How many iu's a day of GH does a normal healthy male make?



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Lets say, a normal healthy male in their 20's, how many iu's a day do you think our bodies make? Big A over at ProMuscle said that the body makes around 4 ius a day, so its pointless to run 2-4 ius of GH because you are merely overriding the bodies natural gh production, but that sounds fishy to me, because lots of people see some gains at the 4 iu mark. What do you guys think? Im thinking its probably less than 1 iu a day.


From Wikipedia:

"Most of the physiologically important secretion occurs as several large pulses or peaks of GH release each day. The plasma concentration of GH during these peaks may range from 5 to 35 ng/mL or more. Peaks typically last from 10 to 30 minutes before returning to basal levels. The largest and most predictable of these GH peaks occurs about an hour after onset of sleep.[4] Otherwise there is wide variation between days and individuals. Between the peaks, basal GH levels are low, usually less than 3 ng/mL for most of the day and night.

The amount and pattern of GH secretion change throughout life. Basal levels are highest in early childhood. The amplitude and frequency of peaks is greatest during the pubertal growth spurt. Healthy children and adolescents average about 8 peaks per 24 hours. Adults average about 5 peaks. Basal levels and the frequency and amplitude of peaks decline throughout adult life."


That's like saying taking 250 mg of test is pointless. I'll have to find the article, but an average male produces 25 mg of test a day.
Most people would agree that 250 mg a week of synthetic test, does work.

My friend did 4ius 2am and 2 pwo. And was VERY happy with the results when he/she took with other AAS.

Yea it would be great to take more that 4ius daily, but some
1. Can't afford
2. get carparel tunnel syndrome

when taking 10 ius daily.


Eh Hole Board Supporter
It would depend more on the timing of the GH.

The best times would be when you wake, and then again in the early afternoon (when cortisol is at it's peak).

Many people react well to lower dosages split up (as texxlnghorn mentions above)...

Now, when you combine GH & Slin PWO... you have a whole new ballgame altogether. :)
I'll have to find the article, but an average male produces 25 mg of test a day.
From what I've read, it's around 7-8mg/day, usually...
(Not trying to argue with ya, just presenting what I've read in the past).


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Big a knows his stuff.. in your 20's your are producing a lot of hgh compared to someone 35+ at almost 40 2ius will help me lose fat. at 4 ius i get the muscle building at your age when you still have high levels of hgh you would need more just like bigA said... thats why its not recommened for anyone under really 35 for the most benefit..

Mister Increlex

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probably at max the equivalent to 3iu , but normally 1-2 ui , just see the reference value of igf1 for people that age


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probably at max the equivalent to 3iu , but normally 1-2 ui , just see the reference value of igf1 for people that age
really cool bump of a 15 year old post smdh
and also...very hard to understand scientific jibberjabber...waiting on links, studies, and hi-tech supps recommendations lol ;):LOL:
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really cool bump of a 15 year old post smdh
and also...very hard to understand scientific jibberjabber...waiting on links, studies, and hi-tech supps recommendations lol ;):LOL:
Do you mean HiTech the company? They did just release a GH supplement!

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