The Official OL UK Radar1ne Q&A



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Hmm, thats odd. I've always had fantastic shipping times with Nutriverse. Have you tried getting in touch with them?
Yup! Contacted them yesterday, he said he would
Check on it, haven't heard anything back, so I'm either gonna go with msten or d1methadrol for 4 weeks instead


Well-known member
Yup! Contacted them yesterday, he said he would
Check on it, haven't heard anything back, so I'm either gonna go with msten or d1methadrol for 4 weeks instead
That sounds like a solid plan to me, you can always save the Rad when it comes as a kicker for your next cycle. What with the lethargy it appears to induce and all, it's probably most effective for 3-4 weeks before the lethargy kicks in.


Well-known member
That sounds like a solid plan to me, you can always save the Rad when it comes as a kicker for your next cycle. What with the lethargy it appears to induce and all, it's probably most effective for 3-4 weeks before the lethargy kicks in.
Exactly what I was thinking! Looking forward to the next four week still, I'll prob run d1methadrol for four weeks at 30/40/40/50 and save the msten for a time
I can afford to run it 6 weeks.


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Yup! Contacted them yesterday, he said he would
Check on it, haven't heard anything back, so I'm either gonna go with msten or d1methadrol for 4 weeks instead
I would go with the Msten since you're bridging from one compound into this one. It will kick in faster than D1m, so you don't feel like you have a lag in time.


Well-known member
I would go with the Msten since you're bridging from one compound into this one. It will kick in faster than D1m, so you don't feel like you have a lag in time.
Interesting. I'll decide by the end of tomorrow, would like to keep the gains going with out a week or 2 delay


Well-known member
I would go with the Msten since you're bridging from one compound into this one. It will kick in faster than D1m, so you don't feel like you have a lag in time.
I just want to second his recommendation. I can't imagine wanting any lag in a compound kicking in after dealing with the lethargy from Rad.


Well-known member
Yeah sten should hit you quick . I third that recommendation
muay thai

muay thai

Can women take rad? Does it have any effect on testosterone ?


Well-known member
Can women take rad? Does it have any effect on testosterone ?
Yes, women can take Rad. It has a 90:1 anabolic to androgenic ratio, making perhaps the BEST compound for women to take with the absolute lowest chances of androgenic effects. As for your question, does it have any effect on Testosterone, it makes Testosterone more anabolic and less androgenic, if that is what you're asking.
muay thai

muay thai

Any conversion to test sorry ?? Also thanks she is pumped to take it soon then . I have cardarine waiting for her too


Well-known member
Any conversion to test sorry ?? Also thanks she is pumped to take it soon then . I have cardarine waiting for her too
No, SARMs are structurally unable to convert to testosterone, they just bind to the androgen receptors in the body. She should be good to go, buddy! On paper, judging by the studies, it's the most female-friendly anabolic on the market. Cardarine would stack nicely, as well.
muay thai

muay thai

No, SARMs are structurally unable to convert to testosterone, they just bind to the androgen receptors in the body. She should be good to go, buddy! On paper, judging by the studies, it's the most female-friendly anabolic on the market. Cardarine would stack nicely, as well.
He'll yeah. My gf is a npc bikini competitor . Osta works like var on her . She has fibro myalgia and endometriosis. It improved her conditions alot as well. Insane ....****ing brand new science . Wish she had got blood work on her bone density


Well-known member
He'll yeah. My gf is a npc bikini competitor . Osta works like var on her . She has fibro myalgia and endometriosis. It improved her conditions alot as well. Insane ....****ing brand new science . Wish she had got blood work on her bone density
Oh man, well that's great to hear she isn't limited by her conditions and has actually improved! Awesome for her! I suspect Rad will function a lot like Ostarine for her, because I personally noticed my old shoulder injury completely disappeared on Rad. It seems all SARMs have the same beneficial effects, and Rad may be even better than Ostarine in this regard, time will tell.


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The Official OL UK Radar1ne Q&A

My wife is starting Ostar1ne in a couple weeks. Interesting about the RAD for women. Makes sense. I have enough left for her to maybe run sometime. muay thai keep us posted on how it treats her man.


Well-known member
My wife is starting Ostar1ne in a couple weeks. I'm excited for her!!
Nice, man! I think she'll enjoy it, women seem to respond really well to Ostarine. I'm actually going to pick up two bottles myself, for my Mom and my Aunt. For various reasons, I think it will help them with their muscles, bones, tendons, joints, and body fat percentages. All the things people struggle with as time passes.


Well-known member
My wife is starting Ostar1ne in a couple weeks. Interesting about the RAD for women. Makes sense. I have enough left for her to maybe run sometime. muay thai keep us posted on how it treats her man.
Damnit! Wish my girl would take osta! She would be full beast mode


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Oh man, well that's great to hear she isn't limited by her conditions and has actually improved! Awesome for her! I suspect Rad will function a lot like Ostarine for her, because I personally noticed my old shoulder injury completely disappeared on Rad. It seems all SARMs have the same beneficial effects, and Rad may be even better than Ostarine in this regard, time will tell.
Wow!. Really?..Did the injury come back after you finished it?


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Sounds like everyone has fit and athletically inclined women! Dang, I'm jealous!


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Nice, man! I think she'll enjoy it, women seem to respond really well to Ostarine. I'm actually going to pick up two bottles myself, for my Mom and my Aunt. For various reasons, I think it will help them with their muscles, bones, tendons, joints, and body fat percentages. All the things people struggle with as time passes.
That's just messed up.


Well-known member
Wow!. Really?..Did the injury come back after you finished it?
I'm still on it, I have 3 days left, but 6 weeks ago I hadn't done an Overhead BB Press with more than 100lbs without pain in my right shoulder for the better part of a decade, today I did 5x5x120lbs easily. I'm hoping the effect is from healing, and not just mitigating the pain while using it. But I will definitely report back after my cycle in the following days and weeks regarding my shoulder.


Well-known member
That's just messed up.
Why's that? They both have had multiple joint surgeries, and are in significant pain when attempting to do every day tasks. If low dose Ostarine can have a healing effect on their joints and allow them to exercise more, I'm all for it. Women use Ostarine with no ill effects. I've explained the compound in detail to both of them, I'm an EMT, my mother is a Nurse, neither of us are ignorant regarding matters of biology. Tell me what you find to be messed up? I don't know if you'd prefer my family be in chronic pain, or what. Should I not use what is currently available on the market in an attempt to find comfort for them? Is that what you're saying, T-Bone?


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Why's that? They both have had multiple joint surgeries, and are in significant pain when attempting to do every day tasks. If low dose Ostarine can have a healing effect on their joints and allow them to exercise more, I'm all for it. Women use Ostarine with no ill effects. I've explained the compound in detail to both of them, I'm an EMT, my mother is a Nurse, neither of us are ignorant regarding matters of biology. Tell me what you find to be messed up?

I don't know if you'd prefer my family be in chronic pain, or what. Should I not use what is currently available on the market in an attempt to find comfort for them? Is that what you're saying, T-Bone? Because I think that's messed up. You have no idea about my family or their situation, and you come here and insult me?
It wasn't an insult. Just surprising. I'd think you'd maybe give them something like Cissus before giving them an experimental drug. You're right I have no idea about your family or situation. Just thought it might be dangerous to just hand out Ostarine like it's the same as any other OTC drug or supplement. Sorry if you took my comment as insult, it wasn't meant to come out that way.


Well-known member
It wasn't an insult. Just surprising. I'd think you'd maybe give them something like Cissus before giving them an experimental drug. You're right I have no idea about your family or situation. Just thought it might be dangerous to just hand out Ostarine like it's the same as any other OTC drug or supplement. Sorry if you took my comment as insult, it wasn't meant to come out that way.
Fair enough, I retract my statements made out of being offended. I will admit, I was insulted by the underlined sentence and calling it messed up, because it appeared to be an insult. I apologize if I seemed harsh in my response, I am a live-in caretaker of my Aunt, so I am very defensive regarding my family. I started giving my Aunt daily Cissus 5 years ago, but it hasn't helped. Two hip replacements later, two hand surgeries later, she is by far worse off. It is a quality of life concern, I'd give anything to try and give my family back a piece of their health. To see them in daily pain is not easy, especially when one of them truly depends on you. I accept your apology, and offer mine in return. Clearly the subject of family is a sensitive one. But I would do nothing to endanger the well-being of any family member.


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The Official OL UK Radar1ne Q&A

Recurring theme. It never ends. Freaking lmao. More back pedaling than anyone on AM.
muay thai

muay thai

Hastur is not flawed in his logic . Enough studies exhibiting osta efficiency in various mechanisms and angles. My gf is living proof with endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Her conditions have improved drastically and dramatically . Bones are way stronger . More endurance and energy . Big strength and lbm increases when done in addition to diet and consistent exercises . She also is using mk677 with fantastic results . As is my mom who is post menapausal and her sleep, energy levels and attitude have improved incredibly as well . Hastur is empathetic and compassionate. Get them on the mk677 too . Heal inside out.


Well-known member
Hastur is not flawed in his logic . Enough studies exhibiting osta efficiency in various mechanisms and angles. My gf is living proof with endometriosis and fibromyalgia. Her conditions have improved drastically and dramatically . Bones are way stronger . More endurance and energy . Big strength and lbm increases when done in addition to diet and consistent exercises . She also is using mk677 with fantastic results . As is my mom who is post menapausal and her sleep, energy levels and attitude have improved incredibly as well . Hastur is empathetic and compassionate. Get them on the mk677 too . Heal inside out.
Thanks, muay thai, I really appreciate your post. I was following the same line of thinking regarding Ostarine, there are numerous pubmed studies showing it would be very advantageous. My mother actually has fibromyalgia as well, in addition to being post-menopausal and struggling with her weight and sleep, which gives her low energy levels and makes it difficult for her to exercise and maintain good health. I was considering getting my Mom and Aunt some MK-677 as well, because they are in the 50-60 age range and they could definitely benefit from more GH as it's probably declined quite a bit. You're anecdotal report with what it's done for your GF and Mom gives me hope, those sound like really positive results. I'd spare no expense to help my family, I think I'll place an order now for 2 bottles of Ghar1ne on Nutriverse while they are running their big sale. Thanks again, muay thai. Repped.


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I could tell after reading like 2 of Hastur's posts that he doesn't do anything without being knowledgeable on it.


Well-known member
I could tell after reading like 2 of Hastur's posts that he doesn't do anything without being knowledgeable on it.
Second that , one of the most knowledgable people I've had the pleasure too talk to and work with. If it's one thing brett does its his research.


Well-known member
I could tell after reading like 2 of Hastur's posts that he doesn't do anything without being knowledgeable on it.
Second that , one of the most knowledgable people I've had the pleasure too talk to and work with. If it's one thing brett does its his research.
Third this. Much respect for him.
Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it. All three of you are awesome, without a doubt. Your posts make for a more pleasurable experience here on AM, that's for sure!

By the way, since this IS the Radar1ne thread after all, I want to mention that Dma378 noticed a leaning effect a few days after discontinuing his Rad cycle. It's interesting to note because while ON Rad, there really isn't any apparent water retention taking place. But the difference is quite clear in his photos. I'm wondering if I too will notice a leaning effect upon ceasing Rad on Tuesday. I will report back with my results!


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Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it. All three of you are awesome, without a doubt. Your posts make for a more pleasurable experience here on AM, that's for sure!

By the way, since this IS the Radar1ne thread after all, I want to mention that Dma378 noticed a leaning effect a few days after discontinuing his Rad cycle. It's interesting to note because while ON Rad, there really isn't any apparent water retention taking place. But the difference is quite clear in his photos. I'm wondering if I too will notice a leaning effect upon ceasing Rad on Tuesday. I will report back with my results!
A few days you say. I am starting to think, I should discontinue use about 1 week before contest then.


Well-known member
A few days you say. I am starting to think, I should discontinue use about 1 week before contest then.
I personally think that might be a wise idea. As the first wave of users start to report in, we're seeing more and more about the compound. If Dma's experience ends up being typical, then discontinuing usage a few days before a contest or competition would be a good idea.


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I personally think that might be a wise idea. As the first wave of users start to report in, we're seeing more and more about the compound. If Dma's experience ends up being typical, then discontinuing usage a few days before a contest or competition would be a good idea.
Maybe coincide it with your flush a few days before.


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Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it. All three of you are awesome, without a doubt. Your posts make for a more pleasurable experience here on AM, that's for sure!

By the way, since this IS the Radar1ne thread after all, I want to mention that Dma378 noticed a leaning effect a few days after discontinuing his Rad cycle. It's interesting to note because while ON Rad, there really isn't any apparent water retention taking place. But the difference is quite clear in his photos. I'm wondering if I too will notice a leaning effect upon ceasing Rad on Tuesday. I will report back with my results!
Go check out my measurement comparison that I just posted!!


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Yes, women can take Rad. It has a 90:1 anabolic to androgenic ratio, making perhaps the BEST compound for women to take with the absolute lowest chances of androgenic effects. As for your question, does it have any effect on Testosterone, it makes Testosterone more anabolic and less androgenic, if that is what you're asking.
Subbing in for the women & Rad parts!!


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Well any women looking to get swole may benefit more from RAD-140 than Ostarine, because Rad by far has the more impressive Anabolic:Androgenic ratio. I would be interested in hearing the results from women using Rad who have used Ostarine in the past, they would be able to give anecdotal reports about whether or not Rad is indeed the superior compound for women. Sadly, the women who use Ostarine don't seem to be as active or outspoken online.


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Well any women looking to get swole may benefit more from RAD-140 than Ostarine, because Rad by far has the more impressive Anabolic:Androgenic ratio. I would be interested in hearing the results from women using Rad who have used Ostarine in the past, they would be able to give anecdotal reports about whether or not Rad is indeed the superior compound for women. Sadly, the women who use Ostarine don't seem to be as active or outspoken online.
If YatesWifey04 ever decides to take the plunge I can promise you that she will log her experience with plenty of detailed information.


Well-known member
If YatesWifey04 ever decides to take the plunge I can promise you that she will log her experience with plenty of detailed information.
I don't doubt it! Your couples log has been great!


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Take the plunge ! Take the plunge !
I think some more research on her part is in order before making this decision. This thread is a good start though!


Well-known member
I think some more research on her part is in order before making this decision. This thread is a good start though!
I agree! I still wish we had more female users coming forward. You hear about a lot of women using Ostarine, and saying it's better than Anavar for their athletic purposes. Which is a bold statement. I'd love for some of these women to come forward!


Well-known member
I agree! I still wish we had more female users coming forward. You hear about a lot of women using Ostarine, and saying it's better than Anavar for their athletic purposes. Which is a bold statement. I'd love for some of these women to come forward!
Second this forsure
muay thai

muay thai

I agree! I still wish we had more female users coming forward. You hear about a lot of women using Ostarine, and saying it's better than Anavar for their athletic purposes. Which is a bold statement. I'd love for some of these women to come forward!
we have had this convo, but it has greatly improved my gf conditions of fibromyalgia and endometriosis
I will buy her RAD as she has experience with gw,var and osta - when she gets more serious with her diet and training - she is close.
i can have her start some cardarine at 7mg per day for now


New member
Found 2 other rad product aiming at 30 mg Daily and has a long halflife of 48 hours? Link bellow And

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