NattyDaddy420's Summer Cut Log



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26 with a wife and a girlfriend lol

These could be some very stressful years ahead. God Speed


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highest I’ve ever run was this dose, 1,050. My last growth phase i did 1,050 test 1,050 bold and 700npp. Felt great and had no sides. Highest my e2 has ever tested was 52, I do get acne a little bit more when it’s higher but no other of the tradition high e2 sides.

thinking when I’m done dieting, take a “cruise” and push growth again I might push the test and bold a little bit higher to around 1500 a week. I stay on those two year round, my body tolerated them really well so I haven’t been too interested in changing it up. My last “cruise” I did 300 test and 150 bold
Yeah I would definitely consider using a larger amount of testosterone next time then, but not necessarily more EQ - I would be looking to raise the overall estrogen, so raising them in equal parts might not accomplish that. Unless you meant no NPP this time, because obviously the mg have to come from somewhere.

But where my thoughts are going is, maybe EQ isn’t really even the best answer for your body type - maybe it’s bigger test & deca. A lot of the naturally lean type of guys who have trouble adding bodyweight don’t struggle as much with estrogen management and need more volumization.

I realize it’s a long way off, and there’s other factors to consider like just taking what you like/feel good on, or maybe not having the acne, but I wanted to plant that seed for later if you ever need to reevaluate your plan of attack.


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I know you wrote your metabolism wasnt the fastest. But 2500 kcal on 2g of gear seems like you are leaving a lot of gains in the kitchen?

One shouldnt compare people but just thinking about myself. Im 45 years old, 6'2, 180, close to 10% bodyfat, been lifting for 30+ years and a lifetime natty. My calories are higher than yours and im at the tale end of my cut.

It seems like you know what you are doing so im intrigued about the low calores.


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I know you wrote your metabolism wasnt the fastest. But 2500 kcal on 2g of gear seems like you are leaving a lot of gains in the kitchen?

One shouldnt compare people but just thinking about myself. Im 45 years old, 6'2, 180, close to 10% bodyfat, been lifting for 30+ years and a lifetime natty. My calories are higher than yours and im at the tale end of my cut.

It seems like you know what you are doing so im intrigued about the low calores.
I think its an unnecessary amount of gear to cut on...if I'm being honest. No one else has said it for some reason.

Normally people get raked over the coals in this forum for dosages like this. Lol


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I think its an unnecessary amount of gear to cut on...if I'm being honest. No one else has said it for some reason.

Normally people get raked over the coals in this forum for dosages like this. Lol
As calories drop the gear has to go up to maintain the muscle mass. That's why on a cut the total load is always more than in the off season. Well if you're doing it right it will be


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As calories drop the gear has to go up to maintain the muscle mass. That's why on a cut the total load is always more than in the off season. Well if you're doing it right it will be
2 grams to MAINTAIN muscle?


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I guess I'm just naive, I had no clue the pros run4-5gram cycles leading into a show


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I wonder what nick walkers off season cycle looks like 🤣


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I think its an unnecessary amount of gear to cut on...if I'm being honest. No one else has said it for some reason.

Normally people get raked over the coals in this forum for dosages like this. Lol
If we’re opening up a social commentary, it is a lot for the amount of lean mass he holds. I do think he could have gotten by just as well with less, especially if he’s finding himself recomping/adding lean mass.

The reason I didn’t beat the drum is because he’s already months into it - there’s no good benefit to dropping down lower now at this point. As food goes down, doses need to hold or rise.

In his case, I think if he was interested in pulling back the drugs some, when the Tren & Winny come in I think he could drop the EQ entirely and bump Mast from 700 to 1050.

2 grams is probably about right for a guy his size.
But it’s not 2 grams is it? It’s almost 3.

You don’t get any awards for how little or much you take, but you do want to leave yourself room to add more in years down the road when what you’re using stops cutting it. The more you take, the more you usually need to get results for yourself.

I guess I'm just naive, I had no clue the pros run4-5gram cycles leading into a show
Definitely, but not all of them. 2.5-3.5g seems to be pretty common. Also realize things are craziest the last 4-8 weeks; the beginning of prep might be half of that. Off-seasons are probably 1-2g for many. And also realize there are outliers - guys who take very little, and probably more that are over 5g. But those guys often don’t last as long, and the truth is you can’t outdrug genetics.


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If we’re opening up a social commentary, it is a lot for the amount of lean mass he holds. I do think he could have gotten by just as well with less, especially if he’s finding himself recomping/adding lean mass.

The reason I didn’t beat the drum is because he’s already months into it - there’s no good benefit to dropping down lower now at this point. As food goes down, doses need to hold or rise.

In his case, I think if he was interested in pulling back the drugs some, when the Tren & Winny come in I think he could drop the EQ entirely and bump Mast from 700 to 1050.

But it’s not 2 grams is it? It’s almost 3.

You don’t get any awards for how little or much you take, but you do want to leave yourself room to add more in years down the road when what you’re using stops cutting it. The more you take, the more you usually need to get results for yourself.

Definitely, but not all of them. 2.5-3.5g seems to be pretty common. Also realize things are craziest the last 4-8 weeks; the beginning of prep might be half of that. Off-seasons are probably 1-2g for many. And also realize there are outliers - guys who take very little, and probably more that are over 5g. But those guys often don’t last as long, and the truth is you can’t outdrug genetics.
I agree with everything said tbh. I’m almost certain I don’t need this much. But like I’ve said in this thread a few times, I’m a risk taker, I think people who chase extremes and risk are naturally more attracted to this sport, where almost everything is extreme. My blood work is good and feel great. I know this isn’t something I can’t do forever. And I’ll be the first to admit, I want it NOW. I don’t want to have to wait any more than what is absolutely necessary. I’m super honest and transparent about the fact that I’m seeking instant gratification and this is almost an obsession/addiction for me.

on top of all of this, I homebrew, and this is like a few cents to run a day. The bottles, filters, and syringes are more expensive than the actual brew lol


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Being 6’3 with super long arms, I’ve always struggled to make progress on bench. I don’t use this as an excuse to be a bitch about it, but I am at a mechanical disadvantage for this lift. I did a warmup of 225 and it felt like feathers to me, so I told my wife I’m feeling risky (see a common theme lol) and I want to try to hit a PR at 315lbs. Well to my surprise, I was able to hit it for two. Potentially could have gotten more, but I was so overwhelmed with excitement by crushing my previous best (300lbs x 1) not just by weight, but by reps too that I instantly threw the bar back into the rack.

Here’s a video. I had no idea my elbows were hitting my bag, if I had noticed I probably would have failed lol


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I agree with everything said tbh. I’m almost certain I don’t need this much. But like I’ve said in this thread a few times, I’m a risk taker, I think people who chase extremes and risk are naturally more attracted to this sport, where almost everything is extreme. My blood work is good and feel great. I know this isn’t something I can’t do forever. And I’ll be the first to admit, I want it NOW. I don’t want to have to wait any more than what is absolutely necessary. I’m super honest and transparent about the fact that I’m seeking instant gratification and this is almost an obsession/addiction for me.

on top of all of this, I homebrew, and this is like a few cents to run a day. The bottles, filters, and syringes are more expensive than the actual brew lol
Good to see you’re getting regular blood work. It’s essential for anyone running anabolics, but especially at the doses you are running.👍


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Also, I liked this pic I took because my traps look so huge
View attachment 232255
Looking good. And I get it about being a risk taker, and wanting to push the limits....

It's a constant struggle for me....i have one of those personalities...all or nothing haha.

And im in a different position now being a little older with kiddos.

You have a good head in your shoulders. Go hard in the paint now, and then back off into your 30s and beyond. Not a bad strategy


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Looking good. And I get it about being a risk taker, and wanting to push the limits....

It's a constant struggle for me....i have one of those personalities...all or nothing haha.

And im in a different position now being a little older with kiddos.

You have a good head in your shoulders. Go hard in the paint now, and then back off into your 30s and beyond. Not a bad strategy
I like the idea of what Dorian Yates did. He was one of the first mass monsters. I have no idea what he ran. He could have ran very little because he obviously had amazing genetics, or he could have ran a ton because his genetics allowed him to respond that much more. If you look at him now he’s still very fit looking, but like a normal fit man for his age. I’m sure his health markers are pretty good despite the extremes he did in his younger years


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As opposed to someone like Ronnie Coleman. As much of a fan I am of him, his refusal to chill out is anything but smart. Same deal with that Boston loyd guy. You had a warning sign when you were on dialysis and you still didn’t stop


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As opposed to someone like Ronnie Coleman. As much of a fan I am of him, his refusal to chill out is anything but smart. Same deal with that Boston loyd guy. You had a warning sign when you were on dialysis and you still didn’t stop
I really wonder what some of these mass monsters run these days.... they all lie about it and downplay what they're on...

But if you look at guys like Nick Walker...? He looks like he's on all the gear in the world. Honestly, doesn't even look good to me.


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I wonder what nick walkers off season cycle looks like 🤣
You have it you hardly run is the most anabolic thing on the planet so you let food do its job. Nick only runs test eq and a little npp in the off season. Most pros only run 2-3 grams off season with no orals. Usually test with either primo or eq and nandrolone


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Pre contest is when you throw the kitchen sink at it as calories go down anabolics go up. It's how you stay anabolic in a calorie deficit. Tren is the penultimate compound for this


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Oh yea I did forget to mention 15-20 ius of gh and insulin as well lol 😂


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Oh yea I did forget to mention 15-20 ius of gh and insulin as well lol 😂
I dont find his look aesthetically appealing at all....ill look through photos but it's almost like watching a car crash...

I really don't want to look, but I can't help it


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I like the idea of what Dorian Yates did. He was one of the first mass monsters. I have no idea what he ran. He could have ran very little because he obviously had amazing genetics, or he could have ran a ton because his genetics allowed him to respond that much more. If you look at him now he’s still very fit looking, but like a normal fit man for his age. I’m sure his health markers are pretty good despite the extremes he did in his younger years
His training was insane today. People don’t get that a majority of his work was 3X per week. That’s serious intensity. His genetics don’t hurt the equation either.


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Thanks @gphagan1 I can always count on you om so into brunettes or women with black hair. Not really into blondes, must be a Freudian thing because both my mom and step mom are blondes
Same and same. I’ve never been with a blonde girl in my life. As you can see, the wife and gf look pretty similar, petite, dark hair, general alternative look. It’s really the only type of girl I go for lol


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Somehow hit another PR the day after I hit a PR on bench. 500lbs squat, I threw 2.5lbs on the ends so I could hit 500 and not 495. Personally, I was close but I think I was a teeny tiny bit high. I think I was just scared because I’ve had some nasty squat fails before. I’ll attempt again soon



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Somehow hit another PR the day after I hit a PR on bench. 500lbs squat, I threw 2.5lbs on the ends so I could hit 500 and not 495. Personally, I was close but I think I was a teeny tiny bit high. I think I was just scared because I’ve had some nasty squat fails before. I’ll attempt again soon

Nice, wasn’t quite deep enough, but still a good heavy squat. Looks like you didn’t have a spotter. If not, I understand you being a little nervous with that much weight, but still good job.👍


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Nice, wasn’t quite deep enough, but still a good heavy squat. Looks like you didn’t have a spotter. If not, I understand you being a little nervous with that much weight, but still good job.👍
the wife and the gf were there but I don’t think their collective 210lbs would have been able to help me much. It’s not like bench where you only need a few lbs of spot lol, if that’s going down you gotta be able to catch me lol


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the wife and the gf were there but I don’t think their collective 210lbs would have been able to help me much. It’s not like bench where you only need a few lbs of spot lol, if that’s going down you gotta be able to catch me lol
Yeah, you don’t want to flatten the girls.😇


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Same and same. I’ve never been with a blonde girl in my life. As you can see, the wife and gf look pretty similar, petite, dark hair, general alternative look. It’s really the only type of girl I go for lol
Mine is same but I'm a sucker for curly hair. I can honestly say I've been in love 3 times in my life and all 3 i them had gorgeous curly hair


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How’s this cycle coming?

Somehow hit another PR the day after I hit a PR on bench. 500lbs squat, I threw 2.5lbs on the ends so I could hit 500 and not 495. Personally, I was close but I think I was a teeny tiny bit high. I think I was just scared because I’ve had some nasty squat fails before. I’ll attempt again soon

This is pretty high from a powerlifting depth perspective (6”+), but honestly you’re doing a ton of things right & it looks like you definitely could manage this weight if you practice depth a bit more with lighter weights first.

My only suggestion, only obvious trick/advice I can give off this vid is to try to bring the bar back a couple inches down your upper back/traps. You have the bar in a very high position, which is best for maximum quad emphasis, but you are squatting in a power stance that better emphasizes the hips and hams. If the load is shifted back like that, lowering the bar will improve leverage with those muscles.


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Where did he go?


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