Mass vs. Aesthetics


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Hello. I am fairly new to the world of powerlifting, the deadlift is by far my favorite. I recently cleared 455 as a new PR, and for someone who weighs 220 my trainer says that's fairly impressive. I love the world of powerlifting so far, however, I've noticed my body fat has gone up significantly since I started.

I'm curious to know do most powerlifters prefer sacrificing their aesthetics for the mass they have to put on? Would any among you trade the power you've acquired for a 6pack?

Honestly I guess what I'm looking for is more of a support system. My trainer says that the bf% going up is something i'm going to have to get used to. Forgive my ignorance, I'm not trying to look stupid or anything. But by popular vote how many prefer mass over aesthetics?

Thanks for your imput,


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Hello. I am fairly new to the world of powerlifting, the deadlift is by far my favorite. I recently cleared 455 as a new PR, and for someone who weighs 220 my trainer says that's fairly impressive. I love the world of powerlifting so far, however, I've noticed my body fat has gone up significantly since I started.

I'm curious to know do most powerlifters prefer sacrificing their aesthetics for the mass they have to put on? Would any among you trade the power you've acquired for a 6pack?

Honestly I guess what I'm looking for is more of a support system. My trainer says that the bf% going up is something i'm going to have to get used to. Forgive my ignorance, I'm not trying to look stupid or anything. But by popular vote how many prefer mass over aesthetics?

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Such an outdated school of thought, that powerlifting means you got to be a fat mess. If anything it will end up restricting your range of motion and be counter intuitive to your goals. Control your body fat through tracking diet and going through periods of surpluses and deficits.


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As a beginner you do not need to gain fat or even muscle to gain strength. Through improvements of technique and nerve firing sequence you will gain strength quickly. (Along with a little muscle) The beginner phase can last anywhere from 6 months to 3 years depending on the lift, how often you train, if you have a good coach, etc.

Something tells me you might be playing it a little too fast-&-loose with your diet if your body fat has gone up, "significantly."


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Would any among you trade the power you've acquired for a 6pack?
Why not both? Powerlifting is a weight class sport. While you're not going to be stage-ready bodybuilder shredded and still be strong, a lean 220 is going to carry more lean mass than a fat and sloppy 220 and will probably lift more. Outside of the SHWs, powerlifters aren't really fat.

This is the #2 deadlift and #8 total at 220 in the nation currently:
Here's a dude who deadlifts 881lbs (competes at 198 and 220):
And the #2 current total at 220:


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I dead 515 @ 215 and I wouldn't be competitive at a PL meet, IMO. I'm very athletic and pretty shredded up, so as mentioned, there is no need to sacrifice one for the other. I always found it was an excuse to eat a lot when I talked to guys that were considering themselves power lifters.


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Hello. I am fairly new to the world of powerlifting, the deadlift is by far my favorite. I recently cleared 455 as a new PR, and for someone who weighs 220 my trainer says that's fairly impressive. I love the world of powerlifting so far, however, I've noticed my body fat has gone up significantly since I started.

I'm curious to know do most powerlifters prefer sacrificing their aesthetics for the mass they have to put on? Would any among you trade the power you've acquired for a 6pack?

Honestly I guess what I'm looking for is more of a support system. My trainer says that the bf% going up is something i'm going to have to get used to. Forgive my ignorance, I'm not trying to look stupid or anything. But by popular vote how many prefer mass over aesthetics?

Thanks for your imput,
That's impressive if by new you mean 6months to a year.
455 is good bro. For 455 for the nests 6months sucks. Power lifting means we are going for progress.
We are trying to achieve a peak in strength. After that peak we hope to achieve a new strength homeostasis.
Then tissue build. Then rev back up to a peak.
220lb pro powerlifters bench 455.


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I don't think you'd need to sacrifice aesthetics for strength. Look at Layne Norton and you can see, he stays lean but lifts heavy. His PHAT program utilizes 3 days of strength and 3 days of hypertrophy and I've been hearing of PHUL (PHAT but centered around PPL workouts instead of the big 3 like regular PHAT).


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As others have mentioned this is an outdated viewpoint. But more specifically, it's just not accurate in the case of a majority of powerlifting. For raw weight classes at 205 lbs or less you better believe most of the elite lifters are shredded on meet day. Charlie dickson, russel orhii, taylor atwood, ashton ashton rouska, etc. For geared lifting and heavier weight classes it is more accurate, but even then i don't think you have anything to worry about--just lift within your spectrum of goals and diet accordingly.


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You can clean it up a bit im sure. Dont let him slip your mind into the eat like a pig and train. You get fat from over eating in one sitting and reeating to soon. Talking in to much **** your body doesnt truly process.

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