set and got 3 but it was really tough.

I'm not sure what it is... I am unstable for one.. Bringing the weight down all of a sudden seems much more difficult, specially the last 4" or so. My lift off has lost alot of it's former power... and everything just creeps along. My shoulders hurt.. my forearms hurt. And generally I run out of steam in a real hurry. I have a feeling this is what overtraining feels like..

Paused DB Bench

120 x 5 - All me
100 x 7

I wanted to use the 120's so I did.. I was happy with 5 considering how tapped I feel lately.

Front Raises

Blues - both hands - 10 x 2

Side Raises

Reds - One hand - 10 x 2

Left arm continues to come around.


Reds - 20 x 2

BB static Holds

365 x 0

Man this pissed me off.. I could not even lift the bar off the rack longer then a second without my hands completely unravelling. On top of that, I couldn't even straighten my back... I felt like a little boy out there. I was not happy.


Ruff day... felt weak.. I hate feeling weak. I took vids of the first 2 sets of flat bench, but forgot my camera. The guy that spotted me is huge, but short he could of swore I could bench 450 from looking at me... he says this cause he benches 405 for 12 reps.. I make the guy look like a dwarf, a very s trong and muscle dwarf.. but he's got me by a mile.

I think I'm over trained right now, and about to take a step backwards? Whats to do?


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That's how I felt after doing WSB for 3 months, I took time off and now I'm feeling great and my lifts are wayyyyyy up.


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That's how I felt after doing WSB for 3 months, I took time off and now I'm feeling great and my lifts are wayyyyyy up.
I was warned that 4-5 weeks is usually the most people can take of band lockouts, before they over train thier chest... looks like my trainer was right.. (damn he's smart).


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Yah, for me about 5 to 6 weeks is where progress slows and overtraining sets in, especially when doing lots of heavy triples and such.


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The workload you've been doing would have buried me by now. You are going to want to take a week or two off and come back with lower volume.


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The workload you've been doing would have buried me by now. You are going to want to take a week or two off and come back with lower volume.
Thanks for stopping in.. I'm honored. been watching your ugly mug now for a few years. :)

SOunds good to me, but John won't have it.. he wants me to take my next chest day off, then adjust as follows:

This coming Tuesday:

Paused Bench off 2board 3x3reps
Paused Floor Press 2x5reps
Front raise w/bands 2 x 10reps
Side raises w/bands 2 x 10reps
Pull-a-parts 2 x 20reps
Grip work static holds w/bb dbl overhand 4 sets

Every other Tuesday:

Paused bench w/bb. 3 x 3reps
Flat db pause bench hammer grip 2 x 8reps
Front raise w/bands 2 x 10reps
Side raises w/bands 2 x 10reps
Pull-a-parts 2 x 20reps
Grip work static holds w/bb dbl overhand 4 sets

This coming Friday:

Board Press off 4 board 3x3reps
Board Press off 5 board 3x3reps
Seated Military Press 2x5reps
Rotator work your choice
Shoulder stretch w/band 25 reps
Grip work, plate pinches 4 sets ea hand

Every other Friday:

Band lockouts off rack. 4x3 reps - 6” and up (middle finger)
Lockouts off rack 4x3reps – 4” from lockout and up.(prings)
Rotator work your choice
Shoulder stretch w/band 25 reps
Grip work, plate pinches 4 sets ea hand


Basically, bands every other week now to cut down on OT... and a slight change to paused work, preventing me going right to bottom every other week. perhaps to prevent over training in the muscle in questions that are giving me problems lately at chest level. (but I'm just speculating here.)

Do to the wake today, and family get togethers, I'll probably also have to take today off.. which is 4 days off.. till monday.

Looks good.. can't wait to get at it.


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ya that would still overtrain me, thats a whole lot of heavy low volume high weight work.


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ya that would still overtrain me, thats a whole lot of heavy low volume high weight work.
the same guy trains me(as you can tell from my log) and it's really not that much volume, all the accessory stuff isn't suppose to be super hard


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by volume i mean volume of high intensity low volume work like the heavy triples. id have to take a week off every 5 or 6 weeks at least. When I was on WSB my squat max moved from 275 to 285 in 3 months, but doing less heavy triples and singles and taking breaks has gotten my 10rm up to 275 and my max should be around 365, so I think for me going that low and intense all the time isnt a good idea. accesory work never really burns me out.


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Thanks for stopping in.. I'm honored. been watching your ugly mug now for a few years. :)

SOunds good to me, but John won't have it.. he wants me to take my next chest day off, then adjust as follows:

This coming Tuesday:

Paused Bench off 2board 3x3reps
Paused Floor Press 2x5reps
Front raise w/bands 2 x 10reps
Side raises w/bands 2 x 10reps
Pull-a-parts 2 x 20reps
Grip work static holds w/bb dbl overhand 4 sets
Out of curiosity, what percentage of your maximum are all those lifts at? I could see that working fine if it were laid out like so:

Paused Bench off 2board 3x3reps (~85%)
Paused Floor Press 2x5reps (~80%)
Front raise w/bands 2 x 10reps (~70%)
Side raises w/bands 2 x 10reps (~70%)
Pull-a-parts 2 x 20reps (whatever)
Grip work static holds w/bb dbl overhand 4 sets (whatever)

Honestly the most important thing is that you not go to failure on more than maybe one heavy set per workout. You can go to failure on multiple 15-20 rep sets for conditioning purposes as well if you so desire. I also think it's a bad idea to go to failure on the same exercise more than once every two to three weeks. From looking at your log I would say you're just being slightly too aggressive with the weights you're using.

Also, where's your back work man? I know you do deads but besides that? You should be hitting your back religiously...

Every other Tuesday:

Paused bench w/bb. 3 x 3reps
Flat db pause bench hammer grip 2 x 8reps
Front raise w/bands 2 x 10reps
Side raises w/bands 2 x 10reps
Pull-a-parts 2 x 20reps
Grip work static holds w/bb dbl overhand 4 sets

This coming Friday:

Board Press off 4 board 3x3reps
Board Press off 5 board 3x3reps
Seated Military Press 2x5reps
Rotator work your choice
Shoulder stretch w/band 25 reps
Grip work, plate pinches 4 sets ea hand

Every other Friday:

Band lockouts off rack. 4x3 reps - 6” and up (middle finger)
Lockouts off rack 4x3reps – 4” from lockout and up.(prings)
Rotator work your choice
Shoulder stretch w/band 25 reps
Grip work, plate pinches 4 sets ea hand


Basically, bands every other week now to cut down on OT... and a slight change to paused work, preventing me going right to bottom every other week. perhaps to prevent over training in the muscle in questions that are giving me problems lately at chest level. (but I'm just speculating here.)

Do to the wake today, and family get togethers, I'll probably also have to take today off.. which is 4 days off.. till monday.

Looks good.. can't wait to get at it.
So you're trying for 405 raw I gather. What is your sticking point currently? The majority of your work should be aimed to bringing up the sticking point.

If your strength has gone down lately, it'll take about two weeks before you'll be able to make any PRs again in all likelyhood. If you feel fine but your strength has been bad, one or two light workouts then returning to full speed with a slightly lower volume will work fine. If you feel fatigued, you will need at least a week of rest.


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I ended up getting my best gains from backing off and going light while focusing on form and the muscle worked. I hit my 405 bench when I got frustrated from not bumping past 385 and started working out with a buddy who had shoulder issues and never went over 225. I would stay at the weights with him and varied a lot of the workout based off that weight and under. One day walked in and after a couple of warm up sets I put up 405 once with what felt like little effort. I didn't continue because I was scared of shoulder injuries. I think it was about 3 weeks between the change up.

Either way, good luck and keep up the good work but don't forget to know your body and respond.


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Yah I would be hitting the lats a whole lot more than that, and i agree with the posters above me completely, if you push yourself too hard sometimes you get less out than you put in.


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exnihilo i'll let poobah answer all your questions, but if you dont recognize the name of who trains him, he used to be exmgq over at ironaddicts board.


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exnihilo i'll let poobah answer all your questions, but if you dont recognize the name of who trains him, he used to be exmgq over at ironaddicts board.
Oh, no ****? Exmgq is a good guy. Hard as nails, just my type. At the very least he'll make you tough as hell.

Still, listen to your body Poobah. If you feel "drained" all day after a workout or you just start to feel fatigued all the time, lower your volume, intensity or both slightly till you feel better. When I first started training with Ryan Girard and Max Higgins, I stagnated because I took the workout they set me up with and overdid the intensity. When I eased off slightly things started moving again...


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Oh, no ****? Exmgq is a good guy. Hard as nails, just my type. At the very least he'll make you tough as hell.
yes he is, he's over at teamsniffy.com if you ever want to stop by and say hi, his name is 11819-056

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