advice on next best nootropic to add to my stack


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Hi guys,

is there any nootropic that could meet all my needs?
  1. help with lack of focus, mild anxiety, worry, overthinking/rumination and "pessimistic outlook"

  2. quell inflammation and modulate the immune system, instead of boosting it (I have an autoimmune skin disease and also hay fever)

  3. lowering (or at least not increasing) LDL cholesterol
I'd be interested in getting your opinion about these supps in particular: polygala, ashwagandha, sulbutiamine, cordyceps, magnolia bark, taurine, theanine, gotu kola and the trio skullcap + chaga mushroom + kanna. The last three seem very interesting because they could help with focus and anxiety and also autoimmune inflammation.

Of course feel free to add any advice!

Thanks a lot


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Three caveats before I dive in a little.

First, Nootropics effect everyone a bit differently (and Adaptogens as well, which I'll cover a bit as you mention quite a few), so as with my usual advice start with one or two to gauge how they benefit you (positively or negatively) and then move forward from there.

Second, autoimmunity isn't my specialty so take everything mentioned with a word of caution, research, and consult with your doctor as necessary when implementing anything (if you need to and it helps depending which way you go studies in hand can help explain your rationale).

Third, with anxiety, stress, overthinking, or things of that nature non-supplemental approaches can vary widely, but be extremely effective too. Depending on the type of stress and your response, things like meditation, quiet time, Heart Math, etc. That said this is a supplement forum so I don't want to get preachy and act like you can't benefit from supplemental action too.

Ok so I don't think I can cover everything in your list, but I'll try to go over things I've found beneficial for myself, others, and potential research for them. I think without getting into specifics that Adaptogenic compounds may be things you want to look into overall, as they "modulate" your response (up or down) rather then just amping everything up, depending on the stressor/scenario.

Mushrooms. I think honestly this might be a good category for you. Initially just thinking mental, anxiety, and immunity something like Lions Mane sticks out to me. Generally thought of for mental benefits, it also has some anxiety benefits and is an immunomodulator. If looking for a little stronger immune benefits, but probably lesser for anxiety and mood then Reishi comes to mind. Those would be the first two I'd check out, but feel free to look into all the mushrooms and mixes.

Adaptogen or herb wise I'd keep Bacopa, Ash, and Rhodiola in mind. Bacopa has stress, anxiety, memory, and attention benefits. Ash has so many benefits it is hard to narrow it down, but its overall stress benefits widely effect other areas too. Finally, Rhodiola seems to decrease fatigue (both in physical and mental areas) and that reduction has shown increased cognition, relieved stress, and small focusing abilities. With these herbs keep in mind standardization is important. 50% bacopasides of 150-300mg full plant seems a good dose, Sensoril or KSM-66 for Ash, and looking at salidroside and rosavin content (minimum 1% and 3% respectively with at least 250mg dose).

I could keep going, but that is a good start.

While I like to try things individually, once you have found things that work a well rounded formula for ease can be beneficial. I am a huge fan of SNS Stress and Anxiety (Bacopa, Rhodiola, Sensoril, and Theanine) if stress is the main issue (but will also have tons of other benefits based on those awesome ingredientes). Also have recently started Morphogen Adaptogen is a powerhouse. I plan to keep it in my arsenal for the mental, stress, and immune benefits.


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Posted as well in your other thread, but SNS Stress and Anxiety Support is probably exactly what you're looking for


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Three caveats before I dive in a little.

First, Nootropics effect everyone a bit differently (and Adaptogens as well, which I'll cover a bit as you mention quite a few), so as with my usual advice start with one or two to gauge how they benefit you (positively or negatively) and then move forward from there.

Second, autoimmunity isn't my specialty so take everything mentioned with a word of caution, research, and consult with your doctor as necessary when implementing anything (if you need to and it helps depending which way you go studies in hand can help explain your rationale).

Third, with anxiety, stress, overthinking, or things of that nature non-supplemental approaches can vary widely, but be extremely effective too. Depending on the type of stress and your response, things like meditation, quiet time, Heart Math, etc. That said this is a supplement forum so I don't want to get preachy and act like you can't benefit from supplemental action too.

Ok so I don't think I can cover everything in your list, but I'll try to go over things I've found beneficial for myself, others, and potential research for them. I think without getting into specifics that Adaptogenic compounds may be things you want to look into overall, as they "modulate" your response (up or down) rather then just amping everything up, depending on the stressor/scenario.

Mushrooms. I think honestly this might be a good category for you. Initially just thinking mental, anxiety, and immunity something like Lions Mane sticks out to me. Generally thought of for mental benefits, it also has some anxiety benefits and is an immunomodulator. If looking for a little stronger immune benefits, but probably lesser for anxiety and mood then Reishi comes to mind. Those would be the first two I'd check out, but feel free to look into all the mushrooms and mixes.

Adaptogen or herb wise I'd keep Bacopa, Ash, and Rhodiola in mind. Bacopa has stress, anxiety, memory, and attention benefits. Ash has so many benefits it is hard to narrow it down, but its overall stress benefits widely effect other areas too. Finally, Rhodiola seems to decrease fatigue (both in physical and mental areas) and that reduction has shown increased cognition, relieved stress, and small focusing abilities. With these herbs keep in mind standardization is important. 50% bacopasides of 150-300mg full plant seems a good dose, Sensoril or KSM-66 for Ash, and looking at salidroside and rosavin content (minimum 1% and 3% respectively with at least 250mg dose).

I could keep going, but that is a good start.

While I like to try things individually, once you have found things that work a well rounded formula for ease can be beneficial. I am a huge fan of SNS Stress and Anxiety (Bacopa, Rhodiola, Sensoril, and Theanine) if stress is the main issue (but will also have tons of other benefits based on those awesome ingredientes). Also have recently started Morphogen Adaptogen is a powerhouse. I plan to keep it in my arsenal for the mental, stress, and immune benefits.
hi man, thanks for your insight!

lion's mane seems very interesting indeed. However, I'm concerned about potential reduction of DHT/testosterone levels (due to LM's supposed 5-alpha reductase inhibition) and loss of libido. Have you ever experienced these side effects?
Speaking about mushrooms, what do you think about chaga and cordyceps? The former should be good for general well being and handling inflammation, and the latter - if I've understood well - it is maybe the only mushroom that doesn't have anti-androgen side effects.

In my stack I already have tribulus, boron, vit D, magnesium, fish oil and MSM (the first three advised by MD since bloodworks showed low vit D and luteinizing hormone). Do you think that supplementing both ashwagandha and tribulus, alongside boron, would be overkill and require to use an anti-aromatase for blocking the conversion to estrogen? You know man, I don't want man boobs lol

Do you have any experience with gotu kola, skullcap and kanna? These seem very interesting because they could help with focus and anxiety and also autoimmune disease/inflammation.

Last but not least, on other posts somebody advised me sulbutiamine for helping with overthinking and rumination - what's your take?

Sorry for the long post; I know that are a lot of questions, but I'd like to get your expert opinion before trying anything else.



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do some research on pregnenolone.


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hi man, thanks for your insight!

lion's mane seems very interesting indeed. However, I'm concerned about potential reduction of DHT/testosterone levels (due to LM's supposed 5-alpha reductase inhibition) and loss of libido. Have you ever experienced these side effects?
Speaking about mushrooms, what do you think about chaga and cordyceps? The former should be good for general well being and handling inflammation, and the latter - if I've understood well - it is maybe the only mushroom that doesn't have anti-androgen side effects.

In my stack I already have tribulus, boron, vit D, magnesium, fish oil and MSM (the first three advised by MD since bloodworks showed low vit D and luteinizing hormone). Do you think that supplementing both ashwagandha and tribulus, alongside boron, would be overkill and require to use an anti-aromatase for blocking the conversion to estrogen? You know man, I don't want man boobs lol

Do you have any experience with gotu kola, skullcap and kanna? These seem very interesting because they could help with focus and anxiety and also autoimmune disease/inflammation.

Last but not least, on other posts somebody advised me sulbutiamine for helping with overthinking and rumination - what's your take?

Sorry for the long post; I know that are a lot of questions, but I'd like to get your expert opinion before trying anything else.

I've never had issues with Lions Mane. I've dosed pretty high too (nearly 3g a day) and not had issues.

Not much experience with Chaga. Tons with cordyceps. If performance is the goal look at Militaris, otherwise a Sinensis strain can be worth it. I don't particularly worry about anti-androgen effects of them as they have so many other benefits (but if that is a worry I can understand looking elsewhere).

I don't think tribulus does much for actual testosterone levels and I wouldn't worry about adding Ash on top of it.

Minimal Kanna experience, but the times I've used it in Kannaease form I have been happy with the boost.

No Sulb use in years, don't know a ton about it.

In general take it as a starting point. Just pick something try and see if it helps, if it does stick with it if not try something else. That seems like a crappy answer, but I don't trust anyone who says one single thing is definitely the answer as the interplay between factors for each individual may change why one is effective for the right situation for some and not for others (that doesn't mean anything can work, just things that seem to have similar benefits don't all have the same effects for each person due to these changes).


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thanks mate - is it OTC?
yes, and it's not expensive...use my code THEBIGT at and with the 25% off it's less than $20 for a month supply.
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