Anabolic Albuterol



  • Established
Alright so heres the deal.

i am 18 weeks into a cycle of testosterone and eq at the following doses.

875mgs Test-e a week
750mgs Eq a week

After my summer cutter cycle i weighed 244lbs and actually gained a solid pound during post cycle therapy. i attributed this to igf-1 lr3, but i was also taking albuterol at 4mgs a day pre workout.

i am now up to 265 pounds going into week 18 on my current cycle. My gains on my current cycle stopped at around week 16 at 258-260lbs. This usually happens depending on how long i am on and the doses i am using.

as i said, my gains stopped coming. i am going into my 3rd week of albuterol, which i take as more of a supplement rather than cycle, and i have very clearly broken through my plateau weightwise, and have also had a slight strength increase, though this could clearly be from albuterol's stimulatory effect. My stamina is also wonderfully increased, which is an effect i have seen on some albuterol logs in the past. the difference in stamina is amazing (its not easy being 265).

i have been taking 2mgs upon waking, and another 4mgs pre workout. thats only 6mgs a day. there have been no changes in diet or training. people have told me i appear larger in the gym, and i have dropped a noticetable amount of body fat, though nothing dramatic (i do no cardio during the winter).

i think we should seriously begin to look into albuterol's anabolic properties before we start to think of it as simply a weaker and more tolerable form of clenbuterol.


New member

This is also interesting to me.. the anabolic properties of albuterol. It doesn't seem that clen is anabolic but is more catabolic. I am curious as to what peoples experiences with albuterol have been. It does seem odd to me that not more is said about it. It seems less damaging to the heart, has a MUCH shorter half life than clen, and doesnt seem to downreg the receptors as fast as clen. Im curious to hear what others have to say in regards to albuterol, as it seems Clen, and Clen/T3, gets much attention, but albuterol is like the red headed step child??

Looking for some answers.



Are you talking about albuterol inhaler? I took that a lot as a kid and I don't think you are supposed to take it that often. It is for relaxing your lungs and throat I don't see how it could possibly be anabolic


New member
ummm nope

Yes... it is the same stuff as in the inhaler.. but not in that low of a dosage. Usually it is used as a liquid i around a 4mg dosage, not like the mcg dose in the inhaler.. or like the mcg dose of clen. I mean clen most people are maxing at 200mcg and that is alot. yes, its intended use is for asthma. The debate is not over that however.

Albuterol's use as a cutting agent stands without question, the less spoke about anabolic side is what I am curious about. Also, what would the mechanism be for anabolism. It doesn't seem that albuterol has had proper respect given. Looking for someone to break this one down "barney style", and settle this debate once for all. I don't care about the tests on animals with clen that resulted in mass and strength gains... we are humans ... what have you guys noticed?? Strength Increase? Size Increase? Hardening?

Perhaps, what is more interesting is... How did you guys feel when you "got off" the albuterol? I always try to look ahead, hence the reason I avoid T3, I don't want to be married to a dumb decision for the rest of my life. No thyroid therapy for me. Curious what you guys have to say.



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  • RockStar
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I know Anthony Roberts isn't the most liked guy around this board, but his Albuterol article is very interesting and convincing its better than Clen.


  • Established
i've used the crap out of both albuterol and clenbuterol over the past few years. they are different but in a very similar category if you ask me.

> fewer sides? alb, by far.
> better fat burning? clen, by far
> better for cardio? alb, by about 40 lengths!
> anabolism? you're going to hate this...but clen has a distinct ability to keep muscle in a massive caloric deficit. IME, alb doesnt have that. it's just not strong enough, and for me at least, anti-catabolism and anabolism are virtually interchangeable. the science may say otherwise, but i'm not a normal test subject (the kind that gets strength gains from drinking an extra glass of milk or hooking up electrodes to their quads or something!)

...i am currently on a 5/2 split with 8mg extended-release caps taken early mornings. there is a jitteriness and anxiety associated with it, but not full-on crazy like with clen...and virtually no hand shaking or troll hallucinations like with clen. i am on a recomp for about 12 weeks and i like the alb addition. it's provided some fat loss that i wouldnt have gotten otherwise, i dont think.

sorry, i didnt answer your question, but i hope you can at least assemble a workable approach for yourself based on what guys in the past and present are experiencing...there was a very small knowledge base for it when i started using alb in '04, so i just started slow and winged it. hopefully you'll have a better plan!

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