Peak 02 Vs Amentoflavone


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Both seem very similar, but which is better for strength gains and be better suited for sets of 6-12 reps?


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Neither ingredient would be my first choice for anything as far as strength goes...

Both have some benefits are far as endurance is concerned, Amentoflavone can also help give a pump boost. Paired together they'd make a nice little stack addition, but again, I wouldn't expect a ton in the strength department from these 2 things.


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Amentoflavone. You might need to bump up dose a little for strength. It has the potential to increase calcium release similar to caffeine (theorized boost to strength). I’ve gone up to 4 caps SNS Amento before test days.

Don’t sleep on PeakO2 for strength though. I don’t notice it as “fast” as Amentoflavone, but over time and especially with it helping boost recovery I notice it leads to great strength gains over a properly planned training cycle.


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Amentoflavone XT and PEAK02 are both great products.

For me personally, PEAK02 is better for cardiovascular endurance - I feel like I can do cardio much longer and easier, whether its on the treadmill or in day to day life like hiking, soccer, or rafting.

Amentoflavone XT I think would slightly have the edge for muscular endurance. I don't think you would see yourself necessarily lifting more weight in your first couple sets, but would see your strength levels higher later on in workouts via improved endurance. For example, if you do 12 sets for chest - I think Amentoflavone XT isn't necessarily going to help you do more weight on sets 1 to 4, but you would see the difference in sets 6 to 12 in that they would come a lot easier and strength would carry over later on into the workouts. I hope that makes sense. (Epi-Plex works great for this for me as well).

For overall strength gains, if the goal is just strength gains in general, I think Anabolic XT and Phosphatidic Acid XT are great options.


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Thanks for the answers guys. I was just looking to add one to take alongside with my pre-workout for a potential boost.


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Thanks for the answers guys. I was just looking to add one to take alongside with my pre-workout for a potential boost.
With that in mind as what you're looking for, I would go with Amentoflavone XT for sure.

PEAK02 is a great product but it needs to be used daily for best results.

Amentoflavone XT can be used daily, but makes a great addition to a pre-workout for an extra boost.


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Thanks for the answers guys. I was just looking to add one to take alongside with my pre-workout for a potential boost.
If you had to pick one... popping 2 caps of Amentoflavone with the pre would be my pick.


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Already on Recomp20 for the real gains 😉
I hope that you're enjoying it. I very much have been and am carrying it over at least a month into the stack I just started.


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I hope that you're enjoying it. I very much have been and am carrying it over at least a month into the stack I just started.
I'm three and a half weeks into Recomp20 and I added GlucoVantage XT in about two weeks ago when I ran out of GlycoPhase. I'm eating slightly over maintenance and I have never been THIS lean.


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Both seem very similar, but which is better for strength gains and be better suited for sets of 6-12 reps?
Vector and Anabolic Effect give better strength gains ime.

Cordyceps extract is better for endurance and stamina ime.


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Vector and Anabolic Effect give better strength gains ime.

Cordyceps extract is better for endurance and stamina ime.
I didn't get anything from Vector other than an increase in appetite, I think I was just an unlucky non-responder to it.


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I'm three and a half weeks into Recomp20 and I added GlucoVantage XT in about two weeks ago when I ran out of GlycoPhase. I'm eating slightly over maintenance and I have never been THIS lean.
I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying it.

I've been on GlucoVantage XT for a long time now and I had started on Recomp20 when I was able to start back training. I don't count exact calories, but I'd increased mine pretty good when starting back training in order to focus on building muscle back, and its been cool that I've still been getting leaner on it. I've been very very happy with it myself.


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I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying it.

I've been on GlucoVantage XT for a long time now and I had started on Recomp20 when I was able to start back training. I don't count exact calories, but I'd increased mine pretty good when starting back training in order to focus on building muscle back, and its been cool that I've still been getting leaner on it. I've been very very happy with it myself.
I'll be re-adding GlycoPhase when I can and maybe doing one cap of each pre-meals. Hopefully then I'll be able to increase carbs to re-fill whilst also staying as lean as I can.
Legitimately happy to hear that you've recovered and are back training again.


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I'll be re-adding GlycoPhase when I can and maybe doing one cap of each pre-meals. Hopefully then I'll be able to increase carbs to re-fill whilst also staying as lean as I can.
Legitimately happy to hear that you've recovered and are back training again.
Thank you. I definitely wouldn't say I've recovered - I wish that were the case, but recovery overall is going to be a very long term process because of the tissue and nerve damage. I have some days that I can walk better than others, and have days where I can't step to the side or step over anything, and its still really tough getting up and down and getting in and out of vehicles.

I've started back to some light training and working my way back into things. I say light training, but I think I've been pushing a little too hard and have had to have several self help talks with myself to slow up and pace myself.

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