My take on IGF-1



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My entire lower body is the injured area, though. How would I go about spot treatment with an injury of this magnitude?
use 30-40mcg of IGF1LR3 it gose systemic. no need to pin a bunch of time. why some people still pin igf1 a bunch of times a day boggles my mind.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I'm pretty sure it has been demonstrated that ligaments don't have any IGF receptors, but that they do have GH receptors...

i thought every tissue had igf-1 receptors
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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" It means that technically, for the part of the muscle in which you inject, THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN rhIGF-1 and Long R3 IGF-1. They both have the EXACT SAME LOCAL EFFECT. But rhIGF-1 gets neutralized quick, whereas Long R3 gets to float around until it finds a receptor."


longr3 does not last too long in the body. since it cannot bind to binding proteins it is susceptible to proteolytic cleavage
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I'm still around, kinda. I'm sick right now with extreme adrenal burnout and a concomitant metabolic disease, so I am mostly bedridden and most certainly cannot workout. So I am much less present on forums. But I hope to have all this fixed within a couple years and come back to my good ole habits.

I am using this handle because my old Grunt76 handle got hijacked by a pirate/hacker some time back.
take care of yourself man
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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1) 1) all igf1 or igf1lr3 go's systemic but igf1 gets cleared out fast in minutes and igf1lr3 is like 20hrs

this is not true at all. in fact the opposite is true. regular igf-1 has a long half life and longr3 not as long

people have had this misconception for long time. i think palumbo or someone was the guy that perpertrated the falsehood and it became brofact


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Great... no, superb thread! I have four questions which I have in bold below.

One question that's kind of been answered but is still debated: IGF-1r3long... PreWO or PostWO?

I was thinking of pinning 40mcg bilaterally (20mcg + 20mcg), 3 times a week. The base of my cycle is test 500mg/wk, tren acetate 75mg/EOD. Basically the point of this cycle is body recomposition: more muscle, less fat. Very simple :D Diet will be in 2 week cycles and this will reflect in training methods as well: bulk, cut, bulk, cut... rinse and repeat until PCT starts at week 13.

Also second question: will also include HGH, either the "standard" AM dosage, around 3iu ED AM... or 10iu PWO 2-3 times per week. If PWO, should I pin HGH PWO at the same days as I take IGF or pin IGF for example on Mon, Wed, Fri and HGH Tue, Thu, Sat?

Any contraindications for taking a low dose T3 (25-50mcg ED for 12 weeks) with test, tren, HGH and IGF or is that old-school and/or dangerous?

Taking HGH subQ and IGF IM, ok? Just asking this just in case I got something wrong, I am relying on "old" information, I have been out of the scene for 3-4 years or so. Please comment, thank you! My cycle starts at December 12th.


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Having been informed that a sprain is a ligament injury, I will inform you in turn that sadly IGF-1 will not heal ligament. Cissus may help, and the proven ligament regenerators are: hGH, Anavar, Nandrolone and Boldenone. Testosterone above 200mg per week will inhibit the positive effects from those, though.

I have used p-GH with very good results. From what I have read, p-GHt is equally a good product.
I am looking into hgh for tendons stregthening/repairing, but i am on 600 mg test prop/week, does anybody have the knowledge to elaborate on the above statement?? if so which dose? is 2iu hgh 6/1 enough for my goal??? what is p-GH?


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Most recommended igflr3 if u can find legit but it being so delicate makes it a bitch to handle. Also deca works
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I am looking into hgh for tendons stregthening/repairing, but i am on 600 mg test prop/week, does anybody have the knowledge to elaborate on the above statement?? if so which dose? is 2iu hgh 6/1 enough for my goal??? what is p-GH?
personally i have no idea where he came up with his statement. In lieu of an adequate explanation of his beliefs I would not take it too seriously
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Most recommended igflr3 if u can find legit but it being so delicate makes it a bitch to handle.

thats BS. peptides dont break apart by shaking or dropping on the floor. maybe if you put them in the oven

old wives tale


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I dropPed my igf on floor. Saw bubbles in it afterwards and never felt anything from it afterwards pump wise or another effects....


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Well, I was under the impression that IGF was unstable in powder form, but when reconstituted and stored it was perfectly stable. I was also under the impression that it should be in cake form to be considered quality stuff. Anyways, I too dropped my IGF on the floor, however I wasn't so lucky as you. My vial shattered and I lost at that point about $50 of IGF-1 LR3 to the garage floor. Sucked. And my IGF-1 was the most expensive quality out there, too. It really hurt my heart.


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Hey FP Pm me I got a question about the igf quality


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personally i have no idea where he came up with his statement. In lieu of an adequate explanation of his beliefs I would not take it too seriously
A bit confused by statements and your response. My endo is a former Russian Olympian and endo/dietician for US Olympic Athletes in 80s - 90s. I know for a fact that GH was used to repair joint damage and stress for many years with supposedly great success. I am a professional extreme sport athlete and have used GH to heal severe orthopedic injury. I have consistently heard that American endos and big pharma here employ a different mentality on the endocrine system and are way behind Eastern European endocrinology in respect to hormone and anti aging therapy. Presumably legality, doctor training and financial resources of big pharma are all factors here so I have no reason to distrust my endo who has helped me for years and kept me young looking and able to still surf 50 + foot face at 44.

US endos seem very knowledgable as far as diabetes and certain other common US conditions, but seem amazingly ignorant about optimization of xy axis and even thyroid panel. If in range, good enough for them no matter symptoms mentality seems to be the norm.

Here they slap useless bone stimulators on you to heal fractures and maybe forteo if you are a pro athlete and have the money, yet in Eastern Europe GH may be used to heal fractures. Seriously, the fact that some of our orthopods here would even order a bone stimulator for healing makes one ask how much power the medical device industry has and how much doctors are profiting from such use. These are probably same doctors who will tell you GH doesn't heal bones or joints. Why because some hot looking medical device rep (salesperson) with a BA in communications bought the office breakfast and told them so. So who do you want to listen to?

I do agree GH can be dangerous and unless monitored closely by an endo actually trained and knowledgeable in this area, the risk of harm may outweigh the benefit. Also, thebig variable is if you are not getting it directly from a real and reputable pharmacy, no telling whatyou are getting. I saw some thing about Ukraine. Haha, my wife is Russian and I have spent time in Ukraine's major cities and I would be leary if taking anything coming from a pharmacy in Ukraine that is designed for common person over there. Health care over there is very substandard unless you are very wealthy or an athlete.


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i noticed boosts in strength concentration and endurance on lr3. probably because it mimics growth factors in the brain and cardiovascular systems also. mainly neurotrophins and fibroblast growth factors. it seems from experience growth factors have very many potential uses


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I plan on using igf after my twelve week cycle for pct and to create new muscle cells. However I don't plan on ed injections. I honestly plan on e3d injections @40mcg for 3 weeks. My question is will I still get a jump start in my gonads using it e3d. I know that there are other options for pct but I do want the added muscle cells for my lagging muscles. Thank you guys very much.


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I plan on using igf for pct. I know that there are other options but I also want the newly added muscle cells. I am however wondering if igf1 will jumpstart my gonads if I did e3d injections at 40/mcg for 3 weeks. Any input would be greatly appreciated especially if you have done what I am doing. Thank you very much.
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I plan on using igf for pct. I know that there are other options but I also want the newly added muscle cells. I am however wondering if igf1 will jumpstart my gonads if I did e3d injections at 40/mcg for 3 weeks..
It absolutely positively will not give you new muscle cells. That is an old wive's tale

I dont recommend injecting into your gonads either


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uhh who said anything about injecting into my nuts??? If it came across that way that is definitely not what I intend on doing. In fact I cringe at the thought. Maybe I worded this wrong. I want to cause hyperplasia. But I want to know if these dosages are sufficient in making my nuts product testosterone. Thank you very much
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Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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uhh who said anything about injecting into my nuts??? If it came across that way that is definitely not what I intend on doing. In fact I cringe at the thought. Maybe I worded this wrong. I want to cause hyperplasia. But I want to know if these dosages are sufficient in making my nuts product testosterone. Thank you very much
i was kidding about the nuts

fact is, nothing will promote hyperplasia in adults. igf-1 systemic injections certainly will not nor will any other drug

and there is no evidence that igf-1 systemic injection will cause your testes to start making more test


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That is very interesting considering all the threads(including this one), posts, sites, and scientific research on the subject. No offense sir but why do you say
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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That is very interesting considering all the threads(including this one), posts, sites, and scientific research on the subject. No offense sir but why do you say
show me one scientific study that suggests injecting igf-1 into adults will cause skeletal muscle hyperplasia and i will send you 100 bucks worth of suppelements. seriously
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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what do you think about gene therapy, and inhibiting myostatin protein, would this allow for hyperplasia to occur?
i have had this debate in regards to myostatin inhibition as well. I researched and myostatin inhibition in mature animals results only in hypertrophy, no hyperplasia

myostatin inhibition in the natal and perhaps neonatal animal OTOH results in hyperplasia well above that seen in normal animals


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Well Mr. Arnold I know who you are now. I got a bad rep because I didn't know who you were when I asked the question lol. Guess I'll google everyone first before I reply. Well I have been looking up loads of information on IGF and found tons of studies claiming hyperplasia but in rodents. Not a biology major so don't know how different cell structures are between rats and men. However, there are tons of claims that state igf1 cause hyperplasia in humans. If this is not the case how is it that the body builders of today are ridiculously bigger than in Arnold s time? I assumed it was because they have genetically altered themselves using peptides. If this is not the case what makes them break through these genetic barriers?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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Well Mr. Arnold I know who you are now. I got a bad rep because I didn't know who you were when I asked the question lol. Guess I'll google everyone first before I reply. Well I have been looking up loads of information on IGF and found tons of studies claiming hyperplasia but in rodents. Not a biology major so don't know how different cell structures are between rats and men. However, there are tons of claims that state igf1 cause hyperplasia in humans. If this is not the case how is it that the body builders of today are ridiculously bigger than in Arnold s time? I assumed it was because they have genetically altered themselves using peptides. If this is not the case what makes them break through these genetic barriers?

many years back the myth that igf-1 was an incredible anabolic, and had the potential to do amazing things like hyperplasia, was generated by wishful thinking bodybuilders. It was then perpetuated by people that sold the research grade igf-1

today we know that this research grade igf-1 does very little except perhaps acts as a decent glucose disposal agent.

todays large bodybuilders is due to a larger gene pool to draw from than there was in arnolds time (lot more bigger guys to begin with) and large dosages of steroids. One of the biggest factors drug wise though is the rampant use of GH/insulin combo. That combo really took things to a different level in the 1990s
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I assumed it was because they have genetically altered themselves using peptides. If this is not the case what makes them break through these genetic barriers?
peptides do not genetically alter you

as far as i know gene therapy (introduction of a muscle building gene into the body through the use of a vector such as a virus or plasmid) has not been utilized by any bodybuilders. Its still in the experimental development stage research wise


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peptides do not genetically alter you

as far as i know gene therapy (introduction of a muscle building gene into the body through the use of a vector such as a virus or plasmid) has not been utilized by any bodybuilders. Its still in the experimental development stage research wise
I have begun to accept the fact that there is no silver bullet to swoleness. In fact, there is no silver bullet in anything in life perhaps. Good ole fashioned test/GH combo, a good diet, and training my tail end to no avail! Maybe in 10 years I can realize my goals...
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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I have begun to accept the fact that there is no silver bullet to swoleness. In fact, there is no silver bullet in anything in life perhaps. Good ole fashioned test/GH combo, a good diet, and training my tail end to no avail! Maybe in 10 years I can realize my goals...
for hard gainers there is no substitute for perseverence


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IGF for girls

This forum is a bit intimidating as there is so much knowledge and I feel i may be asking a stupid question, but here it goes....

I have read almost every single page on this thread and have gotten my little paws on the product along with a few main reason is to gain size on my shoulders and to tighten up overal so i am thinking of stacking the igf1 long R3 with 10 mg of anavar and clen but i am unsure if to follow the eod or e3d protocol and the quantity being that i am a girl, i was thinking about maybe doing the e3d of the igf between 10-20 mg but not sure if that is too little, along with clen in the am and pm and anavar 5 days on 2 off. any advice?

Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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This forum is a bit intimidating as there is so much knowledge and I feel i may be asking a stupid question, but here it goes....

I have read almost every single page on this thread and have gotten my little paws on the product along with a few main reason is to gain size on my shoulders and to tighten up overal so i am thinking of stacking the igf1 long R3 with 10 mg of anavar and clen but i am unsure if to follow the eod or e3d protocol and the quantity being that i am a girl, i was thinking about maybe doing the e3d of the igf between 10-20 mg but not sure if that is too little, along with clen in the am and pm and anavar 5 days on 2 off. any advice?

honestly i think the igf-1 is gonna do little for you compared to those other two drugs.

most people now utilize igf-1 for post workout enhancement of glucose disposal, because thats probably the only thing its good for. so the suggestion would be to use it right after your workouts along with post workout nutrition

a typical dose of igf-1 (the long R3 version) is 40 micrograms (not milligrams)

ur anavar clen protocol looks fine


New member
honestly i think the igf-1 is gonna do little for you compared to those other two drugs.

most people now utilize igf-1 for post workout enhancement of glucose disposal, because thats probably the only thing its good for. so the suggestion would be to use it right after your workouts along with post workout nutrition

a typical dose of igf-1 (the long R3 version) is 40 micrograms (not milligrams)

ur anavar clen protocol looks fine
yes my bad, meant to say micrograms and yes I intended to use right after my w/o to maximize the effect. Thanks so much!!!!:dance:


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Yeah a female on 10mg Var and Clen is gonna get shredded. IGF-1 has always and will always continue to be found in my PCT regime for controlling glucose levels.

Now, PA..

What do you say about GHRP's and GHRH's? Can they push GH levels above and beyond a man's natural GH limits? Or do they just change up the frequency of GH pulses, but not actually increase the total amount the body is capable of releasing?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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What do you say about GHRP's and GHRH's? Can they push GH levels above and beyond a man's natural GH limits? Or do they just change up the frequency of GH pulses, but not actually increase the total amount the body is capable of releasing?
research has shown that these can increase overall gh output and igf-1 levels. a ghrp like ghrp-6 stacked with a ghrh analog like cjc-1295 has the potential to give GH like effects i suppose. we need some folks to do some actual controlled blood tests. I think tracking igf-1 levels should be sufficient. offers a igf-1 blood test for 65 bucks

Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I)

IGF-1, also known as somatomedin-C, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone release by the pituitary gland. IGF-1 effects growth promoting activity and glucose metabolism (insulin-like activity) in most human tissues. It is carried in blood bound to a carrier protein which prolongs its half-life; therefore making serum levels more constant than growth hormone while correlating with "average" circulating levels of growth hormone. In short, IGF-1 is a surrogate marker of growth hormone levels and activity.

A significant deviation from the normal range may require further evaluation by your physician.

Includes: Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I).

Categories: Fitness, Nutrition and Anti-Aging, Hormones and Metabolism

Price: $69.49 Add To Cart


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i tried to add to my cart, but it didn't go through? maybe i need a bigger basket?


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research has shown that these can increase overall gh output and igf-1 levels. a ghrp like ghrp-6 stacked with a ghrh analog like cjc-1295 has the potential to give GH like effects i suppose. we need some folks to do some actual controlled blood tests. I think tracking igf-1 levels should be sufficient. offers a igf-1 blood test for 65 bucks

Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I)

IGF-1, also known as somatomedin-C, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone release by the pituitary gland. IGF-1 effects growth promoting activity and glucose metabolism (insulin-like activity) in most human tissues. It is carried in blood bound to a carrier protein which prolongs its half-life; therefore making serum levels more constant than growth hormone while correlating with "average" circulating levels of growth hormone. In short, IGF-1 is a surrogate marker of growth hormone levels and activity.

A significant deviation from the normal range may require further evaluation by your physician.

Includes: Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I).

Categories: Fitness, Nutrition and Anti-Aging, Hormones and Metabolism

Price: $69.49 Add To Cart

I am well aware of privatemdlabs. I've been using them for a year now and can easily say they are a huge asset to my PCT success. It's always good to be able to track a product or chemical's effectiveness. Anyways, I had every intention of doing a full male-hormone panel anyways just 4-5 weeks from now (when I'm about 21 days into PCT). I wanted to observe the effectiveness(or lack thereof) of my PCT regime.You should take a look at it in the PCT section of anabolics. It's called "DSIP thread". Among other things, I intended to test out DSIP, Clomid, Exemestane, IGF-1 LR3, CJC-1295 w/ DAC and w/o DAC (both) and Ipamorelin.

The DAC version would take up the first few weeks and then the cheaper CJC w/o DAC would come later as an afterthought. I could always hold off on the IGF-1 LR3 in order to accurately assess the effectiveness of Ipa and CJC. The DSIP would most likely contribute to this as well since it inhibits somatostatin, increases LH activity, and blocks the hormone responsible for cortisol secretion (I think). My guess is that DSIP could offer subtle synergies with GHRH, GHRP and Clomid therapy.


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research has shown that these can increase overall gh output and igf-1 levels. a ghrp like ghrp-6 stacked with a ghrh analog like cjc-1295 has the potential to give GH like effects i suppose. we need some folks to do some actual controlled blood tests. I think tracking igf-1 levels should be sufficient. offers a igf-1 blood test for 65 bucks

Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I)

IGF-1, also known as somatomedin-C, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone release by the pituitary gland. IGF-1 effects growth promoting activity and glucose metabolism (insulin-like activity) in most human tissues. It is carried in blood bound to a carrier protein which prolongs its half-life; therefore making serum levels more constant than growth hormone while correlating with "average" circulating levels of growth hormone. In short, IGF-1 is a surrogate marker of growth hormone levels and activity.

A significant deviation from the normal range may require further evaluation by your physician.

Includes: Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I).

This Igf mentioned above is not the Long R3 though right? it is just say IGF-1 IGF-2, is this correct?


New member
honestly i think the igf-1 is gonna do little for you compared to those other two drugs.

most people now utilize igf-1 for post workout enhancement of glucose disposal, because thats probably the only thing its good for. so the suggestion would be to use it right after your workouts along with post workout nutrition

a typical dose of igf-1 (the long R3 version) is 40 micrograms (not milligrams)

ur anavar clen protocol looks fine
Yes you are correct, I should have said micrograms and yes I intend to use right after working out. Thanks!


New member
honestly i think the igf-1 is gonna do little for you compared to those other two drugs.

most people now utilize igf-1 for post workout enhancement of glucose disposal, because thats probably the only thing its good for. so the suggestion would be to use it right after your workouts along with post workout nutrition

a typical dose of igf-1 (the long R3 version) is 40 micrograms (not milligrams)

ur anavar clen protocol looks fine
Yes sorry I shoul have said micrograms, and yes, i intend to use right after working out. Thanks again!
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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The DAC version would take up the first few weeks and then the cheaper CJC w/o DAC would come later as an afterthought. I could always hold off on the IGF-1 LR3 in order to accurately assess the effectiveness of Ipa and CJC. The DSIP would most likely contribute to this as well since it inhibits somatostatin, increases LH activity, and blocks the hormone responsible for cortisol secretion (I think). My guess is that DSIP could offer subtle synergies with GHRH, GHRP and Clomid therapy.

what is DSIP?
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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research has shown that these can increase overall gh output and igf-1 levels. a ghrp like ghrp-6 stacked with a ghrh analog like cjc-1295 has the potential to give GH like effects i suppose. we need some folks to do some actual controlled blood tests. I think tracking igf-1 levels should be sufficient. offers a igf-1 blood test for 65 bucks

Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I)

IGF-1, also known as somatomedin-C, is a polypeptide hormone produced by the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone release by the pituitary gland. IGF-1 effects growth promoting activity and glucose metabolism (insulin-like activity) in most human tissues. It is carried in blood bound to a carrier protein which prolongs its half-life; therefore making serum levels more constant than growth hormone while correlating with "average" circulating levels of growth hormone. In short, IGF-1 is a surrogate marker of growth hormone levels and activity.

A significant deviation from the normal range may require further evaluation by your physician.

Includes: Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I).

This Igf mentioned above is not the Long R3 though right? it is just say IGF-1 IGF-2, is this correct?

the igf-1 mentioned there is the natural IGF-1 that your body produces

IGF-1 long R3 is a synthetic modified IGF-1


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what is DSIP?

DSIP (Delta Sleep-inducing Peptide) is a neuropeptide found in the hypothalamus,
pituitary, and adrenal glands. Its isolation has allowed for extensive research
which has found several possible primary and peripheral roles of this peptide.
First, DSIP has been shown to induce sleep [1]. Second, it has been used
successfully to treat opiate and alcohol withdrawal [2]. Third, it has been
shown to work as an analgesic in treatment of chronic pain, sometimes as an
adjunct treatment [3]. Fourth, DSIP has been shown to block ACTH release and
decrease levels of ACTH, stimulate LH release, and act as an inhibitor of the
secretion of somatostatin [4]. The source of production of DSIP is yet unknown;
it may be produced in the central nervous system or in a peripheral organ. It is
thought to pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) more easily than most
known neuropeptides. As mentioned, DSIP has shown positive results in inducing
slow-wave EEG (sleep). It has been shown to help treat narcolepsy and restore
disturbed sleep patterns to normal sleep rhythms. [5]

DSIP Amino Acid
Sequence: Trp-Ala-Gly-Gly-Asp-Ala-Ser-Gly-Glu
Patrick Arnold

Patrick Arnold

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DSIP (Delta Sleep-inducing Peptide) is a neuropeptide found in the hypothalamus,
pituitary, and adrenal glands. Its isolation has allowed for extensive research
which has found several possible primary and peripheral roles of this peptide.
First, DSIP has been shown to induce sleep [1]. Second, it has been used
successfully to treat opiate and alcohol withdrawal [2]. Third, it has been
shown to work as an analgesic in treatment of chronic pain, sometimes as an
adjunct treatment [3]. Fourth, DSIP has been shown to block ACTH release and
decrease levels of ACTH, stimulate LH release, and act as an inhibitor of the
secretion of somatostatin [4]. The source of production of DSIP is yet unknown;
it may be produced in the central nervous system or in a peripheral organ. It is
thought to pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB) more easily than most
known neuropeptides. As mentioned, DSIP has shown positive results in inducing
slow-wave EEG (sleep). It has been shown to help treat narcolepsy and restore
disturbed sleep patterns to normal sleep rhythms. [5]

DSIP Amino Acid
Sequence: Trp-Ala-Gly-Gly-Asp-Ala-Ser-Gly-Glu

thats wild

its being sold in suffiecient dosage?

if it works, wouldnt you worry about what happens when you discontinue?


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Taper up, taper down. Make sure everything can be repeatable. Doses will be low. I have 5mg and will start with 50mcg/night and go from there...
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