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It really sucks having an injury like this at 50 year old! I think you and I are close in age so you feel my pain. Yes the stretching does wonders. I took myself out of the boot due to it making my calf knot up really bad. It’s not near as bad now as long as I keep it stretched. I’m in a lace up brace now. Much better than the boot but it still sucks!
Yes Sir, I turned 50 this past February.

Yeah, they will keep you in a boot forever it seems. They had me in mine for months! It messed up my glutes, I can get them to fire but I have to be vigilant now to make sure I know they are activated so they just work before I start any squatting, hinging or leg pressing.


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Yes Sir, I turned 50 this past February.

Yeah, they will keep you in a boot forever it seems. They had me in mine for months! It messed up my glutes, I can get them to fire but I have to be vigilant now to make sure I know they are activated so they just work before I start any squatting, hinging or leg pressing.
I turned 50 in February also…the 26th.

Yeah I was supposed to have been in the boot for another week but I took it off last week and bought a lace up brace. I’m doing much better this it.


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Yes Sir, I turned 50 this past February.

Yeah, they will keep you in a boot forever it seems. They had me in mine for months! It messed up my glutes, I can get them to fire but I have to be vigilant now to make sure I know they are activated so they just work before I start any squatting, hinging or leg pressing.
I turned 50 in February also…the 26th.

Yeah I was supposed to have been in the boot for another week but I took it off last week and bought a lace up brace. I’m doing much better this it.
Happy belated to the both of you!


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3:30pm - 2 scoops or Oracle, creatine, AXT, MTest and Cloma-Plex
Sipped EAA’s with pink salt during workout.

Chest Day

2x20x5 dumbbell curls
3x45x10 flat dumbbell presses

Work sets

Low Incline Dumbbell Press w/EliteFTS thick orange band

4x8x55 - Focused on squeezing at the top really hard for a count of two

Wanted to focus on more upper chest today but something weird happened. Focus kinda tanked and the pump damn near disappeared. Never experienced anything like that before. Could be from my diet being screwed up over the weekend from being sick. I’m sure puking my liver up depleted my glycogen stores. Changed gears and went to the Hammer Strength chest press for….

12x135 per side
12x160 per side
12x170 per side

Really Focused on squeezing my chest at the end.

Wanted to do low to high cable flies but they were taken

Pec Deck S/S w/ Sven Presses 2 10lbs plates pressed together for 15 reps


Afterwards my entire chest was pumped as hell!

Ended up being a great workout!

Still no bad sides, energy still great! The usual focused returned later in the workout so I don’t know what happened earlier.


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Still no bad sides, energy still great! The usual focused returned later in the workout so I don’t know what happened earlier.
Awesome! Good to hear that energy is still present!


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Sounds like it ended up being a great session! Odd thing with the pump and focus waning temporarily but you finished strong! Sometimes I get a better session without barbell stuff and just using the HS style machines, and I really like the incline ones!


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Sounds like it ended up being a great session! Odd thing with the pump and focus waning temporarily but you finished strong! Sometimes I get a better session without barbell stuff and just using the HS style machines, and I really like the incline ones!
Yeah it definitely ended up being a great session! Yeah the experience I had was very odd. I’ve never experienced that in my life. Some guys may balk at this idea but I don’t do much barbell work anymore. I find heavy dumbbells don’t strain my shoulders or elbows like a barbell does. That’s partly because I press a barbell like a body builder lol but it’s something about heavy dumbbells that really builds aggression in me. I was wiring up to the 145’s but I started my cut so I’m still working the 135’s. I enjoy the HS machines too. The incline one is my favorite!


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I totally understand about the barbell beating you up. I still have a torn subscapularis, and labrum with a partially subluxed biceps tendon on my right side and it can give me fits sometimes. The freedom the DB's give to go in a comfortable ROM is awesome and you also get increased ROM providing both a more stretched under load, and shortened under load stimulus to the muscle with almost the same movement.


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I totally understand about the barbell beating you up. I still have a torn subscapularis, and labrum with a partially subluxed biceps tendon on my right side and it can give me fits sometimes. The freedom the DB's give to go in a comfortable ROM is awesome and you also get increased ROM providing both a more stretched under load, and shortened under load stimulus to the muscle with almost the same movement.
Kudos to you for being able to work through your injuries. I’ve had shoulder surgery on my left shoulder about 15 years ago. So I understand some of your frustration.


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Kudos to you for being able to work through your injuries. I’ve had shoulder surgery on my left shoulder about 15 years ago. So I understand some of your frustration.
Thanks, I had to let go of a lot of expectations for myself to keep on grinding. I am still about 60lbs off of my max an bench, but this is where things tend to fall apart. I just had my other shoulder repaired in August of last year and it is holding up nicely. It was hurt worse than this one so I had to make a decision there. I am still trying to work around this one in hopes I can manage it but with that torn labrum where it is i can't really bench PL style anymore it is at the back of my shoulder and the movement pattern that aggravates it is the more elbows in style bench of a power lifter. I think i can probably just focus on bodybuilding type of lifting and not need surgery but if I seriously want to push competing in PL again I might need to get it fixed.


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Thanks, I had to let go of a lot of expectations for myself to keep on grinding. I am still about 60lbs off of my max an bench, but this is where things tend to fall apart. I just had my other shoulder repaired in August of last year and it is holding up nicely. It was hurt worse than this one so I had to make a decision there. I am still trying to work around this one in hopes I can manage it but with that torn labrum where it is i can't really bench PL style anymore it is at the back of my shoulder and the movement pattern that aggravates it is the more elbows in style bench of a power lifter. I think i can probably just focus on bodybuilding type of lifting and not need surgery but if I seriously want to push competing in PL again I might need to get it fixed.
Man, a labrum tear can be a real bitch. My son has labrum surgery his senior year in high school. He was a leftie pitcher. Still was able to pitch in a few games at the end of the season, but that was after 8 months of extensive rehab. He went to a small college and played but his shoulder gave out on him. Just couldn’t deal with the discomfort even after surgery to repair the SLAP tear. He’s 23 now and it still aggravates him from time to time.


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Man, a labrum tear can be a real bitch. My son has labrum surgery his senior year in high school. He was a leftie pitcher. Still was able to pitch in a few games at the end of the season, but that was after 8 months of extensive rehab. He went to a small college and played but his shoulder gave out on him. Just couldn’t deal with the discomfort even after surgery to repair the SLAP tear. He’s 23 now and it still aggravates him from time to time.
UGH... don't I know it! If I get the right shoulder repaired it will be my 3rd time having it done. I have degenerative arthritis in that shoulder, so it gets weak, and then tears more easily. Last time they were able to just clean it up a little and it was good to start pushing it a little in 3ish months and probably all good by 6. The first time it ripped off a decent bit, got a cyst under it and had to be anchored back down. I was still struggling 8 months later but about 10 months I was full steam ahead. Right now I feel like the one I got done in August I could still go full steam and be fine, the right limits me though.


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UGH... don't I know it! If I get the right shoulder repaired it will be my 3rd time having it done. I have degenerative arthritis in that shoulder, so it gets weak, and then tears more easily. Last time they were able to just clean it up a little and it was good to start pushing it a little in 3ish months and probably all good by 6. The first time it ripped off a decent bit, got a cyst under it and had to be anchored back down. I was still struggling 8 months later but about 10 months I was full steam ahead. Right now I feel like the one I got done in August I could still go full steam and be fine, the right limits me though.
Getting old sucks brother! We’re lucky we are able to do what we do at our age but I’m a firm believer that age is a jibber and if you’re willing to put in the work and learn to work around old injuries then we can still do some worthwhile shitt in the gym!


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4-19-2023 - 2 scoops of Oracle, AXT, MTest and Cloma-Plex

Sipping EAA’s w/ pink salt during workout

No beta tingles today. Energy came on as usual with the focus. Actually left my body temp going up like I was about to start sweating when I walked into the gym.

Plate loaded seated row
3x10 45lbs each side

Work set
8x90 each side

T-bar Rows - close grip

T-bar - wide grip

Standing high pully pull-down w/foot on seat. (I don’t know what this exercise is called)


Single arm seated lat pull-downs


Double rope straight arm pull downs

Focus and energy was good. Finally broke into a goo sweat on the t-bar rows. Energy felt nice and clean. Still haven’t had any bad alpha-y sides! Nice workout!


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Yeah that Alpha-Y is good stuff for increasing body temp! I do sweat more with this preworkout for sure. Of course it is also getting warmer. Those T bar rows are sure to get a sweat going!

I agree on the age thing. I mean look at @Rocket3015 he is a shining example of this! I am coming to grips with the fact I am going to have to choose surgery or just sticking with Body Building efforts since there are so many ways to drive hypertrophy that are far less risk of injury. Right now, I would have to fight my insurance for the surgery so kind of waiting to see if I can work around it but the labrum tear isn't going anywhere without surgery, so it might be a moot point.


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Yeah that Alpha-Y is good stuff for increasing body temp! I do sweat more with this preworkout for sure. Of course it is also getting warmer. Those T bar rows are sure to get a sweat going!

I agree on the age thing. I mean look at @Rocket3015 he is a shining example of this! I am coming to grips with the fact I am going to have to choose surgery or just sticking with Body Building efforts since there are so many ways to drive hypertrophy that are far less risk of injury. Right now, I would have to fight my insurance for the surgery so kind of waiting to see if I can work around it but the labrum tear isn't going anywhere without surgery, so it might be a moot point.
Insurance companies are so wonderful! You can’t afford to not have it, can hardly afford to pay for it and to find out in the end they can deny you coverage.

@Rocket3015 is a BEAST! Nothing is slowing that man down.

I know there’s going to be a day that I won’t be able to do exactly what I do now in the gym. The weights will have to get lighter and I’ll have to get more creative but I’m not sitting back and letting old age overtake me! I refuse to be one of those guys that stops doing anything due to my age.


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Insurance companies are so wonderful! You can’t afford to not have it, can hardly afford to pay for it and to find out in the end they can deny you coverage.

@Rocket3015 is a BEAST! Nothing is slowing that man down.

I know there’s going to be a day that I won’t be able to do exactly what I do now in the gym. The weights will have to get lighter and I’ll have to get more creative but I’m not sitting back and letting old age overtake me! I refuse to be one of those guys that stops doing anything due to my age.
Right, just modify it to what you need to do. Rocket looks amazing and he does very smart training that keeps him healthy.


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Thank you guys !!!!


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Thank you guys !!!!
You’re welcome @Rocket3015! I hope you’re feel well today brother. I’ve been keeping up with you in your log. I don’t always reply but I always have you in my thoughts and prayers!


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So, I didn’t get to workout yesterday. I had to get up at 4:15 to kick doors in, so I was a little wiped out when I got home. My wife and I had plans on camping this weekend, so now I’m at the campground. I’ll get some walking in as much as my ankle can handle it. I’m getting to the point where it feel better the more I stay on it versus babying it. I’m still wearing the brace to keep from rolling it again. I’ll pick back up on Monday with the Oracle. I only have a few more servings left!


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Enjoy your camping trip!


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Hopefully you had a good trip bro. Always nice to take a break and get away


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I’ll be logging my chest workout today. I don’t get to workout yesterday. Worked late and had to be up at 4am this morning. So, I’m going to copy @MrKleen73 and take three scoops today. I’m going to need the extra boost. I’ll be back in a few hours to post the workout and my experience with three scoops.


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I’ll be logging my chest workout today. I don’t get to workout yesterday. Worked late and had to be up at 4am this morning. So, I’m going to copy @MrKleen73 and take three scoops today. I’m going to need the extra boost. I’ll be back in a few hours to post the workout and my experience with three scoops.
I hope you enjoy it like I did!


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I hope so too! I’m dragging right now. It’s been a long day already.
I bet the 3 scoops gets you a good session even through dragging ass.


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3:15pm - 3 SCOOPS OF ORACLE!! With AXT, 1 capsule of SNS yohimbine 2.5, creatine and sipping EAA’s and pink salt during workout.

Got to the gym at started warming up at 3:45. By 3:55 I could feel it! The 3 scoops were kicking in, but still very smooth, no jitters and no sides even with taking a yohimbine capsule a hour before the workout. Good sweat also!

3x10x45 flat dumbbell bench press

Work sets
Flat dumbbell bench press
8x135 (the last two were hard AF!)

Incline barbell bench

Dumbbell low incline press w/orange EliteFTS band

Pec deck s/s Sven press x2 10 lbs plates
15x95 pec deck
15 Sven press

Competed 3 sets of this

I was exhausted today. Out a 5am kicking in doors. The adrenaline dump is real. Was exhausted after we were done and was nodding off in my office. The 3 scoops kicked ass today! If anyone has this pre you’ve got to try 3 scoops. It’s great and still smooth. I wouldn’t do it all the time, but those days when you really need an extra push, this will give it to you! I only have a few servings of Oracle left.

Oh, and the pump was great!!
Last edited:


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Great to hear it treated you as well as it did me. I was a little concerned the stim might feel less smooth, and become uncomfortable at 3 scoops but it was exactly as smooth as 1-2 scoops just more energy and focus. I feel the same way as mentioned in my log. Good for when needed or when you really want to be amped up but not something I would do regularly with how good this is at 1 or 2 scoops.


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Great to hear it treated you as well as it did me. I was a little concerned the stim might feel less smooth, and become uncomfortable at 3 scoops but it was exactly as smooth as 1-2 scoops just more energy and focus. I feel the same way as mentioned in my log. Good for when needed or when you really want to be amped up but not something I would do regularly with how good this is at 1 or 2 scoops.
I think I’m going to copy you again and do 1.5 scoops for the rest of the week for two reasons….one, to see how different the workout is on that amount but the second reason is, I’m almost out of it!


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I think I’m going to copy you again and do 1.5 scoops for the rest of the week for two reasons….one, to see how different the workout is on that amount but the second reason is, I’m almost out of it!
Uh oh may need to restock! ;)


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3:20pm - 2 scoops of Oracle, AXT, creatine and sipping EAA’s and pink salt during my workout. Also took SNS Yohimbine 2.5 an hour before my workout started.

I was planning on using 1.5 scoops today, but I was woken up at 3:30am with a call to come to work for an operation, so again, a long early day.

Back day

Seated plate loaded rows
Warm 45 each side 2x10
8x115 each side
8x135 each side
8x160 each side
8x180 each side

Rack pulls just below knee

Wanted to do some light deadlifts today since I haven’t been able to do them for 4 weeks now due to my ankle injury. The rack pulls felt good. I could have went up a little bit but my ankle was aching a little so I didn’t want to hamper any healing that I’ve already done!

Meadows Row (weights listed aren’t including the bar

Single arm lat pull-downs

Double rope straight arm pulldowns

At the end of my workout I didn’t want to stop. I wanted to do a few more exercises but I had done enough. The focus and energy was great today. No sides and a great sweat. This pre is legit!


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Thanks man! Just wanting this ankle to be closer to 100% so I can squat and deadlift.
Not being 100% healthy is always annoying. My left knee acts up here and there and it's usually about the time when I've had a good healthy streak for a few months and making progress, then it starts to act up :LOL:


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Not being 100% healthy is always annoying. My left knee acts up here and there and it's usually about the time when I've had a good healthy streak for a few months and making progress, then it starts to act up :LOL:
That’s the worst! All the hard work, then to only have to back off due to nagging old injuries. I’m trying to be smart and not push too much with my ankle but it’s hard not to just get under a bar and start squatting again!


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Another solid workout on oracle in the books. This stuff just keeps on giving.
