Adderall and bodybuilding



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Adderall might be one of the best appetite supressants around as well as overall energy booster with long lasting energy.

From personal expierience alone, my lifts on adderall after a study session have been some of my best, with less time in between sets with no loss in strenghth as well as the ability to do cardio not mentioning it flys by.


If on a cut and diet is intact, would 60mg of adderall daily deteriote muscle......ive noticed on adderall my muscles feel much tighter as well as th dehydration elicits a very tight cut overall look. I might contribute this to possible Vasodialation in muscle fiber blood vessels and the diaretic effect but i could be hella wrong.
I've been dealing with this question for 5 years lol. At first, yes, I thought that Adderall was deteriorating my physique. However, I think that the most that it will do is cause you to up your caloric intake, especially protein in terms of macro-nutrients, 250-550 calories per day; depending on your body type of course. Personally, I found that staying properly hydrated and supplementing with things that are known for recovery and elevating natural testosterone levels are key. Also, giving yourself a day break and allowing cheat days are a must. Basically, I found that Adderall use can sometimes cause your body to mimic symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. Heavy Adderall use can induce adrenal fatigue syndrome; which is why I constantly take products to battle adrenal fatigue. When on cycle, my gains are leaner, but I always run the risk of over training. I feel like that Adderall can quicken the symptoms of an over trained physique. For example, when you over train your body, you start to pump out cortisol like crazy because you are putting it under so much stress. Adderall it self puts your body under stress because it is artificially hyping up many of your body's functions that would not be otherwise stimulated. I consider myself an expert in this field and have done countless and countless hours of research on this topic because I get paid to take my shirt off; which sounds cool but I have been embarrassed when my physique drastically slacked due to over training, cortisol, and Adderall induced depression.


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Wow! Im amazed at how many people are conditioned to respond negatively about drugs like adderall. I bet it feels good to tell someone how downright awful something is with mostly hearsay evidence and superficial knowledge?
Guess the Regan administration was a success huh? Im surprised nobody responded with "JUST SAY NO!!!" yet.
FYI amphetamine is the number 1 fat burner EVER. thats right...EVER!
Half of the **** that you see on the shelves at Supplement shoppes and gas stations is worse in my opinion. Taken as directed it is safe and will melt fat off as if you were in a perpetual steam room. So yes go ahead and try it for a controlled time period at perscribed doses (20-60mg ED) for fat loss. If you are using it safely and intelligently then you can forget all the hearsay and warnings your getting. I promise that you wont be strung out on a street corner giving 2$ hand jobs after trying it.


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Wow! Im amazed at how many people are conditioned to respond negatively about drugs like adderall. I bet it feels good to tell someone how downright awful something is with mostly hearsay evidence and superficial knowledge?
Guess the Regan administration was a success huh? Im surprised nobody responded with "JUST SAY NO!!!" yet.
FYI amphetamine is the number 1 fat burner EVER. thats right...EVER!
Half of the **** that you see on the shelves at Supplement shoppes and gas stations is worse in my opinion. Taken as directed it is safe and will melt fat off as if you were in a perpetual steam room. So yes go ahead and try it for a controlled time period at perscribed doses (20-60mg ED) for fat loss. If you are using it safely and intelligently then you can forget all the hearsay and warnings your getting. I promise that you wont be strung out on a street corner giving 2$ hand jobs after trying it.


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Strong brotelligence in this thread.

Amphetamine is not methamphetamine

Amphetamine= Alpha Methyl Phenylethylamine

Methamphetamine= N, Alpha Dimethyl Phenylethylamine

For contrast:

Ephedrine= N, Alpha Dimethyl Beta Hydroxy Phenylethylamine

Is ephedrine meth? No, its not. But it is very chemically close.
(The perscription name for D-Methamphetamine is desoxyn, short for desoxy ephedrine)

Furthermore the levo and dextro isomers of these compounds produce significantly different effects. In both cases The D-isomer is more psychoactive, which is why more ADD drugs are being standardized to just the Dextro, rather than the racemic DL-mixture seen in adderall.

Don't believe me? Go to your nearest Walgreens, look around for the vicks nose inhalers, the active ingredient is L-Methamphetamine, but they use strange nomenclature so that kids dont say "hey its meth" and eat the cotton. If any of you are foolish or bold enough to crack open the inhaler and eat the cotton, you will see that you are definitely not "tweaking".

With regards to muscle loss, it would be foolish to say that something that blunts your appetite, increases caloric expenditure, and increases cortisol might not have negative effects on muscle building, but as you stay on the drug, you become accustomed to the effects, theres no exact number but I play it safe and say 200 calories over whatever maintenance is when taking ADD meds. Which is entirely possible if you're not using the drugs to get "speedin" and completely naive to the effects of amphetamine.

In summary, I would caution against spouting out something you heard as fact, it makes you appear ignorant, amphetamine is not an evil chemical because it shares 11 letters with methamphetamine. Because of its effects on neurotransmitters (as an earlier poster pointed out) it is not a drug to mess around with, its not just a simple energy pill. Do not treat it as such.

P.S: 30mg Vyvanse qd AM has significantly improved my ability to focus, reduced my irritability, and made me a more social and confident person.
What kind of comedown have you noticed from the Vyvanse?


New member
Hey, isn't Adderall can be very addictive? You have to be very careful about using this. I know for a fact this can have a lot of side effects and can be risky. Be careful


I've been taking Dextro/Aderall for the last 4 months for ADD that I've had my whole live but didn't decide to see anyone about it until this summer. For me, it has been an absolute live saver. My mind used to race and I literally couldn't focus on something for more than 5-10 minutes.But with Dextro, my whole world has slowed way way down and everything is so clear to me now; it's like there was a cloud over the way I used to think and process information but now it's gone.

Like someone else said, I would have to read things over and over again because my mind would start to wonder after 3 or 4 sentences. This made it basically impossible for me to study and retain any of the info. If I had 1hr worth of material to study, it would usually take me close to 3hrs because I would have to keep rereading everything and redoing my note cards. After a semester of this in college I just said F it and essentially stopped studying for my exams because it took so damn long and it was so frustrating not being able to focus when I needed to even though I was putting forth as much effort as I could. So my inability to study efficiently or to pay attention for only about 30% of class led to a drastic decrease in my GPA as well as me failing lots of classes and having to retake them. Because of this, I was set back in college by about 1.5 years. Instead of needing 4 years, I'll be done in 5.5... It's not that any of the stuff that I was learning was overly difficult because it wasn't, I didn't have the ability to apply myself like I wanted to. Since starting Dextro this summer, I did amazing in my summer classes and school has become incredibly easy even though I'm taking the hardest classes I've ever had.

The only sides that I've noticed are a LARGE decrease in appetite (I've lost 20lbs in 4 months) and a shortness of breath if I try to run for more than 10 minutes. These are the only problems that I have. The loss of appetite is starting to decrease now and I'm finally able to start eating more but it's still not anywhere near to where it was before.

For the first couple of weeks I felt like I was on Speed, I would only sleep 5 hours/night (I used to sleep 8+), had to keep busy doing anything (cleaning, laundry, etc.) and I could feel my heart pounding all day long. After the first month, these went away and I was left with the two mentioned above.

My sides could be low because I'm only taking 20mg/day. I couldn't imagine taking 40-60mg like some have posted, that sounds like overkill to me.


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I've been taking Dextro/Aderall for the last 4 months for ADD that I've had my whole live but didn't decide to see anyone about it until this summer. For me, it has been an absolute live saver. My mind used to race and I literally couldn't focus on something for more than 5-10 minutes.But with Dextro, my whole world has slowed way way down and everything is so clear to me now; it's like there was a cloud over the way I used to think and process information but now it's gone.

Like someone else said, I would have to read things over and over again because my mind would start to wonder after 3 or 4 sentences. This made it basically impossible for me to study and retain any of the info. If I had 1hr worth of material to study, it would usually take me close to 3hrs because I would have to keep rereading everything and redoing my note cards. After a semester of this in college I just said F it and essentially stopped studying for my exams because it took so damn long and it was so frustrating not being able to focus when I needed to even though I was putting forth as much effort as I could. So my inability to study efficiently or to pay attention for only about 30% of class led to a drastic decrease in my GPA as well as me failing lots of classes and having to retake them. Because of this, I was set back in college by about 1.5 years. Instead of needing 4 years, I'll be done in 5.5... It's not that any of the stuff that I was learning was overly difficult because it wasn't, I didn't have the ability to apply myself like I wanted to. Since starting Dextro this summer, I did amazing in my summer classes and school has become incredibly easy even though I'm taking the hardest classes I've ever had.

The only sides that I've noticed are a LARGE decrease in appetite (I've lost 20lbs in 4 months) and a shortness of breath if I try to run for more than 10 minutes. These are the only problems that I have. The loss of appetite is starting to decrease now and I'm finally able to start eating more but it's still not anywhere near to where it was before.

For the first couple of weeks I felt like I was on Speed, I would only sleep 5 hours/night (I used to sleep 8+), had to keep busy doing anything (cleaning, laundry, etc.) and I could feel my heart pounding all day long. After the first month, these went away and I was left with the two mentioned above.

My sides could be low because I'm only taking 20mg/day. I couldn't imagine taking 40-60mg like some have posted, that sounds like overkill to me.
Have you noticed an increase in tolerance? For those of us who have real add or adhd, Adderall definitely helps with concentration and cognitive ability. I just wish these drugs weren't coupled with an almost guaranteed tolerance build up etc.


Definitely an increase in tolerance which is why I think it felt like I was taking speed and had to keep busy for the first month but then those sides started to fade. During this time I had incredible energy which made for unbelievable workouts; my strength and endurance increased to the level of when I was taking a PH (The ONE) with the exception that I would have to take 2min+ breaks to allow my heart to settle down so it didn't blow up.

Another side I have is that if I get to quickly I sometimes get really dizzy and have to stand still for a second until my head stops spinning.

There is definitely a large possibility for abuse with this since many people want to chase the stimulant feeling. I had to catch myself and realize that even though I wasn't all stimmed up, my head was still clear which is what I really need. Since it is still working for what I need it for, I don't need to ask for an increase in dosage.

***If you are someone who chases a feeling or gets easily addicted (alcohol, drugs, partying, etc) then this is not for you. Every month you would tell the Dr it's not working like it used to and you need an increase in dose.


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Adderall makes my muscles feel extremely tight, my upper back in particular. Are there any effective ADD medicines that will help with focus/motivation that don't have the same physical side effects as adderall? How is vyvance in terms of sides?


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okay, i know im a newbie and i have never posted anything on this site before i just normally get on here and read posts that yall guys put on here cause im still in the learning stages of lifting only been doing it for a year and still have alot to learn and i read the logs yall put up and gain alot knowledge from them so thanks to everbody. i'm prescribed adderall and yes i take it for school cause i really do have a hard concentrating without it. before adderall i had a 3.1 gpa and the first semister i was first prescribed adderall i finished it with a 4.0 gpa(a perfect 100). when i first got on it i weighed 210 and in 3 months i dropped down to 163 i had no appetite what so ever, almost no sex drive, always alert, always keeping myself busy doing something(studying, cleaning, lifting, reloading etc...) I never got any kind of "high" off of it just always fully alert. I'm not addicted to it cause the beginning of summer break i ran out and never went back for a refill till school started back in the fall so i can't say that you will get deffinately get addicted to it but i can see how it is very possible. I take 70mg of vyvanse(it's a different name for adderall but is exactly the same has the exact same effects) and i don't abuse it what so ever cause i dont see the need to one pill a day and i'm focused and ready for anything. I can make myself eat on it and etc.. So in my opinion i don't think adderall is as bad as some of the people on here are saying it is in my experince. When i dropped down to 163 i started lifting and i'm up to 175 with not much body fat and still taking adderall for school and i have found out that it gives me a better drive and motivation in the gym to push myself for one more set or one more rep.


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adderall causes so much more harm than good. its an excuse for kids with a fake disease " ADD " to get drugs that will **** them up really bad.
I agree that adderall is a harmful drug, but there is nothing fake about ADD and if you really have it, you don't grow out of it as an adult. You have it forever.

To answer the original question though, ADD drugs have been implicated as a cause of limiting growth in children who have been prescribed them, so I can't see a positive correlation to muscular growth.


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Adderall makes my muscles feel extremely tight, my upper back in particular. Are there any effective ADD medicines that will help with focus/motivation that don't have the same physical side effects as adderall? How is vyvance in terms of sides?
Vyvanse is less severe in terms of sides. I should know, I have taken both Vyvanse and Adderall. As far as alternative ADD medications, that all depends on your brain mapping. Some people with ADD respond better to stimulant based medications because the part of their brain that is responsible for concentration and cognitive ability is "asleep". However, others respond well to non-stimulant medications such as Concerta etc. With this issue, trial and error is the only sure fire way to figure out what works for you. Personally, Vyvanse works for me. However, the sides that come along with stimulant based medications are ridiculous; sides such as a quick tolerance build up, depressing come-down, sweating, etc. I have taken a ton of medications and supplements to help battle these sides and the only thing that has worked for me is the Ampheta-Restore stuff that I am doing a log about as we speak. Definitely start off slow if you are going to start taking a stimulant based medication. Your tolerance will build quickly, so contact your doctor accordingly. Any worth while doctor should know that stimulant and amphetamine based medications come hand in hand with these specific sides. I hope this helps.


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i have just been diagnosed with adhd and have been given ritilin (focalin)... i only take it 2x a week days i attend classes to concentrate. however as you know my food intake is suppressed from 9-6 i do not eat the bit of food or have any intrests in doing so. weighing around 172 @ 7% body fat will i end up losing weight dramatically or any whatsoever, or is it healthy to counter this by forceing one to eat between those hours?


  • Established
i have just been diagnosed with adhd and have been given ritilin (focalin)... i only take it 2x a week days i attend classes to concentrate. however as you know my food intake is suppressed from 9-6 i do not eat the bit of food or have any intrests in doing so. weighing around 172 @ 7% body fat will i end up losing weight dramatically or any whatsoever, or is it healthy to counter this by forceing one to eat between those hours?
Yeah, I would definitely make sure you getting enough to eat in order to preserve muscle mass.


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or is it healthy to counter this by forceing one to eat between those hours?
I would say it is absolutely essential. I no longer take ritalin, but I have to force myself to eat every meal. I haven't been "hungry" for a meal for 30 years. I eat because it's time.


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Adderall is actually an aphetamine sulfate. If used correctly it will help calm you down and foucs. If crushed or chewed its also considered "poor mans coke." For some its like taking a line of coke and a viagera at the same time. Coming off of it can either be easy or for some exteremly violent.

Personal experience speaking here. Dont F*** with it.
I agree or else this thing will f*** you


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I was prescribed it for a little bit a while back by a shrink. I felt more relaxed on it. I didn't feel this so called "rush" you guys are talking about. Went off it because I just don't believe in prescription drugs are the answer for certain problems. I believe you can fix any problem without prescription drugs by getting to the root of the problem. Maybe they can help for a limited time but not forever.
If it's taken in a correct dosage and timing there will be negative effect but if taken excessively it will definitely crash your world with all the negative side effects that you will go through


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If you snort about 30-40mg you'll be able to drink a liter of vodka in one night; not that anyone should ever do that under any circumstances.
yeah because by the time you finish the vodka you will be dead already because of OD :beerchug:


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done that but drank about 25 beers and whatever else i could get my hands on........then again, seems that was common for college
yeah that is why OD is also common among college :nana:


New member
Hey, isn't Adderall can be very addictive? You have to be very careful about using this. I know for a fact this can have a lot of side effects and can be risky. Be careful
yes adderral is very addictive that is why it is not recommended to be used without doctor's prescription or for just recreational purposes because it can lead your life in hell


New member
Adderall makes my muscles feel extremely tight, my upper back in particular. Are there any effective ADD medicines that will help with focus/motivation that don't have the same physical side effects as adderall? How is vyvance in terms of sides?
not much of a difference between adderral and vyvance. Below are just of the side effects that are present on both drugs

Decreased appetite
Suicidal ideation
Abnormal behavior


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You do know there is a multi-quote reply, right? It is located just to the right of the standard quote reply.


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wtf would you need that for? just take some caffeine unless you want to become and addict and start smoking crank.


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Adderall sucks. i'm 18 iwas on it for 5 years and i could swear it stunted my growth. i know i should be taller than this.


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:baby: this one time at band camp...
this 1 time.. it was after he was on it for a few months.. we were at a friend house and were just relaxing smoking a few L's and this kid just started to go insane. he began yelling at everyone and threatend to kill his younger brother. he ate 11 percocets and snorted 6 more and ended up scratching himself so bad he had claw marks on his legs / torso that were bleeding perfusely we had to take him to the ****in hospital for an OD


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Back in my college and really unhealthy days I stayed up for 5 days straight from bumping adderall with some buds. My roommate took it to a whole new level, bumping adderral and ingesting a few cubes of acid. After my 5 day binger I woke up 2 days later (no joke) to our room door completely open, the room was in complete shambles and Greatful Dead's "Truckin" was playing continuously on the computer for god knows how long.

I heard that during my 2 day sleep binge my room mate had been in a zombie like daze, staying up way longer then I (not sure for how many days) and had apparently even walked into our dorm neighbors room (door next to the bathroom) dropped his pants, unzipped and pissed all over the poor dudes computer, thinking that he was in the bathroom, then just leaving while saying something about there never being paper towels when you need them. Needless to say he dropped out of college shortly after that....haven't heard from him since...We had some good times though:)


I am currently prescribed adderoll ,and from reading this posting and doing a little investigation i would like to get off this drug. I would rather treat this disorder with a more natural approach. I have found a couple supplements that might help. could you guys please give me some constructive criticism and or build on to the list of the following supplements? fish oil, phosphatidyl serine complex, dmae,ginkgo biloba, l-tyrosine.also ive tried pot in the past and notice when i smoke a small amount of a high % sativa it helps me gather my thoughts and focus . have any of you tried or herd of this before? please dont bash me i am just looking for advice and would really like some help.


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Pot is illegal and I love aderall I am in the military so both drugs are Illegal but if I was to give my honest opinion Smoking pot with vitamin regimine and diet and excercise is good for you. Ask arnold in pumping iron.. After he won that thing he was smoking def not a cigarette. pimpinlow I would say you're doin it right.


Adderal, like most amphetamines will rev up your stress hormone production by increasing the conversion of adrenaline-noradrenaline-dopamine. Stress hormones are catabolic. You have an uphill battle - pm me if you want a real solution to your "ADHD".


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wooooooow interesting thread


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May I suggest clen/taurine for weight loss and Anadraulic state for gym motivation. While I loved adderall in college it certainly isn't good for you. Clen will give you the desired weight loss and hunger suppression, but without addictive properties and actually the shakes will piss you off enough that when you have achieved your weightloss goal, you will be ready to be off the stuff. Anadraulic state is a great pre-workout. Best I have tried.
Go with this combo and you will not be disappointed.


I'm prescribed 40mg and I won't even go into detail about everything I've done while on it. All I know is don't believe all the hype.

Caleb S.

New member
Yup, its a methamphetamine right? Stuff is worse then coke, 3x worse i beleive.
No, it's amphetamine. Methamphetamine is "Meth" which is like 20 times worse than adderall and is a quick, home-made version of amphetamine, but I wouldn't get the 2 confused. Adderall won't rot your teeth or cause you to age 20 years in a few months. However, I do believe that adderall can be just as powerfull and dangerous as coke.


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No, it's amphetamine. Methamphetamine is "Meth" which is like 20 times worse than adderall and is a quick, home-made version of amphetamine, but I wouldn't get the 2 confused. Adderall won't rot your teeth or cause you to age 20 years in a few months. However, I do believe that adderall can be just as powerfull and dangerous as coke.
Yeah, where is the 3x worse data coming from? I am positive that Adderall has effects on thyroid production and neurotransmitter balance.


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I took this crap once and damn near almost had a seizure. I get so pissed off thinking about **** like this I was forced to take drugs as a child.


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I had real bad issues with addiction to recreational abuse of ADD meds for a while. I started when trying to cut for competition - needed to help to try and get through school while doing so. First I was taking one here and there for when I needed a boost, eventually just blowing 40-60mg daily.

I think I killed off a good part of my brain and retained none of the information I learned. Lost so much mass and retained fat; so that worked backwards. I wasn't sleeping, I did eat but not enough and wouldn't have known either way if my diet was on. Spent massive amounts of money. My lifts were strong in the beginning but got progressively worse fast. And my libido was shot for a long time... when I did have sex on it, it was amazing.


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So ya... very bad idea. Don't ever think this is a good "supplement" for bodybuilding. Ever.


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If its not prescribed to you than you shouldn't be using it. As far as I'm concerned if you are using it and its not prescribed to you, you are the same as a coke head or meth-head. Acting like its a supplement to be used for bodybuilding purposes is just ridiculous.


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Ok so I've read a majority of the posts here and I just want you all to hear, from someone who has taken this drug in all fashions since I was in second grade, with years off in between, that this drug DOES NOT have 'withdrawals so bad that i would take perks to fight the pain'.. that is hilarious!

I read a story about a kid who was "smoking L's" and his buddy went "crazy" and ate 6 perks, snorted some, scratched himself to the high heavens... and you think this was caused by Adderall? not the fact that the kids already abuses drugs, is mixing drugs, and clearly has some sort of behavioral disorder to begin with?

I am searching for information regarding adding lean muscle mass/adderall as I am stuck at 165lb 16% body fat. My strength increases every week, but I don't feel like my size is increasing given I'm eating 600 calories beyond my BMR + 800-1000 calories burned in the gym/800-1000 calories burned in my MMA workouts. THAT IS A LOT OF FOOD.

Do research. See what affects adderall have on the brain. You're releasing an ALREADY STORED CHEMICAL in the brain called "neoeprephrine". The same chemical released during intense focus/concentration. If you take adderall 14-15 days straight you 'dry up the well' so to speak, and you feel lethargic and 'slow' thinking. Anyone who tells you they first of all take 60mg a day is already abusing it, and their doctor needs to be treated himself. Also, anyone who tells you they have 'severe withdrawals' needs a hug, because it is a cry for attention.

Again - I've have taken this drug on and off for a majority of my life. The worse thing I can say is that I have to force myself to eat, and I really really enjoy food when I'm not on it. On the positive side, I'm 25, I own my own home, I have a job paying well beyond any of my friends of similar incomes, and I have a smile on my face everywhere I go. Without Adderall I would probably be some punk ass kid still believing "school is for losers" and no care in the world about success or anything of the like.

So before you bash the drug with all of your fictional bull**** - keep in mind those who NEED it benefit from it greatly. Those who ABUSE it have issues beyond adderall.

BTW - I still don't know what affects it has on muscle gain... But I'm sure Ill find the answer anywhere outside of this forum.


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I read a story about a kid who was "smoking L's" and his buddy went "crazy" and ate 6 perks, snorted some, scratched himself to the high heavens... and you think this was caused by Adderall? not the fact that the kids already abuses drugs, is mixing drugs, and clearly has some sort of behavioral disorder to begin with?
Cool story, bro.

Do research. See what affects adderall have on the brain. You're releasing an ALREADY STORED CHEMICAL in the brain called "neoeprephrine".
Oh really? Neoeprephrine?

Anyone who tells you they first of all take 60mg a day is already abusing it, and their doctor needs to be treated himself. Also, anyone who tells you they have 'severe withdrawals' needs a hug, because it is a cry for attention.
I have no idea what you are talking about here.

I have a job paying well beyond any of my friends of similar incomes,
No, by definition, you don't.

Great post, though, bro. Thanks for helping everybody out.


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I would say it wouldnt be helpful to gaining mass or strength in the long run.


this thread is dying. Lack of interest. There are many other adhd and add forums that get into detail but probably only gets as deep as we did here on AM.


I just want to say that once your tolerance builds up after 2-3months... libido and other functions return in full's just an adjustment that your body goes through with weightloss, etc. I feel those who are new to it need to be conscious of appetite, but I wouldn't say if you've been on it for a while to up the calories based on my sleep and blood pressure and heart rate after being on it for 3 months... I can take naps no problem, even while on it... My resting heart rate is always in the 40s.. and I have healthy blood pressure now--I didn't at first. So.


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I've recently gotten back onto Adderal after a 15 year break. Took the stuff in middle school for ADHD, and just over a month ago, have renewed my prescription for the same issue. Here's my 2 cents:
First off, it's only legally available with a prescription for a reason. It's powerful stuff that directly effects your brain chemistry. Second, once the pills are in your hot lil hand, you should only take them as prescribed. Exceeding the dose is dangerous and speeds up tolerance. Tolerance leads to the user needing a larger dose for a similar effect to the one they had when they started.
As far as its use as a training supplement is concerned, I'd say that it's limited, but effective, especially with cardio. It can give a signifigant energy boost, especially when you're new to the prescription. There is a slight change in the user's perception of time, making workouts seem to fly by.

It should be mentioned that the stuff can strongly effect a user's emotions; especially anger. Little things can make you positively tingle with rage, and it's vital that if you find yourself becoming unusually emotional that you remember that you're drugged, and that it's affecting the way that you think. I also find that I like sending time with people less on it.
To summarize: if you use it, use it legally, exercise restraint, and don't let yourself become dependant upon it.

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