Is it worth having a cheat meal on a Keto lifestyle if I always feel like crap and miserable afterwards?


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I have basically been on TRT, doing lots of cardio and worked hard to burn off BOTH muscle and fat on purpose to get my body weight down for health and longevity. This is the lightest I have been since I was a teen.

At this stage of my life at 38 it’s safe to say big muscles are in the rear view mirror. I love feeling light, healthy, having nice abs and feeling great while being on a keto lifestyle.

I keep reading about why you supposedly must have one cheat meal a week to keep your body from adapting but everytime I have a huge carb and sugar cheat meal I feel miserable, slow and weak the next day. Last night I had my cheat meal and today I felt so groggy in the gym and could barely finish my cardio session.

Do I really NEED these cheat meals? Yes, I love the ice cream and cake while eating it but it’s definitely not worth the price I pay the following day. Any advice?


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I'm reading The Energy Formula by Shawn Wells. He strongly recommends keto for overall health. He never mentions anything about a cheat meal. I love this book however I'd never go keto. My wife would kill me.

If you end up sticking with your cheat meal, you could take a quality GDA like Glucosatrol to help you get back into ketosis quicker. It may or may not help with your situation, just kind of thinking out loud. @DieselNY, thoughts?
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