Anyone used Ammo (Caps)?



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Hey guys.

Has anyone used Evomuse Ammo? I just picked up a tub and started with 1 cap yesterday. I'm just running 1 cap to see how my body responds to them.

Just wondered if you noticed any changes with them?

Their more geared towards visceral fat around the abdomen aren't they?

I also have Evomuse Eviscerate and gonna use this alongside the ammo. My body is terrible for storing fat around the mid section. Kinda hoping that ammo may take a little off here also? Time will tell.

Did you notice any other effects also? Reduced cortisol can also reduce anxiety if im led to believe? (I suffer terrible anxiety so this might be a god send)

Just wondered people's thoughts? It's a superb ingredient profile. As always with Evomuse.



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Thought I would add an update.

I've used 1 cap for 4 days and damn! They are strong. I can 100% tell my cortisol is heavily suppressed.

My joints feel like they have smashed glass in them. Sore joints and muscle aches.

I can easily battle through these small issues though. Sometimes you have to suffer to get good results.

Be interesting to see how my body changes with the low cortisol levels. I know that cortisol layers fat around the midsection (My worst area).

I will run these for 4 weeks and see how my after photo looks. I've also took calliper sizes all over my body so will see how that changes.

Definitely a powerful product. Even on 1 cap. This is ideal also as I can do 30 days on this run and have enough to do another 30 day run later on. Especially if it yields good results.


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I just started taking it today. Took 1 capsule on empty stomach this morning.


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how were your results? I am thinking of a Evomuse cycle,
BMP/Epitome/Brite/Ammo/Nerve Restore and Top Muscle haha, got a couple of them already.

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