Answered Brain’s cutting log


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So I’m starting my first log! Currently sitting at 173lbs as of this morning. Around 14-16%bf.
20 minutes of HIIT on the stair stepper 5 days a week, 15 minutes on leg days.

Supplements are as followed:
Cardarine 10mg ed
Aggressive labz God of Pump one scoop PW
3g fish oil ed
ON multi ed
160mg aspirin every morning
Bang, original C4 or Betancourt for my pre
Animal cuts (without stim pill)
Roxylean every morning on empty stomach
900mg grapefruit seed extract ed
Joint support supp
200mg test Cyp per week
50mg pharma winny ed
400mg odorless garlic ed
400mg 7-keto ed
Tudca 500mg every night
1200mg NAC every night.

I was going to do this log and run the winny earlier but I was having the weirdest pains in my chest/neck and figured out it was my cialis which has been discontinued, so now that I feel better I’m all for it.

I’ll try to update you guys a few times per week.

I figure this will be a rather interesting log with the progress updates because those of you that know me have seen that I have some loose skin and fat deposits around my chest and hips I’ve been knocking out over time. Should be fun!

My diet is relatively clean, lots of healthy fats, good sources of proteins and low glycemic carbs.
2,400-2,500cal per day
190g protein
150g carbs
Filling in the gaps with fats.

I do about 4-6 different exercises per session after cardio with 3-5 working sets and high reps so really pump up the muscles. Bench is lacking due to an injury but I’m pushing through it and getting my numbers back up. Max I feel comfortable with atm is 185lbs. Gonna see if I can bump those numbers up without pissing off my pec tear.
Deadlift is 385lbs for two
Squat is around 500lbs
Leg press is 800lbs for 6

Really focusing more on fat loss and minor hypertrophy than strength this time.



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2 words: carb timing. Refeeds one meal weekly. I’ve never seen such recomping effects on so little gear as implementing this.


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2 words: carb timing. Refeeds one meal weekly. I’ve never seen such recomping effects on so little gear as implementing this.
I’m mainly doing pre workout and post workout, then depending on how I feel and look as well as what muscle group I’m hitting the next day, I’ll have a small meal will low glycemic carbs at dinner time. Like if I’m doing a heavier back day or leg day next day then I’ll probably get up to 150g of carbs the day before. If not I’ll be more around 100-120g at most and fill the rest with fats and proteins. Also basing this around what my BG levels are and if I REALLY need to carb up.


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Love it. You’re gonna be shredded soon with that stack.
Only thing I would do just to get more oooomph out of it, would be bump Cardarine to 20, test to 300, and add low dose T3. But you’re going to see plenty of results already.
I want to see GW getting the props it deserves not just with its lipid improvements but also as a potent nutrient partitioner and fat loss agent.


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Love it. You’re gonna be shredded soon with that stack.
Only thing I would do just to get more oooomph out of it, would be bump Cardarine to 20, test to 300, and add low dose T3. But you’re going to see plenty of results already.
I want to see GW getting the props it deserves not just with its lipid improvements but also as a potent nutrient partitioner and fat loss agent.
I will definitely be raising my GW dose to 20 especially with being on the winny. Trying to take it easy with my test as of right now but I’ll raise it to 250mg later for convenience reasons. T3 isn’t quite my thing yet, I don’t know enough about it as far as PED doses go. Should I split my GW doses morning and night or take all at once a few hours before lifting? I’m already noticing endurance results with it on 10mg.


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Love it. You’re gonna be shredded soon with that stack.
Only thing I would do just to get more oooomph out of it, would be bump Cardarine to 20, test to 300, and add low dose T3. But you’re going to see plenty of results already.
I want to see GW getting the props it deserves not just with its lipid improvements but also as a potent nutrient partitioner and fat loss agent.
I will definitely be raising my GW dose to 20 especially with being on the winny. Trying to take it easy with my test as of right now but I’ll raise it to 250mg later for convenience reasons. T3 isn’t quite my thing yet, I don’t know enough about it as far as PED doses go. Should I split my GW doses morning and night or take all at once a few hours before lifting? I’m already noticing endurance results with it on 10mg.


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Just hit back.
50 Roman chair sit ups (decline crunches)
50 regular crunches on an ab bench
Bent over DB rows. 50lbsX20/20/20
Lat pulldowns 110lbsX12, 130x12, 160x12 really slow negative reps.
Lower lat rows 120x12, 120x12, 140x12, tbh for some reason that’s all I could do today.
Cybex Eagle rowing machine, 130 per side til failure x2 (seems to be around 25 reps so we will say 50 reps per side)
Finishing with T-bar rows. 90x15, 135x12, 185x10, 225x8.


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I will definitely be raising my GW dose to 20 especially with being on the winny. Trying to take it easy with my test as of right now but I’ll raise it to 250mg later for convenience reasons. T3 isn’t quite my thing yet, I don’t know enough about it as far as PED doses go. Should I split my GW doses morning and night or take all at once a few hours before lifting? I’m already noticing endurance results with it on 10mg.
I had read to split it up but I don’t know it’s half-life off hand. I seem to “crash” a little so I prefer a morning dose of 10, and then 1-2pm another dose. It gives me energy so I don’t take an evening dose. But I want it split up to help with cholesterol the majority of the day.


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I had read to split it up but I don’t know it’s half-life off hand. I seem to “crash” a little so I prefer a morning dose of 10, and then 1-2pm another dose. It gives me energy so I don’t take an evening dose. But I want it split up to help with cholesterol the majority of the day.
That’s a good idea tbh. Maybe I’ll do that starting today. Gonna throw a cycle support in for shits and giggles too. Mainly because I have an extra bottle in my bag.
I read somewhere it has a 16 hour half life. Or maybe that’s winny.... can’t remember.


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i would do the cardio AFTER the weights...better fat burning effect...


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That’s a good idea tbh. Maybe I’ll do that starting today. Gonna throw a cycle support in for shits and giggles too. Mainly because I have an extra bottle in my bag.
I read somewhere it has a 16 hour half life. Or maybe that’s winny.... can’t remember.
I think you’re right. It’s like 5 hours shy of MK677 or something. Winny is absurdly long for an oral but 9 hours I believe


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Sometimes I do before and after but I enjoy before just because it warms me up.
it burns glycogen out of the muscles so doin it the other way would be double beneficial. more energy for the weights cause the muscles still have all of the glycogen...then the weights deplete the glycogen making the cardio go straight to burning fat. the diff is night and day...


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it burns glycogen out of the muscles so doin it the other way would be double beneficial. more energy for the weights cause the muscles still have all of the glycogen...then the weights deplete the glycogen making the cardio go straight to burning fat. the diff is night and day...
I’ll start doing it that way and see what happens!


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So for whatever reason, I’m absolutely starving tonight. Losing my damn mind.


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So for whatever reason, I’m absolutely starving tonight. Losing my damn mind.
I’ve been using several things for that.
Fermented sauerkraut
Rice cakes (only 11 carbs so you can fit them into your macros)
Sugar free popsicles. (Kills the sugar cravings)


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I’ve been using several things for that.
Fermented sauerkraut
Rice cakes (only 11 carbs so you can fit them into your macros)
Sugar free popsicles. (Kills the sugar cravings)
Hell my calories are full for the night. I like to get pickles to snack on, random veggies and greens. Kraut is really good too but I had t touched mine in so long I probably need to go get some more. My rice cakes have like 20g carbs in them.


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Hell my calories are full for the night. I like to get pickles to snack on, random veggies and greens. Kraut is really good too but I had t touched mine in so long I probably need to go get some more. My rice cakes have like 20g carbs in them.
Man, I’m not looking forward to dieting. I’m just under 4000 right now, with lowish fats so I’m eating all that food from damn chicken rice, egg whites and other rice foods. So I rarely experience actual hunger, just on my off days which only come out to 1, sometimes 2 days per week, thats when I just go to town on cucumbers or some shyt. But clean food for 230lbs leaves very little room for a much hunger.
Stay focused and keep at it. I’ll be joining you here in 3 more months.
Radishes and raw broccoli fill me up well for veggies.


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Raised my GW dose to 20mg today. Also I accidentally took 10mg of cialis like an idiot lmfao. I was on such a routine with taking it that I forgot and took it. Feel fine though, every other day might just be what I need. Estradiol is low I believe, not much of a libido and I can get it up but it isn’t at its best so I think I’m going to play around with my AI dosing and raise my test dose tomorrow. Trial and error as usual but I feel good as far as the cycle goes in general. Hit shoulders hard today, don’t have a chance to type the whole workout out at this moment but I’ll get on it this evening. Still hungry as a horse and I think it has something to do with the GW speeding up my metabolism or something. Usually don’t feel this hungry on a cut.


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I personally like low fat diets while cutting, especially on trt you can take advantage of that and not worry about crashed hormone profile.

I thought winstrol was supposed to be used when one gets lean, similar to masteron?
Because it is toxic and one wants to minimize the length it is being used.


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I was going to do this log and run the winny earlier but I was having the weirdest pains in my chest/neck and figured out it was my cialis which has been discontinued, so now that I feel better I’m all for it.
And then...
Also I accidentally took 10mg of cialis like an idiot lmfao. I was on such a routine with taking it that I forgot and took it.
Hahahah wtf?

I tend to forget to take my supplements but this has never happened to me.


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And then...

Hahahah wtf?

I tend to forget to take my supplements but this has never happened to me.
I keep a lot of my stuff in a pill fob on my keys and just routinely take stuff throughout the day. I was in a rush and knew all my doses I needed were in there and just knocked it back. Realized there was an old cialis in it lmao


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I personally like low fat diets while cutting, especially on trt you can take advantage of that and not worry about crashed hormone profile.

I thought winstrol was supposed to be used when one gets lean, similar to masteron?
Because it is toxic and one wants to minimize the length it is being used.
I thought so too but everyone here told me to go ahead and run it so here we are!


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This mornings weigh in was 174.2lbs. Odd.

Yesterday’s macros at 2,437cal.


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I thought winstrol was supposed to be used when one gets lean, similar to masteron?
Because it is toxic and one wants to minimize the length it is being used.
I’ll try to tackle this. This commonly gets thrown around forums and I will agree that with Mast, very little will be noticed if bf is too high. None of these do any real fat burning, but like all aas, preserve muscle in a deficit. In fact Winny is one of those that will have you setting PR’s and looking full and dry, while you’re 500 below maintenance. I feel strongly anytime you cut you should have gear on board. Why throw away muscle when you could even gain a little while cutting?. You’re going to burn just as much fat on aas in a deficit if you are 18% or 10%, but you’ll maintain strength and LOOK good while cutting with dht’s. It’s a luxury, and I don’t see how winny benefits someone more that’s lower bf than someone who is trying to get to lower bf. Mast is a different story since it’s such a polisher. It’s like waxing your car when you haven’t washed it first. Winny is seemingly so much stronger than Mast to me. But you can’t run it as long which is never good in this long game.


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This mornings weigh in was 174.2lbs. Odd. View attachment 187207
Yesterday’s macros at 2,437cal.
I wanted to add to this that I know the carbs are high but 77g of them are fiber leaving me with only 130g of carbs effecting my blood sugar so my BG levels stayed around 80-90 yesterday.
@Matthersby how long until you noticed fat loss effects from cardarine?


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I’ll try to tackle this. This commonly gets thrown around forums and I will agree that with Mast, very little will be noticed if bf is too high. None of these do any real fat burning, but like all aas, preserve muscle in a deficit. In fact Winny is one of those that will have you setting PR’s and looking full and dry, while you’re 500 below maintenance. I feel strongly anytime you cut you should have gear on board. Why throw away muscle when you could even gain a little while cutting?. You’re going to burn just as much fat on aas in a deficit if you are 18% or 10%, but you’ll maintain strength and LOOK good while cutting with dht’s. It’s a luxury, and I don’t see how winny benefits someone more that’s lower bf than someone who is trying to get to lower bf. Mast is a different story since it’s such a polisher. It’s like waxing your car when you haven’t washed it first. Winny is seemingly so much stronger than Mast to me. But you can’t run it as long which is never good in this long game.
That is exactly why i mentioned this.
thought it would be wiser to save the winny for when he is leaner because he cant stay on it for long.

Shouldnt 200mg of testosterone be enough for him to retain muscle and then throw in dht near the end to polish the look and harden up?
That 200mg per week will already have him just above the reference range.
I am speaking from what i can feel, i feel a definite difference in the gym performance with a replacement dose of test VS natty.

He is 174lbs and not overdeveloped (no disrespect, i myself do not look or perform anywhere near impressive, just stating the obvious, that someone like him or me dont need a lot of drugs at our stage of development).

I would always vouch for less drugs and think that just 200mg test would be enough to preserve muscle (right now i am slowly gaining strength and recomping on 125mg test per week, at 6'5 230lbs, 12-14% bf). And would rather see him throw in proviron at the end to harden up.

But these are my thoughts only. Dont consider them as preaching as i havent been under 9-10% in the last, well it has been over 2-3 years.

Only trying to come up with healthier options.

edit: from experience, masteron does nothing visually at 12% bf. However, it helped me tremendously in the strength and aggression department.
Still wouldnt recommend running it for prolonged periods of time. Test is really the only thing that we have data on long term usage (trt) and is naturally found within the body.
All the other stuff...i wouldnt be so sure.
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I wanted to add to this that I know the carbs are high but 77g of them are fiber leaving me with only 130g of carbs effecting my blood sugar so my BG levels stayed around 80-90 yesterday.
@Matthersby how long until you noticed fat loss effects from cardarine?
I like your carbs for your body weight. I don’t know what your non training days look like but I would just drop that shyt to the 77 fibrous carbs and a refeed every 3rd off day with 100carbs all in one meal. I’m blown away by what my coach is doing with these carb manipulations and timings with recomping.

For GW: I noticed bf loss a couple (2-3) weeks in. You can run 8-10 weeks. I plan to every 4 months for the next year. Maybe 8 on 8 off. Or anytime I’m using Dht’s since they trash my lipids a lot worse than npp or Trest does.
I also noticed hunger, and I ABSOLUTELY have gone hypo on it. More than once. Last time it was really bad too. I had to down 2 cups of dried mango and a few rice cakes just like if I had used slin and missed a meal.


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I like your carbs for your body weight. I don’t know what your non training days look like but I would just drop that shyt to the 77 fibrous carbs and a refeed every 3rd off day with 100carbs all in one meal. I’m blown away by what my coach is doing with these carb manipulations and timings with recomping.

For GW: I noticed bf loss a couple (2-3) weeks in. You can run 8-10 weeks. I plan to every 4 months for the next year. Maybe 8 on 8 off. Or anytime I’m using Dht’s since they trash my lipids a lot worse than npp or Trest does.
I also noticed hunger, and I ABSOLUTELY have gone hypo on it. More than once. Last time it was really bad too. I had to down 2 cups of dried mango and a few rice cakes just like if I had used slin and missed a meal.
Yeah I may do that today since I’m hitting legs. I feel very weak and it sucks. Tomorrow is arms and I barely need carbs for that.
Non training days are about the same. Usually lower carbs though. Reallyyyyy depends on how I feel and look.


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Yeah I may do that today since I’m hitting legs. I feel very weak and it sucks. Tomorrow is arms and I barely need carbs for that.
Non training days are about the same. Usually lower carbs though. Reallyyyyy depends on how I feel and look.
You start to appreciate the refeeds after you spend some time being flat.
and when i say flat i mean FLAT.

@Matthersby i believe i have already mentioned it but i used to crave carbs during cycle. Usually late at nighy, and it wasnt only hunger. I was shaking.


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You start to appreciate the refeeds after you spend some time being flat.
and when i say flat i mean FLAT.

@Matthersby i believe i have already mentioned it but i used to crave carbs during cycle. Usually late at nighy, and it wasnt only hunger. I was shaking.
I always know whatever I’m using is working when I get hypo. It’s a shitty feeling but Gotdam that food tastes so good in that moment!
It’s badass knowing that what you’re using is shuttling everything so damn well all it wants is more.


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Yeah I may do that today since I’m hitting legs. I feel very weak and it sucks. Tomorrow is arms and I barely need carbs for that.
Non training days are about the same. Usually lower carbs though. Reallyyyyy depends on how I feel and look.
For some reason I enjoy the discipline of dieting and don’t struggle too bad with cravings. But if for some reason I NEED carbs, I’ll straight up eat 15 granola bars. I don’t give a fck, it’s beyond clear my body needs it at that point, and even weirder, I always continue losing bf and looking better after an awful cheat like that. My trainer is always saying “have a big cheeseburger, since that’s what everyone wants when strict dieting” Not Me, I’ll just eat a pound of dried fruit. Carbs are what you NEED and crave, not fat unless you’re doing some insane low fat diet. Which suck way worse. As long as these refeeds are happening only once weekly, they should even be beneficial. If more often, I’d just go the sugar free popsicle route or something that’ll trick your mind to get through it.


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For some reason I enjoy the discipline of dieting and don’t struggle too bad with cravings. But if for some reason I NEED carbs, I’ll straight up eat 15 granola bars. I don’t give a fck, it’s beyond clear my body needs it at that point, and even weirder, I always continue losing bf and looking better after an awful cheat like that. My trainer is always saying “have a big cheeseburger, since that’s what everyone wants when strict dieting” Not Me, I’ll just eat a pound of dried fruit. Carbs are what you NEED and crave, not fat unless you’re doing some insane low fat diet. Which suck way worse. As long as these refeeds are happening only once weekly, they should even be beneficial. If more often, I’d just go the sugar free popsicle route or something that’ll trick your mind to get through it.
It’s kind of odd I’m not losing weight at 2,400cal, there’s no way I’m putting that much muscle on while losing fat, literally impossible. With the amount of cardio being done and lifting I don’t get it. If my calculations are right I’m burning around 600-700cal per session. That should be more than enough.


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It’s kind of odd I’m not losing weight at 2,400cal, there’s no way I’m putting that much muscle on while losing fat, literally impossible. With the amount of cardio being done and lifting I don’t get it. If my calculations are right I’m burning around 600-700cal per session. That should be more than enough.
I know you know what you’re doing, and you’re hella strong, but my advice would be to weigh yourself just once weekly first thing in the morning after leg day and before you eat or drink anything. Go off the mirror for everything else. If your diet and anabolics are perfectly dialed in, you wouldn’t want to lose any weight, just continue dropping bodyfat and adding small amounts of lean muscle. Forum Naysayers say this is truly impossible unless you are on $15,000 a year in GH/slin/multiple aas, but I can tell you I’ve gained and dropped bodyfat substantially on 5000cals, insulin, SD, Trest and test and 8 miles of walking a day. 4 drugs didn’t even set me back $500. This stuff is more impressive than you think. Scale once a week, mirror every 6 hours. Naturally, if you’re like me, I fluctuate 9lbs every day usually being the softest at bedtime, than I pee all night long and look amazeballs every morning. That’s when I evaluate my weight and physique the most critically. I never weigh myself at night other than to see what kind of water fluctuations I’m having.


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It’s kind of odd I’m not losing weight at 2,400cal, there’s no way I’m putting that much muscle on while losing fat, literally impossible. With the amount of cardio being done and lifting I don’t get it. If my calculations are right I’m burning around 600-700cal per session. That should be more than enough.
I know you know what you’re doing, and you’re hella strong, but my advice would be to weigh yourself just once weekly first thing in the morning after leg day and before you eat or drink anything. Go off the mirror for everything else. If your diet and anabolics are perfectly dialed in, you wouldn’t want to lose any weight, just continue dropping bodyfat and adding small amounts of lean muscle. Forum Naysayers say this is truly impossible unless you are on $15,000 a year in GH/slin/multiple aas, but I can tell you I’ve gained and dropped bodyfat substantially on 5000cals, insulin, SD, Trest and test and 8 miles of walking a day. 4 drugs didn’t even set me back $500. This stuff is more impressive than you think. Scale once a week, mirror every 6 hours. Naturally, if you’re like me, I fluctuate 9lbs every day usually being the softest at bedtime, than I pee all night long and look amazeballs every morning. That’s when I evaluate my weight and physique the most critically. I never weigh myself at night other than to see what kind of water fluctuations I’m having.


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I know you know what you’re doing, and you’re hella strong, but my advice would be to weigh yourself just once weekly first thing in the morning after leg day and before you eat or drink anything. Go off the mirror for everything else. If your diet and anabolics are perfectly dialed in, you wouldn’t want to lose any weight, just continue dropping bodyfat and adding small amounts of lean muscle. Forum Naysayers say this is truly impossible unless you are on $15,000 a year in GH/slin/multiple aas, but I can tell you I’ve gained and dropped bodyfat substantially on 5000cals, insulin, SD, Trest and test and 8 miles of walking a day. 4 drugs didn’t even set me back $500. This stuff is more impressive than you think. Scale once a week, mirror every 6 hours. Naturally, if you’re like me, I fluctuate 9lbs every day usually being the softest at bedtime, than I pee all night long and look amazeballs every morning. That’s when I evaluate my weight and physique the most critically. I never weigh myself at night other than to see what kind of water fluctuations I’m having.
I usually only weight every Sunday but this new coach I’m talking to wants me to weight every day which I don’t really agree with either. Dude said he only took winny MWF and that doesn’t make sense to me. Either way.
Scale first thing in the morning, before food or drink, after I piss. Gallon or two of water per day, pissing all night too lol. Something to ask about the winny though, back pumps... not the usual lower back pumps or pain though. I get random onset intense pain in the middle of my back, lower rhomboids if anything. Just out of nowhere like a cramp. Ever had this?


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I usually only weight every Sunday but this new coach I’m talking to wants me to weight every day which I don’t really agree with either. Dude said he only took winny MWF and that doesn’t make sense to me. Either way.
Scale first thing in the morning, before food or drink, after I piss. Gallon or two of water per day, pissing all night too lol. Something to ask about the winny though, back pumps... not the usual lower back pumps or pain though. I get random onset intense pain in the middle of my back, lower rhomboids if anything. Just out of nowhere like a cramp. Ever had this?
Kind of, like middle trap pumps, I used to be OCD obsessed with traps top to bottom, so on cycles with strong oral DHT, I’d get awful shoulder and trap pumps just like lower back. Once it was actually somewhat of a strain though. Are you doing heavy dead’s on top of your back routine? A lot of pulls to the middle?


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Kind of, like middle trap pumps, I used to be OCD obsessed with traps top to bottom, so on cycles with strong oral DHT, I’d get awful shoulder and trap pumps just like lower back. Once it was actually somewhat of a strain though. Are you doing heavy dead’s on top of your back routine? A lot of pulls to the middle?
Not a lot of dead’s lately but my back days are brutal, but these pumps can come on while I’m just walking or resting.


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Not a lot of dead’s lately but my back days are brutal, but these pumps can come on while I’m just walking or resting.
Nah not too much like that except shoulder pumps. That is a prominent androgen receptor area though.


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Leg day!
Leg extension 50lbs unilateral (right then left)
Both legs 150lbs holding at top of weight and letting legs give after exhaustion x10
Leg curls 130lbs holding each rep, negative focused. 12/12/10/10 actually getting an upper chest pump here from squeezing so hard.
Leg press 225x15/315x15/405x12/595x10
Single leg press 135lbs til failure on each side.
I’ll either do 3 sets of calf raises til failure or abduction work til failure. Writing this as I go tbh.
Took half a pain killer for a calf tear I got a while ago so it’s limiting my stamina. Idk if I’ll be doing cardio or not after this.


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Indigestion from hell by the way. This sucks.


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Finished with dumbbell RDLs. Just 100lbs til failure for one set and 120lbs til failure for the second. Beat the absolute hell out of myself tonight.
I’m hungry lmao.


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Said **** it and did 15 minutes of HIIT on stairs at level 15 out of 20.

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