What's everyone's tactics to maintain a decent appearance?



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I've noticed after turning 35 (I'm 37 now) that I've started to really want to improve my appearance. Especially the face.

I've trained for a few years now and my physique is looking good. About 12-13% body fat and enough mass to look good. I would go leaner but honestly it makes my face so hollow and sunken in. This bodyfat is good for the look and overall appearance.

I just wondered what people have done that really changed your appearance for the positive?

Skin care?

What's everyone doing to keep a decent overall look?

Sucks getting older. I hate looking at old photos as I looked good in my 20's. Not as good physique but definitely a good face which is what people seem to only care about for some reason.

I hope this doesn't sound too vein. I just belive that taking care of yourself is a good thing. As long as it's within a decent reality of changes ie not filling your face with botox and fillers (Which I have nothing against) just isn't for me.



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I trim my hair every 2 weeks. Nice clean cut. I shave to stubble twice a week. Shower daily; wash the face multiple times. I take a large amount of collagen daily for joints/muscles. It's had a positive effect on my skin. The leaner I get, while using it, the less lines I have around the eyes. A consistent clean diet is part of all this as well.


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46. Work outside year round in New Hampshire along the sea coast. The elements beat my body and face up. I keep the beard long esp for the winter, It’s like a built in neck gaiter. Lol
I consume bovine collagen 1-2 times a day and run MK-677 at 12.5mg 5 days a week 6 months out of the year for the past 2 yrs. I have appeared to aged less the last couple yrs.


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In to follow. Obviously diet and exercise. I also started using moisturizer on my face and stay groomed. Even when I grow a beard I keep it clean. In for more tips.


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I trim my hair every 2 weeks. Nice clean cut. I shave to stubble twice a week. Shower daily; wash the face multiple times. I take a large amount of collagen daily for joints/muscles. It's had a positive effect on my skin. The leaner I get, while using it, the less lines I have around the eyes. A consistent clean diet is part of all this as well.
I've recently been adding 25g of collagen to my daily routine.

So you noticed an improvement?



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46. Work outside year round in New Hampshire along the sea coast. The elements beat my body and face up. I keep the beard long esp for the winter, It’s like a built in neck gaiter. Lol
I consume bovine collagen 1-2 times a day and run MK-677 at 12.5mg 5 days a week 6 months out of the year for the past 2 yrs. I have appeared to aged less the last couple yrs.
This is the exact same as me. I work outdoors aswell (Scotland). The weather is aging me quicker I think. Sun damage and then harsh winters. Currently - 6c just now.

Did mk677 show an improvement for you? Any side effects? Tiredness/Lethargy? I have always wanted to add it in but I read of numerous people feeling crazy hunger and a weird fatigue feeling.

I'm currently using collagen peptides. Is it worth investing a very good collagen supplement or would standard collagen do the deeds?


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In to follow. Obviously diet and exercise. I also started using moisturizer on my face and stay groomed. Even when I grow a beard I keep it clean. In for more tips.
Nice one

What's your age if you don't mind me asking?

Are you on any form of trt?

I'm personally on 120mg of test e per week. The TRT is aging me poorly I think? High DHT. My hair has lost a lot of volume and high dht definitely ages you poorly.


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I've recently been adding 25g of collagen to my daily routine.

So you noticed an improvement?

Yes, it's a staple for me. I use a multi blend powder, 40g a day. I feel having all the types is important for our goals. Type 2 and X specifically. Custom Collagen is who I trust for that.

If you're on TRT at that dose, you may consider saw palmetto 3x a day. Over the past year I've improved thinning in the front and sides.

I personally don't like MK. Lethargy ain't worth it. High dosed Colostrum can raise igf levels. That is what I do.


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Skin care?
I have a nose trimmer, beard trimmer, and the lawnmower manscaper thingy. I also have a bakblade.
I keep the beard somewhere just longer than 5 o'clock shadow 24/7 and trim it down once or twice a week.
I run a DHT shampoo and a biotin conditioner, as well as minoxidil for the hair and go to a pro to get it cut ever 3-4 weeks.
I sometimes get on a lotion kick, cause my wife always is. She's 10 years older than me but people often think she's younger. so lotions and stuff I am mostly gaining the benefit of my wifes existing knowledge and supplies. I will at times use it around the eyes I suppose.

Supplementation is 99% gym focused, but the addition of fish oil and collagen i think will likely have some anti-aging aspects.

Generally speaking the things I do for my health are so that I can be stronger, feel nimble on my feet and have a good passion for my wife. I don't do it to look younger or better for other people per se, but I do think it's a positive side effect of an athletic lifestyle.

In the netflix show live to be 100, exercise etc was a pretty major staple.


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For Skin:
Daily sunscreen with multiple applications during the day.
Moisturizer after showers.
Retinols to skin tolerance with a night cream that focuses on fighting oxidative stress and DNA damage caused by UVA/UVB exposure on the off days.
For Hair:
Red light therapy for hair, tocotrienols, and saw palmetto. Will be implementing micro needling with topical minoxidil and finasteride soon (I have receding).
Use ketoconazole shampoo every other wash (dries my hair and scalp too much to use more often).

It is near impossible to repair damage if you are not also preventing more when it comes to skin, so sunscreen is the most important. The same concept applies to hair loss and regrowth as well.


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What do you personally feel/see you get from tocotrienols?
It has helped slow my shedding/loss of hair to some degree:



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I've added 3.33 iu hgh daily with great fat loss, fin and min for hair retention/growth, nizoral shampoo, retinol a or tretinoin for facial skin care


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I've only skimmed over the posts, so I may have missed it, but sleep is up there in my opinion. My wife and I's TRT doctor believes it's thee most important anti-aging pieces. As an anecdote, people routinely think my wife is 10-15 years younger then she is, and people routinely think I'm 10 plus years older, even though she's 2 years older then me. She sleeps great and I do not. But, this didn't happen until I started having sleep issues about 4 years ago, and my aging hit fast forward at an incredible rate.


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Nice one

What's your age if you don't mind me asking?

Are you on any form of trt?

I'm personally on 120mg of test e per week. The TRT is aging me poorly I think? High DHT. My hair has lost a lot of volume and high dht definitely ages you poorly.
I know the name of this forum. But if you look at puberty when humans naturally produce a lot of growth hormone and testosterone. It is a time of amazing growth I myself actually added 17kg between 13 and 14 years of age without any added hormones.
At the same time as it is amazing for growth and muscles etc it is also the time when people visibly age the fastest.
I saw a scientific documentary although cant remember but the scientists where looking into why some people aged faster and they had a theory that those who had more intense puberties with more rapid changes in visible appearance may somehow actually aged quicker even later in life. Age quicker as in biomarkers as appearance in face and firmness of muscles etc.

In my opinion outside hygiene might make a minor difference the real important thing is basic truth as simple clean living with as much of natural diet as possible. As little artificial processed foods as possible an avoid processed vegetable sourced fats.
The only vegetable fat that actually can withstand high heat and frying is coconut oil. Olive oil can be used for stir fry but pretty much any other vegetable sourced fat and any cheap processed fat is actually toxic to the intestines.
I read about an Indian family who was used to eating deep fried snacks and foods in India where they only used coconut oil. After moving abroad tehy started using some cheap processed vegetable oil and started developing stomach problems and other unhealthy signs.

Basically try and eat as natural and unrefined as possible and avoid ready made processed foods with additives and Preservatives as possible.

Keep on searching an the truth is out there. Good luck!

Personally I believe many sunscreens with added chemicals might actually be more damaging than the sun itself, there are some natural alternatives though. I happen to enjoy the sun a lot and I live in a freaky cold place in the North where I barely see the sun for a couple of months in winter and in the summer I just go brown but light skinned and especially red haired people burn their skin here in the summer as well.
I have noticed that all my red hair or slightly reddish friends with light skin freckles who cant stand sun also cannot stand high temperatures as well.
Here in Northern Europe they are in luck though because days with degrees even above 26 celsius can be few even n the summer.
My sun heat loving ass is carp in cold weather though.... so win for the light skinned people in Northern Europe lol

And breathing. There is a theory that animals such as turtes who are slow and also breath slow live longer and smaller ones like mice with fast breathing hav shorter lives.
Not for the regular westerner but some say that eastern breathing practices can deeply rejuvenate and make people appear much younger than real age and in some cases really prolong life as well


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Being ethnocal white Eurpean caucasian but Jimi Hendrix being my musicsl idil as wwll as fashion wise and spurirually as well the most inspiring amongst western artist.
Given that and the fact that I sm balding just like Silver Surfer I thought maybe just get a Jimi Hendrix like wig and smear my face with tanning cream or tar?
My closet is already full of belly bottoms so thats already taken care of.

Maybe because I sm already martied to a beautful woman and bred successfully makes me cocky enough not to care?

Partly I dont give a **** because I realize i an closer to the grave than the craddle unless I learn some of those Eastern rejuvenating techniques.
Yoga as well as Chinese and Busshist and Shaolin like energy mastering technicues along with beeathing. Do t just sign up for any course popping up onöine because I am afraid mistly quacks market these kinda things aggrwssively online.


honestly though I am still vainer than a peacock prince at the same time! Lol
Almost not training for some years I have luckily retained a decent physique and looking back and towards the for me middle age training much less yielded bettwr results with less exhaustion.

still thinking about dusting offy dumbbells snd my foldable training brnch on my closet.
Many of these days I keep thinking about dusting them but then I get stuck writing too long pists tvat probably sounds weird to most people.
But gonna glve it another mistly to chanel my mentaö mania and madness and do it with maximum mind myscle connection and i corporaye with some as well as some mystical eastern energy chanelling tschniques that I am nir even qualified to mention publicly lol

But to chanel enerrfy madness and the bliss of being one with movement and going beyond mind tvat is what I love with training.
But lets try and love ourselves and our neighbors not for appearancw but through believing in good and doung and a good heart and actions made eith love is truly more beautiful than tbe mist pucture perfect physical appearance

Peace Beauty Love Glory may tou find ot within and see it outside as well tey and see the goodness in yourself and others


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I feel like I’m looking better as I head into my late 30’s then I did in my 20’s or teens or even early 30’s. Have been on trt since 32 which has helped incredibly. My energy in the am I started taking that shilajit supplement and a Celsius to get me going. I can’t drink heavy caffiene supplements anymore or even drink pre workout because my body is getting more sensitive to caffiene as I get older. I am a trainer so that helps keep me engaged in taking care of myself, I just started teaching a yoga class and trying to add that more stretching in my routine because I’ve noticed big time that that helps me keep my body from hurting and having anymore physical ailments than I already do have .
Diet is mostly healthy carbs and proteins. Mostly beef and fish and rice. I eat what I want as well just maybe on the weekend. Haven’t gotten into face creams yet but I think that’s what’s next


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This is the exact same as me. I work outdoors aswell (Scotland). The weather is aging me quicker I think. Sun damage and then harsh winters. Currently - 6c just now.

Did mk677 show an improvement for you? Any side effects? Tiredness/Lethargy? I have always wanted to add it in but I read of numerous people feeling crazy hunger and a weird fatigue feeling.

I'm currently using collagen peptides. Is it worth investing a very good collagen supplement or would standard collagen do the deeds?
I am using Core Nutrition collagen. I notice finger nails and toe nails grow quicker and feel softer.
In regards to the MK if I take it at night right b4 bed I sleep incredibly well, vivid dreams, and wake feeling rested. I shave my head every other day. When taking the MK I noticed it grows faster. In the places it still grows. Lmao. I regards to appetite and lethargy yes and yes. If I took in the a.m. I was exhausted and had to take a fat burner. If I take at night I have minimal lethargy. The appetite increase lasts 10-14 days. If you get past that you are fine. Limit high glycemic index carbs in the evening. Go w a sweet potato vs rice
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I feel like I’m looking better as I head into my late 30’s then I did in my 20’s or teens or even early 30’s. Have been on trt since 32 which has helped incredibly. My energy in the am I started taking that shilajit supplement and a Celsius to get me going. I can’t drink heavy caffiene supplements anymore or even drink pre workout because my body is getting more sensitive to caffiene as I get older. I am a trainer so that helps keep me engaged in taking care of myself, I just started teaching a yoga class and trying to add that more stretching in my routine because I’ve noticed big time that that helps me keep my body from hurting and having anymore physical ailments than I already do have .
Diet is mostly healthy carbs and proteins. Mostly beef and fish and rice. I eat what I want as well just maybe on the weekend. Haven’t gotten into face creams yet but I think that’s what’s next
Sounds great!
Hmm Shilajit I just spine to sn old friend of mine last night just back ftom a trip to Nepal.
Firat he got some Shilajit from health food shoå with brand label and all but didnt noticed anything.
Then he scored some real deal fresh Shilajit without a csn s even and he could feel it feom first try.

thats the thing with many herb sypps especially. On theory they are great but I am aftaid often quality is lacking in many somd.
He said it voisted energy snd joints.
Wish I gad some good stuff myself but a bit low and funds to be sourcing aroond nd trying to import.
But your reply here as well syncronusity?


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I try to get plenty of sleep, eat my fruits and veggies with a balanced diet, workout with both aerobic and anaerobic activities, try to manage my stress, and I honestly just accept things as I age.

I honestly feel a little offended more people think I’m younger than I am. 😂

I do appreciate some of the responses in here so I’ll keep an eye on some of the better recommendations.


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Sounds great!
Hmm Shilajit I just spine to sn old friend of mine last night just back ftom a trip to Nepal.
Firat he got some Shilajit from health food shoå with brand label and all but didnt noticed anything.
Then he scored some real deal fresh Shilajit without a csn s even and he could feel it feom first try.

thats the thing with many herb sypps especially. On theory they are great but I am aftaid often quality is lacking in many somd.
He said it voisted energy snd joints.
Wish I gad some good stuff myself but a bit low and funds to be sourcing aroond nd trying to import.
But your reply here as well syncronusity?
Yea I just started with shilajit and I’m sure the stuff I have isn’t anywhere near the best stuff on earth but I figured I’ll see if I have any benefits, my wife says she has noticed a state of wellbeing? But who knows it could be placebo. I also take ipamorelin, releases gh already made in the body. I train 5 days a week and when I teach my yoga class I typically do it with them so yoga 2x a week which helps more with my mind I feel


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As an anecdote, people routinely think my wife is 10-15 years younger then she is, and people routinely think I'm 10 plus years older, even though she's 2 years older then me.
very similar in our house. my wife is 10 years older than me and people often think she is younger. All I need to do is press play on a movie and she is asleep in 2 minutes and 15 seconds even at 7pm 😅😅


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very similar in our house. my wife is 10 years older than me and people often think she is younger. All I need to do is press play on a movie and she is asleep in 2 minutes and 15 seconds even at 7pm 😅😅
That’s crazy , my wife is 8 years older than me lol. We look the same age unless I shave my face, I look like a baby


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hyaluronic acid topical 5% every night
20g collagen daily
Keep hair tight and take care of strays everywhere else

And one of the biggest- keeping sodium to a minimum and drinking plenty of water. I found that I have always retained more water on TRT and fin increases estrogen, so keeping the bloat away makes me look 5-10 years younger.


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hyaluronic acid topical 5% every night
20g collagen daily
Keep hair tight and take care of strays everywhere else

And one of the biggest- keeping sodium to a minimum and drinking plenty of water. I found that I have always retained more water on TRT and fin increases estrogen, so keeping the bloat away makes me look 5-10 years younger.
What's fin?


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hyaluronic acid topical 5% every night
20g collagen daily
Keep hair tight and take care of strays everywhere else

And one of the biggest- keeping sodium to a minimum and drinking plenty of water. I found that I have always retained more water on TRT and fin increases estrogen, so keeping the bloat away makes me look 5-10 years younger.
Any side effects from the finasteride? I've got 1mg tablets sitting their but I have a fear of taking them. The horror stories give me the fear!

I use HA topical also (Well it's in a blend)

Recently started adding collagen to my night time meal. I do a 25g scoop. I read that you don't actually need too much collagen for results? Can't mind where I read the studies.

I'm terrible for sodium lol. I personally love salt. I do buy a good brand sea salt. I reckon I intake about 5-6g of salt a day. I recently have been swapping it for potassium chloride. I don't really bloat tbh. I think my body deals with sodium no problems. I don't want to completely swap to potassium chloride just incase I overload on potassium. I'm not sure just how much potassium is safe.


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Any side effects from the finasteride? I've got 1mg tablets sitting their but I have a fear of taking them. The horror stories give me the fear!

I use HA topical also (Well it's in a blend)

Recently started adding collagen to my night time meal. I do a 25g scoop. I read that you don't actually need too much collagen for results? Can't mind where I read the studies.

I'm terrible for sodium lol. I personally love salt. I do buy a good brand sea salt. I reckon I intake about 5-6g of salt a day. I recently have been swapping it for potassium chloride. I don't really bloat tbh. I think my body deals with sodium no problems. I don't want to completely swap to potassium chloride just incase I overload on potassium. I'm not sure just how much potassium is safe.
I am using a topical blend of fin/min/biotin ( .025%fin, 7% min, and the biotin eliminates any dryness). Absolutely zero sides other than increased test and estrogen and I just needed to reduce my TRT dose to accommodate. It's been fantastic, I started thinning and seeing shedding around 2 years ago and didn't want to go oral because of the issues I heard about. It took about 2 months before I saw the shedding stop and about 4 months before regrowth started. At 6-8 months my crown filled back in and everything started getting thicker. I noticed some retract at 12 months, experiencing a little shedding, but that didn't last and everything went back to normal- apparently that is common. So at 49 I have a solid head of hair again and no sides to speak of.

One item to note is that during the first 6 months or so, libido was almost uncontrollable. Seeing as how I was on TRT already, not sure what was causing that, but most people report the same initially with the increase in test levels.


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I was thinking about starting to do some face scrub at night with some stuff I got, any of yall do that or think it’s a complete waste?


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Nice one

What's your age if you don't mind me asking?

Are you on any form of trt?

I'm personally on 120mg of test e per week. The TRT is aging me poorly I think? High DHT. My hair has lost a lot of volume and high dht definitely ages you poorly.
39 tomorrow. I am not on TRT. I only really ever dabbled in some stuff so there is no indication my T is low. I understand without bloods there is no proof.
Now days the most I will use is like Stanoplex. I loved the feeling of being on the handful of times I was, but I guess I stopped not being ready for that life long commitment, plus the cost with all I have to pay for with a decent size family I am the head of.
Granted if I ever need it I have no problem with asking the doctor for it.


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I don't know if my wife has ever seen my face completely clean shaven lol
I never fully shave either. I think you need a serious chin for that, which I don’t have.

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hyaluronic acid topical 5% every night
20g collagen daily
Keep hair tight and take care of strays everywhere else

And one of the biggest- keeping sodium to a minimum and drinking plenty of water. I found that I have always retained more water on TRT and fin increases estrogen, so keeping the bloat away makes me look 5-10 years younger.
Fin min sides?


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39 tomorrow. I am not on TRT. I only really ever dabbled in some stuff so there is no indication my T is low. I understand without bloods there is no proof.
Now days the most I will use is like Stanoplex. I loved the feeling of being on the handful of times I was, but I guess I stopped not being ready for that life long commitment, plus the cost with all I have to pay for with a decent size family I am the head of.
Granted if I ever need it I have no problem with asking the doctor for it.
I reckon that a blood test would give you a good insight into your health. Check your testosterone levels and a few other markers.

Be well worth the money. I've honestly spent about £600 (800-900 dollars) in the last 6 months on different bloodwork panels. I've changed my trt dose and incorporated a few new supplements to my life and it's done wonders.

The cost for me is well worth it


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I reckon that a blood test would give you a good insight into your health. Check your testosterone levels and a few other markers.

Be well worth the money. I've honestly spent about £600 (800-900 dollars) in the last 6 months on different bloodwork panels. I've changed my trt dose and incorporated a few new supplements to my life and it's done wonders.

The cost for me is well worth it
I wish it was added to my normal panel. Overall my health is good. Little high on lipids though. I will have to fork out the money for more extensive tests when I get a little extra cash.


By doing a stylish haircut, taking care of diet and little bit exercise, makes you look better, younger and active.


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I wish it was added to my normal panel. Overall my health is good. Little high on lipids though. I will have to fork out the money for more extensive tests when I get a little extra cash.
Honestly it's worth the money. I hated at the start forking out cash for test results. I live in the UK and get free health care. They do a good blood panel but won't test for certain markers. I done these privately and got red flags on them and fixed my issues.

An example for me is.

I donate blood every 4 months. My iron levels all looked great but I felt terrible. Insane fatigue. I done a private blood test and had really badly crashed ferritin levels. I then done an iron protocol and got my levels up to mid range and felt much better. I would have never known this result without me doing it privately.

Honestly save some money and do them.


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Grow a Beard and wear a hat easy enough

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