Can I run arimistane during my ostarine cycle


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Hi everyone! I am just undergoing my first sarm cycle running 15mg of Ostarine ED for 6 weeks and 10mg of mk-677 ED for 1 month then 20mg for another month.
My question is, I've started to run Arimistane now 10 days into my cycle with some natural test boosters like DAA, tribulus, fenugreek etc since I was getting a bit worried about my testicles shrinking, I dont really think they are but I got scared. Is it okay to run Arimistane at 25mg or 50mg for the rest of this cycle and then start nolvadex after, or just run the arimistane after with my nolvadex?
Any suggestions? Im only 19 by the way.


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It shouldn't be necessary for Ostarine. Good to have, but only take it if you start having trouble. And at 19 years old, you probably could have done just as well without running a SARM by eating right and getting plenty of sleep.


New member
Hi everyone! I am just undergoing my first sarm cycle running 15mg of Ostarine ED for 6 weeks and 10mg of mk-677 ED for 1 month then 20mg for another month.
My question is, I've started to run Arimistane now 10 days into my cycle with some natural test boosters like DAA, tribulus, fenugreek etc since I was getting a bit worried about my testicles shrinking, I dont really think they are but I got scared. Is it okay to run Arimistane at 25mg or 50mg for the rest of this cycle and then start nolvadex after, or just run the arimistane after with my nolvadex?
Any suggestions? Im only 19 by the way.
First of all, why are you using a suppressive compound such as Ostarine when you are 19?

You are at an age where you can really reap the benefits of your own natural Testosterone production, Ostarine and any SARM that is going to cause suppression is only going to cause more issues than benefits.

To your question, SFreed has answered it well.

I will say though, the DAA, Trib, Fenugreek will do little to nothing while you are using Ostarine. May as well save those for when you are in your PCT.

Arimistane does have some cortisol benefits but as for anti-estrogenic activity it isn't going to be doing much/if anything at all. If you do a search on these forums about Arimistane you will see quite a few posts outlining its lack of effectiveness for estrogen control.


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I have been doing sports since I was like 4-5 years old until now. For three years I have been in the gym, got quite decent results in the beginning, more strength results than size honestly. Deadlift is at 465 pounds, bench is 270 and squat is soon at 405. I am a small man naturally and I feel like the time I spend training (almost all of the time lol) isn't paying off how I would like it. I think that I know that starting this **** was not the smartest decision, but I could not stand not getting bigger while other guys just skyrocket in size. Diet is also ont point, eating clean, and with clean I mean Chicken, salmon, Codfish, lean beef, rice, sweet potato, oats etc.

Height: 174cm (5'8)
Wheight: 85kg (187lbs)

Now when I think of it, it maybe will damage me more than expected. Do you think that I will recover enough to get back where I was before? Or will it just screw up my total chemistry?


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Hi everyone! I am just undergoing my first sarm cycle running 15mg of Ostarine ED for 6 weeks and 10mg of mk-677 ED for 1 month then 20mg for another month.
My question is, I've started to run Arimistane now 10 days into my cycle with some natural test boosters like DAA, tribulus, fenugreek etc since I was getting a bit worried about my testicles shrinking, I dont really think they are but I got scared. Is it okay to run Arimistane at 25mg or 50mg for the rest of this cycle and then start nolvadex after, or just run the arimistane after with my nolvadex?
Any suggestions? Im only 19 by the way.
1. You're too young.
2. Your osta dosing is too low and needs to be ran for a longer duration.
3. Arimistane does little to nothing for E2, you need a real AI on hand.
4. You're too young.

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