VECTOR pre release leaks and info



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I think the lighting and shadows are throwing both pictures off.


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I think the lighting and shadows are throwing both pictures off.
I agree...

Also, the fit of the grey tank he is wearing on the right is more complimentary to his physique (specifically pecs) than the black tank.


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Got my Vector/Follidrone combo last night! Gonna start this all Friday. Look forward to it.


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Is it normal that my sweating during training has increased? Vector is the cause?


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Any updates on the second anabolic.
Its a secondary now. Will likely not be for a while as we had to drop some ingredients that didnt seem to work well enough for BLR standards.
The pre is next.


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This guy with the label

Pretty sure the last 30 pages of this thread speak for the product itself


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New PR on my bench and I received another two bottles of Vector today. Already interested if effects are getting better at 3-4 bottles. I plan to run 4 bottles in a row


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New PR on my bench and I received another two bottles of Vector today. Already interested if effects are getting better at 3-4 bottles. I plan to run 4 bottles in a row
congrats on your success!!! keep us abreast of your thoughts as you get close to the end of the 4th bottle.


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New PR on my bench and I received another two bottles of Vector today. Already interested if effects are getting better at 3-4 bottles. I plan to run 4 bottles in a row
This is freaking ridiculous in such a good way! Legit, and yes keep us informed as to your progress.
More positive distinct successes keep rolling in.


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Seems like perfect timing...

Out of curiosity, can you define what “BLR standards” are? Is it just arbitrary terminology or are there authentic standards that your company has published? Genuinely curious. I ask because one of my friends has his CSCC and will probably be a collegiate strength and conditioning coach some time soon. As a Vector user, I would love to show him this product so he can look into it for his athletes... that’s thousands of dollars here in potential growth for you... but I wouldn’t even be able to get him to take the product seriously if he just glanced at the current label. Most professionals would look at this label and shake their head no without a second thought. I know we all like to joke that poor-quality labels look like they’re from an underground market, and we think we’re getting a secret supplement that only a few people know about, but why wouldn’t you want to expand your customer base? When is the old label going to be fixed? We’re going on 2 months now since the release and the initial label controversy when it seemed to be settled that a more professional label will be created... where do we stand in regards to that? If “BLR standards” is an all-encompassing term for professionalism, trustworthiness and credibility, when will a Vector label that’s not filled with editing and grammar errors be made?

I know I’m about to unleash the roaches, but it’s been 7+ weeks and if you have the gall to use “BLR standards” as a reason something was shelved, what’s the reason there hasn’t been a change in the error-laden Vector label? :):)
Dude seriously. I'm over you. Period.
In 2 months and dozens of posts you have contributed nothing but negativity and stupidity. Please stop flooding our forum and threads with your posts. Your officially on ignore. Nobody likes the guy who does nothing but bitch and complain and people don't want to read through your 10000 word nonsense rants. It muddles up the thread for people who want to read through it.
Please.. Do us all a favor and take it somewhere else.

Like permanently out of our subforum.


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Hey now, to be fair I have one other post in there... and thanks for the rep points... shh I won’t tell Brundel he has Lord Varys on his team.
Either quit the bull**** or you will be removed.


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This guy with the label

Pretty sure the last 30 pages of this thread speak for the product itself
He's got 72 post's most or all of which are bs negative comments in this thread.
He's clearly someone's (competitor), second account trying to stir things up.
If not it's even stranger. So he's on this forum just to talk **** in this one thread?
Seems legit.


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The nice thing about that is we all know a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach wouldn’t actually ever endorse supplements outside of Creatine and Protein. Bottom line and we all know why...the research around it. Most collegiate teams do indeed employ Registered Dietitians who take care of nutritional and supplemental needs of athletes and none of those companies used are mainstream. Just food for thought of anyone was curious. It’s genuinely out of scope for an individual with a CSCS or equivalent to make that recommendation professionally when there are other individuals to take care of that.

With that in mind, imagine a Football team on Vector!!! Holy crap the gains with an unlimited meal plan!!! That be something to see!

I’m glad to see so many people seeing PRs and success toward their summer goals while using this!


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Really struggling with lethargy and tiredness on this, wake up shattered and continues throughout the day. The coffees are on another level lol.
I know you said has minimal if no effects on test, but I’m also noticing little things like beard growth has slowed down considerably. So I’m guessing it’s down to lower test
On the plus side I am gaining size


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Really struggling with lethargy and tiredness on this, wake up shattered and continues throughout the day. The coffees are on another level lol.
I know you said has minimal if no effects on test, but I’m also noticing little things like beard growth has slowed down considerably. So I’m guessing it’s down to lower test
On the plus side I am gaining size
Lethargy/tiredness does not mean Vector decreased your T. Example, KME and Japonica both can have sedative effects in some people. :) your Tiredness / Fatigue can be due to many things.


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Duuude. This. Figured I'd chime in bc I have the SAME exact problem. Been on vector for a few weeks now and my libido is shot, mood has been generally lower and I noticed I don't have to shave as often as I normally do (all signs of lower T). However.... I'm stronger. Like noticeably stronger. So I'm going to keep using (for now) bc I like the results I'm getting in the gym. I just really don't like the sides outside of it. Hope this stuff isn't spiked.
Strong first post.
What’s in it is on the label bro.
Member since 9 hours ago....


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Would kill to see a vector log only taking stuff you’d consider a staple and not add in anything else lol. Like a stim/pump product they have been taking and either Ergonine or the constitutes that lie in and a protein powder, that’s it...


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Would kill to see a vector log only taking stuff you’d consider a staple and not add in anything else lol. Like a stim/pump product they have been taking and either Ergonine or the constitutes that lie in and a protein powder, that’s it...
I ran it Solo,, but sadly my stomach didnt like it.
Only thing I was taking is Trib but I have been on it 11 weeks (for libido/sex drive)


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Would kill to see a vector log only taking stuff you’d consider a staple and not add in anything else lol. Like a stim/pump product they have been taking and either Ergonine or the constitutes that lie in and a protein powder, that’s it...
I'm sure many are down to basics like myself.
I'm on TRT and supports based on that protocol but that's it, and have been for a year.

Off of anything, including Protein Powder / Pre Workouts / Stims in any form except my usual coffee intake.
I'm experiencing the following in two weeks and continue.

Goal (Cut / Recomp) It's a cut
I'm consuming much lower calories, and fewer carbs based on my needs. For example, If I am not working, few carbs at all, higher proteins, and fats. I'm on a modified IF of sorts. No juices (few), so hardly any liquid calories.

- Power Output is increasing
- Vivid Dreams like when I was taking another kind of 'supplement' secretagogue over a year ago
- Less sleep needed, and I wake refreshed and ready to go. Energy is up, and my hair is growing faster.
- My appetite is increased but my diet makes me easily satiated.
- Fat must be dropping but muscle is being retained, or gaining especially in my legs (More definition)
- My endurance is definitely going up as my daily ride is getting easier and I can feel it
- Morning wood for sure is on the rise...

All unscientific but felt and seen in the mirror.
My log is private, and I expect nothing less than a critical eye, which is why I would rather see others experiences but these are mine.


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As soon as we are done with this Spartan trifecta training ( my wife signed us up to run all 3 Spartan races this weekend) I plan to go back to some strength training again. I think I am going to give this a go. Enough anecdotal evidence in here on strength improvement to peak my curiosity.


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As soon as we are done with this Spartan trifecta training ( my wife signed us up to run all 3 Spartan races this weekend) I plan to go back to some strength training again. I think I am going to give this a go. Enough anecdotal evidence in here on strength improvement to peak my curiosity.
couldn't hurt... theres either a butt load of placebo going around or this stuff is strait up legit for most users who have posted~


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Would kill to see a vector log only taking stuff you’d consider a staple and not add in anything else lol. Like a stim/pump product they have been taking and either Ergonine or the constitutes that lie in and a protein powder, that’s it...
I don't take anything else with it either, except for staples, but too lazy for a log.


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Started Vector today with FD2...I'll give a report on it in a few weeks. I've already ran FD2 for 2+ months so I don't believe that will skew my results on Vector.


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Started Vector today with FD2...I'll give a report on it in a few weeks. I've already ran FD2 for 2+ months so I don't believe that will skew my results on Vector.
I think you are going to love it so much, you're going to invest in a long run of it.


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The nice thing about that is we all know a Certified Strength and Conditioning Coach wouldn’t actually ever endorse supplements outside of Creatine and Protein. Bottom line and we all know why...the research around it. Most collegiate teams do indeed employ Registered Dietitians who take care of nutritional and supplemental needs of athletes and none of those companies used are mainstream. Just food for thought of anyone was curious. It’s genuinely out of scope for an individual with a CSCS or equivalent to make that recommendation professionally when there are other individuals to take care of that.

With that in mind, imagine a Football team on Vector!!! Holy crap the gains with an unlimited meal plan!!! That be something to see!

I’m glad to see so many people seeing PRs and success toward their summer goals while using this!
Yah I might have to talk to some of the local teams.


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Really struggling with lethargy and tiredness on this, wake up shattered and continues throughout the day. The coffees are on another level lol.
I know you said has minimal if no effects on test, but I’m also noticing little things like beard growth has slowed down considerably. So I’m guessing it’s down to lower test
On the plus side I am gaining size
So far I have seen labs that indicate the opposite with regards to test. I dont think this is to blame.
My guess is its a glucose thing. This has been indicated numerous times.
Ways to combat this=
Before bed have a nice snack with some carbs and fat. I do trail mix with dark chocolate chips in it. A few handfuls gets me through the night without feeling like death in the morning.
Once you wake up. Have some fast carbs. A glass of juice or something.
Overall increase cals. If you have done this and still feel this way this indicates your body can take more. INcrease further.
Keep in mind your not natural currently. The body is taking in alot more than normal. Pulling carbs into muscles and protein synthesis is greatly improved.
Eat eat eat.


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Duuude. This. Figured I'd chime in bc I have the SAME exact problem. Been on vector for a few weeks now and my libido is shot, mood has been generally lower and I noticed I don't have to shave as often as I normally do (all signs of lower T). However.... I'm stronger. Like noticeably stronger. So I'm going to keep using (for now) bc I like the results I'm getting in the gym. I just really don't like the sides outside of it. Hope this stuff isn't spiked.
Follow the directions in the post I sent to the guy before you.
Glucose is likely the cause. Not test. If anything I would expect test to be higher.
And nothing we ever release would be spiked lol.


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Would kill to see a vector log only taking stuff you’d consider a staple and not add in anything else lol. Like a stim/pump product they have been taking and either Ergonine or the constitutes that lie in and a protein powder, that’s it...
Lots of guys doing this. Logs maybe not but plenty of people running just Vector.
Stuff works great solo.

It also works great stacked as well ;)
My friend is entering a natural comp tomorrow and hes running only BLR products...the guy is frigging peeled.


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My beard has been growing like wild fire

In all seriousness tho I did mention similar effects to brundel in regards to lethargy/hypo effects. When I hit the gym and am cranked on bangs and/or my pre I have killer workouts, but during the day at work I’m dragging hard. I definitely attribute this to needing more calories. I’ve been on vector 3 full weeks now with no dietary changes aside from a weekly cheat meal which I hadn’t done for years....

As of today I think I am ready to begin upping my calories since vector is most definitely requiring this now. It really started to kick in around the ten day mark and I’ve been thinking I was just not getting enough sleep or hydrating but I addressed those factors and still have the lethargy. I’m ok with it though. I love to eat.


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As soon as we are done with this Spartan trifecta training ( my wife signed us up to run all 3 Spartan races this weekend) I plan to go back to some strength training again. I think I am going to give this a go. Enough anecdotal evidence in here on strength improvement to peak my curiosity.
I think youll be pleasantly surprised.


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My beard has been growing like wild fire View attachment 164379

In all seriousness tho I did mention similar effects to brundel in regards to lethargy/hypo effects. When I hit the gym and am cranked on bangs and/or my pre I have killer workouts, but during the day at work I’m dragging hard. I definitely attribute this to needing more calories. I’ve been on vector 3 full weeks now with no dietary changes aside from a weekly cheat meal which I hadn’t done for years....

As of today I think I am ready to begin upping my calories since vector is most definitely requiring this now. It really started to kick in around the ten day mark and I’ve been thinking I was just not getting enough sleep or hydrating but I addressed those factors and still have the lethargy. I’m ok with it though. I love to eat.
The beard is growing but holy **** your BLIND@!!!!!!! ;)
Yah bro food is the key to life on the Vector. IM eating well over 1000 cals above maintenance and its getting real.


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The beard is growing but holy **** your BLIND@!!!!!!! ;)
Yah bro food is the key to life on the Vector. IM eating well over 1000 cals above maintenance and its getting real.
Funny you say that. My first cheat was about 1,000 Cals over maintenance and I woke up the next day looking and feeling fantastic, but quickly found myself depleted within another day or two. Guess I know what needs to be done now lol. Since I do follow Keto, I’ll likely add cals from equal fat and protein


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So far I have seen labs that indicate the opposite with regards to test. I dont think this is to blame.
My guess is its a glucose thing. This has been indicated numerous times.
Ways to combat this=
Before bed have a nice snack with some carbs and fat. I do trail mix with dark chocolate chips in it. A few handfuls gets me through the night without feeling like death in the morning.
Once you wake up. Have some fast carbs. A glass of juice or something.
Overall increase cals. If you have done this and still feel this way this indicates your body can take more. INcrease further.
Keep in mind your not natural currently. The body is taking in alot more than normal. Pulling carbs into muscles and protein synthesis is greatly improved.
Eat eat eat.
Really am eating as much as possible, haven’t seen huge hunger increase like others stated though tbh. Maybe not eating at right times


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Into my third week of Vector now. So far I've been enjoying it. Have not noticed the increased libido many users have raved about, although I have noticed increased aggression, motivation (not just in the gym), and a sense of well-being/calmness in stressful situations. I have changed very little in my lifestyle, in fact I'm actually going through a rather stressful period (finals/law school decisions). I sent Brundel a PM about this aggression, as I'm very curious as to what could be causing it. I quite like it though.

One other thing, for the past week or so my stools have been very soft, and I have been using the bathroom multiple times a day. This is rather unusual for me. Anyone else experience this? Any suggestions on how to counteract this side? It's probably the most annoying side for me.


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Lots of guys doing this. Logs maybe not but plenty of people running just Vector.
Stuff works great solo.

It also works great stacked as well ;)
My friend is entering a natural comp tomorrow and hes running only BLR products...the guy is frigging peeled.
It doesn’t seem like it, I haven’t seen one log that has Atleast 1 other thing than can be considered a natural anabolic.


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It doesn’t seem like it, I haven’t seen one log that has Atleast 1 other thing than can be considered a natural anabolic.
Try looking at how long they've been taking everything prior to introducing Vector as well.
I'm on TRT can be construed differently than, I've been level on TRT for over a year then introducing Vector and experiencing these things...

Of course, I'm open to examples of the converse where you would consider other things to be natural anabolics.


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Lost track of how long ive been on this but had a phenomenal workout. Started with the machine incline press and started at 185. Did 6 sets and the 6th was up to 240lbs and it felt as light as the first one. Tremendous focus and not from any PWO.


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So I have gained 12 lbs in six weeks so I will list everything I take along with my workout schedule.

Monday yoga and abs
Tuesday chest and shoulders
Wednesday off
Thursday legs
Friday biceps triceps
Saturday off
Sunday back forearms

Items I take
Fish oil/krill oil
Hmb fa just started last Thursday
Tart cherry
Gut health
Vitamin d

These are my staples except for the free acid which was added last Thursday. One day i forgot to take my does of vector at dinner so I took it before bed woke up the next day feeling extremely rested have been doing it for a couple days now and it’s great.


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Vector is great but had to stop from the lethargy. I would blame myself and say I was not eating enough but for me being tired all day just wasn't worth it. Never got the increased hunger, vivid dreams but did get great recomp and libido. Will say load size was reduced but that could be stim related. If I can get another 2 bottles if they ever go on sale I will definitely try it again. I would still say great product for most.


Vector is great but had to stop from the lethargy. I would blame myself and say I was not eating enough but for me being tired all day just wasn't worth it. Never got the increased hunger, vivid dreams but did get great recomp and libido. Will say load size was reduced but that could be stim related. If I can get another 2 bottles if they ever go on sale I will definitely try it again. I would still say great product for most.
How long into the run did you stop?
Did you try dosing 1 cap at a time?

I found it took me a good two weeks to discover that 2-3 caps at once gave me the same side effects you are reporting. I switched to 1 cap x 4 for a few days and then 1 cap x 6. Now I dose 1 cap most of the time but use 2 caps around bigger meals / eating windows.


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How long into the run did you stop?
Did you try dosing 1 cap at a time?

I found it took me a good two weeks to discover that 2-3 caps at once gave me the same side effects you are reporting. I switched to 1 cap x 4 for a few days and then 1 cap x 6. Now I dose 1 cap most of the time but use 2 caps around bigger meals / eating windows.
This is exactly how I have been dosing it. This dosing scheme seems to work well for me.


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Quick query on vector - are there any pro’s/cons to women using it?

Obviously for most women most aas come with very unwanted side effects. Vector as a natural anabolic therefore shouldn’t have any negatives?

I’m wondering if women would get the same strength and body comp benefits?


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Ran for a month and struggled to finish, the positive results kept me going. Next timeI will try different dosing and such.

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