tobias Sherman

tobias Sherman

New member
Hey, I started an IGF-1 LR3 cycle 3 days ago and am not really sure if my stuff is real. I pin 50 mcg immediately post workout into muscle being worked (pinning chest really hurts don't recommend). When should I begin to see results? Are there any sides I should look out for? Should I be seeing my lifts go up? Id appreciate any tips and recommendations.


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If your not on a actual cycle with it i would just expct some better pumps and improved body composition given your eating accordingly. Peptides alone, even hgh, do very little for muscle and strength without steroids in the mix. Its like a cherry on top, you need A base of something to put that cherry on top of / steroid cycle.
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tobias Sherman

tobias Sherman

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If your not on a actual cycle with it i would just expct some better pumps and improved body composition given your eating accordingly. Peptides alone, even hgh, do very little for muscle and strength without steroids in the mix. Its like a cherry on top, you need A base of something to put that cherry on top of / steroid cycle.
Interesting. Ive read on other threads from this site that ppl gain like 10 lbs of muscle from this and max's increase during the cycle. Im running this alone so I suppose not much would change. I wonder why im hearing some say it basically acts like insulin and others saying it's so underrated.


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Interesting. Ive read on other threads from this site that ppl gain like 10 lbs of muscle from this and max's increase during the cycle. Im running this alone so I suppose not much would change. I wonder why im hearing some say it basically acts like insulin and others saying it's so underrated.
Im a rep for a company that sells these and il be the first to tell you Those claims are nonsense. 10 pounds of muscle is about how much someone gains in 1 year on steroids. It will act a little bit like insulin.But insulin without steroids also won't make you gain 10 pounds of muscle either. These ppl are gaining water weight and because water and carbs get pulled into the muscle it will look like muscle, but its water and a pump. Over a long period of time if your eating and training accordingly You absolutely will build more muscle and loose more fat than if you had not used it. But 10lbs of actual muscle tissue, no way, not on igf solo and not in a few weeks like ppl claim


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It's not underrated at all, People just have Unrealistic expectations of things and don't understand how things work or how to use them.

And then there's a whole other group of people that dont know the difference between muscle, fat and water weight.

At the end of the day The same basic principles of building muscle apply no matter what your taking. You can take every single steroid ever invented at the most ridiculous doses Imaginable and if you don't eat enough food you won't get any bigger after the initial few lbs of adaptations.

So when someone talks about supplement or steroid.Or peptide x y z, And then claims they gain 10 or 20 or 30 pounds in a month It's just nonsense.

Next time you go to the grocery store look at what 10-20 pounds of chicken breast looks like, If someone put on that much muscle in a month or two they would look like a totally different human being.

Regardless of everything I said, If you're eating and training for your goals, you're gonna get some benefit out of the product.Still, it's just not going to be what you hear people on reddit or whatever you say 10lbs and busting prs.

Another thing to take into consideration is many of the people you find posting probably Weren't actually working out very hard before they started taking something. Now they take something and they put a little effort in and they get better results in boom.It's the greatest supplement ever. Then they come off and stop working out again.And they say they lost their gains.

The fitness industry is like a revolving door of nonsense


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Adding some anabolics to the equation would make a massive difference. It will Help partition those nutrients much better.
tobias Sherman

tobias Sherman

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Thx for the explanation Smont, seems like I had super high hopes with the whole hyperplasia stuff and IGF-1 causing one to be able to morph. I got the idea to take this from Tony Huge and he was saying this drug allows one to absolutely transform. I dont want to take AA's as those will cause virilization, so I thought IGF-1 would be be a good option. Anyways have a good day
tobias Sherman

tobias Sherman

New member
In some other LR3 discussion some guy named Grunt 76 posted this. Firstly, do an y of you guys think post workout pinning matters. I heard the pump on this stuff is supposed to be good so why not pin pre. Also his results are insane. you think he's exaggerating.

I have run LR3 at 20, 30, 40 and 50mcg ED as well as variations of only postworkout pinning. I suggested EOD and gapped dosing way before lab research showed that this would be a better dosing protocol.

In my experience, IMMEDIATELY-POSTWORKOUT dosing is all-important to hyperplasia. SOME benefit is had by pinning preworkout and at other times, but the vey best resutls from pinning immediately postworkout. I have experimented with 5-minutes postworkout and 20-30 minutes postworkout and have found the 5-minutes postworkout dosing to be VASTLY superior to any other dosing protocol. I know it isn't the most practical for most of us, but I'm saying what I have seen on myself.

Gains out of IGF-1 are difficult to account for. Firstly, it is much more a recomposition compound than a mass or fatloss compound. On AAS, the gains are "this many lbs of LBM". On clen/Thyroid, gains are "so many lbs of flab". On IGF-1 the gains are "some fatloss, some muscle gain/retention, and this many new cells that I will grow in the coming months".

But suffice it to say that my first experimentation protocol was 5 minutes postworkout in my biceps, delts and chest because my previous research had indicated that the postworkout window was limited, and because those were my lagging bodypart. My biceps went from 17" to 17½" in the first 2 weeks along with some fatloss and another ½" in the 2 months afterward, my DB curls going from 55 x 10 to 65 x 10. That was after 12 years of natural training, with genetic potential pretty maxed out. Chest and delt results I did not even attempt to quantify but the difference was clearly visible.


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Some ppl Say that the earth is hollow and inhabited by a race of super intelligent lizard people.

Ive personally never seen it tho🤷‍♂️
tobias Sherman

tobias Sherman

New member
Some ppl Say that the earth is hollow and inhabited by a race of super intelligent lizard people.

Ive personally never seen it tho🤷‍♂️
DMT will take you to Agartha though. lol. good rebuttal.


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Adding some anabolics to the equation would make a massive difference. It will Help partition those nutrients much better.
I'm not worried about virilization like OP but I tend to avoid anything that will negatively impact my healthy natural levels, and therefore have leaned towards peptides over AA's. Are there any "anabolics" you think would be synergistic / pair with LR3 which would have less a risk in that department? In my understanding LR3 is supposed to be 'cycled' 8 wks anyway?

Besides the Lizard DMT I cruise on of course...


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I'm not worried about virilization like OP but I tend to avoid anything that will negatively impact my healthy natural levels, and therefore have leaned towards peptides over AA's. Are there any "anabolics" you think would be synergistic / pair with LR3 which would have less a risk in that department? In my understanding LR3 is supposed to be 'cycled' 8 wks anyway?

Besides the Lizard DMT I cruise on of course...
Sorry i dont have any suggestions that fit what your asking. As far as igf cycle length ive seen suggestions up to 12 weeks but ive always been told after 2-4 weeks on you wanna take 1-2 off and repeat and that after about 4 weeks it starts working less effectively. My knowldge of peptides is fairly limited outside the basics
tobias Sherman

tobias Sherman

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I've often found in most cycles' ppl use LR3 " to seal in the gains" after a bulking dbol cycle. I agree w smont taking LR3 for longer than a week is prob. unnecessarily driving up risk of cancer without added gains.


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And you would have to already have cancer/cancer cells for thst last part to happen. Peptides do not make cancer cells, but what they do is cause all cells to grow. So if you already have the cells.... ya its a risk.

Im gonna make my exit, i dont have anything else usefull for this thread. I hope i gave some usefull info. End of Next month il be doing igf des 3 weeks on 1 weeks off for the summer. If any one is intrested il probably do a log with pictures after every 3 weeks on so ppl can decide For themselves if they think it's "worth it" lol, i hate that term tho. Because what's "worth it" is personal to every single individual person and compound.

Everyone's risk to reward ratios vary greatly
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