Apex Triton Q



Been running Ursa and flash point consistently for a number of months now and loved them both so I decided to give triton a try. Saw a ton of great reviews on endurance and energy improvement which peaked my interest as my current routine (upper/lower each 2x per week) can tend to run long and I have a bunch of 5Ks on the calendar over the next 2 months.

Started with 5 pumps PWO and each time I’ve used it, Ive noticed weird creaks/minor pains in odd places. During a 5K last weekend felt odd stuff in my legs, weird tightness in my neck during upper lift this week. Is there a drying effect that may be causing me to get a little dehydrated from it that anyone else has noticed?

Could be entirely coincidental, but my volume and routine has been the same for months, no drastic increases in poundage on my lifts since I started using it, and I’m actually eating at maintenance rn as opposed to the pretty severe deficit I was in up until September while cutting. Pretty rote with the food I eat and my water intake as well. Triton is the only new addition, so I figured I’d ask.


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Been running Ursa and flash point consistently for a number of months now and loved them both so I decided to give triton a try. Saw a ton of great reviews on endurance and energy improvement which peaked my interest as my current routine (upper/lower each 2x per week) can tend to run long and I have a bunch of 5Ks on the calendar over the next 2 months.

Started with 5 pumps PWO and each time I’ve used it, Ive noticed weird creaks/minor pains in odd places. During a 5K last weekend felt odd stuff in my legs, weird tightness in my neck during upper lift this week. Is there a drying effect that may be causing me to get a little dehydrated from it that anyone else has noticed?

Could be entirely coincidental, but my volume and routine has been the same for months, no drastic increases in poundage on my lifts since I started using it, and I’m actually eating at maintenance rn as opposed to the pretty severe deficit I was in up until September while cutting. Pretty rote with the food I eat and my water intake as well. Triton is the only new addition, so I figured I’d ask.
Not that I'm aware of. And I haven't noticed anything like that myself, and I use it pretty much every day (along with Helios).


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I have to drink absurd amounts of water to not get dehydration headaches after the first hour of a workout, but haven't personally noticed any correlation with dehydration and adding triton, and the problem resolved once I added some intra nutrition. However I think it's plausible that adenosine-induced vasodilation could result in increased sweating and dehydration.


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The last few days I've played around with how much Triton I'm applying pw (0-2mL) and am noticing a clear positive correlation with dehydration symptoms. Still excellent for fat burning but I'm going to save my stockpile for cardio from now on.


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I don't notice any drying affect. I take 8 pumps first thing in the morning, 30 minutes pwo and workout fasted. Really enjoying the added endurance and the muscle pump i get from Triton!


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The last few days I've played around with how much Triton I'm applying pw (0-2mL) and am noticing a clear positive correlation with dehydration symptoms. Still excellent for fat burning but I'm going to save my stockpile for cardio from now on.
Man, I'm thankful that it doesn't cause me dehydration. If it did, I'd be Toast!
If it is dehydrating you, you seem to be an outlier.


New member
Man, I'm thankful that it doesn't cause me dehydration. If it did, I'd be Toast!
If it is dehydrating you, you seem to be an outlier.
Good to know! Yea anything above a half mL makes me sweat like I'm squatting in the Sahara. I love using it while cycling outside though.

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