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I got my IGF and was told to do 20 mcg once daily sub-Q into area near bellybutton as stated on the package. Have also heard someone say that it is a little more site specific and want to know for sure if it is to prevent bubble gut or something similar. Also correct me on best dosage and best subQ locations with a small insulin needle. Thanks!


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I got my IGF and was told to do 20 mcg once daily sub-Q into area near bellybutton as stated on the package. Have also heard someone say that it is a little more site specific and want to know for sure if it is to prevent bubble gut or something similar. Also correct me on best dosage and best subQ locations with a small insulin needle. Thanks!
@Smont I'll have my guy here help you. He's also a board rep for ma research


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@Smont I'll have my guy here help you. He's also a board rep for ma research
It's against rep rules to give dosing protocols. If I was talking general conversation in one of my own threads it's OK. But Mike wouldn't be happy if I was giving out dosing suggestions for products sold as "not for human consumption"

With that being said, 20mcg is far less then I see anyone else doing and intramuscular bi lateral shots seem to work "a lot better"


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It's against rep rules to give dosing protocols. If I was talking general conversation in one of my own threads it's OK. But Mike wouldn't be happy if I was giving out dosing suggestions for products sold as "not for human consumption"

With that being said, 20mcg is far less then I see anyone else doing and intramuscular bi lateral shots seem to work "a lot better"
My bad I totally forgot about that


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I got my IGF and was told to do 20 mcg once daily sub-Q into area near bellybutton as stated on the package. Have also heard someone say that it is a little more site specific and want to know for sure if it is to prevent bubble gut or something similar. Also correct me on best dosage and best subQ locations with a small insulin needle. Thanks!
There are no guarantees or absolutes with this stuff, by even deciding to take it youve accepted *some* potential risk.

In saying that, there are of course ways to minimise risk. 40-60mcg daily are the numbers Ive seen most recommended for a "safe" upper limit whilst still getting plenty of benefits.

I have seen some protocols say subq is best, but intramuscular is by far the more preferred method. Ideally, youd pin the muscle trained. Even more ideal, but not very practical, is to do multiple micro-inj at various points of the muscle site.

The idea is to try get as much of the peptide localised, and minimal systemic.

As far as timing, I think theres a good argument for inj lr3 at least a couple hours postwo. Does timing matter considering its halflife? Well its halflife seems up for debate, Patrick Arnold for one thinks its nowhere near as long as typically claimed. But the halflife is irrelevant for the purposes here. Anyway, dosing away from the workout means endogenous MGF can better do its thing without lr3 interfering with it. To quote datbtrue:

"So post exercise MGF is proliferating-> proliferating-> proliferating-> proliferating-> proliferating-> proliferating-> proliferating-> THEN you introduce IGF-1 which will define the newly proliferated "cells"."

But none of this is backed by human studies of course. Its ultimately all conjecture based on what little *is* known about these compounds.


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I’ll be honest igf1 peptides igf1 lr3 is all a bit useless despite what internet likes to tell us. Unless you’re willing to buy real igf which is called INCRELEX don’t expect much from it.

icrelex is extremely hard to get your hands on and should cost around 800-1300$ a month minimum.

out of every guy I know here in montreal in the bodybuilding community none had good results with igf lr3.
Most knowledgeable pro levels coach also mention exactly what I’m saying in Q/A and open talks.

i personally went up to 200mcg a day and it did help a little for pump, maybe, but that’s it.

don’t waste your money on that and if you’re going to invest on anything other than gear and food and a coach I would say invest in growth hormone.


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Just to answer your question though, 40-60 would be the safest dosage versus potential risks but 100mcg is where I would say to go as it’s already not that good of a product to begin with.

you would want to treat it like real igf so IDEALLY you would take it pre workout and post workout.

if you don’t have time to do both Pre workout and post and you had to choose only one than I would highly suggest you take it post workout just before your meal.


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I’ll be honest igf1 peptides igf1 lr3 is all a bit useless despite what internet likes to tell us. Unless you’re willing to buy real igf which is called INCRELEX don’t expect much from it.

icrelex is extremely hard to get your hands on and should cost around 800-1300$ a month minimum.

out of every guy I know here in montreal in the bodybuilding community none had good results with igf lr3.
Most knowledgeable pro levels coach also mention exactly what I’m saying in Q/A and open talks.

i personally went up to 200mcg a day and it did help a little for pump, maybe, but that’s it.

don’t waste your money on that and if you’re going to invest on anything other than gear and food and a coach I would say invest in growth hormone.
I'm on lr3 and des right now, lower dose then you mentioned ad I would disagree with your opinion on effects. Good pumps and lower bloodsugar are most noticeable. Ability to eat more carbs without getting bloated. Obviously creating new muscle cells is gonna take a long time to see those results but I like it. I've also heard multiple pros and coaches on podcasts talk about using lr3 and des

I'd still choose hgh tho if I had the choice laid out in front of me


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I'm on lr3 and des right now, lower dose then you mentioned ad I would disagree with your opinion on effects. Good pumps and lower bloodsugar are most noticeable. Ability to eat
igf1 lr3 serves for a few little thing but it is useless at building muscle. DES is somewhat helpful yes.

LR3 cant be broken down to IGF1 it has the lowest binding affinity to BP’s so the boost in IGF1 is going to be useless for building muscle. It ups the IGFBP3 maybe a tiny bit. People desperately want to believe it does but it’s just another disappointment.
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