Ursa-Gel, IML 4-andro and 1-andro creams log



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I did an hour of varying intensity on the upright bike at Anytime Fitness. It's cool being retired and using siver sneakers. I do need an affiliate gig or something tho.


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I had a good workout today. Changed back to doing curls with the cables and got my hammers in

If working out makes you a right wing extremist are all those black dudes that train at Snap in the KKK? Asking for a friend.

Snap fitness delts, back and biceps:
Matrix plate loaded incline:
155 X8
175 X5
Leaning cable lat raises:
25 X10,10 L&R
25 X10,10
Matrix lat raises:
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
Wide grip pulldowns:
120 X10
120 X10
Reverse grip cable rows:
125 X10
130 X8
135 X6
Ez cable curls:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Rope hammer curls
105 X10
105 X10
Matrix curls:
80 X8
90 X8
1 hour 27 minutes!! That's with going back and forth from the 3rd floor to the first.


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I had a good workout today. Changed back to doing curls with the cables and got my hammers in

If working out makes you a right wing extremist are all those black dudes that train at Snap in the KKK? Asking for a friend.

Snap fitness delts, back and biceps:
Matrix plate loaded incline:
155 X8
175 X5
Leaning cable lat raises:
25 X10,10 L&R
25 X10,10
Matrix lat raises:
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
Wide grip pulldowns:
120 X10
120 X10
Reverse grip cable rows:
125 X10
130 X8
135 X6
Ez cable curls:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Rope hammer curls
105 X10
105 X10
Matrix curls:
80 X8
90 X8
1 hour 27 minutes!! That's with going back and forth from the 3rd floor to the first.
Good workout! What state/area are you in?


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I'm in Charleston, WV. Montani Semper Liberi! (Mountaineers are always free)
Awesome! I use to live out in Virginia. A lot of good hiking trails out in WV!
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Here's my workout from today. I had to do it at Nautilus because of some other things I had to take care of.
It was interesting seeing how I was doing on the hack squat.

Nautilus leg day:
Cybex hack squats:
165 X10
255 X5
255 X5
Feet at top hack squats:
255 X5
255 X5
Prone leg curls:
62.5 X10 A bit heavier than Matrix.
62.5 X10
Seated leg extension:
130 X10
130 X10
130 X10
Hip abduction:
80 X10 G10
80 X10
80 X10
Hip adduction:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Standing calf raises:
In 220 X25 G25*
Out 220 X25
Mid 220 X25
1 hour 8 minutes :)


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I'm starting a new job tomorrow where I'll be on my feet the whole shift. Consequently I'm going to be doing all body parts in a 2 day split. I didn't do one of the new workouts today just deloaded a bit.

Anyway, this will be the last post on this log. I'm not going to do a review but do want to say the XPG Gels are great and I will be using them again. IML 4-andro and 1-andro creams are my favorite prohormone stack for cutting or doing a lean gainer. Wish me luck on the new job and pray it doesn't work on these previously broken hips too bad.

Nautilus chest & tris
Flat pause bench:
115 X 5
125 X 5
135 X 5
Cybex plate loaded chest press:
205 X5
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
Cybex flies:
90 X10
90 X10
Vgrip pushdowns:
90 X10
100 X8
110 X6
Cybex tricep extensions
62.5 X10
62.5 X10
Rope pushdowns:
60 X10
60 X10
60 X10
Torso rotation:
70 X25,25 R&L G25
70 X25,25
1 hour 19 minutes


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I'm starting a new job tomorrow where I'll be on my feet the whole shift. Consequently I'm going to be doing all body parts in a 2 day split. I didn't do one of the new workouts today just deloaded a bit.

Anyway, this will be the last post on this log. I'm not going to do a review but do want to say the XPG Gels are great and I will be using them again. IML 4-andro and 1-andro creams are my favorite prohormone stack for cutting or doing a lean gainer. Wish me luck on the new job and pray it doesn't work on these previously broken hips too bad.

Nautilus chest & tris
Flat pause bench:
115 X 5
125 X 5
135 X 5
Cybex plate loaded chest press:
205 X5
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
Cybex flies:
90 X10
90 X10
Vgrip pushdowns:
90 X10
100 X8
110 X6
Cybex tricep extensions
62.5 X10
62.5 X10
Rope pushdowns:
60 X10
60 X10
60 X10
Torso rotation:
70 X25,25 R&L G25
70 X25,25
1 hour 19 minutes
Nice chest and tri workout. Might have to copy and save this for later!
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It's back on! I just wasn't really loving the cooking job and can't stand not doing my thing in the gym so I had to let it go. I dropped the 1-andro and 4-andro for a few days but am starting them back tomorrow. I rode the recombinant bike for an hour today and did this workout yesterday:
Nautilus chest & tris
Flat pause bench:
115 X5
125 X5
135 X5
Cybex plate loaded chest press:
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
Cybex flies:
90 X10
90 X10
Cybex 10 degree chest:
80 X10
80 X10
Vgrip pushdowns:
90 X8
100 X6
Cybex tricep extensions
62.5 X10
62.5 X10
Rope pushdowns:
60 X10
60 X10
60 X10
Torso rotation:
70 X 25,25 R&L G25
70 X25,25
1 hour 18 minutes
Guess I did skip leg day :p


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When I got t-boned by the drunken maniac in 2008. I had 9 broken bones(I count the fractured skull as a broken bone), a dislocated shoulder and neck and a collapsed lung.

I was consequently on opioids(after I got off the ventilator) for months. Never got addicted because I took less than what was allowed. When my then PCP cut them off, I had a bottle left. When those were gone I began using OTC pain relievers. I actually ran PCTs that were successful after that.

When I found out about kratom, I started using it. Anyway, when I had my testosterone level checked while off cycle, it was 18. Apparently opioids cuts off the HTPA at the top of the loop. The hypothalamus doesn't send GNRH to the pituitary.


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I said all that to set this up. Apparently fadogia agrestis stimulates the GNRH receptor(well certain flavanoid/flavonoids in it does).

I started 1 cap of Testfix yesterday and will take 2 ed post cycle. The reason for only one cap during is that's(300 mgs fadogia agrestis)what a lot of doctors recommend during TRT.

My reason for doing PCT should be obvious. I'm not taking the 2 grams of kratom postworkout out. Two of my broken bones were hairline fractures in my back Hip bones. That shat is painful! My twice dislocated shoulder bugs me also.

The pec tear I had was right where a rod went thru my right pec and broke two ribs and collapsed my lung. When my pec tore my right shoulder probably popped out and back in. I have some pain in it but it seems to be OK. OTH presses are shot tho except with neutral palm in grip. Those are great for targeting front delts BTW.
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I traded the incline press for the shoulder press mostly just to stay on the 3rd floor.
Had to lighten it a bit to get used to them again. Really good workout tho.

Snap fitness delts, back and biceps:
Matrix shoulder press
80 X8
90 X6
Leaning cable lat raises:
25 X10,10 L&R
25 X10,10
Matrix lat raises:
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
Cable rows:
135 X8
140 X6
Wide grip pulldowns:
120 X10
120 X10
Reverse grip pulldowns:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10
Ez bar cable curls:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Rope hammer curls:
100 X10
100 X10
Matrix curls:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10
1 hour 36 minutes not bad for 29 sets!


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I didn't bump the weight up on the hack squats since I missed leg day last week. I kinda go back and forth between these and the cool Matrix leg press at Snap fitness anyway.

Pretty good leg workout any way. I'm not crazy about Cybex Prone leg curl machine. I might put SLDs back in for the stretch move and do the Seated leg curl when training legs here.

Nautilus leg day:
Cybex hack squats:
165 X10
255 X5
255 X5
255 X5
Feet at top hack squats:
255 X5
255 X5
Prone leg curls:
62.5 X10
62,5 X10
Seated leg extension:
130 X10
130 X10
130 X10
Hip abduction:
80 X10 G10
80 X10
80 X10
Hip adduction:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Standing calf raises:
In 220 X30 G30
Out 220 X30
Mid 220 X30
1 hour 15 minutes


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I upped the testfix to 2 caps. It seems like the 600 mgs of fadogia agrestis is a better dose for upping endogenous test while on.
The new SNS product fadogia xt is very interesting to me for this purpose. I will be trying it at some point.

My weight is down a bit but the purpose of this cycle to recomp a bit and hopefully gain some strength anyway. Kinda hitting a bit of a plateau right now. My carbs are down however and lost a few lbs also. I don't exactly do cutters anymore and plan on inching the weights on up.

Nautilus chest & tris
Flat pause bench:
115 X5
125 X5
135 X5
Cybex plate loaded chest press:
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
185 X5
Cybex flies:
90 X10
90 X10
Cybex 10 degree chest:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10
Cybex tricep press:
90 X10
100 X8
110 X6
Cybex tricep extensions
62.5 X10
62.5 X10
Rope pushdowns:
60 X10
60 X10
60 X10
Torso rotation:
70 X25,25 R&L G25
70 X25,25
1 hour 21 minutes


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Ursolic acid has a bit a GDA effect. On lifting days I apply it in the AM. A little later I will have a ketogenic breakfast with 35+ grams of protein. My pre-workout is my next meal with a pre-workout, 30 grams of protein and a tablespoon of dextrose. The reason for the dextrose is ketones are crabby fuel for lifting. I usually have some carbs with the next meal because it is also in the peri-workout phase.

Ursolic acid also helps manage blood pressure a bit. That was one of the things I also noticed the epicatechin gel doing. The Curcuprime lowers it more than either of the other gels.

Well anyway I did an hour on the recombinant bike today. I missed Tuesdays and consequently had some DOMS yesterday. It wasn't that bad tho. Mostly the calves from those Standing calf raises.


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Ursolic acid has a bit a GDA effect.
I'm not sure how to apply that information, although it sounds like you and I have some similar approaches to things. the only difference is that I only eat in a ketogenic fashion for dinner, (I lift either at 11am or 3pm), I mostly time carbs at breakfast and preWO. I don't worry about them postWO though.


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I just apply it in the AM and use a tablespoon of vinegar in my pre-workout. If you're using the Ursa-Gel you will notice the effect. It also enhances the nitric oxide from arginine or AAKG. Without pwo carbs it will probably take you into deeper ketosis.


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ironically I avoid arginine and other aminos when going ketosis because I'm essentially going into a fasted state at that time unless it's dinner lol
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ironically I avoid arginine and other aminos when going ketosis because I'm essentially going into a fasted state at that time unless it's dinner lol
Not sure why you wouldn't use them in your pre-workout but the Ursa-Gel should help you get a better pump anyway.


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It's super easy to get in ketosis while using ursolic acid. I would like to get me one of those ketone test that measures them from your breath just to see how fast you go back in.


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Good workout today. Still struggle a bit with hammer curls due to my shoulder bugging me. I've got a lot of respect for joint doctors after what I've been through but hate even thinking about arm in a sling.

I really like doing this workout at Snap fitness.
Snap fitness delts, back and biceps:
Matrix shoulder press
80 X10
90 X8
100 X6
Leaning cable lat raises:
25 X10,10 L&R
25 X10,10
Matrix lat raises:
72.5 X10
72.5 X10
72.5 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
Cable rows:
135 X10
140 X8
145 X6
Wide grip pulldowns:
120 X10
120 X10
Reverse grip pulldowns:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10
Ez bar cable curls:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Rope hammer curls:
90 X12
90 X12
Matrix curls:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10
1 hour 19 minutes boom! 29 sets


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I remixed my leg day a bit at Nautilus today. This is gonna be a pretty good cycle after all. Probably will follow this with an epicatechin gel run to keep gains. I'm pretty much sold on the XPG Gels.

Nautilus leg day:
Cybex hack squats:
165 X8
275 X5
275 X5
275 X5
Feet forward squats:
185 X5
235 X5
135 X10
135 X10
Seated leg curls:
70 X10
75 X10
Seated leg extension:
130 X10
130 X10
130 X10
Hip abduction:
80 X10 G10
80 X10
80 X10
Hip adduction:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Standing calf raises:
In 220 X33 G33
Out 220 X33
Mid 220 X34
Workout was about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Didn't lock in time when I started.


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I called this a "lean gainer" at the start because I didn't really want just get cut and have to deload. I'm actually down a few lbs but kept the weights pretty close to the start(squats are up a tad).

I would say I'm a bit leaner so it's all good.
Did start inching the chest press up but not much time left.

Nautilus chest & tris
Flat pause bench:
115 X5
125 X5
135 X5
Cybex plate loaded chest press:
190 X5
195 X5
200 X5
205 X5
210 X5
Cybex flies:
90 X10
90 X10
Cybex 10 degree chest:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10
Cybex tricep press:
95 X10
105 X8
115 X6
Cybex tricep extensions
67.5 X10
67.5 X10
Rope pushdowns:
60 X10
60 X10
60 X10
Torso rotation:
70 X25,25 R&L G25
70 X25,25
1 hour 16 minutes


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Changed back to the incline for the front delts. My clicky shoulder made that happen. Gonna go to this local sports clinic at some point. Pretty good workout tho. Couldn't believe I got it done that fast.

Snap fitness delts, back and biceps:
Matrix plate loaded incline:
135 X10
155 X8
175 X5
Leaning cable lat raises:
25 X10,10 L&R
25 X10,10
Matrix lat raises:
72.5 X10
72.5 X10
72.5 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
Cable rows:
135 X10
140 X8
145 X6
Wide grip pulldowns:
120 X10
120 X10
Reverse grip rows:
125 X10
130 X8
135 X6
Ez bar cable curls:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Rope hammer curls:
95 X10
95 X10
Matrix curls:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10.
1 hour 20 minutes wow


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Changed back to the incline for the front delts. My clicky shoulder made that happen. Gonna go to this local sports clinic at some point. Pretty good workout tho. Couldn't believe I got it done that fast.

Snap fitness delts, back and biceps:
Matrix plate loaded incline:
135 X10
155 X8
175 X5
Leaning cable lat raises:
25 X10,10 L&R
25 X10,10
Matrix lat raises:
72.5 X10
72.5 X10
72.5 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
Cable rows:
135 X10
140 X8
145 X6
Wide grip pulldowns:
120 X10
120 X10
Reverse grip rows:
125 X10
130 X8
135 X6
Ez bar cable curls:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Rope hammer curls:
95 X10
95 X10
Matrix curls:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10.
1 hour 20 minutes wow
Nice workout! A lot of volume in that time period to!
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I couldn't get out to the gym yesterday because of various things and ended doing an hour on my recombinant bike.

I figured out what was going on with my right shoulder. It doesn't have a tear but seems to be an impingement. Various chiropractors recommend just hanging with a pronated(overhand) grip so I'm working that in and it already seems to be helping. Hope this workout isn't boring but it's what I did today.

Snap chest & tris
Flat pause bench:
95 X5
Shoulder hang 20 seconds
Bench 105 X5
Shoulder hang 25 seconds
Bench 115 X5
Shoulder hang 30 seconds
Bench 125 X5
Shoulder hang 35 seconds
Bench 135 X5
Shoulder hang 40 seconds
Matrix flies: seat on 3
80 X10
80 X10
Cable crossovers: set on 15
45 X10
45 X10
45 X10
Matrix tricep press:
105 X8
115 X6
Rope extensions: Set on 12
60 X10
60 X10
Rope pushdowns:
60 X10
60 X10
60 X10


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chiropractors recommend just hanging with a pronated(overhand) grip so I'm working that in and it already seems to be helping
That's good that a simple trick like that is working. Way better than having to have surgery or anything like that!
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That's good that a simple trick like that is working. Way better than having to have surgery or anything like that!
It will be awesome if something this simple works! It bugged me a little last night but is a lot better already. I'm going to keep it in lifting sessions and see how it goes.

If it doesn't fix it completely I'll get some imaging done. They still wouldn't necessarily have to do surgery but even getting it set and having to wear a sling forever kinda sucks.


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Didn't skip leg day. Got it in today.
Snap fitness leg day:
Matrix leg press:
230 X10
350 X5
350 X5
350 X5
Feet forward squats: weight is definitely tru on this Smith :)
155 X5
185 X5
Leg ext:
130 X10
130 X10
130 X10
Prone leg curls:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10
Hip abduction:
80 X10 G10
80 X10
80 X10
Hip adduction:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Seated calf raises:
In 115 X 22 G22
Out 115 X22
Mid 115 X22
Supersets with
Shoulder hang 30 seconds
Shoulder hang 35 seconds
Shoulder hang 40 seconds
Shoulder hang 45 seconds


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They still wouldn't necessarily have to do surgery but even getting it set and having to wear a sling forever kinda sucks.
Agreed! I've been in a sling before and it's no fun. You don't realize how much you use your shoulder/arm :ROFLMAO:
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I'm to the bottle rinsing tapering part of this one. Got in my hour on the recombinant bike that I always do the day after leg day yesterday. Just took today off. Counting tomorrow as the last day of this one. I will do a bit of a review after that even tho this one had some snags.


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Pretty good workout today. Shoulders doing much better. I'm thinking about adding in some other recommended stretches.
I don't know how long the taper thing will take might post Monday's workout.

Snap fitness delts, back and biceps:
Matrix plate loaded incline:
135 X10
155 X8
175 X6
Super sets with:
Should hangs:
35 seconds
40 seconds
50 seconds
55 seconds
Leaning cable lat raises:
25 X10,10 L&R
25 X10,10
Matrix lat raises:
72.5 X10
72.5 X10
72.5 X10
70 X10
70 X10
70 X10
Cable rows:
135 X10
140 X8
145 X6
Wide grip pulldowns:
120 X10
120 X10
Reverse grip pulldowns:
95 X8
100 X8
Ez bar cable curls:
80 X10
80 X10
80 X10
Rope hammer curls:
95 X10
95 X10
Matrix curls:
90 X10
90 X10
90 X10.
1 hour 40 minutes not bad with stretches added in.


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1 hour 40 minutes not bad with stretches added in.
Nice long workout! Back in college in remember when I use to workout like 2 or more hours per day. Now I'm in the gym maybe 45 minutes at the longest based on how my workouts and intensity has changed.
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Nice long workout! Back in college in remember when I use to workout like 2 or more hours per day. Now I'm in the gym maybe 45 minutes at the longest based on how my workouts and intensity has changed.
Yeah, the stretches made it longer. I usually do 1 hr + but that is my longest workout anyway. Doing my version of pof makes them long anyway but not as long as when I was a big freak lol.


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I was going to do chest and tris today but Nautilus was closed. Ended up doing a volume leg press thing(it was really supposed to be leg day anyway:p).

Volume leg press day:
Matrix leg press:
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
Hip abduction:
75 X10
75 X10
75 X10
Hip adduction:
75 X10
75 X10
75 X10
It wasn't as tough as 10 X 10 in the squat rack but it was tough enough.


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I was going to do chest and tris today but Nautilus was closed. Ended up doing a volume leg press thing(it was really supposed to be leg day anyway:p).

Volume leg press day:
Matrix leg press:
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
230 X10
Hip abduction:
75 X10
75 X10
75 X10
Hip adduction:
75 X10
75 X10
75 X10
It wasn't as tough as 10 X 10 in the squat rack but it was tough enough.
Definitely a lot of volume on leg press. Not gunna be able to sit on the toilet the next couple days!
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Workout today:
Medium intensity upright bike:
30 minutes 5.20 miles

Shoulder stretch 30 seconds

Farmer's carry 30 lb kettle bells
2 laps around gym( 1 in each direction)
The gym used to be a skating rink so it's a good walk.

15 minutes on recumbent bike 1.95 miles

I was going to do the shoulder stretches and then remembered how the farmer's carries helped my shoulder and did those in stead. I got in amazing shape doing this workout before. Rocket was the one who said if I like doing them I should. BTW. if you pray, pray for Rocket3015.
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I didn't make it to the gym yesterday to do chest & tris so I did an hour on my recombinant bike on the sun porch. I had to do it in 4 fifteen minute sessions because of the heat.

Yesterday was the last day and I want do a bit of a review. You guys who follow me a bit probably know I like IMLs 4-andro and 1-andro creams. Either one works really well and together is probably my favorite stack of the dhea creams.

The Ursa-Gel is a great way to use ursolic acid. You get a really nice dose at 2 pumps and it absorbs quite well. If you do keto trying this is a must. My wife is using it for her diet. She's losing well and quite happy.

I hit some snags in this one but it was because of my shoulder problems. The chiropractor exercises are helping tho and the Curcuprime helps a lot also.
I replaced the Ursa-Gel with the epicatechin gel today and will be using some Swanson pomegranate extract and resveratrol while off also.
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The Ursa-Gel is a great way to use ursolic acid. You get a really nice dose at 2 pumps and it absorbs quite well. If you do keto trying this is a must. My wife is using it for her diet. She's losing well and quite happy.
That's good to know. I may have to let my wife know to give it a chance!
