Struggling with gyno


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5 years ago I got gyno from MK677 which shrunk to a size that was unnoticeable with raloxifene, exemestane, and inhibit P.

Fast forward to this year and it came back fast and I don't know why. Here are the factors:
-I was on a slow bulk (up 14 lbs over 4 months, pretty clean)
-I started BPC 157 injections to heal an injury
-I started a log of Alpha Defy at the same time as BPC
-I was taking various test boosters (first optimize t then Mtest)
-Other supplements at that time: greens powder from Performax, glycophase, CoQ10, NAC, GAT multi, various preworkouts, protein, creatine

At the end of my bulk and after about a week of BPC and AlphaDefy I noticed it and stopped doing those. I quickly ordered Inhibit E and Inhibit P which made the sensitivity go away but not the size of the lump. There's people on Reddit that claim BPC can cause gyno and an ingredient in AlphaDefy (genistein) that could cause issues. Bulking in theory could cause extra aromatization and taking test boosters along side that.

In the last couple months I started Raloxifene 60 mg stacked with Inhibit E and P. Some days it'd seem like it was better then other days not. Last week I added Exemestane at 25 mg every day and bumped ralox to 80 mg every day along with Inhibit P. I dropped all the extras at this point just to reduce variables.

At this point what is my best option before considering surgery? It's not visually noticeable, but you can definitely feel a lump on just the left side. Could it be cortisol related? Could it be something other than gyno?


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If there was/is sensitivity, I doubt its cortisol related.

It does seem like you've done a good job with your protocol so far.

I've never heard of BPC causing gyno; but with any research chems, there's always the possibility of cross contamination and that you may be getting certain amounts of other things in with whatever you think you're getting.

I've heard of what you're experiencing happening with Genistein a lot - not it necessarily causing gyno, but it aggravating it in people that have had issues with it in the past. That's an ingredient that I would personally never use and would never include in a product for that reason.

I've heard some horror stories with gyno surgery, so if it didn't bother you and wasn't noticeable, that would be a last resort for me.

I would continue with the Inhibit-E and Inhibit-P, and would maybe consider Xtreme Performance Gels Alpha-Gel.

I hope he doesn't mind me tagging him, but @Dustin07 has posted openly in the past about having issues with gyno and how much Alpha Gel helped him with it. Tagging him so he can, if he chooses to, share his experience with it.

Here is a link to Alpha Gel -

Here is a link to the feedback thread on Alpha Gel:



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Once you have gyno it keeps coming back. If you want the best chance at it really being gone you gotta cut it out. But theres lots of ways to shrink it.

BPC does NOT cause gyno

But because you have gyno already, you dont need to take anything to have a flare up.

I have gyno. Dosent matter if im on cycle or off, it just flares up sometimes.
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Once you have gyno it keeps coming back. If you want the best chance at it really being gone you gotta cut it out. But theres lots of ways to shrink it.

BPC does NOT cause gyno

But because you have gyno already, you dont need to take anything to have a flare up.

I have gyno. Dosent matter if im on cycle or off, it just flares up sometimes.
Totally understand. It’s hard to figure out what caused the flare up since I had a lot of things going. I know it will never be gone, but smaller is what I’m aiming for.

I’ve read a lot of stuff on this and Smont your posts have come up too. I’ve had Ralox, Inhibit E and P for about 2 months now with little progress if any. Last week I added Exem and it seems like either my E is really elevated or I’m not responding as well as before. When I’ve taken Exem at 12ed before I got sore joints. I’m at 25ed right now and I think they might be getting a little sore.

do I take more Exem?
Switch to Nolva instead of ralox?
Try something stronger for prolactin?
Btw I used your coupon code for everything so far. Not sure if I can say the name of the place or not.
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Totally understand. It’s hard to figure out what caused the flare up since I had a lot of things going. I know it will never be gone, but smaller is what I’m aiming for.

I’ve read a lot of stuff on this and Smont your posts have come up too. I’ve had Ralox, Inhibit E and P for about 2 months now with little progress if any. Last week I added Exem and it seems like either my E is really elevated or I’m not responding as well as before. When I’ve taken Exem at 12ed before I got sore joints. I’m at 25ed right now and I think they might be getting a little sore.

do I take more Exem?
Switch to Nolva instead of ralox?
Try something stronger for prolactin?
Btw I used your coupon code for everything so far. Not sure if I can say the name of the place or not.
I dont really have a answer, i personally use a ai first to lower estrogen and then i whack it with ralox. The problem is you dont wanna take serms and ai all the time. Its not healthy. Once you zap it, if you can find a natural approach that works i would use that to try to prevent it from flaring up again. The fastest way to get rid is to nuke your estrogen, that also makes you feel horible tho


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I’m late to the party here but if your MK-677 was legit MK wouldn’t it be prolactin induced gyno? Maybe prami or caber??? Smont is way better at this than I. I also had this issue last summer but I think my “research Chems” were not as labeled Im guessing. Mk and Cardarine shouldn’t cause shut down. I used Ralox 60/day for 10 days then lowered it but that, to Smonts point, made me feel like shiz


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I’m late to the party here but if your MK-677 was legit MK wouldn’t it be prolactin induced gyno? Maybe prami or caber??? Smont is way better at this than I. I also had this issue last summer but I think my “research Chems” were not as labeled Im guessing. Mk and Cardarine shouldn’t cause shut down. I used Ralox 60/day for 10 days then lowered it but that, to Smonts point, made me feel like shiz
Rolax shouldnt make you feel like ****, at least that i know of, the ai usually does that by crushing your estrogen. I definately could be wrong, everyone is effected different by things. But the feeling im talking of is crashed estrogen. Brain fog, tired, weak, ed, low e and high e symptoms are similar but with low e you get the added benifit of sore joints too 😬


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I’m late to the party here but if your MK-677 was legit MK wouldn’t it be prolactin induced gyno? Maybe prami or caber??? Smont is way better at this than I. I also had this issue last summer but I think my “research Chems” were not as labeled Im guessing. Mk and Cardarine shouldn’t cause shut down. I used Ralox 60/day for 10 days then lowered it but that, to Smonts point, made me feel like shiz
Yeah that’s why I have Inhibit P in there because last time it was prolactin, but not sure this time what caused the flare. I don’t know the dosing for prami or Caber. It looks like Caber is the better option but my source for ralox and exem doesn’t have Caber, just prami.


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Rolax shouldnt make you feel like ****, at least that i know of, the ai usually does that by crushing your estrogen. I definately could be wrong, everyone is effected different by things. But the feeling im talking of is crashed estrogen. Brain fog, tired, weak, ed, low e and high e symptoms are similar but with low e you get the added benifit of sore joints too 😬
Yeah Ralox doesn’t cause any side effects for me. I upped the exem dose yesterday and today started to feel it in my knees. Hopefully I’m moving in the right direction.


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Yeah Ralox doesn’t cause any side effects for me. I upped the exem dose yesterday and today started to feel it in my knees. Hopefully I’m moving in the right direction.
I think I was so shut down I may have attributed that feeling to the Ralox. When I went on Enclomiphene I had that “feelin like a million bucks” vibe going on. Like I was alive again.


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If there was/is sensitivity, I doubt its cortisol related.

It does seem like you've done a good job with your protocol so far.

I've never heard of BPC causing gyno; but with any research chems, there's always the possibility of cross contamination and that you may be getting certain amounts of other things in with whatever you think you're getting.

I've heard of what you're experiencing happening with Genistein a lot - not it necessarily causing gyno, but it aggravating it in people that have had issues with it in the past. That's an ingredient that I would personally never use and would never include in a product for that reason.

I've heard some horror stories with gyno surgery, so if it didn't bother you and wasn't noticeable, that would be a last resort for me.

I would continue with the Inhibit-E and Inhibit-P, and would maybe consider Xtreme Performance Gels Alpha-Gel.

I hope he doesn't mind me tagging him, but @Dustin07 has posted openly in the past about having issues with gyno and how much Alpha Gel helped him with it. Tagging him so he can, if he chooses to, share his experience with it.

Here is a link to Alpha Gel -

Here is a link to the feedback thread on Alpha Gel:

Yeah I have no idea what the cause is, Smont and I have talked about it a bit and it's weird but I do know that any time I start to get itchy nipples it goes away within 1-2 days of using alpha gel. I love it as a staple for just daily feel good and good sleep.


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Yeah I have no idea what the cause is, Smont and I have talked about it a bit and it's weird but I do know that any time I start to get itchy nipples it goes away within 1-2 days of using alpha gel. I love it as a staple for just daily feel good and good sleep.
Really is amazing stuff from the first application. Went a week without it and didn't really notice much different, but it sure is noticeable when you use it.

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