Advice on next Blast.



Hi all,

I am looking for some advice on my next blast. For context, I'm on trt (200mg Test E) (self-prescribed) and have been for about 2 years. I have done about 3 blasts (2 cuts and 1 recomp) during this time. I also had a cycle history in my 20s. My bookwork all checks out. I am in good health and looking to do another blast after about 4.5 months off my last. I am 15% BF @ 182 lbs. I would like to get up to 195lbs at about the same BF (or less). Here are the options I am considering.

400mg Test E (weeks 1-15)
300mg NPP (titrated from 200 -300) (weeks 1 -14)
300mg DHB (Weeks 1 -14)
*I do well with DHB and have used it before. Has been my favorite.


500mg Test E (weeks 1 -20)
300mg Primo E (weeks 1 - 20)
25 dbol (weeks 6-16)
  • Could run 600mg/400mg but it's just expensive.
  • Could also replace with tbol
My things are this. My hair was just raped last cycle by Winstrol. I never had hair issues before that. So DHT I am hesitant. I don't want to use tren. My and Tren have a love-hate relationship.

Other things: My father-in-law is dying right now in the hospital with organ failure (nothing to do with gear) but just makes me more hesitant to use some compounds.

Again my goals are to gain 12lbs and stay lean.


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DHB has caused many some kidney issues..don't skip Bloodwork with DHB..
That's a long run of Dbol..even at 25mgs..
Both Dbol and Tbol are converts,Tbol doesn't..
Primo has a nice effect on retaining gains..
First one..Nice
2nd..I'd run Tbol and/or Var..Tbol/Var is a nice combo..
One Old Dog's .o2


DHB has caused many some kidney issues..don't skip Bloodwork with DHB..
That's a long run of Dbol..even at 25mgs..
Both Dbol and Tbol are converts,Tbol doesn't..
Primo has a nice effect on retaining gains..
First one..Nice
2nd..I'd run Tbol and/or Var..Tbol/Var is a nice combo..
One Old Dog's .o2

thanks for the input. Really helpful. I know both are great cycles regardless. I just want to stay lean but gain. Staying lean is very difficult for me.

I'll also drop the length of dbol if I got that route maybe down to 8 weeks. I already have tbol about (25) 50mg tabs left over from a previous run, so might just save the money and use that. If so should I move it to 50mg? I know tbol seems to be less strong.


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10mgs is often used for the "feeling of well being "..I doubt you'll see much from 12.5mgs..
Now, 25 to 50mgs as a pre-WO, 3 times a week..
Might yield better results..


Cool deal.

I have decided on the following

20 weeks
600mg Test E
400mg Primo
1000iu HCG (I always run this)
Tbol (8 weeks) 25mg or 50mg <- thinking this.

I would love to run the NPP (already have this on hand) and DHB but I feel like this is much more harsh on my system. My last two blasts were a little harsh, so maybe something lighter, even though my bloodwork is good.

Few follow-ups here:

1. Based on my profile picture am I lean enough to see good results from Primo? I am guessing I am 15% BF.

2. Should I go with 25 mg or 50mg Tbol?


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Cool deal.

I have decided on the following

20 weeks
600mg Test E
400mg Primo
1000iu HCG (I always run this)
Tbol (8 weeks) 25mg or 50mg <- thinking this.

I would love to run the NPP (already have this on hand) and DHB but I feel like this is much more harsh on my system. My last two blasts were a little harsh, so maybe something lighter, even though my bloodwork is good.

Few follow-ups here:

1. Based on my profile picture am I lean enough to see good results from Primo? I am guessing I am 15% BF.

2. Should I go with 25 mg or 50mg Tbol?
Yeah you should do well on Primo, and I would run the Tbol at 50mg.


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Cool deal.

I have decided on the following

20 weeks
600mg Test E
400mg Primo
1000iu HCG (I always run this)
Tbol (8 weeks) 25mg or 50mg <- thinking this.

I would love to run the NPP (already have this on hand) and DHB but I feel like this is much more harsh on my system. My last two blasts were a little harsh, so maybe something lighter, even though my bloodwork is good.

Few follow-ups here:

1. Based on my profile picture am I lean enough to see good results from Primo? I am guessing I am 15% BF.

2. Should I go with 25 mg or 50mg Tbol?
Yeah Primo should treat you good, 600/400 should be a good dose to start, just keep in mind that HCG can raise Estrogen so you might have to bump the Primo higher to not get E sides.

I think 50mg Tbol is a good start, I will start that dose next week.

Btw why are you using the HCG? If it’s for fertility reasons 250-500iu’s ew is enough, 1000iu’s is kinda high for that.


Yeah Primo should treat you good, 600/400 should be a good dose to start, just keep in mind that HCG can raise Estrogen so you might have to bump the Primo higher to not get E sides.

I think 50mg Tbol is a good start, I will start that dose next week.

Btw why are you using the HCG? If it’s for fertility reasons 250-500iu’s ew is enough, 1000iu’s is kinda high for that.
I just use HCG to keep the boys looking normal. I am snipped so don't need it for fertility. I was running 500iu's and they just weren't as full as I wanted them to be. I feel it also helps with increased sex drive. On say 200mg test e and 1000ius I take only 6.25 aromasin a week. Maybe I should cut the AI and half the HCG.


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Go with 500mg test and throw in 300-400npp that should be plenty to reach your goals. 30-50mg of anavar or tbol would be great the last 6-8 weeks too


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I just use HCG to keep the boys looking normal. I am snipped so don't need it for fertility. I was running 500iu's and they just weren't as full as I wanted them to be. I feel it also helps with increased sex drive. On say 200mg test e and 1000ius I take only 6.25 aromasin a week. Maybe I should cut the AI and half the HCG.
I never understood the “big balls” thing but whatever. Idk, maybe it’s in your head but you should be able to have functional balls on as little as 250iu’s a week, hell, I restarted myself with “too low to measure” sperm to making babies within 2 months with 500iu’s a week. If you like it and think it works for you, keep it. I’m just saying it’s not necessary, especially not if you’re already snipped.


Go with 500mg test and throw in 300-400npp that should be plenty to reach your goals. 30-50mg of anavar or tbol would be great the last 6-8 weeks too
I have NPP on hand
I never understood the “big balls” thing but whatever. Idk, maybe it’s in your head but you should be able to have functional balls on as little as 250iu’s a week, hell, I restarted myself with “too low to measure” sperm to making babies within 2 months with 500iu’s a week. If you like it and think it works for you, keep it. I’m just saying it’s not necessary, especially not if you’re already snipped.

Yeah, it's just a thing. I used to pull them out at parties "a long time ago" like a party favor type of thing. My friends and family all joke about it still, how big they are. My brother is the tripod (now a tranny, no hate though, she was Delta Force when she was a he) and I have the enormous balls.... IDK I know it's weird.

I'll try moving down to 500ius and go from there.

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