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SAT & SUN are days off, but on occasion on a SAT I'll go in and muck around a bit, went today.
I do nothing that is going to tax me as it's a rest day. (11 hrs of sleep last nite, I'm well rested).

Treadmill - 20 mins (alternate jog/walk every 3 mins)
Stretch (hams, back, hips) - 3 rounds
Front raises (plate) - 3 sets
Rear Delt raises (d-bell) - 3 sets
Superset: preacher curls/dips - 3 sets

Turf room
Kettlebell Farmers walks - 3 rounds
Ab board - 3 sets
Tricep pushdowns - 3 sets
D-bell curls - 3 sets


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Chest / Tri

Pre - AM Whey Shake, 2 coffees

Pec strain getting better, was able to bench lightly (but added a bit of weight) (Used EliteFTS bench pad).

Chest and/or accessory:
Barbell Bench - 5 sets (was able to at least go up to 195, normally a warmup, but happy to even be using it).
Barbell Skull Nose-Breakers - 5 sets
Smith Inclines (close grip) - 5 sets
Smith-Incline Skull-Crushers - 5 sets

Pre - 1 Powerade, 1 water

Dumbbell Skull Crushers - 5 sets
Dips - 5 sets
Tricep push-downs - 5 sets (I lean FWD, bring bar to forehead, like a skull crushers)

Hams, back, hips - 3 rounds

Post meal - Prime rib (leftovers) carrots, corn

EliteFTS shoulder-saver, also works well for pec-strain (limits motion).


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Nice session, glad the pec is feeling better. Like the looks of that pad.


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Nice session, glad the pec is feeling better. Like the looks of that pad.
It’s a great tool. Not as versatile as a Bench Blokz, but higher quality and it’s a pretty perfect size if you were only going to get a single board size. We have one at the barbell club and it’s better for a 2-board setting.


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* Banana, 2 coffees


Smith BNP - 5 sets
Smith Front Press - 5 sets
Arnold Press - 5 sets
Rear Delt Flyes - 5 sets
Rear Delt Machine - 5 sets
Smith-Shrugs - 5 sets
Lateral Raises - 5 sets

* Oatmeal w/ cinnamon mixed w/ Vanilla Almond Milk
I would be really curious for you to lay out a typical day of eating. Not like pictures, just a quick note of what all your meals were on a random day.

You’re in great shape supporting a lot of hard-built muscle with minimal hormones, and I’m sure you don’t need tons of calories anymore, so I would like to see what is sufficient to keep these lights on. Plus I think it would be beneficial for other guys.


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I would be really curious for you to lay out a typical day of eating. Not like pictures, just a quick note of what all your meals were on a random day.

You’re in great shape supporting a lot of hard-built muscle with minimal hormones, and I’m sure you don’t need tons of calories anymore, so I would like to see what is sufficient to keep these lights on. Plus I think it would be beneficial for other guys.
Not a believer in the "eat HUGE" methods of today. For me it doesnt work, only my stomach grows.
I like how the 70's guys used to eat, normal meals.

Normal training day (M thru F):

1. Banana, shake, 2 coffees (pre-workout)
2. Oatmeal (or steak & eggs) - depending how lazy I am.
3. Chicken or steak, carrots, rice (or Potatoe)
4. Normal dinner (whatever my wife cooks, normal chicken, meat and/or pasta dish)
5. Snacks: ice cream, apple, maybe some Juji Fruit candy, etc... (LOL)

Weekends I eat whatever. We go out most SAT's (so burgers, pizza, Chinese, etc).

I never counted calories or tracked, just did it instinctively.


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Not a believer in the "eat HUGE" methods of today. For me it doesnt work, only my stomach grows.
I like how the 70's guys used to eat, normal meals.

Normal training day (M thru F):

1. Banana, shake, 2 coffees (pre-workout)
2. Oatmeal (or steak & eggs) - depending how lazy I am.
3. Chicken or steak, carrots, rice (or Potatoe)
4. Normal dinner (whatever my wife cooks, normal chicken, meat and/or pasta dish)
5. Snacks: ice cream, apple, maybe some Juji Fruit candy, etc... (LOL)

Weekends I eat whatever. We go out most SAT's (so burgers, pizza, Chinese, etc).

I never counted calories or tracked, just did it instinctively.
That’s kind of how I thought you ate, thank you. I think people get sold this idea by the supplement companies that they need more protein than they really do. Not that protein is bad or should be limited, but if you’re getting about 4 feedings per day and eating some real food most people can do a lot without sweating the details. Eat less or more if you need to lose or gain.


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new here, first post. I joined to help with motivation and your thread was on point esp since you're in your 50s. Like you I've been training since high school, trained for an NPC contest in my 40s, currently in my 60s, and planning on doing another NPC contest in 2025.
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Back / Bi

Reverse Hypers - 5 sets
Lat Pulls - 5 sets
Seated Rows - 5 sets
Shrugs - 5 sets

Seated Hammer Curls - 5 sets
Preacher Curls - 5 sets
IronMind Grippers - 5 sets (SS with upper back/reverse flye machine) - 5 sets

Post meal - Chicken Breast w/ carrots


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Update I posted elsewhere, but Ill post random updates here.

Tapering off TRT from 125 mg down to 50 mg (sub-q), going on 2-3 weeks now (Forget the exact day).
Also got enclomiphine in, just on day 3 now of 6.25 mg a day. I'll only be going off of feel for a few months as my complete physical and bloods are 12 weeks from now. (Doc's dont do Test-levels as part of normal bloods, but I will do my own in unison).

That will give me a good amount of time to get stable bloods. (I'm not too concerned as of now).
I do feel much better on lower TRT, prostate is much better (piss flow) and anxious feeling is basically gone.

Have lost no body-weight or strength that I can tell (since my dose was so low to begin with I guess).
I cant bench properly (pec strain), so of course I will lose some size/strength there Im guessing.
Ill give it another couple weeks to heal up. Feeling better already (but I can tell its still there trying to heal up).
Dont wanna push it too early.


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Update I posted elsewhere, but Ill post random updates here.

Tapering off TRT from 125 mg down to 50 mg (sub-q), going on 2-3 weeks now (Forget the exact day).
Also got enclomiphine in, just on day 3 now of 6.25 mg a day. I'll only be going off of feel for a few months as my complete physical and bloods are 12 weeks from now. (Doc's dont do Test-levels as part of normal bloods, but I will do my own in unison).

That will give me a good amount of time to get stable bloods. (I'm not too concerned as of now).
I do feel much better on lower TRT, prostate is much better (piss flow) and anxious feeling is basically gone.

Have lost no body-weight or strength that I can tell (since my dose was so low to begin with I guess).
I cant bench properly (pec strain), so of course I will lose some size/strength there Im guessing.
Ill give it another couple weeks to heal up. Feeling better already (but I can tell its still there trying to heal up).
Dont wanna push it too early.
Great to hear you’re feeling and recovering well!

If you haven’t stopped the test injections yet, do so now that you’re on the enclomiphene so it can begin restarting your HPTA.

As long as any exogenous testosterone is present, it will work against the signaling of the enclo that is telling your brain to start producing Leutenizing hormone. If you keep pinning 50mg even, you will have low test levels and also prevent your own from firing back up.


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Great to hear you’re feeling and recovering well!

If you haven’t stopped the test injections yet, do so now that you’re on the enclomiphene so it can begin restarting your HPTA.

As long as any exogenous testosterone is present, it will work against the signaling of the enclo that is telling your brain to start producing Leutenizing hormone. If you keep pinning 50mg even, you will have low test levels and also prevent your own from firing back up.
Thx... Yeah it worked out where my last pin was MON and I got the stuff later that same day.
I think the couple-week taper also worked out well...

Goal is to run this and get my bloods to see where everything is at.
Im not concerned with crazy test-levels (if im around 500 that would be OK w/ me). I was at 253 ng/dl before I went on TRT after a decade on statins.
(I was hovering around 700 ng/dl at age 40 natty before going on statins).
So in 10 yrs (age and statins) seemed to kill test levels.

My main goal is to feel better and not lose much of anything.
In April 2022, in gym meet I did raw - 355 bench, and 500 for both DL and SQ. (Raw, 200 lbs, and only on 125 mg test).
Working to get back up there after shoulder, calf, back and now pec strains. (Im close).
That meet and 355 bench lift is where my rotator strain happened, took 18 months to recover fully.

Also using Arimahex and Iron Legion Invictus ATM... Will that cause me any issues with enclomiphine?


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Thx... Yeah it worked out where my last pin was MON and I got the stuff later that same day.
I think the couple-week taper also worked out well...

Goal is to run this and get my bloods to see where everything is at.
Im not concerned with crazy test-levels (if im around 500 that would be OK w/ me). I was at 253 ng/dl before I went on TRT after a decade on statins.
(I was hovering around 700 ng/dl at age 40 natty before going on statins).
So in 10 yrs (age and statins) seemed to kill test levels.

My main goal is to feel better and not lose much of anything.
In April 2022, in gym meet I did raw - 355 bench, and 500 for both DL and SQ. (Raw, 200 lbs, and only on 125 mg test).
Working to get back up there after shoulder, calf, back and now pec strains. (Im close).
That meet and 355 bench lift is where my rotator strain happened, took 18 months to recover fully.

Also using Arimahex and Iron Legion Invictus ATM... Will that cause me any issues with enclomiphine?
No they will not be an issue hormone-wise; just be mindful they aren’t drying you out too much (which makes you more likely to strain things).

Squatting 500, let alone 2.5x bodyweight, in your 50s is a great feat. Many guys have to hang up heavy squatting by then; you see a lot more guys above 40 doing push-pull instead of full power at meets.


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No they will not be an issue hormone-wise; just be mindful they aren’t drying you out too much (which makes you more likely to strain things).

Squatting 500, let alone 2.5x bodyweight, in your 50s is a great feat. Many guys have to hang up heavy squatting by then; you see a lot more guys above 40 doing push-pull instead of full power at meets.
Most of my recent injuries are for sure hydration related. My goal is to drink more water.
Ill go a whole day and realize I only had one bottled water, not good... I cramp a lot, etc.

Been doing much better with it the last couple of weeks, except the pec strain, I realized I had zero water all day FRI, then strained it benching on SAT... Thx Hyde


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I jumped on TRT (my total was at 253 ng/dl) and have been on since - 125 mg a week, split into 2 doses
Tapering off TRT from 125 mg down to 50 mg (sub-q), going on 2-3 weeks now (Forget the exact day).
Also got enclomiphine in, just on day 3 now of 6.25 mg a day. I'll only be going off of feel for a few months as my complete physical and bloods are 12 weeks from now. (Doc's dont do Test-levels as part of normal bloods, but I will do my own in unison).

That will give me a good amount of time to get stable bloods. (I'm not too concerned as of now).
I do feel much better on lower TRT, prostate is much better (piss flow) and anxious feeling is basically gone.
You didnt state which blood labs your doc pulls, and I am assuming your doc is aware of your TRT use. Not here to preach but if you or your doc have not ordered Hemoglobin, Red Blood Cell count and Hematocrit labs, consider getting those done. You dont want to have erythrocytosis due to TRT. I donate blood every 3 months precisely to keep my Hct at normal levels. See Endocrinology Society guidelines below this text.

Also, I take IM Test Cyp (0.8 cc) every 10 days though my endocrinologist initially Rxd every 14 days. Half life is 8 days. There is no reason to take test cyp more than once per week, considering testes synthesize 6 mg per day. You obviously prior to starting TRT were on the lower end of cut off. Since I have KS my levels without TRT are around 100. Like me you have a family and they need us. You dont want to leave them sooner than necessary. Plus as you mentioned, adverse events suck.

Note the following info is from a free link. The Endocrinology Society guidelines are an accepted benchmark re HCT

T administration increases hemoglobin and hematocrit (88, 89); these effects are related to T doses and circulating concentrations (89). In some men with hypogonadism, T therapy can cause erythrocytosis (hematocrit > 54%). The increase in hematocrit during T administration and the frequency of erythrocytosis is higher in older men than in young men (87). The commissioned meta-analysis showed that T treatment was associated with a significantly higher frequency of erythrocytosis vs placebo. The hematocrit level at which the risk of neuro-occlusive or cardiovascular events increases is not known. The frequency of neuro-occlusive events in men with hypogonadism enrolled in RCTs of T who developed erythrocytosis has been very low.

Clinicians should evaluate men who develop erythrocytosis during T-replacement therapy and withhold T therapy until hematocrit has returned to the normal range and then resume T therapy at a lower dose. Using therapeutic phlebotomy to lower hematocrit is also effective in managing T treatment–induced erythrocytosis.

Testosterone Therapy in Men With Hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society* Clinical Practice Guideline
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 103, Issue 5, May 2018, Pages 1715–1744,


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My Doc did the entire blood panel, but they dont do testosterone. All my numbers are always perfect...
Thats a separate test (testosterone), I handle that on my own... I use Dr's for as little as possible, I let them know as little as possible.
I do my own meds these days out of India, and do my own bloods accordingly (statins and Test, full panels, etc.)...
Yes, Im odd... Would rather handle things myself these days, as much as I can at least...


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You didnt state which blood labs your doc pulls, and I am assuming your doc is aware of your TRT use. Not here to preach but if you or your doc have not ordered Hemoglobin, Red Blood Cell count and Hematocrit labs, consider getting those done. You dont want to have erythrocytosis due to TRT. I donate blood every 3 months precisely to keep my Hct at normal levels. See Endocrinology Society guidelines below this text.

Also, I take IM Test Cyp (0.8 cc) every 10 days though my endocrinologist initially Rxd every 14 days. Half life is 8 days. There is no reason to take test cyp more than once per week, considering testes synthesize 6 mg per day. You obviously prior to starting TRT were on the lower end of cut off. Since I have KS my levels without TRT are around 100. Like me you have a family and they need us. You dont want to leave them sooner than necessary. Plus as you mentioned, adverse events suck.

Note the following info is from a free link. The Endocrinology Society guidelines are an accepted benchmark re HCT

T administration increases hemoglobin and hematocrit (88, 89); these effects are related to T doses and circulating concentrations (89). In some men with hypogonadism, T therapy can cause erythrocytosis (hematocrit > 54%). The increase in hematocrit during T administration and the frequency of erythrocytosis is higher in older men than in young men (87). The commissioned meta-analysis showed that T treatment was associated with a significantly higher frequency of erythrocytosis vs placebo. The hematocrit level at which the risk of neuro-occlusive or cardiovascular events increases is not known. The frequency of neuro-occlusive events in men with hypogonadism enrolled in RCTs of T who developed erythrocytosis has been very low.

Clinicians should evaluate men who develop erythrocytosis during T-replacement therapy and withhold T therapy until hematocrit has returned to the normal range and then resume T therapy at a lower dose. Using therapeutic phlebotomy to lower hematocrit is also effective in managing T treatment–induced erythrocytosis.

Testosterone Therapy in Men With Hypogonadism: An Endocrine Society* Clinical Practice Guideline
The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Volume 103, Issue 5, May 2018, Pages 1715–1744,
What do you find your Ferritin levels to be on that routine intensive phlebotomy schedule?


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Most of my recent injuries are for sure hydration related. My goal is to drink more water.
Ill go a whole day and realize I only had one bottled water, not good... I cramp a lot, etc.

Been doing much better with it the last couple of weeks, except the pec strain, I realized I had zero water all day FRI, then strained it benching on SAT... Thx Hyde
I struggle with that myself, I’m sure you have tried them before. But like dollar stores have all kinds of flavor packets for water. I get a variety but things like sonic cherry limeade flavor and they are single packets, so I can throw them in my lunch box and mix them all day. Makes getting my water intake a lot easier, for me at least. Then in the winter I tend to drink a lot more coffee, so I have to be more diligent.


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My Doc did the entire blood panel, but they dont do testosterone. All my numbers are always perfect...
Thats a separate test (testosterone), I handle that on my own... I use Dr's for as little as possible, I let them know as little as possible.
I do my own meds these days out of India, and do my own bloods accordingly (statins and Test, full panels, etc.)...
Yes, Im odd... Would rather handle things myself these days, as much as I can at least...
For whatever its worth, I buy my 10 ml vials of Test Cyp, 200 mg / ml, at Walgreens with Good Rx coupons for less than $40.
So if you ever decide to get an Rx from a physician in your area, a 10 ml vial with Good Rx coupons are far less expensive than anything online, and purity guaranteed.

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I used so little, it cost me $75.00 for the year (3 bottles = 60 .5 cc doses).
Ive gone off TRT for now and feel better, I do however appreciate your info you have been providing...
Very helpful..


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Pec feeling much betterer, will try normal barbell bench next week. Was able to again go heavier (using smith) this week. Discoloration is gone from injured area.

Chest / Press / Tri

Smith Flat-Bench - 5 sets
Smith Close-Grips - 5 sets
Smith Incline - 5 sets
Smith JM Press - 5 sets

Dips - 5 sets
D-Bell Skull Crushers - 5 sets
Cable-Crushers * - 5 sets

* ^ Those are just cable push-downs. I do them like a reverse skull-crushers.
Leaning into it, bar goes to forehead, and then down, never taking tension off the muscle at the top of the movement.

Eating chicken and noodles for breakfast # 2 (post).


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Barbell BNP - 5 sets
Machine Press - 5 sets
Arnold Press - 5 sets
Rear Delt Machine - 5 sets
Side Laterals - 5 sets
Front Raises - 5 sets
Smith Shrug (to the back) - 5 sets

-Meal (post) Chicken breast w/ noodles

Going out to clear a foot of snow (Cardio), cleared like 1/2 a foot (or more) yesterday.
Glad its the fluffy stuff though... We got dumped on pretty good for our first storm of the season.


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Barbell BNP - 5 sets
Machine Press - 5 sets
Arnold Press - 5 sets
Rear Delt Machine - 5 sets
Side Laterals - 5 sets
Front Raises - 5 sets
Smith Shrug (to the back) - 5 sets

-Meal (post) Chicken breast w/ noodles

Going out to clear a foot of snow (Cardio), cleared like 1/2 a foot (or more) yesterday.
Glad its the fluffy stuff though... We got dumped on pretty good for our first storm of the season.
Same here started last night 8-10 inches so far hard to tell with the wind.


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Most of my recent injuries are for sure hydration related. My goal is to drink more water.
Ill go a whole day and realize I only had one bottled water, not good... I cramp a lot, etc.

Been doing much better with it the last couple of weeks, except the pec strain, I realized I had zero water all day FRI, then strained it benching on SAT... Thx Hyde
It's worth a try..




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Barbell BNP - 5 sets
Machine Press - 5 sets
Arnold Press - 5 sets
Rear Delt Machine - 5 sets
Side Laterals - 5 sets
Front Raises - 5 sets
Smith Shrug (to the back) - 5 sets

-Meal (post) Chicken breast w/ noodles

Going out to clear a foot of snow (Cardio), cleared like 1/2 a foot (or more) yesterday.
Glad its the fluffy stuff though... We got dumped on pretty good for our first storm of the season.
Killin those delts man!!!
Yeah, we got covered pretty nice. I skipped cardio and lifting yest and cleared the 15 plus we got. My wife went BEAST MODE and shoveled the 2 decks and walkway while I was snowblowing. We are both sore but I am gonna suck it up and get w workout in.


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Snowed the entire day and night here in the NC mountains, literally nothing to show for it except the ski slopes near me...


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Killin those delts man!!!
Yeah, we got covered pretty nice. I skipped cardio and lifting yest and cleared the 15 plus we got. My wife went BEAST MODE and shoveled the 2 decks and walkway while I was snowblowing. We are both sore but I am gonna suck it up and get w workout in.
Im lucky as well, my wife always helps me, cleans off cars, moves them out, shovels steps, etc...
She also weed-whacks for me when I do the lawn... Nice to have help... Shes 57 also, but in great shape and trains as well 3 x a week (she comes w/ me to gym)...




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She does the same w the cars. She soooo wanted to help clean my work truck off but it’s a pain. F450 dually w double knuckle boom.
she doesn’t weed wack but insists I leave the back yard for her to mow. She says it’s “soothing”

So sounds like we r both lucky!

I gotta ask, who is your ink guy?


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She does the same w the cars. She soooo wanted to help clean my work truck off but it’s a pain. F450 dually w double knuckle boom.
she doesn’t weed wack but insists I leave the back yard for her to mow. She says it’s “soothing”

So sounds like we r both lucky!

I gotta ask, who is your ink guy?
Ive always gone to Mike Sr. at Tattoo Fever since 1983. Most of mine are now very old and have blurred out a bit.
Some newer ones on my back still look fine though..


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Ive always gone to Mike Sr. at Tattoo Fever since 1983. Most of mine are now very old and have blurred out a bit.
Some newer ones on my back still look fine though..
In Pelham? My wife got one at old location. From Dana I think. Was 2004


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My wife is usually extra-motivated to mow when she’s cutting, because she doesn’t mind it and can count it as cardio. I got really lucky last meet prep when I was bulking up past 265 for early October and she was dieting to make a cut to 140 at the Olympia a few weeks later. I don’t think I mowed the lawn more than 3 times past July this year!

And when I did, it took my sorry ass about half an hour longer than her


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Legs - Lighter... I alternate weeks, heavy squats/legs, and heavy deadlift.
THis week I'll deadlift heavy, so went lighter on the legs. Im honestly still very sore from last weeks leg session.

Smith-SQ (light) - 5 sets (very low, worked on bottom stretch/hold)
Machine Leg Press - 5 sets
Leg Curl - 5 sets
Leg Ext - 5 sets
Rotary Calf - 5 sets
Adduct - 5 sets
Abduct - 5 sets

All higher reps than normal (8), (12-16 is high rep for me) with rest-pause to complete the sets as needed.


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It’s a love/hate relationship for me with squats. Did them yesterday and the trip to the coffee maker this morning felt like the walk of shame!


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Back / Bi's

Deadlift - 5 sets (up to 425 for a double)
Iso-Rows - 5 sets
Smith Shrugs - 5 sets
Reverse Hypers - 5 sets

Seated D-Bell Curls - 5 sets
Reverse Curls - 5 sets
Hammer/Preacher Curls - 5 sets

Was feeling "no energy" and beat up from 2 days of shoveling. (Old guy getting out of bed in the AM stuff).
Stiff, sore, creeky :)

Popped a Bronkaid and had good energy by the time my session started... (5:45 AM)...


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It’s a love/hate relationship for me with squats. Did them yesterday and the trip to the coffee maker this morning felt like the walk of shame!
I love the username and avatar... Ivan Putski was one of my favorite wrestlers when I was a kid.
I liked the Strongmen wrestlers. Patera, Putski, etc...

Saw the Von Erich "Iron Claw" movie last week... They did a decent job w/ it...


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ha, Cheers to the cougar wife club, mine is 51 and still drives me wild. That said, she's not allowed to touch my mower. but we have pretty traditional rolls in the house. she literally handles all the cleaning, laundry and most of the meal prep and I'm responsible for everything outside, firewood, etc. She'll recruit me indoors when something is broken and I recruit her outdoors when it's garden season 😅


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This ones crazy when it comes to yard stuff... 6 yards of mulch delivered, she did it all, wheel barrows full, rake it in, etc...
Tires me just watching her.
Because I feel guilty, I had a landscaper do it this year :)


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My wife is usually extra-motivated to mow when she’s cutting, because she doesn’t mind it and can count it as cardio. I got really lucky last meet prep when I was bulking up past 265 for early October and she was dieting to make a cut to 140 at the Olympia a few weeks later. I don’t think I mowed the lawn more than 3 times past July this year!

And when I did, it took my sorry ass about half an hour longer than her
Probably watered the grass simultaneously as you mowed at that weight


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I love the username and avatar... Ivan Putski was one of my favorite wrestlers when I was a kid.
I liked the Strongmen wrestlers. Patera, Putski, etc...

Saw the Von Erich "Iron Claw" movie last week... They did a decent job w/ it...
This was a really cool strength history video on Ken Patera I saw recently:

I can delete this comment if you don’t want this here, but I figured you might enjoy it with your preWO coffee tomorrow. This kind of stuff always gets me pumped to train!


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This was a really cool strength history video on Ken Patera I saw recently:

I can delete this comment if you don’t want this here, but I figured you might enjoy it with your preWO coffee tomorrow. This kind of stuff always gets me pumped to train!
Anyone can post here, no worries bud. I spent an evening drinking with Ken when he was inducted into the AOBS Strongman org.
In the bar afterward, had a blast. A very nice and hilarious guy. on a couch: Me, Ken, Bruce Wilhelm, Bruces wife... Sat for hours.
Met Ric Flair in the bar as well, he was just passing thru (Newark Airport Marriott). Of course he was all over my wife.. LOL

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