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  • CJ_Xfit89
    Hi Rob,

    I am not new to the whole training and am wanting to utilise a training program to help me explode and become faster, fitter and stronger at cricket...possibly leaner at the same time (albeit what goes in the mouth is the key though).

    I was looking over at your book and wanted to know if this was suitable for my needs. (faster,stronger,fitter,leaner).

    I am quiet lean already ~11% at 86kg at 5 ft 11".

    Let me know what you think, and we can have a chat about it...
    thanks for reading, I know you are a very busy guy......
    Good day Rob, I just baught the Blue print (May 4), is it suppose to be sent by email? I have not received it yet
    How much have you used the full-spectrum RC? What kind of cycle do you run with it? (And where have you gotten it?) Glad to see your post on Ecdy in the CC forum.
    Thank you for taking time to respond. I'm not wanting to mix things on my own, just looking for quick, easy energy, appetite suppressant and legality! Thanks again!
    I'm bummed because the Methyl Ice is not working well for me. I'm female, petite and was on up to 6 SX a day after they changed the formula. Now 4-6 Methy Ice and eating and sleeping too much! Do NOT want to gain back the 30 pounds I lost on SX !!!
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