Eat Naughty, Look Nice with HPScience Glycøshield and Lipøshield


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We are giving away three bottles of Glycøshield and 3 Bottles of Lipøshield to help some lucky winners Beat The Cheat this holiday season!




Previous loggers have reported incredible results with regards to managing blood sugar spikes and alleviating bloating/weight gain from large cheat meals with acute usage.

Daily usage of the Shielded Stack (Lipøshield and Glycøshield) has been proven to provide a variety of positive effects with carbohydrate and nutrient partitioning/utilization and has been shown with blood glucose meter testing to be THE MOST EFFECTIVE GDA ON THE MARKET!

How to Enter:
• Make a short post telling us about your own family holiday FOOD traditions (Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah/other, New Years)
• Tell us whether you’d like Glycøshield, Lipøshield, or the Shielded Stack and why
• Bonus if you post a picture from a past holiday cheat meal
• All entrants who do not win will get a code for a free Trial/Travel kit of Glycøshield and Lipøshield that can be ordered through our website!
*Winners are asked to please to post a mini review log from their Thanksgiving Meal describing how they used the product(s) and their results!
*Winners selected randomly on 11/13
*Sample/Trial Packs must be ordered by 11/17 for those who do not win

To learn more about Lipøshield and Glycøshield visit where our ingredient spotlight section breaks down each and every ingredient, with clinical studies, to show why the Shielded Stack is the only products available that will guarantee to completely block cheat meal damage when used as directed.

Glycøshield Notes:

Here are just a few cliff notes for each of the ingredients that make up Glycøshield:


Garcinia Cambogia: Can suppress appetite, metabolize fat, and block excess fat accumulation. This ingredient ensures that excess fat that is consumed is not stored, and your current body fat stores are burned as energy.

Berberine HCL: Regulates blood sugar levels, mimic effects of diet and exercise or caloric deficit (without actually doing either!), increased breakdown of sugar (glycolysis), improve metabolism and base metabolic rate (number of calories burned in one day). Berberine does it all, but most notably it has the ability to increase the calories you burn in one day, even if you’re not exercising!

Salaretin: Controls blood glucose levels and blocks absorption of carbohydrates. Oh yes, carb blocking is a real thing with Salaretin. It has the ability to block the absorption of carbohydrates and prevents storage of excess glucose which means your body gets rid of any carbohydrates not used as energy!

Banaba Leaf: Anti-Obesity Effects, Prevention of excess glucose and fat accumulation. Another key ingredient that helps to prevent excess carbohydrates and fats from being stored. This ingredient plays a big role in our #BeatTheCheat philosophy by moving that cheat meal through the body not storing it as fat.

GS4 Plus: Weight loss, Glucose manipulation, carbohydrate blocking effects. Yes, we have TWO ingredients in Glycøshield that can block the absorption of carbohydrates. GS4 Plus also has the ability to lower triglycerides (fatty acids) in muscles and organs, while also blocking the absorption of sugars.

Olive Leaf Extract: Prevention of weight gain, lowering of blood pressure, antioxidant/anti-inflammatory effects. Olive Leaf extract has been shown to prevent weight gain, even if you aren’t trying to diet! It has also been shown to lower blood pressure over time, and provide a powerful antioxidant effect that removes toxins, and reduces systemic inflammation (the leading cause of chronic illnesses).

In short, Glycoshield ensures your body is only absorbing the carbohydrates you NEED to keep energy levels consistent through the day, while blocking everything you don’t need from being stored as body fat. All the while providing cardioprotective, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects for you as well.

For many who experience inflammation or swelling after cheat meals or cheat days filled with high carbohydrate / processed foods. Don’t feel tired, sore, or guilty, Beat the Cheat with Glycøshield and the Shielded Stack!

Lipøshield Notes:


Lipøshield is a weight management supplement designed to help you burn fat, prevent the accumulation of new fat cells, and help you to get or stay lean without any side effects, harsh stimulants or caffeine!

Lipøshield is a flavorless powder that can be added to any foods or beverages such as sauces, soups, and batters that can block absorption of excess fat and calories. Add it into your protein shakes, pre workouts, or other beverage of choice to transform it into a fat burning, calorie blocking powerhouse!

Lipøshield can be taken year round, day or night, and will allow you to enjoy your favorite foods and beverages guilt free!

Lipøshield is safe for both men and women and the ingredients included have been shown to have no short term or long term negative side effects! LipoShield is dye free, calorie free, stimulant free, and side effect free!
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• Make a short post telling us about your own family holiday FOOD traditions (Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukkah/other, New Years)

Thanksgiving and Christmas is a very small gathering. Most of my family lives out of state, so it is just 3-4 total people. I do all the cooking for each holiday, which is never much food. I volunteer every Thanksgiving and Christmas Eve for the Eries Runner Club and local food kitchens to feed the needy. I slow cook most of my food and then finish off the sides when I get home from volunteering. My family is not big on sweets, but I always make holiday cut out cookies, and end up sending a bunch to people on the forums. The same can be said with my caramel corn which is a family recipe.

• Tell us whether you’d like Glycøshield, Lipøshield, or the Shielded Stack and why

Glycoshiled or the Stack. I have never used Liposhield.

• Bonus if you post a picture from a past holiday cheat meal



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We don't have too many crazy food traditions, it is pretty normal for the most part. For the last few years before moving out we would always have chips and queso, barbecue little smokies, wings, and snack foods on Christmas Eve, then ham and leftovers on Christmas day along with a few other items that I am not a huge fan of lol

Now that all the kids are moved out and married, we all go back and stay the night at my parents Christmas Eve and we do the same thing each year, queso, little smokies, wings, ham, spicy ranch pretzels, summer sausage. It is definitely one of my favorite memories and favorite times of the year because it is one of the only traditions we continued on. This is usually just my parents, us kids, and spouses.

Thanksgiving is actually pretty similar, but we all go to my uncles farm out of state, eat very similar foods but with the addition of a fried turkey, injected with pineapple juice usually. Most of the time it is either a turkey my uncle, me, or my dad shot on his farm during one of our hunting vacations. This is another one of my absolute favorite things and times of year because it is when everyone can get together and relax without having tons of stuff going on at that immediate time. We just get a few days with each other to eat like crap and relax.

If I win I would prefer Glycoshield or the stack as well, I have never tried the ingredients in Liposhield so I wouldn't be opposed to it, but I have tried several of the ingredients in Glycoshield and know they work, but have yet to actually try that product itself but have heard great things.


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I didn't grow up with any food traditions beyond the classics--Thanksgiving=turkey and dressing, Christmas=ham, summer holidays=grilling, etc.

Mrs Jalf and I have one that started with our first Christmas season in 2014. She was already known for her Christmas cookies and we've grown from 9-10 dozen that first year to 43(farq!) dozen last year! They are chocolate chip cherry with a hint of cinnamon and known around my office as "4lb cookies" Both because of the size and the weight they can put on you. We fire up the oven and Kitchenaid the night before Thanksgiving and work most evenings between Thanksgiving and Christmas baking them for friends, family, and parties. It can be a bit much but we work on them together and listen to Christmas music while we bake. It really has become a great bonding experience. They average out to 340 kcal apiece and I've been known to make variations using vanilla protein for dem holiday gainzzzz!

I would love to try the Shielded Stack because my big goal this season is to bulk but still keep my top 4 abs visible. Past holiday seasons I just eat whatever while training hard but I still end up hating the way my pants fit in January. Plus, somebody has to be the taste tester for these cookies and my wife breaks out when she eats wheat so guess who the lucky tester is.



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I didn't grow up with any food traditions beyond the classics--Thanksgiving=turkey and dressing, Christmas=ham, summer holidays=grilling, etc.

Mrs Jalf and I have one that started with our first Christmas season in 2014. She was already known for her Christmas cookies and we've grown from 9-10 dozen that first year to 43(farq!) dozen last year! They are chocolate chip cherry with a hint of cinnamon and known around my office as "4lb cookies" Both because of the size and the weight they can put on you. We fire up the oven and Kitchenaid the night before Thanksgiving and work most evenings between Thanksgiving and Christmas baking them for friends, family, and parties. It can be a bit much but we work on them together and listen to Christmas music while we bake. It really has become a great bonding experience. They average out to 340 kcal apiece and I've been known to make variations using vanilla protein for dem holiday gainzzzz!
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I would love to try the Shielded Stack because my big goal this season is to bulk but still keep my top 4 abs visible. Past holiday seasons I just eat whatever while training hard but I still end up hating the way my pants fit in January. Plus, somebody has to be the taste tester for these cookies and my wife breaks out when she eats wheat so guess who the lucky tester is.

Haha! Love this app!! Those cookies look awesome. Taste testing is no easy job when it comes to keeping abs visible, especially though a bulk.....
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So I did a collaboration with a cupcake shop from Minnesota
I gave her 5 pounds of my homemade caramel corn to make this beauty



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Just the normal turkey an ham at thanksgiving. Not a big sweets person, but if there is pumpkin pie or sweet potato pie i have a slice or 2 of each haha. I'd love to try this stack as I'm trying to lean out before i turn 45 in January of 2019. Im tried spot of various supplement an gray area stuff in the 90s. I'm ready for a new me in 2019


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Fall is THE time of year for me to let my basic white girl out... pumpkin everything! Cheerios, coffee/latte, Pie, and freaggin Pumpkin Halo Top just came out!!!

I have been away from the family and friends for 5 holidays now. Military has treated me very well but being in places like California, Missouri, and North Dakota limit the wife and I from getting back him to Florida. We still do the Holidays and the holiday feast BIG, though.
This year in ND wr already have 8in of snow so the turkey will be baked and not fried but none the less it will still get a heaping sided of Mashed Tatos and Green Been casserole....
But to be honest there is no argument that the best thing about Thanksgiving feasts is the left over monster sandwich you make Friday for lunch!

PS no holiday food picks but check out this feast from the 24hr food binge after my NPC show.

If I win I would like to try the stack. I have tried many different GDAs/Nutrient Partitioners so I would like so see how it works with a thermo product


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Lots of great entries but I’d love to get in on this! This will be the first time I’m flying home for thanksgiving but also for the past few months after moving to TX for work. With that being said, more people = way more food. Where I’m from in PA we have a strong PA Dutch heritage that leads to some really amazing foods. Almost everything is made from scratch and idk about everyone else but I’m a dessert guy, like a eat a whole pumpkin pie by yourself type of guy lol. While I love the food the best part is bringing together family that you don’t get to see often, the food is just an added bonus.

I’d personally like to try the stack, or just glycoshield. When I’ve been on my own at college and now in TX, I eat very clean and follow my diet well, but at home different story. I love my family but the house is loaded with goodies and it wreaks havoc on my diet. I’ve been cutting hard the last 3-4 months and would like to salvage some of the damage over the course of the few days I’m home. I’ve tried other GDA’s (RPG,Burn 24, Slinmax) and enjoyed them all but have yet to try glycoshield, and figure now would be a great time. I’m also intrigued behind the science of liposhield and wouldn’t mind giving that a spin either. Either way looking forward to the holiday season!



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Lots of great entries but I’d love to get in on this! This will be the first time I’m flying home for thanksgiving but also for the past few months after moving to TX for work. With that being said, more people = way more food. Where I’m from in PA we have a strong PA Dutch heritage that leads to some really amazing foods. Almost everything is made from scratch and idk about everyone else but I’m a dessert guy, like a eat a whole pumpkin pie by yourself type of guy lol. While I love the food the best part is bringing together family that you don’t get to see often, the food is just an added bonus.

I’d personally like to try the stack, or just glycoshield. When I’ve been on my own at college and now in TX, I eat very clean and follow my diet well, but at home different story. I love my family but the house is loaded with goodies and it wreaks havoc on my diet. I’ve been cutting hard the last 3-4 months and would like to salvage some of the damage over the course of the few days I’m home. I’ve tried other GDA’s (RPG,Burn 24, Slinmax) and enjoyed them all but have yet to try glycoshield, and figure now would be a great time. I’m also intrigued behind the science of liposhield and wouldn’t mind giving that a spin either. Either way looking forward to the holiday season!
“Like a whole pumpkin pie by yourself kinda guy” sounds like you and the Shielded Stack would get along nicely!


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Would love to try the shielded stack or glycoshield alone as well. Thanksgiving and Christmas are typically spent making the usual. Turkey, ham, casseroles, and a few sweets the day before. The day of is usually a huge meal around 2pm or so after family time and visiting. Considering the that all of us here are nutritionally "aware" it usually comes back to me nitpicking around the heavy carb foods, not going near the sweets, and trying to stick to the meats and salads. Maybe this year is the year for the gorge with some glycoshield or the stack at hand! Haven't eaten a good home made cookie in years either!


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Haha! Love this app!! Those cookies look awesome. Taste testing is no easy job when it comes to keeping abs visible, especially though a bulk.....
Heck no. This is the 1st year since we’ve been together that I’ve said “I’m not going up a pants size and I’m not going to hate the mirror come January, dammit!”



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Well there is no thanksgiving or Halloween where I'm from, but there is a festival called Onam, which whole extended family gathers around and to have meal.
Which will be high carb( I'm very very high in carbs, you will mean what i say if you come down to kerala). There will be sugary desserts etc.

The reason why I'm interested in this product is, I'd love to review this product because, I've reviewed (youtube) of a similar product with chromium in it and
the supplements facts in it seems intriguing so I'd would like to give it a shot and make a review of it.


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Sitting here watching a Hallmark holiday movie with Mrs jalf and a good Christmas cookie scene comes on:

“Cheda-One, you’re our only hope...”


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Looks like some guys will be having a feast this holiday!!!


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Thanksgiving Consists of my mom still cooking the staples. Turkey (moist and delicious) Southern Cornbread dressing (Awesome the way she makes it)
Mashed Potatoes, Turkey gravy (From Scratch), Sweet Potatoes (More like a desert) too many pies to mention. My wife makes her yeast rolls to die for.
Daughter in law makes a bean casserole with sausage, 7 types of beans and who knows what else.

I would put this to the test! I'm the master of Cheat meals! LOL

Christmas is the same except we throw in a ham as well.

Then I got to my wifes mothers! I call it round 2.
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I would put this to the test! I'm the master of Cheat meals! LOL
I would like to wager on this statement......

For example I went to Blaze Pizza last weekend and had 4 pizza's myself and then washed it down with a pint of ice cream :)




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I would like to wager on this statement......

For example I went to Blaze Pizza last weekend and had 4 pizza's myself and then washed it down with a pint of ice cream :)


Wowwwwwww, I don’t know what blaze pizza is but I think I’m gonna have to go find out .


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I would like to wager on this statement......

For example I went to Blaze Pizza last weekend and had 4 pizza's myself and then washed it down with a pint of ice cream


Love me some Blaze Pizza. I can't imagine eating 4 of their pizzas, though! 2, yeah. But 4?!

Well done, my man. Well done...


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Lots of great entries but I’d love to get in on this! This will be the first time I’m flying home for thanksgiving but also for the past few months after moving to TX for work. With that being said, more people = way more food. Where I’m from in PA we have a strong PA Dutch heritage that leads to some really amazing foods. Almost everything is made from scratch and idk about everyone else but I’m a dessert guy, like a eat a whole pumpkin pie by yourself type of guy lol. While I love the food the best part is bringing together family that you don’t get to see often, the food is just an added bonus.

I’d personally like to try the stack, or just glycoshield. When I’ve been on my own at college and now in TX, I eat very clean and follow my diet well, but at home different story. I love my family but the house is loaded with goodies and it wreaks havoc on my diet. I’ve been cutting hard the last 3-4 months and would like to salvage some of the damage over the course of the few days I’m home. I’ve tried other GDA’s (RPG,Burn 24, Slinmax) and enjoyed them all but have yet to try glycoshield, and figure now would be a great time. I’m also intrigued behind the science of liposhield and wouldn’t mind giving that a spin either. Either way looking forward to the holiday season!
Congrats Zman68 please email [email protected] for further instructions!


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We don't have too many crazy food traditions, it is pretty normal for the most part. For the last few years before moving out we would always have chips and queso, barbecue little smokies, wings, and snack foods on Christmas Eve, then ham and leftovers on Christmas day along with a few other items that I am not a huge fan of lol

Now that all the kids are moved out and married, we all go back and stay the night at my parents Christmas Eve and we do the same thing each year, queso, little smokies, wings, ham, spicy ranch pretzels, summer sausage. It is definitely one of my favorite memories and favorite times of the year because it is one of the only traditions we continued on. This is usually just my parents, us kids, and spouses.

Thanksgiving is actually pretty similar, but we all go to my uncles farm out of state, eat very similar foods but with the addition of a fried turkey, injected with pineapple juice usually. Most of the time it is either a turkey my uncle, me, or my dad shot on his farm during one of our hunting vacations. This is another one of my absolute favorite things and times of year because it is when everyone can get together and relax without having tons of stuff going on at that immediate time. We just get a few days with each other to eat like crap and relax.

If I win I would prefer Glycoshield or the stack as well, I have never tried the ingredients in Liposhield so I wouldn't be opposed to it, but I have tried several of the ingredients in Glycoshield and know they work, but have yet to actually try that product itself but have heard great things.
Congrats rascal14 please email [email protected] for further instructions!


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I didn't grow up with any food traditions beyond the classics--Thanksgiving=turkey and dressing, Christmas=ham, summer holidays=grilling, etc.

Mrs Jalf and I have one that started with our first Christmas season in 2014. She was already known for her Christmas cookies and we've grown from 9-10 dozen that first year to 43(farq!) dozen last year! They are chocolate chip cherry with a hint of cinnamon and known around my office as "4lb cookies" Both because of the size and the weight they can put on you. We fire up the oven and Kitchenaid the night before Thanksgiving and work most evenings between Thanksgiving and Christmas baking them for friends, family, and parties. It can be a bit much but we work on them together and listen to Christmas music while we bake. It really has become a great bonding experience. They average out to 340 kcal apiece and I've been known to make variations using vanilla protein for dem holiday gainzzzz!
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I would love to try the Shielded Stack because my big goal this season is to bulk but still keep my top 4 abs visible. Past holiday seasons I just eat whatever while training hard but I still end up hating the way my pants fit in January. Plus, somebody has to be the taste tester for these cookies and my wife breaks out when she eats wheat so guess who the lucky tester is.

Congrats jalfrey please email [email protected] for further instructions!


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Three winners have been selected! For anyone who applied and didn’t win please email [email protected] for a promo code for your free samples!

All winners, please be sure to post your feedback and some Shielded Stack Cheat meal pics here in this thread after your thanksgiving feasts!


Finally got 2 cans of glychoshield and went out for Italian tonight. Got a great pump and did not feel lethargic after. Other popular GDA's give me somewaht of a pump and don't help with lethargy. Good job! Time to bulk...


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Finally got 2 cans of glychoshield and went out for Italian tonight. Got a great pump and did not feel lethargic after. Other popular GDA's give me somewaht of a pump and don't help with lethargy. Good job! Time to bulk...
Awesome! Yea, the combo of ingredients we use definitely helps combat that carb coma


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Mine should be here tomorrow.. very excited because I will get plenty of gym time and food this week.


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Awesome! Yea, the combo of ingredients we use definitely helps combat that carb coma
I know your the owner and the question will prob be answered the way I think it will...but is Glycoshield "that good", like compared to Primeval Labs PRIMALOG? Not "overly" impressed with PRIMALOG but still have a bottle left of it. Wanted to try this but don't want it to be another GDA where the effects are not pronounced. Plus 7 caps dosage of PRIMALOG sux.


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I know your the owner and the question will prob be answered the way I think it will...but is Glycoshield "that good", like compared to Primeval Labs PRIMALOG? Not "overly" impressed with PRIMALOG but still have a bottle left of it. Wanted to try this but don't want it to be another GDA where the effects are not pronounced. Plus 7 caps dosage of PRIMALOG sux.
There really are no comparisons out there... GDA’s boil down to % extract of ingredients used. While the product you mention has an impressive list of ingredients, whether or not they’re effectively and properly dosed is what’s important. For example, banaba powder 500mg versus Glycøshield Banaba Leaf extracted to 10% Corsolic Acid at 170mg. Most companies use a 1% extract. We use 10%. No one else uses 10%... why? Because it’s incredibly expensive AND difficult to source. So if you take 7 caps of that product you’re getting 5mg Corsolic Acid assuming it’s 1% extract. In 2 capsules of Glycoshield you’re getting 17mg.... we were out of stock for 4 months waiting for a shipment of that ingredient because I refused to use anything inferior. 10% CA is the only clinically studied extract... the product you mentioned doesn’t even list a % extract, so what exactly are you getting?

Take a look at gymnema sylvestre... again, no extract listed at all... is it gymnemic acid? I hope so, because that’s the active and clinicically studied part of the plant. We use the patented gs4+ which is the only studied version of gymnema.

Every ingredient we used is fully disclosed down to the % extract. Other GDA’s are not, and I can guarantee they’re under dosed.

Check out this review for more info on this type of stuff:

All of our ingredients are broken down, with studies, on our website as well:

HPS is a very small company. I have literally one other employee who is a design and web guy. This isn’t my full time job, we aren’t making millions or even tens of thousands lol... i don’t actually even pay myself for anything...I just really wanted to make a product that works and has a ton of health benefits and is properly dosed. Any support and feedback/reviews is massively appreciated!


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First meal with the stack, 2 caps only to assess tolerance even though I am sure it was 100g+ of carbs. I also took 2 scoops. After one use I definitely felt less bloat, it was almost like I hadn't even eaten with how little bloat I felt from that meal lol



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First meal with the stack, 2 caps only to assess tolerance even though I am sure it was 100g+ of carbs. I also took 2 scoops. After one use I definitely felt less bloat, it was almost like I hadn't even eaten with how little bloat I felt from that meal lol

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Love it! My girlfriend loves hot dogs (street meat) and I just showed her this lol thanks for posting the feedback! That looks to be about a 3-4 cap meal and the 2 scoops is perfect alongside ����
