HIGH Progesterone level!!!


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hello friends, how i can lowering my progesterone Level, it is 3x out of range


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How do you feel? You could try Cabergoline/Dostinex. But if your nipple aren't doing funky things and you're not tired, then maybe just buy a potent L Dopa product and see if it helps


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iam on cycle with testosterone e 500mg week for 6 months, for the first three months i used nandrolone phenylopropionate, i use HCG from start 1250iu every week, i use cabergoline in dose 0,5mg every week, my blood works:
SHBG 18,9 (13,5-71,40)
e2 39 (8-43)
prolactin 0,3 (4,0-15,2) L
testosterone >1500 (280-800)
progesterone 4,2 (0,2-1,4) H

my Libido is crashed


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What's your diet like bro
List a typical days food


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1k chicken filet
200g White Rice
0,5kg potatoes
100g oatmeal
3 eggs
and more more more...

Are there any drugs to lowering progesterone??


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1k chicken filet
200g White Rice
0,5kg potatoes
100g oatmeal
3 eggs
and more more more...

Are there any drugs to lowering progesterone??
You don't need drugs you need a change in diet and lifestyle
Where are your omega3's and 6's? Your body will be very low in dopamine, if you got that tested you'd see. You'll be incredibly low in folate, b12, b6 and b3 also.

Switch the chicken out for a fattier meat. Eggs, red meat and fatty fish only from now on. Eat around 1-1.5kg of your choice each day. Make sure it's a fatty cut of meat like ground beef, chops, salmon, tuna, eggs etc.
Eliminate the fruit and grains completely. No rice, no oats, no wheat or any of that.
For vegetables, opt for brassica such as broccoli, kale, brussels, cauliflower etc. Spinach, lettuce etc are all good too. Avacado is good as well
Focus on eating the meat first, then 500g of the vegetables listed above, then if you have any room left over eat some carbs. Root veg, starches only remember.


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ok bro i will try Change my diet. my english is no so good, i am from poland. i should not eat Rice, oat etc. but from where i take carbs?? only potatoes and Broccoli,kale, brussels etc.??


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ok bro i will try Change my diet. my english is no so good, i am from poland. i should not eat Rice, oat etc. but from where i take carbs?? only potatoes and Broccoli,kale, brussels etc.??
Your primary source of carbs should be potatoes, sweet potatoes, vegetables.

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OP your E2 is more than likely contributing to your lack of libido. Id add in an ai, or drop ur test dosage some and libido should return. Shoot for mid 20's level on ur blood panel. That seems to be where most guys feel best.


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You don't need drugs you need a change in diet and lifestyle
Where are your omega3's and 6's? Your body will be very low in dopamine, if you got that tested you'd see. You'll be incredibly low in folate, b12, b6 and b3 also.

Switch the chicken out for a fattier meat. Eggs, red meat and fatty fish only from now on. Eat around 1-1.5kg of your choice each day. Make sure it's a fatty cut of meat like ground beef, chops, salmon, tuna, eggs etc.
Eliminate the fruit and grains completely. No rice, no oats, no wheat or any of that.
For vegetables, opt for brassica such as broccoli, kale, brussels, cauliflower etc. Spinach, lettuce etc are all good too. Avacado is good as well
Focus on eating the meat first, then 500g of the vegetables listed above, then if you have any room left over eat some carbs. Root veg, starches only remember.
Eliminate the fruits and grains completely? If you can produce any legitimate scientific literature that shows eating less fruit or grains lowers progesterone levels please do, because that is bad advice to give to someone solely looking to lower their progesterone levels. Is it good to eat more vegetables? Absolutely. Will it lower high progesterone levels from NPP or any nandrolone? No.

If your progesterone levels are that high I would strongly advise to take either cabergoline or prami as tinytony said. Can't hurt to get your estrogen a little lower to with some exemestane or another ai.


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Eliminate the fruits and grains completely? If you can produce any legitimate scientific literature that shows eating less fruit or grains lowers progesterone levels please do, because that is bad advice to give to someone solely looking to lower their progesterone levels. Is it good to eat more vegetables? Absolutely. Will it lower high progesterone levels from NPP or any nandrolone? No.

If your progesterone levels are that high I would strongly advise to take either cabergoline or prami as tinytony said. Can't hurt to get your estrogen a little lower to with some exemestane or another ai.
Progesterone is on an axis to dopamine
What is the precursor to dopamine? Tyrosine
The OPs diet contains little if any tyrosine, he doesn't need more drugs. What does taking more drugs do? Does it fix the problem? No it just applies a band aid. There is a reason for the elevated progesterone and taking drugs won't reverse the reason why it is elevated in the first place. This diet will reduce estrogen, decrease SHBG, increase levels of neurotransmitter precursors in the body, increase levels of B vitamins (that also act on dopamine) on which his diet is tragically low. Dopamine is also on an axis to serotonin, so a lower carb, high fat diet is ideal. "Can't hurt to take an aromatase inhibitor"? That's just reckless, of course it can hurt. These are very powerful drugs. As far as I am aware the OP is not suffering from any progesterone related side effects other than libido. His estrogen is still perfectly in range.

Good diet will reverse these symptoms, I've seen it happen many times before and the blood work along with it. Drug intervention should be a final option when all other factors are removed, not the first aid


Progesterone is on an axis to dopamine What is the precursor to dopamine? Tyrosine The OPs diet contains little if any tyrosine, he doesn't need more drugs. What does taking more drugs do? Does it fix the problem? No it just applies a band aid. There is a reason for the elevated progesterone and taking drugs won't reverse the reason why it is elevated in the first place. This diet will reduce estrogen, decrease SHBG, increase levels of neurotransmitter precursors in the body, increase levels of B vitamins (that also act on dopamine) on which his diet is tragically low. Dopamine is also on an axis to serotonin, so a lower carb, high fat diet is ideal. "Can't hurt to take an aromatase inhibitor"? That's just reckless, of course it can hurt. These are very powerful drugs. As far as I am aware the OP is not suffering from any progesterone related side effects other than libido. His estrogen is still perfectly in range. Good diet will reverse these symptoms, I've seen it happen many times before and the blood work along with it. Drug intervention should be a final option when all other factors are removed, not the first aid

You need to do a little more research before you post your OPINIONS as the BEST solution. There are many ways to resolve a situation, and while I agree diet adjustments would help, you really have NO idea what the op eats, other than what he listed, which I'm sure is by no means complete.

How the hell would you know what he is or isn't defecient in? Do you know if he takes a multi? Fish oil? What his habits or lifestyle choices are?

While his estrogen is within lab range (which is vague and IMO outdated) 39 is by no means ideal. Jack your e2 up to 40 and tell me ur libido doesn't take a nose dive, and you can still get it up.

And dopamine is a prolactin antagonist, if you have any links to cite showing progesterone antagonises dopamine, please link them because I only found this one which seems to indicate that there maybe a synergistic link between the two.


Also tyrosine is what? An amino acid, right? They come from protein, which I'm sure the op isn't deficient in.

In my OPINION, the ideal solution would be to back off the HCG for awhile, and lower the test, or end the cycle and let the body return to homeostasis, but since he's been on 6 months, I doubt he's planning to come off and will have to mitigate the sides the best way he sees fit.


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You need to do a little more research before you post your OPINIONS as the BEST solution. There are many ways to resolve a situation, and while I agree diet adjustments would help, you really have NO idea what the op eats, other than what he listed, which I'm sure is by no means complete.

How the hell would you know what he is or isn't defecient in? Do you know if he takes a multi? Fish oil? What his habits or lifestyle choices are?

While his estrogen is within lab range (which is vague and IMO outdated) 39 is by no means ideal. Jack your e2 up to 40 and tell me ur libido doesn't take a nose dive, and you can still get it up.

And dopamine is a prolactin antagonist, if you have any links to cite showing progesterone antagonises dopamine, please link them because I only found this one which seems to indicate that there maybe a synergistic link between the two.


Also tyrosine is what? An amino acid, right? They come from protein, which I'm sure the op isn't deficient in.

In my OPINION, the ideal solution would be to back off the HCG for awhile, and lower the test, or end the cycle and let the body return to homeostasis, but since he's been on 6 months, I doubt he's planning to come off and will have to mitigate the sides the best way he sees fit.
You understand how pramipexole cabergoline and work right?
Mouse study?
You're getting very hyped up mate, good diet is all the OP needs

Sure dropping the hcg will help, so will lowering the testosterone. Less drugs is always better, never more


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Progesterone is on an axis to dopamine
What is the precursor to dopamine? Tyrosine
The OPs diet contains little if any tyrosine, he doesn't need more drugs. What does taking more drugs do? Does it fix the problem? No it just applies a band aid. There is a reason for the elevated progesterone and taking drugs won't reverse the reason why it is elevated in the first place. This diet will reduce estrogen, decrease SHBG, increase levels of neurotransmitter precursors in the body, increase levels of B vitamins (that also act on dopamine) on which his diet is tragically low. Dopamine is also on an axis to serotonin, so a lower carb, high fat diet is ideal. "Can't hurt to take an aromatase inhibitor"? That's just reckless, of course it can hurt. These are very powerful drugs. As far as I am aware the OP is not suffering from any progesterone related side effects other than libido. His estrogen is still perfectly in range.

Good diet will reverse these symptoms, I've seen it happen many times before and the blood work along with it. Drug intervention should be a final option when all other factors are removed, not the first aid
Why do you arrive here not so long ago and now every single guy that posts a question, well you feel it's your duty to give the only "correct" answer and all other guys ideas are trash? Tyrosine isn't the culprit unless he has a major problem. If it's diet related he'll have better luck running Dopadex. You apparently have seen everything happen before, according to every post on every thread. Your popping up like a recurring nightmare. Anyone posts anywhere and here you come to set them straight and tell the OP that THIS is what you should do because I compete and have so much experience. Well I tell you what, you have no experience with how to dealwitj/talk to/help people.. Learn some tact and then start helping.


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Why do you arrive here not so long ago and now every single guy that posts a question, well you feel it's your duty to give the only "correct" answer and all other guys ideas are trash? Tyrosine isn't the culprit unless he has a major problem. If it's diet related he'll have better luck running Dopadex. You apparently have seen everything happen before, according to every post on every thread. Your popping up like a recurring nightmare. Anyone posts anywhere and here you come to set them straight and tell the OP that THIS is what you should do because I compete and have so much experience. Well I tell you what, you have no experience with how to dealwitj/talk to/help people.. Learn some tact and then start helping.
Everyone thinks that they have the right answer
But I can guarantee, follow this diet and your hormone levels will be spot on, unless you're running large doses. Dopadex? Sure it would work. Tyrosine works incredibly well, you can feel the dopamine release quite easily. His diet is very low in tyrosine, going by what he said

If OP then thinks drugs are the answer then whatever, I just offer my opinion. I don't care to argue it further, it's pointless


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Sorry mr alex, while diet is key for many many things you just plain don't know what you are talking about. Tell you what go take a bunch of tren, npp, or deca and try to beat the sides with diet, let us know how that works for you. To the OP, lower your hcg usage to 250 twice a week. Your estrogen is high end of normal so exemestane will help you control that without crushing it. Keep up with the cabergoline.


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Sorry mr alex, while diet is key for many many things you just plain don't know what you are talking about. Tell you what go take a bunch of tren, npp, or deca and try to beat the sides with diet, let us know how that works for you. To the OP, lower your hcg usage to 250 twice a week. Your estrogen is high end of normal so exemestane will help you control that without crushing it. Keep up with the cabergoline.
He is not on nandrolone or trenbolone, not sure how that is relevant


New member
i was on nandrolone for 3 months, what dose of exemestane i should take ?? and what dose cabergoline?? I'll break from HCG and in future i will take HCG every 6-8 week it is ok?? but i know that cabergoline or prami lowering prolactin not progesterone, my prolactin is low but progesterone increased


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Why do you arrive here not so long ago and now every single guy that posts a question, well you feel it's your duty to give the only "correct" answer and all other guys ideas are trash? Tyrosine isn't the culprit unless he has a major problem. If it's diet related he'll have better luck running Dopadex. You apparently have seen everything happen before, according to every post on every thread. Your popping up like a recurring nightmare. Anyone posts anywhere and here you come to set them straight and tell the OP that THIS is what you should do because I compete and have so much experience. Well I tell you what, you have no experience with how to dealwitj/talk to/help people.. Learn some tact and then start helping.
He's been barking at people in their threads the whole month he's been here....


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He's been barking at people in their threads the whole month he's been here....
Yeah... Sigh.. I kind of get on my high horse sometimes but then later I always feel like a butt. Little embarrassed about myself eh?


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He is not on nandrolone or trenbolone, not sure how that is relevant
I'm not sure how you giving advice on something you OBVIOUSLY don't have experience with is relevant either. Go on a cycle with zero ancillaries, and let me know how that works out for you. Guaranteed if he doesn't do anything to his diet, gets his estrogen lower, and lowers his hcg his progesterone levels will be fine.


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To the op, I personally would go with 12.5 mg ed. Get bloodwork done again in a month. Your libido should come back pretty fast once your estrogen levels go down a little.


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Yeah... Sigh.. I kind of get on my high horse sometimes but then later I always feel like a butt. Little embarrassed about myself eh?
Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed for stating your opinion and standing up for what you believe in


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I'm not sure how you giving advice on something you OBVIOUSLY don't have experience with is relevant either. Go on a cycle with zero ancillaries, and let me know how that works out for you. Guaranteed if he doesn't do anything to his diet, gets his estrogen lower, and lowers his hcg his progesterone levels will be fine.
I'm not on any ancillaries now, everything is fine. And yes, this includes a 19-nor, although low dose
I'm not going to debate it further, it's pointless. If you don't want to do it, then don't do it. I also think if sides are not presenting, there is little need for drug intervention. I think OP would get very good results, from doing this diet though, while sides are not presenting. But whatever


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ok thank you guys!!! i will Change my diet a Little, go run exemestane 12,5mg ed. whether the use of HCG every 6 weeks is good?


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ok thank you guys!!! i will Change my diet a Little, go run exemestane 12,5mg ed. whether the use of HCG every 6 weeks is good?
I think you should save the hCG for when you come off.
Trying to keep everything 100%, it's not going to work out. The damage has already been done, you'll never be back "100%" again. Unless you're trying to get someone pregnant, I don't see any reason to keep it in. Post cycle, it will get you going again very fast. But 6 months on, hCG or not, you'll be 100% shut down now, especially with the deca. You can run the hCG if you wish but for endocrine function it will not matter too much. If balls are very small and you don't like it, maybe run it for a few weeks so they come back up to size. Personal preference. If you asked an endo though, they would just laugh if you suggest it would help keep you good over that time frame though


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You've also been on cycle 6 months. Might also want to consider running a very strong Post cycle, like yesterday.

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