Apparently nandrolone and oxandrolone are discontinued..?

Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

Something is wrong with this picture… in 2020 there was a great study on nandrolone for the joint pain of hypogonadal men, now they quietly pulled them both..;

I desperately need both of these, for multiple severe spinal issues, connective tissue degradation and damage, compressed spinal cord in my neck from one of the many messed up discs in the neck and back, severe weight loss, failing when trying to gain back the weight, lyme disease and co infections (likely the cause of most of these things), muscle pain and spasms, twitching and dropping things etc., long term high dose corticosteroids, Flovent (fluticasone propionate inhalation) for ‘severe asthma’ (and long term generic fluticasone propionate nasal spray), severe arthritis, lack of synovial fluid due to something about lyme and or it’s co infections leading to MMP-9 cleaving off IGF-1 and IGF-BP before or after it reaches the synovial fluid (look up the study), bone pain, bone loss (teeth), etc and there’s much more to this disgusting situation With compounding health issues.

But it hurts to type. I haven’t been into bbing in quite some time, and I recognize ppl from Iron Shag, and ASF. So I haven’t known what’s up with pm’s in a long time (*I don’t mean the acronym for personal messages *), and I really need bb friends. I’ve lost contact with the few ppl I know/knew.

Also Joe B obviously has hated these things for so long, and look what he did to stomp gear into the ground even despite ppl dying from immune diseases left and right. So he could have been responsible for xyz person discontinuing those two.

Sorry if this looks sloppy but I am suffering as I type this and when I type or write anything at any point in time.

My condition entails far more than I typed. Such as severe cognitive issues.

Nandrolone covers so many bases but apparently doesn’t do much for collagen synthesis, but oxandrolone does, hence the swift use of it with burn victims.

I hope this makes sense, as I am purposely being vague.

Lmk and or reply if you want.

Irregardless, any help is much depreciated.


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I don't know where you were getting scripted prior but both are still available from compounding pharmacies and the FDA pulling approval for anavar was, if I understand correctly, was for a very specific purpose as it was being marketed by one company. I can't find anything about nandrolone being "banned" by the FDA. Now Deca-Durabolin has long been discontinued by the manufacturer but last time I spoke with my clinic they were still working with compounded nandrolone.

It's still listed on compounding pharmacies lists that I just checked.

If you are asking for a source other than a pharmacy servicing prescriptions I can't help you there.
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

I don't know where you were getting scripted prior but both are still available from compounding pharmacies and the FDA pulling approval for anavar was, if I understand correctly, was for a very specific purpose as it was being marketed by one company. I can't find anything about nandrolone being "banned" by the FDA. Now Deca-Durabolin has long been discontinued by the manufacturer but last time I spoke with my clinic they were still working with compounded nandrolone.

It's still listed on compounding pharmacies lists that I just checked.

If you are asking for a source other than a pharmacy servicing prescriptions I can't help you there.
That’s really good news. I was hoping compounding pharmacies would still have it, I am just confused as to why it was pulled from FDA approval. I realize Organon discontinued their brand name deca durabolin a long time ago, and whoever, probably discontinued their brand name Anavar as well, but I’m talking about just simply the generic drugs. They stated that they were no longer FDA approved or something like that. It didn’t say anything about off label prescriptions but it makes me think that they are just simply trying to make more money off of it by doing all of this.
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

Something is wrong with this picture… in 2020 there was a great study on nandrolone for the joint pain of hypogonadal men, now they quietly pulled them both..;

I desperately need both of these, for multiple severe spinal issues, connective tissue degradation and damage, compressed spinal cord in my neck from one of the many messed up discs in the neck and back, severe weight loss, failing when trying to gain back the weight, lyme disease and co infections (likely the cause of most of these things), muscle pain and spasms, twitching and dropping things etc., long term high dose corticosteroids, Flovent (fluticasone propionate inhalation) for ‘severe asthma’ (and long term generic fluticasone propionate nasal spray), severe arthritis, lack of synovial fluid due to something about lyme and or it’s co infections leading to MMP-9 cleaving off IGF-1 and IGF-BP before or after it reaches the synovial fluid (look up the study), bone pain, bone loss (teeth), etc and there’s much more to this disgusting situation With compounding health issues.

But it hurts to type. I haven’t been into bbing in quite some time, and I recognize ppl from Iron Shag, and ASF. So I haven’t known what’s up with pm’s in a long time (*I don’t mean the acronym for personal messages *), and I really need bb friends. I’ve lost contact with the few ppl I know/knew.

Also Joe B obviously has hated these things for so long, and look what he did to stomp gear into the ground even despite ppl dying from immune diseases left and right. So he could have been responsible for xyz person discontinuing those two.

Sorry if this looks sloppy but I am suffering as I type this and when I type or write anything at any point in time.

My condition entails far more than I typed. Such as severe cognitive issues.

Nandrolone covers so many bases but apparently doesn’t do much for collagen synthesis, but oxandrolone does, hence the swift use of it with burn victims.

I hope this makes sense, as I am purposely being vague.

Lmk and or reply if you want.

Irregardless, any help is much depreciated.
It is political like I thought. My blood is boiling I hate that POS so Fing much. Bitch Biden and his dogsh*t crew ruining lives, damning people like me who hardcore need Nandrolone & Oxandrolone.

I’ve been trying to get this special endo visit for so long and they discontinued / “banned” -V. Steve them right under everyone’s nose

No recognition for Lyme disease.

Politics are literally killing me and everyone else.
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

It is political like I thought. My blood is boiling I hate that POS so Fing much. Bitch Biden and his dogsh*t crew ruining lives, damning people like me who hardcore need Nandrolone & Oxandrolone.

I’ve been trying to get this special endo visit for so long and they discontinued / “banned” -V. Steve them right under everyone’s nose

No recognition for Lyme disease.

Politics are literally killing me and everyone else.
this is from someones reddit post. Just one example of Bitch Biden killing people who desperately require AAS to live, or to be able to heal (such as collagen synthesis regarding lyme/tick borne illness) or function.

“Connect the dots”

I’m confident most here, or on I.Shag have read about wannabe baseball star, Bitch Biden’s history with anti gear gatherings where he bitched about situations that never existed, in order to manipulate people via pseudo empathy regarding da big bad baseball cheaters. Go figure. Holy shart… how did people not go out & riot over his hand in the aids deaths alone?
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

I don't know where you were getting scripted prior but both are still available from compounding pharmacies and the FDA pulling approval for anavar was, if I understand correctly, was for a very specific purpose as it was being marketed by one company. I can't find anything about nandrolone being "banned" by the FDA. Now Deca-Durabolin has long been discontinued by the manufacturer but last time I spoke with my clinic they were still working with compounded nandrolone.

It's still listed on compounding pharmacies lists that I just checked.

If you are asking for a source other than a pharmacy servicing prescriptions I can't help you there.
They recently showed a discontinued status on goodrx. And vigorous steve mentioned it very briefly in two different podcasts, both were recent podcasts and he mentioned it’s because of politics which was/is my fear. There are other sites speaking on it, I have to go back and look. Idk if we can post links here.
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

Peptides, sarms, and hcg were apparently discontinued too btw. So compounding pharmacies will supposedly not have it. This is coming from a ‘Trensparent’ podcast w/ V.Steve. Other one was Mark Bell Podcast or something like that with V.Steve. Weird that they took out HCG yanno what I mean?


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I don’t think that’s true, I just saw a list from a clinic a coworker had and both Anavar and Deca was on there. Have you checked with your Dr or a near by clinic?
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Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

I don’t think that’s true, I just saw a list from a clinic a coworker had and both Anavar and Deca was on there. Have you checked with your Dr or a near by clinic?
No not yet. I have several indications for both of these, so I am trying to get it covered by an insurance based endo before trying the clinics. Besides I have yet to find local clinics that have these two compounds.
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

I don’t think that’s true, I just saw a list from a clinic a coworker had and both Anavar and Deca was on there. Have you checked with your Dr or a near by clinic?
They initially referred me in august… it’s a somewhat long story. It hurts to type, and it’s hard to use speech to text with particular terms. They re-sent it again a few days ago so I’m expecting a response soon.


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No not yet. I have several indications for both of these, so I am trying to get it covered by an insurance based endo before trying the clinics. Besides I have yet to find local clinics that have these two compounds.
Idk but I think it be really hard to get insurance to cover it. I had a script for Anavar and that was not covered. I would get the script and shop around and find a compound pharmacy that have a reasonable pricing.
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

Idk but I think it be really hard to get insurance to cover it. I had a script for Anavar and that was not covered. I would get the script and shop around and find a compound pharmacy that have a reasonable pricing.
As long as I get the script I’ll be happy honestly.

I’m gonna bring in all of my MRIs and I’m trying at the moment to get additional imaging to check for osteoporosis.

Some indications:

-Im on long term high dose fluticasone propionate inhaler for severe asthma (33% without both inhalers, and 67% with both inhalers).

-Long term fluticasone propionate nasal spray. Muscle wasting from lyme/tick borne illnesses.

-Severe weakness from compression on the spinal cord in the neck

-There are many portions of the back and neck with many issues. Its quite a bit on each MRI; I can blur personal stuff on each imaging order and post them here if that’s allowed on AM.

-Autoimmune tick borne disease(s)

-They state degenerative disc ‘disease’ on their notes regarding the MRI results also a separate set of things I can post if it’s allowed.

-Severe arthritis highly likely to be diagnosed as Rheumatoid arthritis.

-Severe joint pain in a hypogonadal male receiving Trt.

-Moderate patella something in right knee MRI

-Left elbow stuff (I forgot specifics) such as hardening of tendons and tendonitis / spanking elbow. (MRI)

-Right Partial bicep tear from 2017 that never heals because of . . .

-‘Lyme arthritis’ yielding poor healing of joints / tendons due to MMP-9 cleaving off IGF-1 IGF-BP before or after it reaches the synovial fluid.

-Inability to gain weight / difficulty gaining any weight despite sufficient calories, unwanted weight loss.

-Spasticity twitching tremors etc significant weakness with chest neck shoulders arms

**( The numbers are very upsetting… on dumbell chest press I was doing very little weight, trembling and flailing the whole set; especially right chest shoulder lat and arm when I finished the right arm was all over the place. I stopped the session after that one set due to the spasticity)

**There’s more, but it hurts to use a keyboard and mouse to type, as well as my phone. I’ve gotten far away from frequent phone use a long time ago.

-But my fingers resting atop each other and the pain it causes is quite particular, & I am confident that it is bone pain.
Using that finger pain and other particular pain in order to come to that decision. The imaging will show evidence of osteoporosis like I said.

I hope I get that soon calling 2nd orthopedic doctor in a sec for that reason.


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As long as I get the script I’ll be happy honestly.

I’m gonna bring in all of my MRIs and I’m trying at the moment to get additional imaging to check for osteoporosis.

Some indications:

-Im on long term high dose fluticasone propionate inhaler for severe asthma (33% without both inhalers, and 67% with both inhalers).

-Long term fluticasone propionate nasal spray. Muscle wasting from lyme/tick borne illnesses.

-Severe weakness from compression on the spinal cord in the neck

-There are many portions of the back and neck with many issues. Its quite a bit on each MRI; I can blur personal stuff on each imaging order and post them here if that’s allowed on AM.

-Autoimmune tick borne disease(s)

-They state degenerative disc ‘disease’ on their notes regarding the MRI results also a separate set of things I can post if it’s allowed.

-Severe arthritis highly likely to be diagnosed as Rheumatoid arthritis.

-Severe joint pain in a hypogonadal male receiving Trt.

-Moderate patella something in right knee MRI

-Left elbow stuff (I forgot specifics) such as hardening of tendons and tendonitis / spanking elbow. (MRI)

-Right Partial bicep tear from 2017 that never heals because of . . .

-‘Lyme arthritis’ yielding poor healing of joints / tendons due to MMP-9 cleaving off IGF-1 IGF-BP before or after it reaches the synovial fluid.

-Inability to gain weight / difficulty gaining any weight despite sufficient calories, unwanted weight loss.

-Spasticity twitching tremors etc significant weakness with chest neck shoulders arms

**( The numbers are very upsetting… on dumbell chest press I was doing very little weight, trembling and flailing the whole set; especially right chest shoulder lat and arm when I finished the right arm was all over the place. I stopped the session after that one set due to the spasticity)

**There’s more, but it hurts to use a keyboard and mouse to type, as well as my phone. I’ve gotten far away from frequent phone use a long time ago.

-But my fingers resting atop each other and the pain it causes is quite particular, & I am confident that it is bone pain.
Using that finger pain and other particular pain in order to come to that decision. The imaging will show evidence of osteoporosis like I said.

I hope I get that soon calling 2nd orthopedic doctor in a sec for that reason.
It seems like you have a lot of issues you need to take care of and I’m not sure Deca and Anavar is the best solution. This is issues you need to talk to your Dr about, but yes, you can still be prescribed Anavar and Deca.
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

It seems like you have a lot of issues you need to take care of and I’m not sure Deca and Anavar is the best solution. This is issues you need to talk to your Dr about, but yes, you can still be prescribed Anavar and Deca.
I’ve already gotten a great deal of things done in the last two years with various specialists, many of them at that.

It was very difficult; to get certain things to where they are now with doctors. One example is trt.
It was very difficult, but I now know about their lack of knowledge of hormones, as well as their lack of the desire to learn about hormones.


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I’ve already gotten a great deal of things done in the last two years with various specialists, many of them at that.

It was very difficult; to get certain things to where they are now with doctors. One example is trt.
It was very difficult, but I now know about their lack of knowledge of hormones, as well as their lack of the desire to learn about hormones.
If I had your issues and I really believed Anavar and Deca would help I would get it from a UGL asap, I wouldn’t wait around.
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

If I had your issues and I really believed Anavar and Deca would help I would get it from a UGL asap, I wouldn’t wait around.
Both are f@ked alot.

It’s also been quite a while.

I don’t have en0ugh to simply go through trial and error. Let alone brand name r.tests to confirm any fancy sh1t.

Trying to learn.

I mean I recognize some OGs, but those ones in particular, are on the m00n.

I want ppl to know about lyme too. They should get checked by ‘out of pocket’ people who use ALL of the different tests for lyme.


New member
View attachment 239908 this is from someones reddit post. Just one example of Bitch Biden killing people who desperately require AAS to live, or to be able to heal (such as collagen synthesis regarding lyme/tick borne illness) or function.

“Connect the dots”

I’m confident most here, or on I.Shag have read about wannabe baseball star, Bitch Biden’s history with anti gear gatherings where he bitched about situations that never existed, in order to manipulate people via pseudo empathy regarding da big bad baseball cheaters. Go figure. Holy shart… how did people not go out & riot over his hand in the aids deaths alone?
Sounds like he’s “building back better”. Whatever the **** that means, nobody knows. Anyway, Let’s go Brandon!
Beavis Bungocchi

Beavis Bungocchi

Sounds like he’s “building back better”. Whatever the **** that means, nobody knows. Anyway, Let’s go Brandon!
Lol yea Idk what nonsense comes out of bitch biden’s mouth anymore.

I am very confident he has such an incredibly dirty ass past.

He’s VERY anti gear, & it’s irritating as F.

Listen to him talk about gear like its what kept him from being a success in sports…

That mf prob has ties in heavy betting, and just made it so only certain teams get the works… leaving others with poor advice about gear and testing.

Either that or maybe someone jacked embarrassed him somehow. Idfk. Hes a straight up butthole.


New member
Lol yea Idk what nonsense comes out of bitch biden’s mouth anymore.

I am very confident he has such an incredibly dirty ass past.

He’s VERY anti gear, & it’s irritating as F.

Listen to him talk about gear like its what kept him from being a success in sports…

That mf prob has ties in heavy betting, and just made it so only certain teams get the works… leaving others with poor advice about gear and testing.

Either that or maybe someone jacked embarrassed him somehow. Idfk. Hes a straight up butthole.
Couldn’t agree more. His bitch ass will be out of office soon enough, things will change. He and the people behind him will not be in power for long. Hell or high water, the people will eventually get fed up with everything to a breaking point.


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Both are f@ked alot.

It’s also been quite a while.

I don’t have en0ugh to simply go through trial and error. Let alone brand name r.tests to confirm any fancy sh1t.

Trying to learn.

I mean I recognize some OGs, but those ones in particular, are on the m00n.

I want ppl to know about lyme too. They should get checked by ‘out of pocket’ people who use ALL of the different tests for lyme.
Well, it depends where you look, it’s a lot of legit gear out there that’s tested and true. Btw Deca is cheap and not faked much, at least I never heard anyone having fake Deca.

If it was me and my health, I wouldn’t wait for a Dr.

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