SNS Phosphatidic Acid XT log


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That is a pretty sick combo. I really need to get my hands on some of that flavor of the creatine hcl.


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So keeping within the SNS family I have invested in a new creatine and non stim preworkout. After my stomach upset at the weekend I removed all betaine ghost products and other powdered supplements besides protein for a day or two and stomach instantly got better.

So creatine HCL is to replace ghost build, I know it doesn't have betaine and the other ingredients but it was mainly for the creatine I got it.

I have also replaced ghost pump. I actually really liked it and had no issues but it's all used up so thought I would remove more flavoured powders from my regimen and go with this. I may get some stand alone beta alanine and citrulline to go with it at some point then either plain old caffeine caps if I want to go stim or something like jack3d with its 5g serving size just to add a kick.View attachment 235456
I love VasoForce XT - I think you'll really enjoy it. Great pumps.

I'm addicted to the Pink Grapefruit flavor Creatine HCI. All of the flavors are good, but that one is so good I wish I had something I could drink all day that tastes like it.


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I love VasoForce XT - I think you'll really enjoy it. Great pumps.

I'm addicted to the Pink Grapefruit flavor Creatine HCI. All of the flavors are good, but that one is so good I wish I had something I could drink all day that tastes like it.
Yeah tastes good. Also very surprised how strong the flavour is given the small serving size. I've decided to follow basic creatine HCL dosages and just go 2 scoops per day. I saw another thread somewhere where people were saying they don't like grapefruit flavour stuff but this is amazing, maybe it was you. That's what made me pick this one.


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177.2 lbs today. I'm starting to look relatively lean. I'm tempted to add some rice in to my lunchtime meal and creep up towards 180lbs since I'm constantly chasing reps or strength increases in the gym. Calories at the moment sitting around the 2800 mark. The diet I posted previous plus I'm adding in 3 or 400 calories of something extra per day because my hunger levels are so high. Usually a sandwich of some kind but sometimes an extra protein bar. It provides my variety for the day. Don't really care what it is as long as calories don't break 500. Rice with lunch would take my to 3000 per day which is slight surplus for me. Loving my metabolism right now, in the past I used to cut on 1800 or less. Right now even 2500 would be a cutting diet for me.


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Im a big fan of VasoForce XT. I have used it as my weekend pwo for a while but ran out last weekend. Sad times :(
I presume there is no reason to take it on off days even though the directions say to.


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So still not feeling 100% but had a very solid workout. As stated earlier skipped legs and went on to push.

Barbell bench press

20kg x 20
30kg x 8
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60kg x 8
70kg x 6 (pb)

I recon I could have got 8 on this fairly easy but gym was empty and I don't have a spotter and just didn't want to risk pulling something, or worse. Having said that I then did.

75kg x 2

With a spotter probably could have got a couple more. But still pb so happy.

Inclined dumbell press

20kg x 12
25kg x 12
27.5kg x 12
30kg x 6 (pb)

Machine flyes

70kg x 12
77kg x 10
77kg x 9

Bodyweight dips

X 10
X 10
X 10

Seated overhead dumbell press

12.5kg x 12
17.5kg x 10
17.5kg x 8

Triceps pushdown

15kg x 12
20kg x 12
20kg x 8 meso reps then a drop set of 4

Overhead tricep extension

15kg x 12
15kg x 12
15kg x 12

Solid pumps from the vasoforce XT

Very happy with strength levels. Because I'm not 100% I will take tomorrow off, get a pull day in Friday, Saturday off then hopefully back to legs on Sunday.


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I presume there is no reason to take it on off days even though the directions say to.
Oh there definately is a reason. All the components of VasoForce XT have properties that will work both inside and outside of training. For instance if you arent taking a GDA, taking a cap of this before your biggest carb meals can help act like a mini GDA. Pump, vanscularity and nutrient transport is very interlinked.


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I presume there is no reason to take it on off days even though the directions say to.
I do. I think a lot of the things we equate with pre-workout have other benefits when taken on off days. Either in enhancing recovery, improving health markers, or just something less important like increasing vascularity in days off.

Agmatine for example has a ton of benefits and the first product it was introduced in wasn’t even marketed as a pre-workout, more as a daily product.

You can strictly use it pre-workout tho, a bit of personal preference.


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I did used to take a non stim pump on days I'm working delivery at work. Lots of moving around heavy cages and lifting boxes and it seemed to give me more energy for it.


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Although a couple of years ago I used to take half scoop of OG excelsior every day before work. Those were productive times.


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Yeah tastes good. Also very surprised how strong the flavour is given the small serving size. I've decided to follow basic creatine HCL dosages and just go 2 scoops per day. I saw another thread somewhere where people were saying they don't like grapefruit flavour stuff but this is amazing, maybe it was you. That's what made me pick this one.
I'm glad that you like the taste of it. I love it.

I don't think that was me because I like Grapefruit flavor, but I've seen several people post that they normally don't like Grapefruit flavor but really like it in this product. I'm strongly considering doing this as a flavor in the upcoming EAA product.

I think all 4 flavors taste great, but Pink Grapefruit and Blue Raspberry Popsicle are my favorites.


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I presume there is no reason to take it on off days even though the directions say to.
Agmatine, VASO6, S7, and Senactiv (ActiGin) are all good for much more than just pumps.

They are good for pumps, endurance, recovery between sets and between workouts, blood flow, endothelial & cardiovascular health, & more.

Plus, here on AM a lot of people seem concerned only with pumps and muscle fullness during a workout, but a lot of people, myself included, like improved muscle fullness and to have the more pumped look all the time in day to day life.


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Plus, here on AM a lot of people seem concerned only with pumps and muscle fullness during a workout, but a lot of people, myself included, like improved muscle fullness and to have the more pumped look all the time in day to day life.
I'm starting to think PA XT has been the greatest contributor for me this year. As I wrap up my Anabolic XT and Anabolic Effect I plan to re-up more PA XT by itself and see what it's like.


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So still feeling the cold. Yesterday's extra meal on top of diet was a sausage muffin with cheese for breakfast, I also had two packs of crisps (chips) throughout the day, a small bag of sweets sent with my unreal supps order, I did the extra 190g of steamed rice.

This morning weighed 176.4 so go figure.

Don't know if it's an effect of the PAXT but calories are burning well.


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176.2 today. Didn't feel great at all yesterday. Got home from work at around 4 in the afternoon, went to bed and got a few hours sleep. Got up for a bit then went to bed again so in total got about 12 hours sleep. Feel much better this morning. Almost went to the gym but decided against it to give my cns further rest.

Annoying when you're running a supplement for 4 weeks then end up taking 3 or 4 days off from the gym that's like an 8th of the run but it is what it is. I finish work tomorrow at 2 in the afternoon so may get a pull in then but otherwise will be Sunday with legs pushed to next week.


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Starting to look at what I'm doing once the PAXT is done. Either run it for another 4 weeks and maybe add in recomp 20 or anabolic xt.

I've seen a few epiandro threads popping up and it's something I always wanted to try before I stopped using phs for good so was wondering about ultra hard or clomaplex. With my hormonal based gyno issues going on part of me thinks I should just leave it and quit while things are not too bad but I've read epi does not spike estrogen and I've always wondered if I would get the libido boost and sense of well being off it. If my hair started falling out I would be gutted though. I have a week or so to decide.


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PAXT update. Still taking all 4 pills daily in the AM. Don't feel extreme pumps all the time but I notice that when I work a bodypart the pump seems to linger for a couple of days after so I guess if I worked each bodypart every third day then that would be pretty much pumped 24/7


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Starting to look at what I'm doing once the PAXT is done. Either run it for another 4 weeks and maybe add in recomp 20 or anabolic xt.

I've seen a few epiandro threads popping up and it's something I always wanted to try before I stopped using phs for good so was wondering about ultra hard or clomaplex. With my hormonal based gyno issues going on part of me thinks I should just leave it and quit while things are not too bad but I've read epi does not spike estrogen and I've always wondered if I would get the libido boost and sense of well being off it. If my hair started falling out I would be gutted though. I have a week or so to decide.
Anabolic Xt would definitely be a nice addition! I’ve only heard positives from it. We carry it over at Strong Supplement Shop as well!


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And I realise this is now going off thread topic but if I did try epiandro then is topical better than caps or are there benefits to both. I've seen people running ultra hard but then taking clomaplex preworkout.


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Just a heads up Cloma-plex isn't epiandro. CEL epiandro is Stano-plex 300 (plus Vaso6).

As far as topical versus pills, from what I've seen it is personal preference or whatever is more convenient or easy for that individual (with individual reactions to each maybe differing a little).

If you stick with PA-XT then the combination with Recomp-20 would be great for recomping or if you want to lose weight (it could even help mitigating fat gain in a bulk), whereas Anabolic XT will be more likely to help with "feeling" better as far as vitality and energy, but works great in any direction of goals with its performance and pump boosting attributes.


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Starting to look at what I'm doing once the PAXT is done. Either run it for another 4 weeks and maybe add in recomp 20 or anabolic xt.

I've seen a few epiandro threads popping up and it's something I always wanted to try before I stopped using phs for good so was wondering about ultra hard or clomaplex. With my hormonal based gyno issues going on part of me thinks I should just leave it and quit while things are not too bad but I've read epi does not spike estrogen and I've always wondered if I would get the libido boost and sense of well being off it. If my hair started falling out I would be gutted though. I have a week or so to decide.
There is no way in the world I would ever consider Androsterone if you have gyno issues.

Epiandrosterone, yes.
Androsterone - definitely not.

Ultra Hard has both.

If you want to try Epiandro, I would try Epiandro - but not a combination.


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And I realise this is now going off thread topic but if I did try epiandro then is topical better than caps or are there benefits to both. I've seen people running ultra hard but then taking clomaplex preworkout.
Ultra Hard is not just epiandrosterone, it is epiandrosterone and androsterone; and if you have gyno issues, I would never even remotely consider using anything with androsterone in it. That's a disaster waiting to happen.

Cloma-Plex doesn't contain epiandrosterone; I think you may be confusing it with Stano-Plex, which is the CEL epiandro product.

Good capsule options for Epiandrosterone are:
- CEL Stano-Plex - 300 mg. epiandrosterone per capsule + 150 mg. VASO6
- Muscle Addiction Epiandro300 - 300 mg. epiandrosterone per capsule
- Muscle Addiction Epiandro Lean - 300 mg. epiandrosterone per capsule + KSM-66 and Paradoxine

Xtreme Performance Gels makes Epiandro Gel which is 75 mg. per ml; with the carrier, it is very strong - do not exceed 4 ml per day. You seem some people talk about dosing high with some epiandrosterone topicals; 300 mg. per day is the max dose on this in my opinion.

As for topics versus oral, it really comes down to preference. The dosage is of course a bit different - you'd want 300 mg. per day if Epiandro Gel whereas 600 mg. per day with one of the capsule ones.

I go with capsules myself because I'm much more consistent with taking capsule products.


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Just a heads up Cloma-plex isn't epiandro. CEL epiandro is Stano-plex 300 (plus Vaso6).

As far as topical versus pills, from what I've seen it is personal preference or whatever is more convenient or easy for that individual (with individual reactions to each maybe differing a little).

If you stick with PA-XT then the combination with Recomp-20 would be great for recomping or if you want to lose weight (it could even help mitigating fat gain in a bulk), whereas Anabolic XT will be more likely to help with "feeling" better as far as vitality and energy, but works great in any direction of goals with its performance and pump boosting attributes.
Yeah stano Plex was what I meant.


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There is no way in the world I would ever consider Androsterone if you have gyno issues.

Epiandrosterone, yes.
Androsterone - definitely not.

Ultra Hard has both.

If you want to try Epiandro, I would try Epiandro - but not a combination.
Can you elaborate more on why you wouldn't use androsterone to assist with gyno?


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Can you elaborate more on why you wouldn't use androsterone to assist with gyno?
To be honest if you Google it there are several sites listing gyno as a risk of side effect from androsterone so I'm glad this has been bought to my attention.

Incidentally dermacrine also agrivates my gyno, I believe it's the dhea.


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Massive pizza and kebab cheat meal last night. 180.2 lbs this morning. Still annoying feelings of a headache and cold lingering but day off from work today so deffo getting a pull day in at the gym. Will decide how intense it will be when I get there. Thankfully the gym is almost literally across the street from my house so I can get changed at home and walk there in like one minute. So it's not like any packing bags or travel is involved. I've gone for an impulse swim many times and been back home within an hour... I don't walk to the gym in my trunks though lol.


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Pull day

Seated machine rows

35kg x 12
50kg x 12
65kg x 12
80kg x 12
87.5kg x 7 (pb)

Pull ups assisted
Wide grip


Underhand grip pull downs

43.5kg x 12
48.5kg x 12
53.5kg x 7 (pb)

Cable standing pullovers

17.5kg x 15
17.5kg x 12
17.5kg x 12

Didn't really know what I was doing here. Couldn't get into a groove and just wasted time and strength. In future will just do dumbell pullovers or skip altogether.

Reverse cable flyes

6.25kg x12

Dumbbell curls

20kg x 8
20kg x 12
20kg x 8 (pb)

Short changed myself on the first set. Stopped at 8 because it was a new weight but recon that was about 6 or 7 rir.

Cable bicep curls

21.25kg x 12
21.25kg x 12
21.25kg x 12

Pleased with strength levels after illness. Tomorrow morning will be legs for the first time in ages.


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Can you elaborate more on why you wouldn't use androsterone to assist with gyno?
A lot of people confuse Epiandrosterone and Androsterone.

Epiandrosterone normally has zero effect on gyno, with the occasional report of someone saying theirs feels better on it.

Androsterone - there is a lot of feedback on it aggravating existing gyno in some people, including several people that I know very well that have had issues with that; so it isn't something I would ever suggest to someone that is trying to combat an existing gyno issue.


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Leg extensions

20kg x 12
35kg x 12
50kg x 12
65kg x 12
80kg x 12 (pb)
80kg x 8

Leg curl

20kg x 12
35kg x 12
50kg x 12
65kg x 12
80kg x 8
80kg x 8


35kg x 12
42kg x 12
49kg x 12


14kg x 12, 12, 12

Leg press

35kg x 8
50kg x 8
65kg x 8
80kg x 8
95kg x 6


35kg x 15
50kg x 15
65kg x 15
80kg x 15

Leg press

35kg to failure

Pleased with this workout. Couldn't manage any leg press last leg workout due to back pain. No pain at all this time. Didn't push too hard on the leg press, I wouldn't say I did half reps but I didn't go super deep. extensions and curls strong though.
After calves I lowered the weight right down and just repped out leg press going deep until failure. Felt good.


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Yesterday's workout


Machine chest press

20kg x 12
35kg x 8
50kg x 8
65kg x 8
70kg x 8
70kg x 8 (pb)

Chest fly machine

70kg x 12
77kg x 12
84kg x 12
91kg x 8 (PB) this is actually the whole stack. Crazy how I'm stronger on this than presses although I know some machines are not 100% accurate depending on how the pulleys work

Incline smith presses.

Not even writing these in. Hated it, couldnt get into the groove. Not convinced the smith is oiled enough because even pressing just the bar it seemed to be sticking on one side. Just wasted time and strength. Will stick to dumbell inclines in future.

Tricep pushdowns

20kg x 12, 12, 12

Overhead tricep extensions

15kg x 15, 15, 15


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Incline smith presses.

Not even writing these in. Hated it, couldnt get into the groove. Not convinced the smith is oiled enough because even pressing just the bar it seemed to be sticking on one side. Just wasted time and strength. Will stick to dumbell inclines in future.
I hate that - I've had that happen before. When the equipment sticks like that, I think its more likely to cause injuries.


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Today's workout pull. Don't like afternoon workouts plus had to be home by a certain time so only had about 45 minutes. Just went through the motions.


Dumbell lateral raise

5kg x 12
8kg x 12
10kg x 12, 12, 12

Upright rows

30kg x 10, 10, 10

Seated pulley rows

28.5kg x 8
38.5kg x 8
43.5kg x 8

Lat pull downs wide grip

43.5kg x 10
48.5kg x 8, 8
Followed by 2 drop sets to failure.

No biceps today


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So 20 days into the run of PAXT. It's tough to ascertain what it is doing. I understand it's a behind the scenes kind of supplement.

What I will say is that unlike what others have said I still experience pretty strong Dom's on it so it doesn't make any difference in that regard.

My strength is still slowly keeping up. I have been back in the gym after a fairly long lay off so this is to be expected anyway but I was going to the gym for a month or two before starting this and every week I am either pushing more weight or more reps than last time. So that's good. How much down to the supplement it's hard to tell.

Finally my metabolism seems to have skyrocketed. I am not sure if this is even an advertised benefit of phosphatidic Acid but the amount of calories that I need just to maintain my current bodyweight at 177 lbs is way higher than it's been in years. I currently eat about 3000cals a day. Even in the past when I was working out and at similar weight my maintenance was around 2500. This is pretty huge for me especially as I am approaching 50 years old. I would be expecting my metabolism to slow down. When I stop taking it I will see if that changes because if it does then I am definitely taking this in future when trying to cut. I would rather be losing 5 to 10 lbs on 2500 cals than on 2000.

I decided to order stano Plex to give epiandro a try. I'm expecting it any day now so will probably start as soon as it gets here. I can continue the log if people are interested but obviously there will be more things at play. I have also started ralox today to see if it will have any effect on my gyno. So there are all kinds of things going on now.


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They do note fat loss as a benefit of PA. In the studies done on it PA tends to amplify the results (more fat loss, more strength gains, more hypertrophy, etc.) versus baseline. So it makes sense you are seeing improvements in metabolism or body composition.


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Also meant to say that since dropping the ghost size and legend all out, my stomach issues have completely gone away. Using SNS creatine HCL with no issues. I still use ghost burn occasionally plus their protein but it's amazing the difference. Plus going to the gym with any kind of upset stomach issues is like one of the worst experiences... Especially if it's leg day.


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Yesterday legs

Leg curls
20kg x 12
35kg x 12
50kg x 12
65kg x 12
80kg x 9
80kh x 9

Leg extensions
20kg x 12
35kg x 12
50kg x 12
65kg x 12
80kg x 12
80kg x 9

Leg press

So this was rediculous. Usually I use a seated cable leg press and can barely push 100kg. This time I used the hammer strength weight loading leg press. The sled if that's what it's called weighs 53kg with no plates so I'm including that in the numbers. Same as I include the 20kg bar in bench press numbers.

103kg x 8
133kg x 8
153kg x 8
183kg x 6

Lunges with 10kg dumbells
X 8
X 8
X 8

First time I have done lunges in a long time and my glutes have severe Doms today.


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Barbell bench press
30kg x 10
40kg x 8
50kg x 8
60kg x 8
70kg x 8
75kg X 5 (pb)

I really need to work on getting the reps up. Everytime I come to the gym I'm all set to aim for 12 them part of me thinks if I do 8 then I can reserve strength and try and increase weight... Which I did but next time it's gonna be about form and 12 reps. See how heavy I can get.

Inclined dumbell press

25kg x 8
27.5kg x 8
30kg x 8 (pb)

Almost reached for the 32.5kg but again I need to get these up to 12 reps per set then will up the weight.

Overhead dumbell pres

17.5kg x 12
20kg x 12
20kg x 12

Bodyweight dips
X 12
X 12
X 12

Tricep pushdowns
20kg x 12
X 12
X 12

Pushdowns felt hard. May have been because of the new weights in presses plus dips had a solid ROM. Pump was insane. I guess that was the vasoforce XT, PAXT and stano Plex combo... I also got some citrulline today so arms may actually explode next workout.


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I bet VasoForce XT, Phosphatidic Acid XT, and Stano Plex does make for some crazy pumps.


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So it's been a while since I posted. The PAXT has finished. I'm still hitting the gym and currently still running inhibit e plus stanoplex. Also I started ralox. Haven't felt great since the bad cold I had a short while back. Don't know if the supps are making me feel more lethargic. Since the thread is about PAXT then I'll stop here. I may start a general thread to log what I'm doing but doing that here would be misleading. I have nothing really to add about PAXT. Can not guage if it made a huge difference. Had great pumps on it and did make strength gains but also took other pump products so hard to say. At £60 a bottle I will use that for something else rather than run a second bottle.

Maybe see y'all in another thread.


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So it's been a while since I posted. The PAXT has finished. I'm still hitting the gym and currently still running inhibit e plus stanoplex. Also I started ralox. Haven't felt great since the bad cold I had a short while back. Don't know if the supps are making me feel more lethargic. Since the thread is about PAXT then I'll stop here. I may start a general thread to log what I'm doing but doing that here would be misleading. I have nothing really to add about PAXT. Can not guage if it made a huge difference. Had great pumps on it and did make strength gains but also took other pump products so hard to say. At £60 a bottle I will use that for something else rather than run a second bottle.

Maybe see y'all in another thread.
From my experience they can make you feel lethargic, depressed, and joint issues. If you can compartmentalize them and offset them with caffeine, mucuna, and joint support they will be less noticeable. Frankly I dont mind these temporary symptoms if it means combating permanent gyno.


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I've heard plenty of people say that Ralox makes them feel lethargic.


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The lethargy is not immense but there. I wouldn't say depressed. Isn't that more clomid? I guess they both do similar things. I am noticing joints feeling dryer too. I thought that would be more down to the epiandro but if ralox does it too maybe I should stop the Andros until I've finished my two months of ralox. Only been on stano for about a week so no big deal to stop, maybe pick up a second bottle later and run something more natural now like recomp 20 or anabolic xt. Something that maybe gives me a sense of mental well-being would be good. Plus maybe joint xt


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The lethargy is not immense but there. I wouldn't say depressed. Isn't that more clomid? I guess they both do similar things. I am noticing joints feeling dryer too. I thought that would be more down to the epiandro but if ralox does it too maybe I should stop the Andros until I've finished my two months of ralox. Only been on stano for about a week so no big deal to stop, maybe pick up a second bottle later and run something more natural now like recomp 20 or anabolic xt. Something that maybe gives me a sense of mental well-being would be good. Plus maybe joint xt
I have never known of anyone to experience dry joints on Epiandrosterone at the suggested dosage range, but I've heard it a lot with Ralox.

I think Joint Support XT is great and helpful for anyone that has any issues at all with their joints and is a good preventative measure for people that don't yet.


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I have never known of anyone to experience dry joints on Epiandrosterone at the suggested dosage range, but I've heard it a lot with Ralox.

I think Joint Support XT is great and helpful for anyone that has any issues at all with their joints and is a good preventative measure for people that don't yet.
Weird that ralox would cause that since it's used to treat osteoporosis in elderly women. The last thing they need on top of that is join issues. Although I guess like everything else if you try to remedy one problem you end up causing another.

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