Marijuana and blood work results


So, long story short, I’m wondering if marijuana can cause more than just estrogen or prolactin issues in relation to bulking, cutting, any aspect of this lifestyle. I’ve been working out since 13 and never touched any drugs until I started smoking weed in the Middle East (first deployment, peer pressure and I was 18 at the time) but I’ve never been able to quit since. I don’t know if it’s hindering my progress in any way, although I’m happy with it, I would consider dropping it if it makes me healthier, as long as my PTSD episodes don’t come back. Anyone else in a similar situation? Wondering if marijuana is worth it? Having a hard time with this one honestly, it’s been my every day for over a decade. My blood work has shown normal estrogen even while cycling, I’ve never really had an issue with it, but my prolactin was high once, not sure if this is the reason.


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So, long story short, I’m wondering if marijuana can cause more than just estrogen or prolactin issues in relation to bulking, cutting, any aspect of this lifestyle. I’ve been working out since 13 and never touched any drugs until I started smoking weed in the Middle East (first deployment, peer pressure and I was 18 at the time) but I’ve never been able to quit since. I don’t know if it’s hindering my progress in any way, although I’m happy with it, I would consider dropping it if it makes me healthier, as long as my PTSD episodes don’t come back. Anyone else in a similar situation? Wondering if marijuana is worth it? Having a hard time with this one honestly, it’s been my every day for over a decade. My blood work has shown normal estrogen even while cycling, I’ve never really had an issue with it, but my prolactin was high once, not sure if this is the reason.
If it's helping your PTSD, you should have some sort of back up plan if you are going to stop the Marijuana. Plenty of high level athletes and bodybuilders have used and continue to use cannabis. If you do feel like you need or want to stop, you should. Just be sure to have a plan and ideally, a support system.


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This is definitely a pro/con situation. Do the pros really outweigh the cons. I mean are you willing to risk mental health in order for a little more progress I'm the gym. Only you can answer that


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While I understand that there are many different coping skills and options to deal with life's tragedies, targeting a life free from dependency sounds like a great target; understanding that it may not be possible, especially in the short term.

Good luck. Live life intentionally, one day at at time (or 5 minutes at a time).


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I don't think it is going to be a huge factor if you are a pretty disciplined person but if you struggle to maintain your training and or diet due to it then that could be a negating factor in progress. If consistency is no issue for you then results aren't likely to suffer. So you have a lot of factors to consider. I wish you luck in whatever decision you make.


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You just have to make it 2 weeks without smoking and then it's easy mode. Morning cardio and sweat your arse off. I stopped for my divorce after 25+ years. Put out hard with the cardio and you'll sleep.

Find a good friend to talk to.


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I appreciate your honesty and concern about the effects of marijuana on your fitness journey and overall health. It's a challenging decision to make, especially when it's been a part of your daily routine for a long time.
Marijuana can have various effects on individuals, and its impact can differ from person to person. It's essential to consider how it affects you personally, both physically and mentally.
For those who are curious about the potential effects of marijuana or exploring alternatives, it's always a good idea to gather information from reputable sources, like bong websites to make informed decisions. Ultimately, the choice should prioritize your overall well-being and what works best for you.
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I've been smoking for about 25 years now. As said, theres definitely pros & cons. It's all about moderation. Cliché perhaps, but it's true. I find it an irritant at times if I'm really dialled into my fitness.

But i also find it can enhance workouts too. Its a mindset thing.

I broke my arm recently & I'm using weed as the excuse to not get back into exercising more. Truth is, it's just me being lazy. I can smoke every day & have great workouts. I'm smoking much less at the moment but exercising much less too. Mindset. Go with your gut with it. Cut down gradually if you try that & have a contingency as others have said.


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Your post about marijuana and blood work results caught my eye! It's always interesting to see how different substances can affect our bodies. I'm glad to hear that your levels are looking good despite your marijuana usage. It's important to stay on top of our health, so it's great that you're keeping track of your blood work.

As for medical cannabis oil, I think it's a fascinating topic. It's amazing how cannabis can have such diverse effects, both medicinally and recreationally. While some people swear by its benefits, others might be wary of the potential risks. Personally, I believe it should be explored further as a legitimate option for certain medical conditions, under proper supervision, of course.
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