Ideal, safest PCT for Halodrol (otc) with bloodwork



New member
Hello everybody!
I'm a new user here (italian so sorry for english errors), 23 years old and practising sports (mainly bb) for around 5-6 years. In the detail I trained from 14 to 18 around with not so much dedication in diet neither in the trainig system, so I never had maximum results. From around 18-19 to 21 I trained for 2 years, very precise with training and not so much with diet.
One year ago I totally changed my routine of training, I dropped weights and started to make jogging+bodyweight exercise+ a wrong hypocalorical diet (lasted about 4 months, made me drop from around 87-88kg to 77-78). I say "wrong" because I intentionally didn't care much about my muscular mass so I wanted simply to have a nice slim body and be healthy.
Now: I started again bb from 2 months, started together an hypercaloric diet (very clean, around 3500Kcal with a 25%pro, 60%carbs and 20%fats)) to put again my old mass. (a note: I've always been vegetarian and that has never been a problem for me since I get my high bv proteins from eggs, milk, cottage cheese, legumes+cereals).


I gathered infos for long about PHs and PCTs. Wanted just to know from an authoritative source if this can be a good post cycle therapy/Cycle for Halodrol (going on CEL H-Drol or Purus Labs Halovar).


Pre Cycle Support Supplements (2 weeks before)

- Milk Thistle 80% / 4g ED
- Taurine / 6g ED (three doses of 2g each...but what time is better?)- Omega 3 EPAs and DHAs / 6g ED
- A pharmaceutical ordinary multivitaminic

On Cycle supplements(30 days)

- Halodrol 50/50/50/50 (again here...what would be the best time of ingestion presuming I'll have a unique capsule of 50mg or 25mg? Oh and I workout at around 19.00 Pm for 1hour)
- Milk Thistle 80% / 4g ED
- L-Carnitine / 500mg ED (again the time of ingestion?)
- Taurine / 6g ED (three doses of 2g each)
- Omega 3 EPAs and DHAs / 6g ED
- A pharmaceutical ordinary multivitaminic

Post Cycle Therapy (starting next day of last halodrol capsule)

SNS Inhibit-E: week1: 25-25-25-50-50-50-50mg
week2: 50mg
week3: 75mg
week4: 75-50-50-25-25-25-25mg

SNS Reduce-XT: week1: 0
week2: 0
week3: 150mg
week4: 150mg
week5: 150mg
week6: 100-100-100-50-50-50-50mg

-I3C: 600/400/400/200
-BlueUp or Hypertest or Diesel test hardcore + drive

- SAMe 600/600/400/400
- Milk Thistle 80% / 4g ED
- Hawthorn Berry /150mg ED
- L-Carnitine / 500mg ED
- N-acetylcysteine (NAC), 200mg ED (don't know when to take this)
- CoQ10, 100mg ED (don't know when to take this)
- Taurine / 6g ED (three doses of 2g each)
- Omega 3 EPAs and DHAs / 6g ED
- A pharmaceutical ordinary multivitaminic

What in case of gynecomastia symptoms? And how to know I have a shutdown(if I'll have it..)? Should I interrupt abruptly EVERY PH, supplement I'm taking apart from the anti estrogen? Or act in a different manner?

Thanks for everybody for helping me out and even to everyone else :)!


your on the right track but you need a serm for kicking test back up and minimizing estrogen sides. Use nolva at 40/40/20/20 and get rid of the 6 oxo otc crap. use hypertest its good stuff retain rocks too


New member
your on the right track but you need a serm for kicking test back up and minimizing estrogen sides. Use nolva at 40/40/20/20 and get rid of the 6 oxo otc crap. use hypertest its good stuff retain rocks too
Thanks for the suggestion bbkhan but I'd prefer to avoid a SERM in a PTC for such a mild compund as the Halodrol. It has a low aromatyzation so I think it is more than enough to use I3C + an ATD, isn't it in your opinion?


Im just about to end a cycle of Halodrol 50 and my post cycle is this:

Anabolic Innovations Post Cycle Support
Trione (same as 6 oxo, same price to, but 30 more caps)
Alpha Drive XL

I chose not to use a prescription SERM because Halodrol is a milder compound, some guys don't even do a post cycle, though I would suggest at least using some good OTC products, because everyone reacts differently. Look up Trione before you pay for 6 oxo though.


New member
Im just about to end a cycle of Halodrol 50 and my post cycle is this:

Anabolic Innovations Post Cycle Support
Trione (same as 6 oxo, same price to, but 30 more caps)
Alpha Drive XL

I chose not to use a prescription SERM because Halodrol is a milder compound, some guys don't even do a post cycle, though I would suggest at least using some good OTC products, because everyone reacts differently. Look up Trione before you pay for 6 oxo though.
I see, wasn't so sure of using 6oxo instead of ATD because it is lighter on estrogens... anyway any sides so far?


man i didnt know halo was that mild but think about it, if it is that mild, than a serm would kick yor natural test back up even faster. Maybe a week of clomid thearapy after halo could have you back to normal, any ideas?

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