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Natural Prohormone Alternative!!
King of the Myostatin Inhibitors!!
Decimate Your Genetic Limitations!!

Ask yourself a serious question – Do you really, truly want to maximize your results in the gym? Do you really? Or are you one of those people that actually sabotage your own progress because you are scared to realize your full potential? I know at first thought that may sound crazy, but it happens to all types of people – businessmen, students, business owners, athletes, and others who many times subconsciously sabotage their own progress and results because they are scared to meet their full potential. If this is you, let Competitive Edge Labs help you break free of your self-sabotage and self-limiting behavior by allowing Epi-Plex to show you what it’s like to truly maximize your strength and physique goals!

What is Epi-Plex?
Epi-Plex is an (-)-epicatechin product that contains NO proprietary blends and NO filler ingredients disguised in with the listed (-)-epicatechin content to give the appearance of more (-)-epicatechin than is really in the product. Epi-Plex delivers you with a Full Months Supply at a Cost Effective Price.

If you answer yes to any of the following questions, Epi-Plex may be right for you:
 Are you on a mission to Become Bigger, Leaner, Harder, and Stronger?
 Do you crave results in the gym? Not just want them, but need them, crave them?
 Do you want to not only break your plateaus but to absolutely demolish them?

Epi-Plex (-)-Epicatechin Ingredient Highlights & Potential Benefits:
 Myostatin Inhibition*
 Increases in Strength and Lean Muscle*
 Improved Vascularity*
 Increased Follistatin*
 Increased Stamina*
 Decreased LDL Cholesterol & Inflammation*

Epi-Plex Product Specific Highlights:
 No Deceptive Proprietary Blends!!
 No Filler Ingredients!!
 300 mg. (-)-epicatechin per capsule!!
 60 capsules per bottle = A Full Month Supply!!
 18 grams of (-)-epicatechin per bottle = Great Cost Effectiveness!!

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
What is (-)-epicatechin?
(-)-epicatechin is a flavonol found in cacao that is rapidly becoming one of the most popular and sought after ingredients in the sports nutrition industry and is widely regarded as the top rated Myostatin inhibiting compound on the market.

So what the hell is Myostatin anyway?
Very simply put, Myostatin is a protein that is found in skeletal muscle that inhibits muscle growth.

What is Follistatin and how does that relate to Myostatin?
Follistatin is a protein that works to regular muscle growth and has an inverse relationship with Myostatin. As we get older, our levels of Myostatin tend to increase and our levels of Follistatin tend to decrease. (-)-epicatechin is thought to be able to help increase Follistatin and decrease Myostatin.

Why do some brands proprietary blend their (-) epicatechin products?
A proprietary blend is when a company takes multiple ingredients and instead of giving you the amount of each active ingredient they group them all together in a blend and give you the dosage of the blend as a whole. In some cases, such as if the company has a unique product formulation where they don’t want their competitors to know the exact amounts of certain ingredients that they are using, this is understandable. However, in cases of products like (-)-epicatechin, it isn’t. Unfortunately, many times companies use a proprietary blend as a sales tactic to give the appearance that a product contains more active ingredient than it does. This allows them to deceive customers into buying the product thinking they are getting more than they are and to maximize their profits in the process.

Sometimes these blends contain multiple ingredients, sometimes they only contain two. For example, some companies may include filler ingredients such as rice flour in the proprietary blend of a product.

Wait, Rice Flour in a proprietary blend? WTF?
Yeah, that’s what we said too, but sadly, it works on a lot of unsuspecting customers. Let’s say we were to go that route – we have 300 mg. of (-)-epicatechin per capsule so that means that if we had wanted to we could have added 300 mg. of rice flour per capsule and then labeled it as ‘(-)-epicatechin, rice flour- 600 mg’ if we wanted to. Pretty messed up huh?

Luckily for our consumers, we at Competitive Edge Labs aren’t like that. We know our customers are serious about building the best bodies possible and the only time they want to see the words rice flour is if they are listed as a carb source on one of their favorite muscle building meals.

Do I need any on cycle support supplements while using Epi-Plex?
No, Epi-Plex is not a prohormone so you do NOT need any on cycle support supplements while using Epi-Plex.

Do I need Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)?
No, Epi-Plex is not a prohormone so it does NOT require PCT.

Can I use Epi-Plex during my PCT?
Yes. Epi-Plex’s unique variety of awesome benefits makes it an ideal choice for gaining lean muscle and strength during PCT.

Why the hell am I still reading and not already using Epi-Plex?
That one we can’t answer for you so quit asking yourself and something about it!!

Competitive Edge Labs
The #1 Choice for Your High End Supplements
That Deliver Real World Results!

Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 1 capsule
Servings Per Container: 60
Amount Per Serving:
(-)-Epicatechin – 300 mg.
Piperine (95%) – 20 mg.

Other Ingredients: Gelatin (capsule), DiCalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Stearate.

Suggested Use:
As a dietary supplement, take 1 capsule 2 times daily with meals. Do not exceed 3 capsules in a 24 hour period.

This product should only be used by healthy adults that are at least 21 years of age. Consult a physician before using this or any dietary supplement. Do not use if you have ANY medical or psychiatric condition or are taking any prescription medications without first consulting a physician. Do not use if pregnant or nursing. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN.


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Loved my 30 day run. No prop blends, efficacious doses, and a legit company. Check this out if you guys haven't.


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I've been using it since it came out. No plans yet to stop, LOL.


I just started using Epi-Plex, but have noticed that it doesn't have a peppery taste (I open the capsules). Not sure if there should be, given the fact that it has Piperine present.

Also, am I able to request a certificate of analysis?

Loving the endurance and pumps so far.


Misfit28 - Yo man, curious to know what sort of results you've had with Epi-Plex!?



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How’s the run going on this for everyone ?

I’ve been of this for a lil over 2+ months and itching to get back on this + anabaolic effect


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I just started using Epi-Plex, but have noticed that it doesn't have a peppery taste (I open the capsules). Not sure if there should be, given the fact that it has Piperine present.

Also, am I able to request a certificate of analysis?

Loving the endurance and pumps so far.
Hey bro, does it taste like green tea extract atleast?

max silver

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Is it best to double up the dose preworkout to 2 capsules for maximum endurance benefit, or am I still best to take 1 capsule twice daily regardless of workouts?


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Is it best to double up the dose preworkout to 2 capsules for maximum endurance benefit, or am I still best to take 1 capsule twice daily regardless of workouts?
honestly you def can take 2 capsule pre and reap the benefits

but keep in mind per cap you are getting 300mg which is far better then any other co offers.

I did both and i actually prefer only 1 cap pre workout and other 5-6 hrs before/after to have it saturated in my body plus that other capsule w/ protein helps with absorption.


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honestly you def can take 2 capsule pre and reap the benefits

but keep in mind per cap you are getting 300mg which is far better then any other co offers.

I did both and i actually prefer only 1 cap pre workout and other 5-6 hrs before/after to have it saturated in my body plus that other capsule w/ protein helps with absorption.
Finishing up with Epi-plex. Want to start SNS Vasoforce. Can I do both together?


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honestly you def can take 2 capsule pre and reap the benefits

but keep in mind per cap you are getting 300mg which is far better then any other co offers.

I did both and i actually prefer only 1 cap pre workout and other 5-6 hrs before/after to have it saturated in my body plus that other capsule w/ protein helps with absorption.
Or Stack with TD epi it's pretty crazy to use pwo


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Finishing up with Epi-plex. Want to start SNS Vasoforce. Can I do both together?

Yes both can be stacked together, I’ve done that before with good results.


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Any estimations on when epi-plex will be back in stock?


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out of curiousity what is the percentage of epi?


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Does anyone know, am I okay to take stano Plex and Epi Plex at the same time?
Or is it too much vaso6?


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Does anyone know, am I okay to take stano Plex and Epi Plex at the same time?
Or is it too much vaso6?
Yup no vaso6 .. and makes a nice stack


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out of curiousity what is the percentage of epi?
Steve posted a detailed response in another thread that it is basically 100% epi. Clif notes…Sometimes standardization of raws can vary slightly based on what’s available so they make sure whatever it is, you are getting 300mg actual epi per capsule as the label says.

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