Can You Help Me Build a Stack?


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I'll start by saying I'm new at supplements. I'm overweight and do not get that much exercise. Really just starting my journey by eating cleaner. Reached out to my fitness buddy to see if there were any supplements he recommended.

He put me on the NutraOne AlphaOne stack. Basically a Test Booster, Estrogen Blocker, and Fat Burner. I'm loving the effects, I feel like I'm down some pounds, libido is increased, and my overall mood is better.

I just ran out of my 30 day supply of Test Booster today. I'd imagine there is better products and a better stack that can be created for me. Looking for some help.

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Looking for:
Testosterone Booster
Estrogen Blocker
Fat Burner
I'd also like to add in a Nootropic for mental performance.

Anything else you can recommend, I am all ears.


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AlphaMax XT would be a great option for what you're looking for. It is a complete natural anabolic that will increase testosterone levels through various, fully dosed ingredients. Additionally, there is a fully dose of DHAA, which is an AI, and Ashwagandha, both of which will control cortisol levels. A full dose of forskolin will help increase testosterone and also increase cAMP levels which in turn will help your body create more lean mass and decrease fat.


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I did some reading, looked at reviews, made a decision. Hopefully I don't kill over. I'm still in for information and suggestions, always the future.

Going to give Olympus Labs a shot.

For a Nootripic I just went with Neuro Spark. It contains...

-St. Johns Wort Ancient herb used for centuries as a mood-supporter. Enhances overall healthy mood while promoting low stress and anxiety.

-Vinpocetine Supports increased energy to brain cells and supports circulation through brain and cerebral blood flow.

-Bacopa Essential in supporting neuron transmission. Helps regenerate brain tissue, reduce stress and anxiety, and enhance mental focus. Also known to increase liver health and stabilize blood pressure.

-Phosphatidylserine Complex Important membrane with vital role in cell communication. Thought to be beneficial in cognitive and memory skills.

-N-Acetyl-L-Carnitine Helps the conversion from choline to acetylcholine. This release allows for communication between neurons and supports cerebral blood flow.

-Ginkgo Biloba Extract Supports mental alertness, concentration and circulation to the brain. Also shown to aid vision and damage to retina.

-L-Glutamine An essential amino acid that increases alertness and concentration while elevating energy levels in brain.

-Huperzine A Supports learning enhancement, anti-aging, and increased memory while also promoting alertness and energy.


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Honestly, going by what you said, I advise you to stick to the staple supplements only (for now) and really nail down diet and training. As with any goal, those are the deciding factors. Supplements can help you reach your goals faster, but without diet and training they won't do too much for you.

Do you need suggestions on staple supplements? Training/diet? I'd love to help you get started on a routine that fits your schedule.


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You said you were up for suggestions in the future. I would highly suggest you do some research on proper diet and training before going to deep into the world of supplementation. As far as a estrogen blocker Estrogenex 2nd Gen would be my recomendation. I would stack it with Testabolan from Iforce or Novadex by Gaspari. All of which would give you a pretty good run.


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here are some great SNS / CEL Products for your goals...

CEL M-Test - very complete test booster
SNS Inhibit E - very effective anti estrogen
SNS TTA-500 - non stim fat burner
SNS Noopept XT - Nootropic


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here are some great SNS / CEL Products for your goals...

CEL M-Test - very complete test booster
SNS Inhibit E - very effective anti estrogen
SNS TTA-500 - non stim fat burner
SNS Noopept XT - Nootropic
Can't go wrong with the above products. SNS is quality. For Test Boosters I'd definitely look into alphamax xt. There are a lot of logs and reviews on it that are very positive.


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I'll start by saying I'm new at supplements. I'm overweight and do not get that much exercise. Really just starting my journey by eating cleaner.....
First and foremost, welcome to the forum. It sounds like you're very new to the entire world of eating properly, exercising, and being conscious of your health. If you're currently overweight and not getting much exercise, the first step will be to focus on consistency with exercise and make efforts to eat better and improve your overall health. It would be best to first spend your money on a gym membership and possibly some staple supplements (creatine, fish oil, and a protein powder).

There is no secret supplement that will replace training and nutrition, so I would make that your focus right now. Adding in test boosters and excessive supplementation at this point wouldn't be the best use of your money. Simply lifting weights and eating better will improve your natural testosterone and help burn body fat.

Once you're on track with diet and exercise there are a few good products you could check out. As mentioned above, I think Alphamax XT would be a great product to add in once you're consistent with exercising/resistance training regularly. Alphamax XT is a very comprehensive product that includes a natural test booster, estrogen control, and some ingredients that can help with fat loss and body recomposition. It's a great all in one product that you could definitely consider adding in down the road


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I'll start by saying I'm new at supplements. I'm overweight and do not get that much exercise. Really just starting my journey by eating cleaner. Reached out to my fitness buddy to see if there were any supplements he recommended.

He put me on the NutraOne AlphaOne stack. Basically a Test Booster, Estrogen Blocker, and Fat Burner. I'm loving the effects, I feel like I'm down some pounds, libido is increased, and my overall mood is better.

I just ran out of my 30 day supply of Test Booster today. I'd imagine there is better products and a better stack that can be created for me. Looking for some help.

Mod edit: read rules.

Looking for:
Testosterone Booster
Estrogen Blocker
Fat Burner
I'd also like to add in a Nootropic for mental performance.

Anything else you can recommend, I am all ears.
Best of luck starting (and hopefully continuing) your journey. Frankly, at this stage, diet and training will do 2048524578247 times more for you than any supp in terms of actual gains/losses... that said, the "feel" portion of a decent supp can certainly help, especially someone who is new and seeking more motivation to keep at it. Here's a few tried and true options based on what you're looking for:
T booster - CEL M-Test (comprehensive); SNS Bulbine (cheap bulk ingredient)
Estrogen Blocker* - SNS Inhibit-E (*not sure you need this as unless you have e issues, its really not gonna be the best option... you need e for normal body functions, joints, etc.)
Fat burner - Yohimbine 2.5 (Y-HCL; singel ingredient, cheap, and targets stubborn fat); TTA-500 (different pathway/moa than Y); caffiene (the obvious choices ha)
Noot - Noopept XT (get it before its DC'd!); Focus XT (regular or caffiene free, works both as a pre workout and as just a general focus/mood/study/etc aid)

As for others, Creatine is a must-have for any liftier. Cheap, proven. SNS has bulk mono for like $12 for a year's worth, or if you have issues with mono, HCL is as good or better and only slightly more expensive.

Beyond that, SNS X-gels is one of the few studied effective muscle builders on the market. Arachidonic acid is great stuff for size, strength, and pumps.


New member
I'm very new at this indeed. I definitely appreciate the suggestions. Next go around I will try Alphmax XT, and the SNS Recommendations.

I'm obese for sure, mostly all my fat is upper body, chest and belly. Yep, got me some man boobs. Doing some research it's pointing to too low Testosterone, high Estrogen, and Cortisol. I used to not even look at labels, eat whatever, crush whole bags of ****. Last time I went shopping though, all that changed. After reading labels, I started cringing at a lot of the stuff we had been buying.

I generally started eating better. I slip up and eat whatever occasionally, especially when I'm out. Generally though...
- Cut out sodas, maybe 1 for dinner, other than that it's water. On the supplements I don't really need coffee bout to drop that too.
- Trying to avoid anything out of a box. Eat no where near as much processed foods. .

Typical Day
Breakfast - 2 Quaker Granola Bars
Lunch - Steak, Chicken, or Pork with Potatoes and/or White Rice, Couscous, Quinoa, whole grain pasta.
Dinner - Just like lunch.
Snacks - Raisins, Sunflower Seeds, Popcorn, Chips rarely.

I still can't do green veggies, or any fruits, cause it's a texture thing. Really just nailing protein and clean carbs now.

I guess my biggest challenge is going to be getting to the gym. I'm way too fat to enjoy cardio. I might have to take R1balla up on his getting started guide.

Thanks for the info and the motivation. Keep it coming.


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I'm very new at this indeed. I definitely appreciate the suggestions. Next go around I will try Alphmax XT, and the SNS Recommendations.

I'm obese for sure, mostly all my fat is upper body, chest and belly. Yep, got me some man boobs. Doing some research it's pointing to too low Testosterone, high Estrogen, and Cortisol. I used to not even look at labels, eat whatever, crush whole bags of ****. Last time I went shopping though, all that changed. After reading labels, I started cringing at a lot of the stuff we had been buying.

I generally started eating better. I slip up and eat whatever occasionally, especially when I'm out. Generally though...
- Cut out sodas, maybe 1 for dinner, other than that it's water. On the supplements I don't really need coffee bout to drop that too.
- Trying to avoid anything out of a box. Eat no where near as much processed foods. .

Typical Day
Breakfast - 2 Quaker Granola Bars
Lunch - Steak, Chicken, or Pork with Potatoes and/or White Rice, Couscous, Quinoa, whole grain pasta.
Dinner - Just like lunch.
Snacks - Raisins, Sunflower Seeds, Popcorn, Chips rarely.

I still can't do green veggies, or any fruits, cause it's a texture thing. Really just nailing protein and clean carbs now.

I guess my biggest challenge is going to be getting to the gym. I'm way too fat to enjoy cardio. I might have to take R1balla up on his getting started guide.

Thanks for the info and the motivation. Keep it coming.
Cardio sucks and you really don't need it to be in any kind of generally decent shape ha. For reference, my avi pic is from the summer I had a torn hamstring and the only "cardio" I could do was a slow limp around the block ha

Diet is number one. Supps are just that, supplemental to diet and exercise.

The best plan is one you enjoy and can stick too, not the "perfect" one.


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I'd really stick to the basics until you lose a good amount of fat. No real reason to run anything besides maybe the staples and some stimulants like caffein and yohimbine (SNS sells both at great prices).

For staples, get some fish oil, vitamin D, and creatine.


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I know cardio sucks but join a class or boot camp to help you to stay motivated. My fiancé does the "ilovekickboxing" classes 2-3x a week and she's seen killer results. It's more than just kickboxing though. They do a lot of cardio (burpees for example). That's just one example though. Having an accountability partner will help as well. Someone to make sure you stay on track. Progress can come in waves as well. Some weeks are great while others not so much but I guarantee once you start seeing results, it will only motivate you that much more to keep going.


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here are some great SNS / CEL Products for your goals...

CEL M-Test - very complete test booster
SNS Inhibit E - very effective anti estrogen
SNS TTA-500 - non stim fat burner
SNS Noopept XT - Nootropic
perfect stack

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