Flex Rx


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For all of us who are interested in lifting, and reaching our ultimate potential, there always seems to be something that holds us back, our joints. With that fact in mind, IronMagLabs has created a supplement that will help to repair and lessen the pain that many of us are going through as a result of our lifestyle.

Here is a run down:

Glucosamine sulfate and Chondroitin sulfate are components of normal cartilage. They are the building blocks for proteoglycans and stimulate chondrocytes to make new collagen and proteoglycans. Because these supplements stimulate the production of new cartilage components, the supplements may be able to help the body repair damaged cartilage. There is evidence from patients that Glucosamine and Chondroitin can reduce pain from osteoarthritis, usually within several weeks to months after initiating therapy. MSM has shown benefits for a range of health problems including arthritis, muscle and joint pain. MSM has shown promise in the inhibition of pain impulses along nerve fibers, (analgesia), lessening of inflammation, increasing blood supply, reducing muscle spasms, and softening of scar tissue.

Glucosamine: occurs naturally in the body. It helps make cartilage stronger and more rigid. Glucosamine supplements typically are made from a protein found in the shells of shrimp, crab and other shell fish. Some research shows that glucosamine supplements relieve pain in some people with osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee. Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common type of arthritis. It is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in joints and commonly occurs in the hips, knees and spine. It also often affects the finger joints, the joint at the base of the thumb, and the joint at the base of the big toe.

Chondroitin: enhances the shock-absorbing properties of collagen and block enzymes that break down cartilage. Studies are being done to evaluate the ability of chondroitin to reverse cartilage loss. It generally takes two to four months to work completely. Two large studies that evaluated data from about a dozen studies showed significant improvement in pain and inflammation and improved joint function. Some people taking Chondroitin are able to decrease NSAID dosage.

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): is a naturally occurring sulfur compound containing sulfur and methyl groups. It is found in the normal diets of humans and almost all other animals. MSM is made up of 34% sulfur, the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body.

MSM has shown benefits for a range of health problems including arthritis, muscle and joint pain. MSM has shown promise in the inhibition of pain impulses along nerve fibers, (analgesia), lessening of inflammation, increasing blood supply, reducing muscle spasms, and softening of scar tissue. MSM supports healthy, active lifestyles and benefits multiple structures and functions within the body, including connective tissues and the respiratory system while the methyl groups support energy production.
Each bottle contains 40 servings, and with the current deal you can get 120 servings for $39.98. Hit the weights harder, since now you will be able to!




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This stuff looks really good, and pretty potent to boot, I dont know how I overlooked it, any logs on it recently or anybody here on am.com post a review.

Also, I read the label, I guess if I divide the total dosages by 5, I can get the per cap amount, if I want to mess around with do increasing dosages, what would be too much, or do you just have to stick with the recommended amount for legal reasons.


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this is a staple for me, and I stick to the current dosage protocol, which has been very effective


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Its awesome to see Ironmaglabs coming out with some solid products!


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I like the idea of adding in the cissus, on its own, it has been very effective

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