Getting back on


New member
So, I was doing Sarms and mk677 spaced out for like two years on cycle off cycle. With proper pct clomid, HCG. But I have be off for about a year now bloods are fine. I haven’t worked out in about 5 months and lost some weight and much muscle. So to my point. I don’t have a connection for test and I would like to know a good bulk cycle not to heavy not to light. And a proper pct I want to get back in it slow again but I don’t know what pro hormone or sarm to use as a “test” base since I have no accessibility to actual test. Thanks in advance.


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I suggest getting back in the gym for a bit…Get a routine and nutrition on point, before stating something.

All that’s left basically is iron mag labs transdermal 4 andro and/or hard rock supplements andro the giant

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